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Introduction Prerequisites Requirements Components Used Conventions Table of Routers with Console and AUX Ports Console Port Settings for Terminal Connection Types of Console and AUX Connectors Types of R !"# Cabling How to Identify an RJ-45 Cable Straig t-t roug Cabling Crossover Cable Rolled Cable RJ-45 to !"-# $emale% Type of Cable for $%!&# Connectors Adapters RJ-45-to-!"-# &dapter RJ-45-to-!"-'5 &dapter Cabling and Adapter Setups that 'or( R !"# Port and Adapter Pin!outs $%!&# Console and AUX Port Pin!outs Console Cable )it Cisco*s R !"# Component +uide Related Information

( is do)ument summari*es t e )abling requirements for )onsole and au+iliary ,&U-. ports/ Cis)o routers eit er ave RJ-45-based or !"-'5 !C01!(0 )onsole and &U- ports/ 2ou )an )onne)t eit er a terminal ,!(0. or a modem ,!C0. to t ese ports/ In eit er instan)e3 you will need bot an RJ-45 )able and an RJ-45-to-!"-'5 or RJ-45-to-!"-# )onne)tor/

Prerequisites Requirements
( ere are no spe)ifi) prerequisites for t is do)ument/

Components Used
( is do)ument is not restri)ted to spe)ifi) software and ardware versions/ ( e information presented in t is do)ument was )reated from devi)es in a spe)ifi) lab environment/ &ll of t e devi)es used in t is do)ument started wit a )leared ,default. )onfiguration/ If you are wor4ing in a live networ43 ensure t at you understand t e potential impa)t of any )ommand before using it/

$or more information on do)ument )onventions3 see t e Cis)o (e) ni)al (ips Conventions/

Table of Routers with Console and AUX Ports

( e following table des)ribes t e Cis)o router series and )orresponding )onsole and &U- ports/


Console Port

Console Port Cable

AUX Port

AUX Port Cable


RJ-45 RJ-45 Rolled 1 ,management RJ-45 to port. !"-# $emale RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled 1 RJ-45 to !"-# $emale RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled 1 RJ-45 to !"-# $emale RJ-45 Rolled 1 RJ-45 to !"-# $emale RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled






















RJ-45 Rolled



RJ45 RJ45 RJ45 RJ45

RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled








!"-'5 !C0

RS ';' 1 RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled RS ';' 1 RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled RS ';' 1 RJ-45 Rolled RS ';' 1 RJ-45 Rolled RS ';' 1 RJ-45 Rolled

!"'5 !(0 RJ45 RJ45 !"'5 !(0 RJ45 !"'5 !(0 !"'5 !(0 !"'5 !(0

RS ';' 1 RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled RS ';' 1 RJ-45 Rolled RJ-45 Rolled RS ';' 1 RJ-45 Rolled RS ';' 1 RJ-45 Rolled RS ';' 1 RJ-45 Rolled






!"-'5 !C0

8:6618'6618;66 RJ-45


!"-'5 !C0


!"-'5 !C0


!"-'5 !C0

Console Port Settings for Terminal Connection

"efore you )onne)t a terminal to t e )onsole port3 )onfigure t e terminal to mat) t e router )onsole port as follows=

#566 baud 9 data bits no parity ' stop bits ,#566 97'. >R : stop bit? ?!ependant on t e router/

Types of Console and AUX Connectors

&s des)ribed in t e following table3 Cis)o routers ave t ree types of )onsole and &U- )onne)tors=

RJ-45 !"-'5 !C0 !"-'5 !(0

( ere are t ree styles of RJ-45-to-!"-'5 )onne)tors= !C0 style ,modem.3 !(0 style3 and !C0 style ,non modem./ 0a) one as a different role/ @enerally3 !(0 is for terminals3 !C0 ,modem. is for modems3 and !C0 ,non-modem. is obsolete/ -ote. 2ou )an ) ange a !C0 style ,non modem. to a !C0 style ,modem. by moving pin 5 to pin 9/ Console and &U- Conne)tors for Cis)o Routers




!"-'5 !C0

!"-'5 !(0

Cabling for )onsole and &U- port=

RJ-45 Cables RS ';' Straig t-t roug Cable

Types of R !"# Cabling

Cis)o produ)ts use t e following types of RJ-45 )ables=

Straig t-t roug Crossover Rolled RJ-45 to !"# female

Cis)o does not provide t ese )ablesA t ey are widely available from ot er sour)es/ Console )able is usually provided wit t e Console Cable Bit/

-ote. ( e )onsole port does not support modem )ontrol or ardware flow )ontrol/

/ow to Identify an R !"# Cable

(o identify t e RJ-45 )able type3 old t e two ends of t e )able ne+t to one anot er so you )an see t e )olored wires inside t e ends3 as s own in t e following figure/

( ere are t ree types of )ommonly used RJ-45 )abling= straig t3 )ross and rolled/ If you old t e two ends of an RJ-45 )able side by side3 youCll see eig t )olored strips3 or pins3 at ea) end/ If t e order of t e )olored pins is t e same at ea) end3 t en t e )able is straig t/ If t e order of t e )olors is reversed at ea) end3 t en t e )able is rolled/ 0+amine t e sequen)e of )olored wires to determine t e type of RJ-45 )able3 as follows=

Straight!through Cabling
In a straig t-t roug )able3 t e )olored wires are in t e same sequen)e at bot ends of t e )able/ Straight!through Cable

RJ-45 Straig t-t roug ,0t ernet. Cable Din-outs

Signal R !"# Pin R !"# Pin Signal

(+E : : (+E

(+F R+E F F R+F F F

' ; 4 5 5 8 9

' ; 4 5 5 8 9

(+F R+E F F R+F F F

Crosso,er Cable
In a )rossover )able3 t e first ,far left. )olored wire at one end of t e )able is t e t ird )olored wire at t e ot er end of t e )able/ Crosso,er Cable

RJ-45 Crossover ,0t ernet. Cable Din-outs

Signal R !"# Pin R !"# Pin Signal

(+E (+F R+E F F R+F F : ' ; 4 5 5 8 : ' ; 4 5 5 8 R+E R+F (+E F F (+F F

Rolled Cable
In a rolled )able3 t e )olored wires at one end of t e )able are in t e reverse sequen)e of t e )olored wires at t e ot er end of t e )able/ Rolled Cable

F F F F F F F F : ' ; 4 5 5 8 9

R !"# Pin
9 8 5 5 4 ; ' :

R !"# Pin


-ote. C&"->C(&G-&S27C3 t e 9-port RJ-45 adapter t at is used wit t e Cis)o '56#3 '5:63 '5::3 and '5:'3 is t e same as a rolled )able/

R !"# to $%!0 1emale2

( is )able is also 4nown as 3anagement Cable/ %Cis)o is providing t is )able wit its 5663 9663 :566 and :866 Series Routers/

Type of Cable for $%!&# Connectors

RS &4& Straight!through Cable ( e following illustration s ows serial )able C&"-R';H ,part number 84-6:8;.3 w i) is a general serial )able for all router platforms/ ( is )able as a female !"-'5 )onne)tor on one end and a male !"-'5 )onne)tor on t e ot er end/ 0it er end of t e C&"-R'; )able )an be t e Cis)o end or t e networ4 end3 depending on w et er t e Cis)o router is designated as a !C0 devi)e or a !(0 devi)e/ If t e router is designated as a !C0 devi)e3 t e female !"-'5 )onne)tor is t e Cis)o end/ If t e router is designated as a !(0 devi)e3 t e male !"-'5 )onne)tor is t e Cis)o end/ %oth 5nds of RS &4& Straight!through Cable for $%!&# Connectors

Din-outs for RS ';' Straig t ( roug Cable ,!"-'5.

3ale $T5 Pin!outs &# Pin

F J'-: F S ield @7!

1emale $T5 Pin!outs &# Pin Signal



S ield @7!

J'-' S ield (+! F J'-; S ield R+! F J'-4 S ield R(S F J'-5 S ield C(S F J'-5 S ield !SR F

J'-' S ield (+! F J'-; S ield R+! F J'-4 S ield R(S F J'-5 S ield C(S F J'-5 S ield !SR F

J'-8 S ield Cir)uit @7! F J'-8 S ield Cir)uit @7!

J'-9 S ield !C! F J'-:5 S ield (+C F J'-:8 S ield R+C F J'-:9 S ield G(S( F J'-'6 S ield !(R F J'-'4 S ield (+C0 F

J'-9 S ield !C! F J'-:5 S ield (+C F J'-:8 S ield R+C F J'-:9 S ield G(S( F J'-'6 S ield !(R F J'-'4 S ield (+C0 F

( ere are two types of adapters needed to )onne)t a DC to a router/

RJ-45-to-!"-# &dapter RJ-45-to-!"-'5 &dapter

R !"#!to!$%!0 Adapter
( is adapter )onne)ts a router to a DC t oug a C>< port/ R !"#!to!$%!0 Adapter

R !"#!to!$%!&# Adapter
( is adapter )onne)ts a router to DC t roug a serial port/ R !"#!to!$%!&# Adapter

Cabling and Adapter Setups that 'or(

"elow are t e most )ommon ways to )onsole into a router/ Console Conne)tion Combination

Console Port

RJ-45 Rolled

Adapter for PC
!"-# 1 !"-'5

Adapter for Console Port


!"-'5 !C0

RJ-45 Rolled

!"-# 1 !"-'5


!"-'5 !C0








? Cis)o is providing t is )able wit its Cis)o 5663 9663 :566 and :866 Series Routers/ 2ou )annot mi+ and mat) t ese )omponents randomly/ >nly t e following )ombinations wor4= Console Conne)tion Combination


R !"# Cable $%!&# Adapter To Attach

!C0 non-modem (0R<I7&G !(0 !C0 modem (0R<I7&G <>!0< (0R<I7&G

&U- 1 Console Straig t &U- 1 Console Rolled &U- 1 Console Rolled

&U- 1 Console RJ-45-to-!"# 7one

( ese are t e only setups t at wor4/ If you donCt ave t e )omponents you need3 use t e RJ-45 Component @uide ) art to order t em/

R !"# Port and Adapter Pin!outs

( e following ) art s ows t e pin-outs for RJ-45 )onsole and &U- ports/ ( e )onsole port does not use R(S1C(S/ RJ-45 Dort Din-outs

Signal Console Port 6$T57 R !"# Rolled Cable Adapter Adapter Signal R !"#
C(S !(R (+! @7! @7! R+! !SR R(S : ' ; 4 5 5 8 9 9 8 5 5 4 ; ' :

R !"# Pin

$%!0 Pin $%!&# Pin

8 4 ; 5 5 ' 5 9 4 '6 ' 8 8 ; 9 5 R(S !SR R+! @7! @7! (+! !(R C(S

$%!&# Console and AUX Port Pin!outs

Console Dort Signals

Pin Signal $irection

: ' ; 5 8 9 @7! (+! R+! !SR @7! !C! F I---J --J F --J @round


(ransmit !ata Re)eive !ata !ata Set Ready ,always on. @round !ata Carrier !ete)t ,always on.

-ote. ( e )onsole port does not support modem )ontrol or ardware flow )ontrol/

&u+iliary Dort Signals

' ; 4 5 5 8 9

(+! R+! R(S C(S !SR

--J I---J I-I-(ransmit !ata Re)eive !ata


Request (o Send ,used for ardware )ontrol. Clear (o Send ,used for ardware flow )ontrol. !ata Set Ready Carrier !ete)t ,used for modem )ontrol. !ata (erminal Ready ,used for modem )ontrol only.

Signal @round F C! I---J

'6 !(R

-ote. ( e au+iliary port supports ardware flow )ontrol and modem )ontrol/

Console Cable )it

& )onsole )able 4it is provided wit your router/ Use t is 4it w en )onne)ting your router to a DC or a terminal/ ( e )onsole )able 4it )ontains t ese items=

RJ-45-to-RJ-45 )onsole )able ,blue. RJ-45-to-!"-'5 adapter ,gray. RJ-45-to-!"-# adapter ,gray.

R !"#!to!R !"# console cable

R !"#!to!$%!&# adapter

R !"#!to!$%!0 adapter

Cisco*s R !"# Component +uide

( e following ) art summari*es Cis)oCs RJ-45 )omponents/ ( e first seven entries are !"-'5 )onne)tors3 and t e last two are RJ-45 )ables/ Conne)tors are des)ribed in terms of t eir se+ and t eir role/ $or e+ample3 an $!(0 is a female !(0 style )onne)tor3 an <<>! is a male modem style )onne)tor3 and so on/ Remember3 you need s ielded )ables in order to run at ::5/' 4bps/ RJ-45 Component @uide

Style Catalog Part -umber Catalog $escription

!(0 C&"-566!($H



!"-'5 C>770C(>R3 '#-69:6-6:1'#-!($-6: !(0 $0<&G0 !"-'5 C>770C(>R3 !(0 <&G0 C&"G0 C>77<>!0< (> RJ45 SHG! &!D3RJ451!SU" '#-699:-6:1'#-<<>!-6:




modem C&"-'5&S-<<>!H


modem C&"-<<>!H




!"-'5 C>770C(>R3 ,non modem. !C0 '#-696#-6:1'#-!C$-6: $0<&G0




!"-'5 C>770C(>R3 '#-6969-6:1'#-!C<-6:'#-6969,non modem. !C0 no 6:1'#-!C<-6: <&G0 C&"&S23RJ45 R>GG0!3 <>!UG&R Fnot in )atalogF 8'-6985-6:1C&"-566RJ ;:-6855-6: 7& 7&

7& 7&

Rolled Cable Straig t Cable

Cable for $%!&#:$%!0 Connection

7& !epend on t e router% RJ-45 to !"-# female an all in one )able RS ';' Straig tt roug Cable !"-# <ale to !"-'5 male for <odem 8'-;;9;-6: 7&





!epend on t e router%




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