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Introduction: Loan is a debt evidenced by a note which specifies, among other things, the pr incipal amount, interest rate,

and date of repayment. Loan entails reallocation of subject assets for a period of time between borrower and the lender. Loan is significantly dependent on rate on of interest and installments to pay b ack loan (Loan length), amount requested and amount funded. Based on the above k ey factors only the analysis can be carried out. Using exploratory analysis and standard multiple regression techniques we show that there is a significant rela tionship between interest amount and loan length, even after adjusting for impor tant confounders such as the amount requested and amount funded at which the Loa n transaction occur. Methods: Data Collection: We used to data provided to us in form of links in course era Exploratory Analysis: Exploratory analysis was performed by examining tables and plots of the obse rved data. We identified transformations to perform on the raw data on the basis of plots and knowledge of the scale of measured variables. Exploratory analysis was used to identify missing values, verify the quality of the data, and det ermine the terms used in the regression model relating interest rate and loan le ngth. Statistical Modelling: To relate interest rate to loan length we performed a standard multivariate linear regression model [4]. Model selection was performed on the basis of our exploratory analysis and prior knowledge of the relationship between amount requ ested and amount funded. Coefficients were estimated with ordinary least squares and standard errors were calculated using standard asymptotic approximations. Reproducibility: All analyses performed in this manuscript are reproduced in the R markdown file loansdata.rda.To reproduce the exact results presented in this manuscript the ca ched version of the analysis must be performed, as the data available from loans data.csv changes based on the date. Results: The Loans data used in this analysis contains information on the source network that measured the amount requested, amount funded, Interest Rate, Loan Purpose a nd Debt to income ratio, Home owner ship and Fico range and Loan length. We iden tified no missing values in the data set we collected and all measured variables were observed to be inside the standard ranges. Loans in this data set also did not seem to show major patterns over time in Interest rate or Fico rate.

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