General Information: I. Course Description

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Radnor Middle School Course Overview Band 8th Grade General Information Credits: N/A Length: Full ear

!eighted: N/A For"at: Meets ever# third da# in $ull ense"%le& Section/grou' lessons one 'eriod ever# si( da#s) *rere+uisite: Success$ul 'er$or"ance in ,th gr) Band or e+uivalent e('erience) Grade: 8 I. Course Description The 8th Grade Concert Band extends the opportunity for students who have received instruction on a band instrument for at least three years prior (or equivalent) to continue instruction and performance on their selected band instrument as part of a large grade level ensemble! "rimary focus is placed on continued sequential s#ill development on the student$s instrument in their fourth year of playing% as well as advancing ensemble performance% listening and higher order musical s#ills! &ithin each six day rotation% students meet twice for large ensemble rehearsal% and also have one instrument specific group lesson! MAJOR UNITS OF STUDY

MAR-.NG */R.O0: All 1nits: As band instrument instruction is sequential by nature, various elements of music and instrumental pedagogy are taught concurrently and expanded upon as student skill allows. Main content areas include: Instrument operation, care handling! "erformance #undamentals $tone production, breath support, embouchure, sticking%! Individual and &nsemble "erformance $note and rhythmic reading, listening skills, key signatures%! 'echnique (evelopment $note and range extension, flexibility, intervals, extended and alternate note fingerings%! and Musical &xpression $Articulations! changing tempo! expanding ranges of performance tempo! musical vocabulary% Common Core Standards '(!) 8!*!a perform on at least one instrument accurately and independently% alone and in small and large ensembles% with good posture% good playing position% and good breath% bow% or stic# control '(!) 8!*!b perform with expression and technical accuracy on at least one string% wind% Modified: )*+,*+-,,

percussion% or classroom instrument a repertoire of instrumental literature with a level of difficulty of *!)% on a scale of + to , '(!) 8!*!c perform music representing diverse genres and cultures% with expression appropriate for the wor# being performed '(!) 8!*!d play by ear simple melodies on a melodic instrument and simple accompaniments on a harmonic instrument '(!) -!+ .elate solfeggio (e!g! do, re, and letter names to simple pitch notation in the treble and bass clef '(!) 8!)!a read whole% half% quarter% eighth% sixteenth% and dotted notes and rests in */0 % -/0 % 0/0 % ,/8 % -/8 % and alla breve meter signatures '(!) 8!)!b read at sight simple melodies in both the treble and bass clefs '(!) 8!)!c identify and define standard notation symbols for pitch% rhythm% dynamics% tempo% articulation% and expression '(!) 8!,!a describe specific music events in a given aural example% using appropriate terminology '(!) 8!,!c demonstrate #nowledge of the basic principles of meter% rhythm% tonality% intervals% chords% and harmonic progressions in their analyses of music '(!) 8!8!b describe ways in which the principles and sub1ect matter of other disciplines taught in the school are interrelated with those of music Keystone Connections: N/A Student Objectives: The students will be able to2 (Winds and pitched percussion) 3emonstrate proper care if instrument! 3emonstrate proper instrument position with proper body posture% proper breathing 4 air support to produce steady tone on instrument with proper embouchure formation! 3emonstrate characteristic tone and steady pitch when performing examples from lesson boo# or band repertoire! .ead music notation and perform excerpts including whole% half% quarter% eighth% sixteenth% and dotted notes and rests in */0% -/0% 0/0% ,/8% -/8% )/0 and alla breve meter signatures "erform scales in #eys of C% 5% Bb% 6b% 7b% 3b 'a1or in eighth notes at tempo of +*8 bpm (advanced) or 98 bpm (basic)! "erform scales in thirds on above ma1or scales at tempo of 88 +88 bpm 3emonstrate understanding of solfeggio syllables (do% re% mi:) as equated to scale degrees of assigned ma1or scales "erform band music repertoire at a representative difficulty level of * ; *!) on a scale of + ,! Non-pitched Percussion only: 3emonstrate proper sound production on snare drum% bass drum% suspended cymbal and crash cymbal% tambourine% triangle% maracas% claves% castanets and timpani through playing excerpts at a difficulty level of * ; *!) on a scale of + ; ,! "erform examples of the following rudiments found in musical examples selected from method boo# or band repertoire2 long roll% ) st# roll% 9 st# roll% +< st# roll% < st# roll% +- st# roll% flam% flam tap% ruff% drag% paradiddle% flam paradiddle% flamacue! Modified: )*+,*+-,,

Materials &Texts Accent on Achievement, Book 2 and Book 3 (O Rei!!" # $i!!iam%& A!'(ed )*+!i%hin, -o.& Ski!! B*i!de(%, Book 2 (Ba!ent # /i!!ia(d& -a(! Fi%che(, Inc0.& 1a(io*% en%em+!e techni2*e deve!o3ment mate(ia!%, %e!ected +and (e3e(toi(e& Sma(tM*%ic on!ine e4e(ci%e% and (e3e(toi(e0 Activities Assi!nments & Assessments 7CT=>=T=6? ; G.@(" A6??@B? &arm up routine consisting of long tones% lip slurs (brass)% interval drills% articulation patterns% rudiment review (percussion only)! Technique development exercises ?cales "ractice procedures for learning new material! =ntroduction of new concepts from method boo# 7pplication of new concepts in selected band repertoire =ndividual and small group performances of exercises and repertoire excerpts 7CT=>=T=6? ; B7B3 .6C67.?7A? &arm up routine (long tones% scale patterns% legato phrasing% rhythmic patterns based on scales% rudiments) =ntroduction of new repertoire (Guided listening% modeling of specific sectionsD highlighting new content and concepts to be masteredD sight reading) .eview of #nown material from previous rehearsals% focusing on expanding musical expression and phrasing! 7??=GB'6BT?2 ?tudents are given ongoing assignments for scale mastery% fingering advancement% articulation development and range development! =n addition% specific exercises from the method boo# are assigned to be practiced and performed at each subsequent lesson! 6xcerpts from selected band repertoire are also assigned as concert approaches! 7??6??'6BT?2 ?tudents are assessed on an on going basis in their performance of core s#ill development and note/rhythmic reading! ?pecific assessments occur each quarter on assigned scales% exercises from method boo# and/or band repertoire! Terminolo!y Tone quality% pitch% intonation% breath support% posture% instrument position% embouchure =nterval% note range% melodic contour% whole step/half step Bote/rest values2 whole% half% quarter% dotted quarter% eighth% dotted eighth% sixteenth% triplet quarter% triplet eighth .udiments (percussion only) Modified: )*+,*+-,,

'eter ?ignatures2 Common time (0/0)% E% */0% ,/8% -/8% )/0 4 Cut time (*/*) Fey ?ignatures2 Concert #eys of no sharps/flats up to five flats (transposed into given instrument #ey) ?olfeggio syllables ; diatonic (do% re% mi:!) 6nharmonics .elative minor #ey/scaleD 7ltered notes of minor scales 'elodic movement by step% s#ip% repeatD Carmonic movementD rhythmic movement 7rticulations2 Aegato% staccato% marcato% slurD tonguing/slurring patternsD 7ccent 7ccellerando% .itardando% .allantando% 7llargando Crescendo% 3ecrescendo% 3iminuendo 5ermata 7llegro% 7llegretto% 'oderato% 7ndantino% 7ndante% 7dagio% Aargo% 'aestoso 3ynamic mar#ings2 pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff; subitoD other graphic musical mar#ings as used in repertoire Media Tec"nolo!y #eb $esources S"artMusic interactive acco"'ani"ent so$tware Audio recordings o$ selected %and re'ertoire Audio "onitoring s#ste" .nstru"ent cli'2on "icro'hone 0igital tuner Metrono"e Co"'uter with "onitor s'ea3ers and/or head'hones LC0 'ro4ector5 S"art 6a%let5 0ocu"ent ca"era)

Modified: )*+,*+-,,

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