Newsletter 28.11.13

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28th November, 2013 Phone 07 889 6629 Email


Ng mihi nui ki a koutou Greetings to you all, Thank you morning tea: It was great this morning to see many of our helpers and parents at our thank you morning tea. As we said this morning, there is a saying that it takes a community to raise a child and the same applies in our schools today it takes a community to run a successful school. We could not do what we do without the on-going support of our parents, friends of the school, whanau and the wider community. There are so many people who readily help with school events, trips, parent reading, fundraising, whanau support groups, sports, sewing, productions the list is never ending! We appreciate each and every person who helps us at Morrinsville Intermediate School. School Property News: Over the school Christmas holidays there will be a transformation of our school. We are excited that the Ministry of Education has signed off on our property plan, with the first project starting in January. This is the re-roofing of the administration, hall and library block. The remainder of the roofs will be staged over the next lot of holidays. We are also completely repainting the school, with a fresh new look. Currently we are working with a colour consultant to develop a new look that is modern and inviting. As you drive past over the holidays, keep an eye on the progress I know the Board and staff are very excited to finally achieve our goal to repaint the school. Staff news: Last week an excited, yet very sad, Mrs Katarina Neale handed in her resignation. Kat has been here at MIS for the last five years, firstly as a release teacher and then as a fulltime classroom teacher and is a great teacher who works very closely with her students to achieve fabulous results. Kat is heading off to the Cook Islands to be a Principal there. We wish Kat and her family well on their exciting new adventure! Nku noa, Vicky Marshall Acting Principal
Whakatauki mo te wiki: Proverb for the week Te amorangi ki mua, te hapai o ki muri The leader at the front and the workers behind the scenes. This is a reference to Marae protocol where the speakers are at the front of the meeting house and the workers are at the back making sure everything is prepared and that the guests are well looked after. It is important to note that both jobs are equally important, and are like the ying and yang, for without one, everything would fail.

Annual Cultural Concert

Our end of year Cultural Concert is on Wednesday 4th December at 7.00pm in the school hall. All students involved in kapa haka, choir, band, ukulele band, rock bands plus the place-getters from X-Factor will perform at the concert. This is a great way for students to showcase their talents and the progress they have made during the year. A gold coin koha would be appreciated at the door on the night. See you there!

End of Year Library Stock-Take

Our librarian is starting the end of year stock-take next week. All students are to have a really good hunt around at home and bring all library books, Literacy Centre books, home readers etc back to school by Monday please. Students with missing books issued in their name may be invoiced to replace them. Thank you.

MI Mates Christmas Raffle

A reminder that all raffle books and money need to be returned by Monday please. The raffle will be drawn on 5th December. Thanks to the many donations made, there will be six draws and each will win a hamper of Christmas goodies and grocery items.

The MIS X Factor finals were held last Friday, well done to all students who took part and congratulations to the following place getters:
1st place 2nd place 3rd place Ruby Stevens (vocal solo) Sara Keightley, Hannah Greenville, Caitlin Li Calsi, Cassandra Pavlovich and Hannah Nicholson (jazz dance) Connar Brunton and Mark Haddock (variety / music)

Highly commended: Vincent Green (vocal solo) Mikayla Morgan, Eva Simmonds and Jessica-Jane Todd (band)

Mufti Day Tomorrow MIS Merit Programme Awards

Merit Awards
Noah Costar Emma Alsemgeest Natasha Arnet Ruby Stevens Jyadeep Nagra Olivia Parnell Connar Brunton Holly Fryer Shantanu Rawal Zhane Collinson Hannah Greenville Hannah Greenville Ruby Stevens Kylah Wilson Jyadeep Nagra Danielle Landsberg Joshua Olsen Kate Vallender Amy-Lee Weller Civics Civics Civics Civics Civics Civics Civics Civics Civics Civics Civics Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Academic
Students may wear mufti tomorrow for a gold coin donation. The money raised will be split between Movember, which is an annual fundraiser for mens health awareness and a donation to the Philippines following their recent typhoon disaster. Students will also receive a fake moustache to wear for a bit of fun. Mr Higgins, Mr Whyte & Mr Casey have grown some pretty ugly moustaches during Movember and students can vote for who has the best moustache by putting their spare change in voting jars at the canteen. Thanks!

Excellence Awards
Sara Keightley Ruby Stevens Danielle Landsberg Olivia Parnell Joshua Olsen Holly Fryer Zhane Collinson Caitlin Li Calsi Olivia Parnell Natasha Arnet Jyadeep Nagra Connar Brunton Zhane Collinson Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Cultural Civics Civics Civics Civics Civics Civics

Sewing Badges
Sports and Merit badges will be sewn on Wednesday 4th December. This will be the last time sewing will be done in school for this year. All shirts must be named and clean. Thanks.

Calf Donations for Fundraising

Our school would like to say a huge thank you the following farming families who were able to rear a calf to donate for school fundraising:
Johnathan & Maryann Armstrong Chuck & Kelly Chase Evan & Linda Williams Bevin & Julene McQuoid Joe & Julie Webby Clark & Lisa Pike Earl & Louise Bonnar Graham & Anne Parker Kees & Suzanne Boer Keith Holmes & Annette Jensen Owen & Kirsty Hannah Richard & Rebecca Rappe Stephen & Rachell Toner Stephen Gilchrist & Kirsty McCarthy Bryan & Karen Brunton Manvinda & Kulwin Singh Andrew & Cathy Ball Barry & Laura Dowding Brent & Cindy Morris John & Trudy Ruegg Michael & Louise Wilson Kelvin & Raewyn Park Hugh & Kerry Candy

We would like to acknowledge and thank the following people: Maryann & Johnathan Armstrong for coordinating this fundraiser. Evan Williams and Kelvin Park for holding the calves on their farms and Regan Craig from PG Wrightsons for selling the calves for us. These funds are to be used for outdoor seating / shade structures which will benefit all MIS students.

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