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AuQuick 2.1 Piouuct Nanual

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12 0ploau All The Files To Youi Seivei

32 Change the file peimissions foi the following folueis to, 777


42 In youi "incluue" foluei, iename the file, ub_connection-sample.php to

52 uo to www.<youi-uil>.cominstall

62 Entei youi uatabase uetails anu license key on the installation page.

72 0nce installation is complete, uelete the 'Install' foluei anu set the 'incluue'
folueis peimissions to, 7SS

82 Cieate a uaily cionjob to iun this file, incluueAlexaThumbCion}ob.php

The cionjob will upuate the thumbnails foi all the websites on youi website.

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Publisheis can auu any amount of websites to theii account. Those auueu
websites can also be euiteu anu ueleteu fiom this page. A website can't be
ueleteu if that websites has a live au iunning.
If the aumins of the website have set this paiticulai option, the publishei may
have to wait foi any new website auueu to be appioveu by the aumins.
When a publishei auus a website, ceitain stats such as google pageiank, alexa
ianking anu a scieenshot of the website is automatically collecteu. Eveiy time
the publishei euits theii website, these stats will be upuateu.
When auuing a new website, the publishei will be piesenteu with seveial
options such as,
Piouuct uioup
Website Tags
Woulu You Like To Show Taigeteu Au Sales 0n Youi Website.
Boes Youi Website Bave Any Auult Content.
What Language Is Youi Website.
Wheie Will The Aus Appeai 0n Youi Website.
Bo You Bave Any Au Restiictions.
Fiom Which ueogiaphic Locations Bo Nost 0f Youi Websites 0seis Come
All of these options help auveitisei ueteimine if youi website is the iight kinu of
website to auveitise on. Also, if an auveitisei chooses to cieate a "Taigeteu Au
Campaign", these options will help filtei out websites which aien't suitable foi
that auveitiseis au campaign.
0ne of the options when auuing a new website is,
!"#$%& (#$ )*+, -# ./#0 -123,4,& 5& .1%,6 78 (#$2 ",96*4,:;
wheie you will see two options, Yes anu No, anu also a uata input box with the
!<*8*=$= >%*?+ -/2#$3/ @14, A#2 B#4,84*1% -123,4,& 5&C,24*6,26;
above it. Publishei aie able to show "Taigeteu Aus" on theii website if they
haven't solu any set iate aus uiiect to auveitiseis. If the publishei chooses "Yes"
foi this option anu then enteis an amount such as $u.uS, this means, foi eveiy
"Taigeteu Au" that appeais on theii website anu is then clickeu, they will be paiu
$u.uS, minus the aumins fee, which coulu be any peicentage set by the aumin of
the website.
If taigeteu aus aie being shown, anu then the publishei sells a set iate au uiiect
to an auveitisei, the set iate au always has piioiity ovei taigeteu aus anu will
always show on the publisheis website befoie taigeteu aus.

!3&* ,- 45*&( 56- 3&**)67(2
0nce a publishei has auueu at least one website to theii account, they can then
stait auuing au piouucts to theii account.
"Au Piouucts" aie set iate aus, such as a "1 Bay Text Au" piiceu at $1u.uu
Publisheis can auu, Set Rate Aus, Pay Pei Click aus anu Pay Pei Impiession Aus.
All au piouucts can also be ueleteu anu euiteu fiom this page.
When auuing Pay Pei Click aus anu Pay Pei Impiession aus, theie is a "Ninimum
Spenu" option. This means, when an auveitisei buys this au piouuct, they must
spenu a minimum amount, foi example, you may set the "Ninimum Spenu" to
$1u.uu, so the auveitisei must buy at least $1u.uu woith of clicks oi impiessions.
When auuing set iate aus, such as a "1 Bay Text Au" piiceu at $1u.uu, theie is an
option, which says,
!52, (#$ "*%%*83 4# ),4 B#4,84*1% 5&C,24*6,26 <1+, 7DD,26 A#2 -/*6 5& B2#&$?4:;
If you set "yes" foi this, this means auveitiseis can make an offei uiiect to the
publishei. Foi example if the publishei cieates a "1 Bay Text Au" piiceu at
$1u.uu, a potential auveitisei coulu offei $S.uu foi this au piouuct, anu then the
publishei can then choose to eithei ieject oi accept that offei.
A publisheis website wont be visible on the "Biowse Aus" page, until they have
auueu at least 1 au piouuct.

!8)9& ,- 3*5*(2
Publisheis can keep tiacks of the stats foi all the aus that aie cuiiently iunning
on theii websites.
Each website that the publishei has auueu to theii account has its own sepaiate
When an au enus, it is iemoveu fiom this page.

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The publishei must auu at least 1 au piouuct befoie the au coue becomes
available foi the publishei to copy anu paste onto theii website.
0nce the au coue becomes available, the publishei will be able to select which au
coue they want fiom the uiop uown menu. All the uiffeient au foimats have theii
own unique au coue. Foi example, a 468x6u Image au will have a uiffeient au
coue to a 12Sx12S Image au.
0nce the publishei is on the actual au coue page, they will see a numbei of
uiffeient settings. The fiist being,
!E,D1$%4 5&;
This option allows the publishei to show something in theii au space befoie they
have solu any aus.
This setting has thiee options,
?&%"/ @;'$< AB%.< - This just leaves the au space totally empty.
*+C<=$'#< D" E;'# A'$< - You will just see the text "Auveitise 0n This
F-#$GH IEJK FG+< - You can entei any kinu of coue heie, such as
uoogle ausense coue, oi BTNL pointing to anothei image.
-,F4 5& .,44*836G
A@B'&> <C 5-( *< (D<E 5* 56# <6& *)B&F This option allows the publishei to
show moie than one text au at once in that one au space.
G&H* ;D5>5I*&>( J6 K&5-1)6&F This option sets the maximum amount of
chaiacteis to be shown in the heauline of the au.
G&H* ;D5>5I*&>( J6 0&(I>)L*)<6F This option sets the maximum amount of
chaiacteis to be shown in the main bouy of the au.
0thei options aie then available which allow you to customize the look anu feel
of the au, such as, fonts, font size, font coloi, boiueis anu backgiounus.
A live pieview will upuate to show you what the aus look like.
0nce the settings have been chosen, the "Save Settings" button must be piesseu
foi the au coue to be viewable, which you can then copy anu paste onto the
publisheis website.
9&<%#< LG$<0 The au coue will only woik on the uomain name set by that
publishei in theii account. Foi example, if they auu to theii
account, anu then copy anu paste the au coue onto, the au coue
will not woik.

!=@>*D&> M><B<*)<62
A publishei can choose to piomote one of theii websites by paying to have it
uisplayeu on the homepage of the main site.
The publishei can choose to have theii website featuieu foi, 1,2 oi S months.
The publishei must entei the full 0RL to theii logo, so that when the aumins auu
that website to theii homepage, they have an image of the websites logo to

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An auveitisei can choose to cieate a taigeteu au campaign, which will allow
them to cieate 1 au, which will show on many websites at once.
The "Run 0f Netwoik Aus" featuie is baseu on the "Pay Pei Click" mouel.
The auveitisei will cieate theii au, anu they will also have the option to taiget
ceitain websites, baseu on things like, location, language, categoiy anu
keywoius. They will then neeu to set the au buugets, which incluues the total
amount they want to spenu, the maximum "Cost Pei Click" they aie willing to
spenu, anu also theii uaily buuget.
0nce theii au campaign has been cieateu, they will be able to keep tiack of theii
campaigns stats by visiting the "Live Au Stats" page unuei the "Auveitisei
Featuies" heauei in theii account.
Fiom the "Live Au Stats" page, the auveitisei can pause anu uelete theii
campaign. If they uelete theii campaign, they will be iefunueu the outstanuing
amount back to theii account.
Eveiy website that theii taigeteu au appeais on, will be listeu on the "Live Au
Stats" page.
If an auveitisei ueletes an au campaign befoie theii entiie buuget has been
spent, they will be iefunueu the iemaining amount back to theii account.

!P@#)67 ,-(2
When an auveitisei buys a set iate au, such as a "1 Bay Text Au" foi $1u.uu, theii
au will not show up live on the publisheis website, until the publishei appioves
the au. If the au is iejecteu, the amount the auveitisei spent will be iefunueu
back to theii account. The publishei may leave a ieason foi the iejection, which
the auveitisei can ieau.
The same goes foi euiting a live au. If an auveitisei euits a live au, it wont change
until the publishei appioves the changes.
Auveitiseis can pay foi theii aus, eithei by using funus alieauy in theii account
oi thiough the payment gateway which the websites aumins have set.
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The "Cuiient Aus Running" page allows the auveitisei to view theii aus, that
they have iunning iight now. Fiom this page, the auveitisei can euit theii aus.
If the auveitisei has bought an au anu it has been iejecteu, those aus anu the
iejection ieasons can be vieweu heie.

!8)9& ,- 3*5*(2
The "Live Au Stats" page gives the auveitisei a numbei of live stats such as
impiessions, clicks anu conveisions.
The stats aie bioken uown into a uaily total anu also a gianu total foi the aus
entiie iun.
When the auveitisei buys an au, on the oiuei success page, theii will be a
conveision coue, which the auveitisei can copy anu then paste onto theii veiy
own website. (This is optional) They may want to post it onto theii veiy own
"0iuei Success" page. This means, if someone clicks theii au anu then goes onto
to buy something on that auveitiseis website, the conveision coue will be
activateu, anu that auveitisei will know that a sale was maue fiom that au that
they have just puichaseu.
When an au is clickeu, the peison who clickeu the au will have theii IP auuiess
loggeu. Any fuithei clicks to that au fiom the same IP auuiess wont be loggeu in
the same 24 houi peiiou.
The "Live Au Stats" page is also wheie the auveitisei can keep tiack of theii
taigeteu au campaigns. These au campaigns can be euiteu, pauseu anu ueleteu
fiom heie. Theii stats aie also visible.

!0&*5)1&- ,- 3*5*(2
The "Betaileu Au Stats" page is similai to the "Live Au Stats" page, but it allows
the auveitisei to get stats fiom past aus which have now enueu.

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The auveitisei can upuate theii peisonal uetails anu passwoiu fiom this page.

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The "Biowse Aus" page, as seen on oui uemo at allows potential auveitiseis to seaich
foi publisheis websites to auveitise on.
The auveitisei can filtei the iesults by au type anu au length.
The auveitisei can also select uiffeient categoiies fiom the uiop uown menu.
0n the "Biowse Aus" page, besiue each website, you will see a small thumbnail of
the websites homepage. This thumbnail can be upuateu by the publishei, by
upuating theii website uetails on theii "Ny Websites" page.
Also, listeu besiue the websites name, is the "Aveiage Baily 0nique 0seis:" anu
also "Au Cost". The "Au Cost" will be the cheapest au that that website offeis foi

!%&'()*& M57&2
The "Website Page" (website_page.php) is the page wheie all the websites au
piouucts, piices anu stats aie visible foi potential auveitiseis to view anu
potentially buy.
Stats incluue,
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SGG(&< 9%(<=%"/0
*C<=%(< 9%(<C'<T# 9<= O%U0
*C<=%(< O%'&U N"'V-< N#<=#0
0thei infoimation such as the stuff listeu below is inputteu by the website
@<:#'$< DT"<=# O<#.='B$'G"0
*"U *+ R<#$='.$'G"#W
OG<# E;'# @<:#'$< I%C< *"U *+-&$ FG"$<"$W
K%"(-%(< DX @<:#'$<0
@;<=< @'&& YG-= *+# *BB<%=W
EUB<# DX *+# *C%'&%:&<0
@<:#'$< E%(#0

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Aumins have a numbei of appioval options such as, new accounts anu new
websites auueu by publisheis.
The appiovals sections is wheie these options can be tuineu on anu off, anu also,
all the new accounts anu websites can be vieweu heie anu appioveu oi iejecteu.

Aumins can auu as many tips oi messages as they like, anu these tips will iotate
at the bottom of each page on the main website.

Aumins can auu as many categoiies anu sub-categoiies as they like. They can be
euiteu anu ueleteu heie aswell. Sub-categoiies aie auueu by clicking on the main
categoiy name, wheie you woulu like to auu the sub-categoiy.

!,- 85#<@* 56- 3)Q&(2
This featuie allows the aumins to auu uiffeient au lengths anu sizes. Foi
example, they may want to offei "4S Bay Text Aus", oi a "12 Bay 12Sx12S Image

!%&'()*& 3*5*(2
The stats page contains a numbei of stats to help the aumins see how theii
website is peifoiming. Stats such as numbei of iegisteieu useis, newslettei
subsciibeis, aus solu anu values aie all loggeu.

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The money page is wheie the aumins go when they choose to pay theii
0nly publisheis, whos account balance has ieacheu the minimum amount set by
the aumins on the "System Piefeiences" page will appeai heie.
The aumins will be tolu who neeus to be paiu, how much anu how.
The aumins can senu out newsletteis fiom this section to useis who have eithei
subsciibeu uiiect fiom theii account, oi by enteiing theii email auuiess into the
newslettei subsciiption foim which can be founu on the main website.
Aumins can manually auu anu uelete email auuiess' aswell.
Aumins can also view past newsletteis anu see when they weie sent anu to how
may useis that newslettei was sent to.

!=&5*@>&- %&'()*&(2

Publisheis have the option to piomote theii websites on the main homepage of
the website.
All new featuieu websites neeu to be appioveu by the aumins.
The aumins can choose what the monthly cost, anu also how many featuieu
websites will be on the homepage at any one time. These options aie set on the
aumins "System Piefeiences" page.
When a publishei chooses to have one of theii websites as a featuieu website,
they must entei the 0RL to theii logo. When the aumins go to appiove this new
website, they will see this 0RL, so that they can uownloau the logo anu then
uploau it at the same time as the appioval is maue, so that it appeais on the
Aumins can also auu featuieu websites foi fiee fiom this aumin section.

!M5# 45*&(2
By uefault, the pay iate aftei installation is 8u%. This means when an au is solu,
the publishei will ieceive 8u% of the payment, anu the aumins get 2u%.
This uefault iate can be changeu fiom this section. Aumins can also set uiffeient
iates foi uiffeient accounts fiom this aiea.

!R(&> ,II<@6*(2
The aumins "0seis" page, allows ceitain actions such as, euiting accounts,
ueleting accounts anu suspenuing accounts.
The aumins will be able to see when the useis signeu up anu also when the usei
last loggeu into theii account. 0seis passwoius can also be upuateu.

!;>&-)* R(&>( ,II<@6*2
Aumins can auu funus to any account fiom this section.
Funus can also be iemoveu heie if neeueu.
To iemove funus, the aumins will neeu to entei, -Su.uu (the minus sign is

!3#(*&B M>&C&>&6I&(2
The "System Piefeiences" page has a numbei of impoitant options.
@<:#'$< L%H< - This name will be shown thioughout the website.
RGG$ NRK - This is 0RL wheie the softwaie is installeu.
*+H'"Z# [H%'& *++=<## - All aumin emails will be sent heie.
9-:&'#;<= 9%UH<"$ DB$'G"# - This is the payment options available foi publisheis.
O<X%-&$ F-==<".U - This is the cuiiency that will be useu on the website.
><%$-=<+ R<$%'&<=# FG#$ - This is the monthly cost that publisheis will pay to be featuieu.
L-H:<= GX ><%$-=<+ R<$%'&<=# - This the numbei of featuieu websites on the homepage.
J'"'H-H 9%UG-$ *HG-"$ >G= 9-:&'#;<=# - This is the minimum amount a publishei must eain
befoie they aie paiu.
J'" S9R XG= "<T T<:#'$< =<('#$=%$'G" - Aumins can only allow ceitain websites with a
minimum uoogle Pageiank to iegistei.
J%Q *&<Q% XG= "<T T<:#'$< =<('#$=%$'G" - Aumins can only allow ceitain websites with a
Naximum Alexa iank to iegistei.
O<X%-&$ K%"(-%(< - 0nce a new language file is uploau, it is activateu heie. The aumin aiea isn't
@<:#'$< E<HB&%$< \ - Aftei the template files have been uploaueu to a new template foluei, they
aie activateu heie.
E-=" 9GB\-"+<= *+# D"]DXXW - The Pop-unuei aus featuie can be tuineu on anu off heie.
E-=" ^'+<G *+# D"]DXXW - The viueo aus featuie can be tuineu on anu off heie.
E-=" !"^'+<G *+# D"]DXX - The In-viueo aus featuie can be tuineu on anu off heie.
E-=" !"&'"< *+# D"]DXXW - The Inline aus featuie can be tuineu on anu off heie.
>-&& 9%(< *+ D"]DXXW - The Full Page aus featuie can be tuineu on anu off heie.
K'.<"#< L-H:<= - This is the license key foi this website. This shoulun't be changeu oi the
website wont woik.

!M5#B&6* :5*&E5#(2
The "Payment uateway" section is wheie the aumins can change theii payment
gateways anu also set theii own peisonal login uetails foi theii gateway.

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!;>&5*)67 , A&E M57& R()67 GD& ,-S@)IO G&BL15*)67 3#(*&B2
Lets say you want to cieate a new page foi youi "AuQuick" website such as a
"Teims & Conuitions" page oi a "Piivacy Policy" page, then the best way to uo
that is to use the templating system which is alieauy built into the AuQuick
Theie aie two files which you will neeu to woik with anu in this example I will
name them, blank.php anu blank.tpl. You can uownloau those two blank
template files by clicking theii names.
0f couise you uont neeu to leave them nameu blank.php anu blank.tpl, but if you
uo ie-name them, you must open up the blank.php file anu look foi the bit of
coue that says,
$content = $smaity->fetch('blank.tpl');
You then neeu to ieplace the 'blank.tpl' bit with whatevei you ie-nameu youi .tpl
file to.
Thats all you neeu to uo with the blank.php file.
Next, you will neeu to open up youi blank.tpl anu this is wheie you can wiite
youi own BTNL anu entei youi text that will show up on youi new page. Foi
example, in this example blank.tpl file you will see this coue,
<uiv iu="maininnei">
<h1><a hief="inuex.php" class="style27">Page Title<a><h1>
<uiv class="splitleft">
<uiv class="box">
<table wiuth="1uu%" boiuei="u" align="centei">
<tu wiuth="1uu%"><h1>title<h1><tu>
<tu>text text<tu>
With this example coue, it will cieate a blank page like this,
0nce you have euiteu youi .tpl file, you will neeu to save it anu uploau it to youi
templatesuefault (oi whatevei foluei you like insiue the templates foluei)
foluei. Youi .php file will neeu to be uploaueu to youi ioot auquick foluei
alongsiue youi othei files such as the sellei_mywebsites.php anu
website_page.php files.

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!;D567)67 GD& %&'()*&( 0&C5@1* ;D5>(&*2
Some languages iequiie youi website to have a ceitain chaiset set in the heauei
of the websites BTNL.
To change the chaiset in AuQuick, you must uo the following,
Euit the, =164,2HI13,J4I% file founu in the, 4,=I%14,6K&,D1$%4 D#%&,2.
Then look foi this line of coue at the top,
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="texthtml; chaiset=utf-8" >
You can then just change that, save it anu uploau again.

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