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Personal Privacy Procedure

1. Purpose

Procedure Number

Version Nos:


This Procedure is performed as a means of ensuring that the personal privacy needs of West Coast District Health Board (WCDHB) patients/residents are managed effectively. 2. Application This Procedure is to be followed by all WCDHB clinical staff members. 3. Definitions There are no definitions associated with this Procedure. 4. Responsibilities All Clinical Staff Members are required to: - ensure they abide by the requirements of this Procedure; 5. Resources Required This Procedure requires no specific resources. 6. Process 1.00 1.01 Each patient admitted to a WCDHB facility will be provided with accommodation based on their individual clinical needs. Priority for allocation to single rooms will be given to those patients whose clinical condition is such that a single room environment is required e.g. infection control, level of acuity etc. Where possible (within the confines of current WCDHB Resthome facilities), each resident is to be allocated to a single room. When a patient is allocated to a multi-bed room, staff members are to be extra vigilant in respecting the privacy and dignity needs of the patient/resident and ensure that: i) there is effective curtaining around the bed space; ii) when discussing care/treatment, the patient/resident is to be offered the opportunity for this discussion to take place in a more private area.; iii) staff talk in a voice and tone that maintains confidentiality and privacy; iv) the patient/resident has access to single-sex washing and toilet facilities. WCDHB facilities are to have available areas that can be utilised by patients/residents to meet with staff members and visitors in private. WCDHB staff members are to respect the personal privacy of patients/residents, and ensure that intimate personal cares are undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the WCDHB Intimacy and Sexuality for Patients/Residents Procedure.



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Uncontrolled Document West Coast District Health Board

Personal Privacy Procedure


Procedure Number

Version Nos:


Staff members undertaking restraint activities associated with patients/residents are to undertake these in a manner that does not compromise the patient/residents dignity, privacy or self-respect.


Precautions And Considerations Each resident/patient admitted to a WCDHB facility will, where possible, be provided with single-sex accommodation. If single-sex accommodation cannot be provided, the patient/resident is to remain in mixed-sex accommodation for no longer that 24 hours. WCDHB facilities are to have available areas that can be utilised by patients/residents to meet with staff members and visitors in private.


References NZS 8134:2001 Health And Disability Sector Standards Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer Rights (1994)


Related Documents WCDHB Compliance With The Code Of Health & Disability Services Consumer Rights Procedure WCDHB Informed Consent Procedure WCDHB Intimacy and Sexuality for Patients/Residents Procedure. WCDHB MHS

Version: Developed By:

Revision History

Authorised By: Date Authorised: Date Last Reviewed: Date Of Next Review:

5 QI Nurse Chief Executive Officer January 1998 November 2007 November 2009

Uncontrolled Document West Coast District Health Board

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