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Abdullah Aon Alaon

Jeddah Saudi Arabia - AL Zahra District - Hera Street CELL Phone +966 566966636 E-MA L aon!dode"hot#ai$!co#

Curriculum Vitae (C.V)

PROFILE %ationa$it& ' Saudi (irth Date ' 13 11 1!"1 Status ' #arried Lan)ua)es ' Arabic And En$li%h Fluentl&

*b+ecti,e ' A% a 'er(ormance dri)en health and *ellne%% 'ro(e%%ional *ith an e+ten%i)e hi%tor& in health 'romotion and mana$ement o( indi)idual 'h&%ical (itne%%, I am %ee-in$ to obtain a hi$hl& challen$in$ and re'utable 'o%ition in the are o( (itne%% o( in%truction *here or$ani.ational and moti)ational %-ill%, and determination 'la& the role o( %i$ni(icant im'ortance. E/0CA1IO2 A2/ CER1IFICA1ES

3achelor% /e$ree in Ph&%ical Education, 1!4" Colle$e o( Ph&%ical Ed, Ri&adh

/i'loma in 3od& 3uildin$ At 5eider Academ& (or Cultural 1rainin$ 6773 Certi(icate o( Partici'ation in Fir%t Saudi Ph&%ical Ed. School 1ournament Leadin$ Ph&%ical In%tructor Certi(icate at the #ini%tr& o( Education 8eart Sa)er CPR Certi(ied, 6717 at the Li(e Su''ort Center, Saudi 9erman 8o%'ital Saudi International C&clin$ Certi(icate, 1!!" :in$;% School O( En$li%h, 3ournemouth 0: 6771 Certi(icate O( En$li%h at EF International Lan$ua$e School%, 0: 1!!< 9OL/;S 9=# Arm *re%tlin$ Com'etition A*ard, 6717 and 677! 1R> Certi(icate in 6716

?0ALIFICA1IO2 8I98LI981S /&namic and achie)ement oriented indi)idual, 'o%%e%%in$ more than 66 &ear% Pro)en %ucce%% in trainin$ and de)elo'ment o( clientele. Pla&ed a% 'ro(e%%ional a% *ell a% amateur (ootball 'la&er (or re'utable club% *ithin the -in$dom

the abilit& to in(ormation

/e%i$ned and inte$rated %ucce%%(ul *or-'lace %trate$ie% Po%%e%% e+ce'tional inter'er%onal communication %-ill% and inter'ret and de(ine client need% throu$h inter)ie*in$ and $atherin$ 'roce%%e%

/e)elo' and 're%ent 'er%onali.ed trainin$ a$enda% and moti)ate clientele to achie)e $oal%

. .

Create com'lete and indi)iduali.ed 'ro$ram% ba%ed on time a)ailable *hich include *ei$ht $oal%, diet %'eci(ication% and

and re%ource%

menu%, 'h&%ical trainin$ and e+erci%e, and li(e%t&le chan$e%. E>PERIE2CE Ph&%ical Ed. 1eacher in 9o)ernmental %chool 1!4"@ until 're%ent Per%onal trainer at 9OL/;S 9=# 677<@ until 're%ent 1rainer at Sahari Club 677A@ 677< 1rainer at :19 Club 6773@ 677A Fitne%% Su'er)i%or at 9OL/;% 9=# 6713 Pro(e%%ional (ootball 'la&er *ith Club 6773 Amateur Football 'la&er *ith hira club 1!!! 6717@ 1!!!@ 1!!"@

Amateur (ootball 'la&er (team@ca'tain) *ith Al@Rabi Club 1!4"@ 1!!"

-E.E-E%CES A)ailable u'on reBue%t.

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