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CB TEST PROCEDURE This is a guideline for the operational tests for air-conditioners at the O.Y.

L Research and Development Center. The relevant clause can be found in standard IEC !""#-$ and IEC !""#-%-&!. The clauses to be done are $!' $$' $"' $ and $(. Setup Open the motor casing and place a thermocouple )rapped )ith blac* tape to the )inding. Ensure the contact is firm )ith cable ties. The thermocouple is placed near the thermal overload. +ttach thermocouples to the components' li*e, $%"&#12(.uppl/ cords .uppl/ terminals Compressor top Rela/s Contactors 0otor capacitors .urface of transformers .urface of fan motors Control bo3

4or components )hich contains a )inding 5e.g. transformer' fan-motor- the temperature in the )inding has to be measured b/ the resistance method. This measurement )ill be done immediatel/ after the end of the heating test. Test Method Disconnect all )ires from motor and measure the cold resistance of the main and au3iliar/ )inding separatel/ and note the ambient temperature. Connect the internal )ires to the motor again and start the unit Clause 10, Power input: Let it run at upper level of rated voltage range' %&!6 for rated voltage %%!-%&! or &$#6 for voltage "2!-&$# until the temperatures stabili7es. . 0easure the ma3imum po)er input and note it. Raise the suppl/ voltage to $$!8 of rated suppl/ voltage and measure the voltage for the motor capacitor.

Clause 11, Heatin test: Lo)er the suppl/ voltage to $.! times the upper level of the rated voltage %#&65$.! 3%&!6- or 5$.! 3&$#6-' and let the temperatures stabili7es. 0easure the item for the thermocouples. Then s)itch off the unit and at the same time start the stop)atch. 9hen the fan motor has stopped its rotation' 5)hich can be made b/ stopping the blo)er )heel- resistance measurement are made " times for ever/ )inding )ithin the first % minutes and note the ambient temperature. Clause 1!, "ea#a e $urrent at operatin te%perature: Let the unit run at suppl/ voltage to $.! times the upper level of the rated voltage %#&65$.! 3%&!6- or 5$.! 3&$#6-' and let the temperatures stabili7es. Remove the earth point from the suppl/. 0easure the lea*age current from live to earth and neutral to earth. .)itch off the unit' and remove the suppl/ )ires. Loop the live and neutral point together. .uppl/ $%#!6 from the high potential tester to the unit bet)een live parts and earth point. The voltage is supplied for one minute )ith $!!m+. Clause 1&, '(nor%al operation )"o$#ed Rotor Test*: +llo) the unit to cool do)n to ambient temperature and loc* the motor shaft. Run the motor at upper level of rated voltage range' %&!6 for rated voltage %%!-%&! or &$#6 for voltage "2!-&$# until the temperatures stabili7es' or until the thermal cut-out or overload protector operates. If a separate overload protector operates 5e.g. contactor )ith overload protection- the procedure for measuring the )inding is the same as the procedure of clause $$ heating test. If a thermal cut-out operates' the procedure for measuring the )inding is the same as the procedure of clause $$ heating test. In some cases' onl/ the total resistance of the main and au3iliar/ )inding can be measured.

1 +pril %!!%' :lf Lindmar*

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