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Fine Hair If you have thin hair, banana, egg, and oils work wonders.

"The banana is one of nature's best remedies, while the egg is a mighty protein that will give your hair the strength, shine, volume, and texture of your dreams. ils add strength and moisture." !trengthening Hair "ask Ingredients# $ %&' (anana $ % )gg $ % tbsp. *o+onut il $ % tbsp. live il $ % tbsp. Honey $ ' o,. H'.ire+tions# "ix all ingredients in blender/ apply and leave on for 0- to 12 min or %2 to '- min with a thermal heat +ap/ thourougly rinse out all mixture from hair/ wash with shampoo/ +ondition and do a final rinse with +ool water +lose the hair +uti+le to seal in the moisture. Hair 3oss 4itamins ($5 and ($%' should be your new best friends if you want to get your hair's growth +y+le ba+k in gear. )at dairy and meat produ+ts su+h as milk, yogurt, and poultry to get those ( benefits. Fri,,y Hair "6inse with the +oldest water you +an bear, +lose the hair +uti+le," says 7semanfar. "This will make hair look sleek and helps tame fri,, for a smoother finish." !plit )nds "!traight hair is prone to split ends and should be treated gently," says 7semanfar. "(rush out your hair before wetting and applying any treatment to prevent knots and breakage." *oarse Hair "ayonnaise and avo+ados are natural deep +onditioners that will give your s+alp a little T3*, in addition to promoting hair growth. 6ehydrating Hair "ask Ingredients# $ %&' 7vo+ado $ %&1 +up "ayonnaise $ % tbsp. *o+onut il $ % tbsp. live il

$ % tbsp. Honey $ ' o,. H'.ire+tions# "ix all ingredients in blender/ apply and leave on for 0- to 12 min or %2 to '- min with a thermal heat +ap/ thourougly rinse out all mixture from hair/ wash with shampoo/ +ondition and do a final rinse with +ool water +lose the hair +uti+le to seal in the moisture. .ry Hair "Try adding a little bit of honey to your +onditioner as a remedy," suggests 7semanfar. "It is a hume+tant that will seal in moisture and deliver the deep +leanse your hair is +raving." ily Hair !tay away from applying too mu+h of any produ+t to the s+alp, as it +auses overprodu+tion of oils. 7lso, keep +lear of any deep +onditioning produ+ts$a basi+ +onditioner in small 8uantities added to the ends of hair will do the tri+k. ily Hair !tay away from applying too mu+h of any produ+t to the s+alp, as it +auses overprodu+tion of oils. 7lso, keep +lear of any deep +onditioning produ+ts$a basi+ +onditioner in small 8uantities added to the ends of hair will do the tri+k. 7ll Hair Types 3ets be real# )veryone has hair issues9 ":ou'll usually find that the people who embra+e their hair's natural +hara+teristi+s ;texture, body, and +olor< have mu+h healthier lo+ks," says 7semanfar. "7void harsh +hemi+al pro+esses that permanently alter your hair, and embra+e organi+ ways to bring out the best in your tresses9" =eneral "aintenan+e Hair "ask Ingredients# $ %&' +up "ayonnaise $ % )gg $ ' tbsp. Honey $ % o,. H'.ire+tions# "ix all ingredients in blender/ apply and leave on for 0- to 12 min or %2 to '- min with a thermal heat +ap/ thourougly rinse out all mixture from hair/ wash with shampoo/ +ondition and do a final rinse with +ool water +lose the hair +uti+le to seal in the moisture.

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