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ABOUT CHITTARANJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW) is the dream of the nations visionaries, coming true.

The planners of the Nation ith their deep insight and foresight set to !uild a Loco !uilding "actor# in West $engal and CLW is that vision, coming true. %n the &th of 'anuar# (&)*, surve# of the proposed area as done. The rock# soil as an advantage in erecting foundations for heav# structural ork and the undulating terrain solved the pro!lem of drainage for the to nship hile the schemes of the +,C envisaged h#dro-electric and thermal po er stations in the vicinit# assured cheap po er availa!ilit# in the near future. .t is the onl# major /lectric Locomotive !uilder in the countr#. .t is situated just at the $order of West $engal and 'harkhand and is at a!out 01 km from 2sansol and 103 kms from 4olkata. The place here toda# CLW is situated as actuall# a hamlet of small villages. The loco orks ith its ancillar# orkshops has a stores purchase office in 4olkata and inspection cells in Ne +elhi, 5um!ai, 4olkata and $angalore.

History :

During pr !"onstru"tion #$ys

The Workshop has an area of (*.0) 67. 4m. The issue of setting up a loco !uilding unit continued to !e under active consideration of the Central legislature and in the late thirties, a committee consisting of 58s. 9umphries and 6hrinivasan as appointed to investigate the possi!ilit# of esta!lishing a locomotive manufacturing unit and to consider its economic via!ilit#. The initial project, at Chandmari, a place near 4anchrapara, in the state of West $engal, could not mature due to partition, hich inevita!l# necessitated a change of site. This present site at Chittaranjan as selected after a fresh surve# and :ail a# $oards approval as o!tained in the #ear (&)3. The loco orks as initiall# esta!lished for production of (1; average si<ed steam locomotives ith the capacit# to manufacture =; spare !oilers.

History :

ABOUT CHITTARANJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS The production of +iesel 9#draulic Locomotives as taken up during (&>*. 2fter manufacturing 10=( 6team Locomotives of = t#pes and *)1 +iesel 9#draulic Locos of 3 t#pes, production of steam and diesel h#draulic locos ere discontinued from (&30-3) and (&&0-&) respectivel#

The production of /lectric Locomotives commenced in (&>(. .n the process, fifteen versions of electric locomotives ere produced !# CLW and the latest in that series is the freight locomotive W2?3 and passenger locomotive W2@-). @andit 'a aharlal Nehru, the first @rime 5inister of .ndia, commissioned the first (=;; , dc Locomotive named %LOKMAN&A' on the ()th %cto!er, (&>(. The production of 1= k, ac loco commenced on (>th Novem!er, (&>0. The first /lectric Loco turned out from CLW, christened as %BIDHAN' as a $road ?auge 1= k, a.c. "reight Locomotive (W2?-() of 1*); hp ith maAimum speed of *; km8hr. 6u!se7uentl# CLW graduall# upgraded the horsepo er of /lectric Loco from 1*); hp to >;;; hp and maAimum speed from *; 4m8h to (>; km8h. CLW also !uilt 1= k, ac8(=;; , dc, ac8dc Loco, WC25-( for hauling 5ail 8 /Apress Trains from $:C to $CT on W.:l#.

Lo()$ny$* WCM!+

CLW , "$) t- .irst pro#u"tion unit in t- # / 0oping "ountri s1 s "on# in Asi$ $n# .i.t- in t- 2or0# to )$nu.$"tur 3!p-$s st$t o. t- $rt 4TO T-yristor "ontro00 # E0 "tri" Lo"o)oti/ $n# t- .irst in#ig nous 5666 -p .r ig-t 0 "tri" 0o"o WA4!7 "-rist n # $s %NAV&U4' 2$s turn # out on 89 tNo/ ), r1 877:; +uring the #ear 1;;;-;( the first passenger version of three phase loco W2@-= called %NAVODIT', ith maAimum service speed of (>; km8h and having a potential upto 1;; km8h, has !een manufactured. +evelopments of sources, indigenisation and cost reduction of three-phase loco have !een the highest priorit# items. The to ering imported cost of :s. 0= crores for 0 phase loco has !een drasticall# !rought do n to a!out :s.(1.= crores.

History :

ABOUT CHITTARANJAN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS @roduction of +C Traction 5otors and Control /7uipment commenced in 2pril, (&>3. Currentl# !oth +C B 2C traction motors are !eing manufactured. 6teel foundr# as set up in (&>1->0 for manufacture of cast steel loco parts. CLW has in house facilities for machining and assem!l# of heel sets, fa!rication and machining of !ogies etc. The facilities include modern CNC machines, plasma-cutting machines, inert gas elding sets etc

:iver 2ja# flo s past CLW along its northern side. Workshops, offices and 7uarters are spread over the hole are ith ample space in !et een C surrounded !# greener# and trees. There are several ater !odies in CLW eAhi!iting a lush green environment hich attract a large num!er of migrator# !irds ever# #ear. 2 variet# of flora and fauna can !e seen here all the #ear round. Long !efore others !ecame environment conscious, CLW administration started planting trees, thus turning and arid area into a green one. .n (&&> alone &;,;;; saplings ere planted ith the help of the 6ocial "orestr# +ivision of ?overnment of West $engal. .n 1;;= also =;,;;; saplings have !een planted ith the help of same agenc#. The 2dministration is regularl# educating the staff and encouraging them to preserve the environment. :ecentl#, an immense amount of ork has !een done, ith a vie to conserve the /nvironment, as ell as using of all the eAisting natural resources in an eco-friendl# manner.


The efforts have !een recogni<ed !# the World /nvironment "oundation and t4o0# n Peacock award for Environment Management 2006, has been conferred on 9th June 2006. CLW has complied full# ith the provisions of the .ndustrial 6afet# 2ct, (&)*. CLW in its safet# polic# aims to ensure (;;D safet# for all orkers orking in Chittaranjan Locomotive Works. C ! is the "roud reci"ient of the #afet$ innovation award 2006. %he award was conferred on C ! on 6 th #e"tember, 2006 b$ the #afet$ and &ua'it$ forum of the (nstitute of Engineers )(ndia*. CLW has recorded the !est ever performance during 1;;3E;* in terms of outturn of locos and financial indices. The #ear 1;;3-;* culminated ith the inventor# under stores at :s. (>( crores as against the target of :s. (31 crores communicated through "inal ?rant for 1;;3-;*, hich has resulted in an all time lo stores turn over ratio of (;.3= as compared to (1.>& of the previous #ear.The W56 turn over ratio has also decreased to =.>( in comparison to that of 1;;>-;3 hich as *.>3. The target of :s. 1*) crores for manufacture of components as surpassed and the figure as :s. 0(= crores. The target of :s. *= crores ,for sale and transfer of !ought out items has !een full# achieved. 2uction sale proceeds eAceeded :s. * crores. "ull credit of :s. (=;; crores has !een reali<ed under $oards :6@ for 1;; locomotives as per target given !# :ail a# $oard. The target of :s. (& crores kept for suppl# of cast items (96 C26NF$ $ogie) has !een full# achieved.Wit- $00 t- s t- n t p0$n out0$y is 0i( 0y to , Rs; 3= "ror s on0y

2-i"- is )u"- , 0o2 t- t$rg t o. Rs; 9> "ror s "o))uni"$t # ,y R$i02$y Bo$r# in t- ?in$0 4r$nt .or =66>!6:; CLW enters its Di$)on# Ju,i0 y $r .e.f 1>th 'anuar#, 1;;&. 2 #ear long cele!rations are in the offing. 2 kite fl#ing Competition as held on 5arch, 1;;&, to commemorate CLWs stepping into its +iamond 'u!ilee #ear. The programme !rought together the residents of the to nship , in cele!rating the #ear.

Mi0 ston 8

Mi0 ston =

(&)3 (&)* (&)* (&=;

6eptem!er 5arch 2pril 1> 'anuar#


6ite for Chittaranjan Locomotive Works located. Construction ork started.

Workshop 6et up @roduction inaugurated !# 6mt. $asanti +evi, Wife of Late Chittaranjan +as.


( Novem!er Namkaran Ceremon# of the orks !# @resident of .ndia, +r. :ajendra @rasad, hen the first steam locomotive as turned out and flagged off from CLW.

(&=( (&=1

(1th "e!ruar# 4? 9ospital formall# opened !# his /Acellenc# +r. 4.N.4atju, ?overnor of West $engal. (st to 1nd 5arch 1(st %cto!er (;th %cto!er > 'anuar#

@rime 5inister of .ndia, @andit 'a aharlal Nehru visits Chittaranjan accompanied !# +r. $.C.:o#, Chief 5inister of West $engal :ail a# 5inister 6hri Lal $hahadur 6hastri visits Chittaranjan +r. 6arvapalli :adhakrishnan, ,ice @resident of .ndia, visits Chittaranjan . (;;th 6team Loco GC9.TT2:2N'2N (;;H inaugurated !# :ail a# 5inister 6hri Lal $ahadur 6hastri. +r. :ajendra @rasad, @resident of .ndia, drove the 1;; th Locomotive from the orks.

(&=1 (&=0 (&=) (&==

13th 2pril


1*th Novem!er ,isit of their 5ajesties the 4ing ,Tri!huvan $ir $ikram 6hah and Iueen of Nepal


(3 +ecem!er ,isit of their eAcellencies 5r. N.2.$ulganin and 5r. N.6.4hruschev from

:ussia (&=> ()th Novem!er ,isit of 9is .mperial 5ajest#, 5r. 9aile 6elassie, /mperor of /thiopia


12th December 1

Visit of Mr. Chou en lai the Prime Minister of Peoples


Republic of China !anuar" Visit of their #olinesses $ the Dalai %ama an& the


Panchen %ama 1' March Visit of Mr. Churu (toi)a$ Prime Minister of Rumanian

195' 196*

196* 196*

Peoples Republic 2* Visit of Mr. Marcel Roberts$ Chief -ccupational (afet" . +o,ember #ealth Di,ision$ /nternational %abour -r0anisation 25th !anuar" 1 technical collaboration a0reement si0ne& 2ith Messrs. 3.#.%lo"& . Co. %t&.$ 4e&nesbur" for establishin0 the (teel 3oun&r" at Chittaran5an th 16 1pril 6housan&th %ocomoti,e turne& out. 1pril Visit of Mr. 7amal 1b&ul +asser$ the Presi&ent of the

1961 1961 1961 1961

8nite& 1rab Republic !anuar" (teel 3oun&r" set up 2n& 3ebruar" Visit of the illustrious &au0hter of +eta5i (ubhash Chan&ra 9ose$ :umari 1nita 9ose th 16 1pril -penin0 of Rabin&ra Manch an& open air theatre. 1;th -ctober 3irst C%4 built 4CM<5 DC =lectric %oco >%-:M1+?1 commissione& b" Pan&it !a2aharlal +ehru. -ctober =lectric %oco (hop (et up 16th 3irst C%4 built 417<1 25 :V 1C =lectric %oco +o,ember >9/D#1+ commissione& b" Pan&it !a2aharlal +ehru. 6raction Motor (hop (et up 16 1pril Chittaran5an buil&s its 3irst 6raction Motor$ the lar0est in /n&ia$ at that time. th 6 !anuar" 3irst C%4 built Diesel #"&raulic (hunter >/+DR1PR1(6#1@ commissione& b" (hri C.M.Poonacha$ the then Rail2a" Minister.

1962 196

1966 1967 196'

Mi0 ston 3

1971 1972

1ntim (itara last steam en0ine AA. 3irst batch of 61-<659 traction motor &espatche&


*th !anuar" 3irst C%4 9uilt 4C1M<1 1CBDC Dual Volta0e electric %ocomoti,e >Vallabh@commissione& b" (hri (i&hartha (han)ar Ra"$ the then Chief Minister of 4est 9en0al. 1st -ctober 3irst Ra5&hani =lectric %oco 41P<1 commissione&.


19'5 19'6 19'7

an& ;th !ul" 2n& +o,ember 6th 1pril


3la00in0 of of the 6**th Diesel %oco M-#1+D1( b" (hri Ma&ha, Rao (cin&ia$ Minister of Rail2a"s Visit of Professor +urul #assan$ 7o,ernmor of 4est 9en0al >!141#1R@ C41P< D commissione& an& christene& b" (hri Ma&ha, Rao (cin&ia$ Minister of (tate for Rail2a"s for (hatab&i =Epress ser,ices. 6

19'' 19'9 199* 1991 1992

3irst batch of #itachi traction motors &espatche& Collaboration a0reement si0ne& 2ith Roc)2ell /nternational Corporation . st 1 March 1*5th =lectric %oco :/R6/M1+ inau0urate& b" Mr. R.D.:itson$ Member Mechanical$ Rail2a" 9oar& th 7 !anuar" 3la00in0 off of 15**th =lectric loco (8:1+?1$ to mar) the /nternational "ear of the 0irl chil& r& 1u0ust 1st 5*** hp #i0h 1&hesion 417 F 7 =lectric %ocomoti,e >(#1+6/D1+@ christene& b" Mother 6eresa$ Missionaries of Charit". 6th 1pril %ast 97 Diesel (hunter >V/R1M@ of the "ear an& +7 Diesel %ocomoti,e >/6/@ of the "ear 1992<9 . /nau0uration of >(i&hu )anu (etu@ a li0ht bri&0e o,er the



11th !une



Ri,er 15o" b" R.:.(hu)la$ 7MBC%4 !anuar" 41P<1 =lectric %oco >PR1716/(#==%@ pro,i&e& 2ith #itachi 6raction Motor.

Mi0 ston 9


27th 1u0ust 3irst 5*** hp 41P<; Passen0er %ocomoti,e >1(#-:@ fla00e& off. /(-<9**1 certification a2ar&e& to %oco 4or)s b" /RG(. /(-<9**2 certification a2ar&e& to (teel 3oun&r" b" /RG(. 3irst Mo&ular 417<7 %oco :1R1MV/R 3la00e&

1996 1996



'th 1u0ust

1996 1996

1; (eptember 27th 3irst phase 6*** hp 417<9 %ocomoti,e CC:DB(:DD December fla00e& off from C%4. 29th 1pril 3la00in0 off of 25**th =lectric loco (41R+1 19#1 b" the (hri +itish :umar$#onble MR






1999 2*** 2***

1;th 417<9$ the first C%4 built in&i0enous phase state<of< +o,ember the<art 6*** hp 3rei0ht =lectric %ocomoti,e >+1V?87@ inau0urate& b" the #onble Minister for Rail2a"s b" (hri +itish :umar. 21st /nau0uration of one 417<7 5** #P =lectric %oco +o,ember (1M1RP1+ b" (hri !"oti 9asu Chief Minister of 4est 9en0al th 1* !anuar" 3irst batch of 6 nos. of C%4 built 1*** hp 6raction Motors for 417<9 inau0urate& b" (hri :.9ala)esari$ Member (taff. 6# 12 1pril 3la00in0 off of +1V!?-6/ b" his #is =Ecellenc" the 7o,ernor of 4est 9en0al Mr. 1.R.:i&2ai th 25 !anuar" C%4 completes 5* "ears of ser,ice to the nation 2;th 3ebruar" 1*th Ma" 6he first C%4 built <phase traction motor t"pe 6 3H1< 7*59 for 41P<5 locomoti,e inau0urate&. >+1V:/R1+@ the first 41P<7 locomoti,e rolle& out of C%4. >+1V-D/6@ the first C%4 built 41P<5 locomoti,e rolle& out of C%4.



17 Ma"


Mi0 ston +


0;th 'une

2 first +a# Cover on CLW released !# 6hri 5.4.$anerjee, @ost 5aster ?eneral84olkata to commemorate CLW ?olden 'u!ilee (@hase-..). GN2,6924T.H the first W2?-&9 locomotive out of CLW. as rolled


0;th 'une




Novem!er 1;;( (1th "e!ruar# 1;;( (>th 2pril

Commissioning of a ne facilit# for pol#urethane painting of /lectric Locomotives ith grit !lasting and paint dr#ing oven facilit#. GN2,$92:2T.H, the second CLW !uilt W2@-3 locomotive flagged off !# the 9on!le 5inister of :ail a#s 5s. 5amata $anerjee. 9./.,iren '.6hah, ?overnor of West $engal as the chief ?uest at the )>th :ail a# Week function. 9./. also flagged off the 0-phase W2?-& loco christened GN2,2692H.


0(st 5a#

GN2,'2?:2NH, the CLW !uilt W2@-= locomotive flagged off !# the 9on!le 5%6: (+) 6hri +igvija# 6ingh. .6%-();;( certification a arded to CLW !# .:I6.


1>th 2pril


>th 2pril

GN2,C9/T24H the CLW !uilt W2@ Locomotive flagged off !# 9on!le 6hri 2.4.5urti. GN2,?92N6924T.H the CLW !uilt

C 3 t#pe 5%6: (2) W2?-& t#pe


1nd B 0rd 2ugust

locomotive flagged off !# 5L8:$,6hri 6.C.?upta. .6%-&;;(-1;;;


1=th 6eptem!er

Mi0 ston 5


1*th %cto!er

6hri Nitish 4umar,9on!le 5: inaugurated a !ook pu!lished !# the @: +ept. entitled G6T%:J %" CLWH ritten !# 6hri :. 4.,ir, /A-?58CLW at :ail a# $oard, Ne +elhi. GN2,?2T.H, the CLW !uilt W2@-3 locomotive flagged off !# 2ddl. 5L8:$.



(;th 'anuar#

1;;) 1;;= 1;;> 1;;>

1&th 5arch "e!ruar# &th'une 1&th 'ul#

GJF?2NT2:H, the CLW !uilt W2@-) loco flagged off !# ?58CLW. 5anufacturing of Cast 6teel $ogie "rame for +LW for ?5 Loco W+6-) !# 6teel "oundr# CLW is conferred ith the ?olden @eacock a ard for /nvironment 5anagement !# the World /nvironment "oundation CLW !uilt ne locomotive t#pe W2?-& B W2?-&9 ith 6atellite :emote +iagnosis 6#stem G+r. 6ilverH inaugurated !# 6hri Lalu @rasad, 9on!le 5:.

1;;> 1;;3 1;;3 1;;3

>th 6eptem!er CLW !ecomes the proud recipient of the 6afet# .nnovation a ard 1;;>, !# the .nstitute of /ngineers 10rd 5arch 0(6T 5arch 0(6T 5arch "lagging off of (;;th W2?-& loco GN2,@:2?2T.H. (st loco for 1;;3-;* inaugurated (;)(st Traction 5otor produced for the #ear 1;;>-;3 CLW e!site launched

1=th 5a#


((th 'ul#

CLW adopts %:2CL/ !ased financial application


=5t- J$nu$ry

CLW st ps into its Di$)on# Ju,i0

y $r

@u$0ity <o0i"y

CLW is an .6%-&;;( unit and has a ell-esta!lished 7ualit# s#stem. The loco orks of CLW o!tained its .6%-&;;(certification on (0.;3.&> hile the .6%-&;;1K (&&) certification for 6teel "oundr# as o!tained on ;*.;*.(&&>. Fpgradation to .6% &;;(K1;;( for !oth Loco Works and 6teel "oundr# as completed on 1=.;&.1;;0. "irst 6urveillance 2udit as conducted during ;>.(;.1;;) to ;*.(;.1;;) and the 6econd 6urveillance 2udit as conducted during ;>.;&.;= to ;&.;&.;=. :ene al audit as conducted from 1*th 2ugust to 0;th 2ugust, 1;;>. .t is orth mentioning that CLW ac7uired .6%- &;;(K1;;* certificate on 11nd %ct 1;;& for another three #ears for our commitment to Iualit# 5anagement s#stem.


Au$0ity po0i"y $#opt # ,y CLW is $s .o00o2s:


Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, the leader in manufacture of /lectric Locomotives, Traction e7uipment and :olling 6tock Castings, is committed to meet customers re7uirement. We are dedicated to ensure customer satisfaction !# esta!lishing a 7ualit# management s#stem and revie ing the 7ualit# polic# and 7ualit# o!jectives for continual improvement. %ur 7ualit# polic# is communicated and understood !# all in the organisation and revie ed periodicall#.

CORRECTIVE/PREVENTIVE ACTIONS: (ince the implementation of the /(- F 9**1$ C%4 has benefite& immensel" b" 2a" of re&uce& re5ections an& re<2or). 3urther$ customer fee&bac) i.e. fee&bac) from the ,arious electric loco she&s of the /R are bein0 0i,en consi&erable attention. 9ase& on customer fee&bac)$ suitable correcti,e an& pre,enti,e actions are bein0 initiate& throu0h Desi0n Mo&ifications an& Correction of manufacturin0 processes.

En/iron) nt$0 <o0i"y

CLW achieved .6%-();;( on 1=th 2pril, 1;;1. (st surveillance 2udit as conducted from 1*th to 0;th 2pril, 1;;0. 1nd surveillance audit as conducted from 1;th to 10rd 'une 1;;). :ene al audit as conducted during >th 6eptem!er to &th 6eptem!er, 1;;=. Fpdated version of .6% ();;(K1;;) is also availa!le in CLW./56 up gradation audit conducted from ((th to (1th 5a#, 1;;> successfull#. TEn/iron) nt$0 <o0i"y $#opt # $t CLW is:


.mproved /nvironmental 5anagement 6#stem, prevention of pollution and continuous improvement of environment performance. Compliance ith relevant environmental legislation and re7uirements as determined !# appropriate regulator# and other corporate !odies. Conservation of natural resources and implementation of fundamentals of aste management. 6etting environmental o!jectives and Targets and monitoring progress for sustaina!le development. /nsure a areness of all emplo#ees and contractors regarding their environmental roles and responsi!ilities. ?o00o2ing st ps -$/ , n t$( n .or prot "tion $n# i)pro/ ) nt o. n/iron) nt $t CLW: Waste generated in 6hops have !een reduced !# =D from the previous #ear !# improvement of operational procedures. 2ir @ollution Control +evice has !een installed in .ntegrated @aint 6hop to reduce air pollution. +ust collector has !een installed in 6and @lant86" for reduction of air pollution. To reduce air pollution, stack height of +.?.sets in Central @o er 9ouse has !een increased. 2ir @ollution Control +evice has !een installed at ?/C 2rc "urnaces in 6teel "oundr#. Consumption of ater in plant area has !een reduced !# =D !# arresting major leakages and provision of ater meters have !een made for regular monitoring of ater consumption. Consumption of electricit# in plant and To nship has !een reduced !# use of energ# efficient lights, installation of capacitor !ank etc. =;,;;; trees have !een planted in the CLW To nship. 2nother =;,;;; trees ill !e planted during the current #ear.


Fse of pol#!ags has !een totall# !anned inside the To nship. Ne 6e age Treatment @lant ($io-filter @lant) has !een commissioned and under operation for improvement of effluent 7ualit# !efore discharge to surface inland and near!# ater !odies.


WA4!7 ! T-

%H $/y H$u0' ?r ig-t 0o"o)oti/

o. IR:!


Rail Freight market which is registering a remarkable growth since 2000, has also triggered a buoyancy in demand for Electric Freight locomotives. Almost 60 6! " of #R$s freight handling takes %lace over #R$s Electrified &olden 'uadrilaterals and (iagonals , though it accounts for only 2! " of its route kilometrage . &olden 'uadrilateral and (iagonals being saturated routes, need heavy through%ut and faster sectional clearance. )his is where these heavy haul and s%eedier *A&+, locos %lay a significant role. )his &em of a loco is indeed a rail o%erator$s delight.)his si- a-le loco with a-le and nose sus%ended drive is designed to give a starting tractive effort of .60 /0 and ma-imum braking effort of 260 /0. Rated 6000 h%, the loco has also been successfully ada%ted to give !01 /0 of starting tractive effort with additional ballast. This loco also is capable to give 6000 hp on rail upto its rated speed of 100 kmph which gives superior section clearing capability especially in handling speed restriction.

5666 H<1 =+ KV1 3! p-$s Lo"o)oti/ WA4!7

?r ig-t E0 "tri"

N # :! Due to advanced mechanical design especially those of bogies, the locomotive has low unsprung masses and is truly track friendly. Presently !P"# is the only passenger locomotive with fully suspended drive. !nti"collision posts give locomotive superior crash worthiness. The fleet of !P"# class locomotives is now being geared up for the proposed 1#0 kmph services S$0i nt D t$i0s :!
4$ug Continuous H< St$rting Tr$"ti/ M$B1 Sp Br $(ing # ..ort (>3> mm >;;; )>;4N ()3t) (;; kmph 2ir, :egenerative

Wheel Aggangement System Voltage Weight of loco Type

2o+2o. 2!/3 A2, !0 45. 627t. Freight



WA<!> ! T-

%H $/y H$u0' <$ss ng r 0o"o)oti/ s o. IR:!

.ntercit# and interstate fare friendl# @assenger market has of late sho n a strong and sustained gro th in recent times. This market needs ver# po erful /lectric locos hich can haul 1) to 1> coaches at speeds in the range of (0;8 (); kmph. To meet the surging demands of this ama<ingl# eAploding @assenger market segment, CLW has come out ith a >;;; 9.@ loco premium /lectric loco product C W2@-3.W2@-3 class loco is !ased on W2?-& platform and differs from W2?-& in gear ratio and the control soft are. Locomotive rated at >;;; hp is design to the starting tractive effort of 010 4N and maAimum !raking effort is 1>; 4N.

5666 H< =+ KV 3!p-$s Lo"o)oti/ WA<!>

<$ss ng r E0 "tri"

N # :! This loco also is capable to give 6000 hp on rail upto its rated speed of 100 kmph which gives superior section clearing capability especially in handling speed restriction. S$0i nt D t$i0s :! Horse Power Supply System Track Gauge Total weight Wheel Diameter Length over uffers
>;;; 1=k,, 2C, =; 9<. (>3> mm ($road ?auge) (10.; M (Dt.

60,2 mm 80ew 9, 6066 mm 8Full *orn9 20!62 mm 6FRA 6061, 7+%hase :;uirrel 2age #nduction <otors .!00 k* 86000 h%9 727 k0 6.0 km%h Air, Regenerative = %arking 7 %hase (rive with &)> )hristors and micro%rocessor based 333F 2ontrol.

Panto locke! !own height .2!! mm Type of Traction motors "ontinuous Power at wheel rim Starting Tractive effort #a$% Service Spee! &rake System Drive System



WA< ! + : +966 -p1=+ (V $"1 B;4; 856 ()C-r; sp



W2@-= class locomotives emplo# advanced control and propulsion technolog# and are capa!le to deliver =);; hp on rail. The locomotive has all the hallmarks of a highspeed propulsion unit vi<. light eight, full# suspended drive and disc !rake. Though presentl#, it has !een certified for (>; kmph operation, the locomotive has !een designed to give a service speed of 1;; kmph ith test speed potential of 11= kmph. 6ince .: is currentl# facing severe competition in @remium @assenger !usiness market from commercial airlines, sooner or later, .: ill have to introduce medium high speed intercit# @assenger 6ervices. This emerging market ill call for po erful /lectric locos ith (=; kmph plus speed potential to !e deplo#ed in the immediate future and W2@-= is the locomotive of choice for this @assenger 6ervices market of .:.
+966 H< =+ KV 3 p-$s <$ss ng r E0 "tri" Lo"o)oti/ WA<!+

N # :! Due to advanced mechanical design especially those of bogies, the locomotive has low unsprung masses and is truly track friendly. Presently !P"# is the only passenger locomotive with fully suspended drive. !nti"collision posts give locomotive superior crash worthiness. The fleet of !P"# class locomotives is now being geared up for the proposed 1#0 kmph services S$0i nt D t$i0s :!


Horse Power Supply system Track Gauge A$le Arrangement Total weight A$le Loa! Wheel Diameter Length over uffers Panto locke! !own height #a$% Service Spee! Type of Traction motors Traction #otor #ounting "ontinuous Power at wheel rim Starting Tractive 'ffort "ontrol System Voltage Drive System #ultiple (nit operation Hauling "apacity &rake System

=);; 1= k,, 2C, =; 9<. (>3> mm ($road ?auge) $o-$o 3*M (Dt

6,.! ? 2"t. 60,2 mm 8new 9,6066 mm 8Full *orn9 61662 mm .27@ mm 660 km%h FAA @0!,, 7+%hase :;uirrel 2age #nduction <otors Fully sus%ended .000 k* 8!.!0 h%9 2!1 /0 660 3 dc 7 %hase (rive with &)> )hyristors and micro%rocessor based 333F 2ontrol. <a-imum 2 locos. 26 coaches at 6.0 kmB hr on level. Air, Regenerative = %arking



Cumulative production of Traction 5otors during the #ear 1;;3-;*, has touched an all time high of (11= Traction 5otors .This is the +est ever in the =0 #ears histor# of CLW .CLW has achieved the rare distinction of !eing the onl# @roduction Fnit in the countr# hich can cross ,000 %raction Motors production mark in a #ear.

I 3!<HASE TRACTION MOTOR T&<E 5?RA565: D 5?EA>6+7 :

0@hase Traction 5otors t#pe >":2>;>* for W2?-& and W2@-3 locomotives B >"N23;=& for W2@-= locomotive are !eing manufactured indigenousl# !# CLW since the financial #ear (&&*-&& B (&&&C1;;; respectivel#. With the production of 0 C phase Traction 5otor, CLW has entered the era of 6tate of the art, 0-phase technolog#.


9itachi Traction 5otor is one of the most critical and vital e7uipment in Conventional /lectric Locomotives t#pe W2?C3 B W2@C) under production at CLW. The production of 9itachi T5 is no completel# sta!ili<ed.



0 ?oun#ry


0 ?oun#ry

6teel "oundr#, CLW as set up at CLW in (&>0 in colla!oration ith 58s ".9. Llo#d of F.4. for production of steel castings for 6team Locomotives !eing produced in CLW8Chittaranjan. 2fter achieving self-sufficienc# in 6teal Loco production, CLW changed over to manufacture of +iesel B /lectric Locomotives and Traction 5otors. Conse7uentl#, heav# 6team Locomotive castings graduall# tapered from (&31-30 on ards and gave a# to intricate, light eight steel castings for /lectric8+iesel Locomotives, Traction 5otors and 9igh 6peed Wagons

Mo# rnis$tion o. T "-no0ogy:

6teel "oundr# as moderni<ed ith the state-of-art technolog# of 58s :ock ell .nternational Corporation (no 58s 2tchison Castings, F62) a leader in casting technolog# for $ogies and has changed over completel# to this technolog# from (&&=-&>.




0 ?oun#ry is $""r #it # 2itISO .or 7668:=666 its Au$0ity

pr stigious " rti.i"$tion syst ); St up 2it-

0 ?oun#ry -$s "o) .0ying "o0ours1

r $ssuring our "o))it) nts to Au$0ity $n# # #i"$tion to

"usto) r s$tis.$"tion; St 0 ?oun#ry -$s stri/ # "onst$nt0y to i)pro/ t- Au$0ity $n# # / 0op) nts sugg st # ,y its )p0oy s $n# intro#u"tion o. n 2 )$t ri$0s $n# pro" ss s;

Ot- r It )s

Ot- r It )s

Panels : The Switchgear ) *elay panels of the 'lectric Locomotives WAP+, ) WAG+- an! !rivers !esk are assem le! in+ house% The frames of these Switchgear ) *elay Panels are partly procure! from tra!e an! partly fa ricate! in house % .or /+phase A" locos% panels like H&+0)H&+1% S&+0)S&+1% .ilter cu icle an! Drivers Desk are assem le! an! wire! in+house% Static Equipment & Contactors : "LW also un!ertakes manufacture of Smoothing *eactor 2SL3% 4n!uctive shunt2S536 'lectro Pneumatic)'lectro


#agnetic "ontactors% Shell :

"LW un!ertakes complete manufacture of shell% The manufacture of shell involves ma7or fa rication works an!


CLW is under the direct administrative control of 5inistr# of :ail a#s. The unit headed !# a ?eneral 5anager, ho is assisted !# various 9eads of +epartment responsi!le for their


individual spheres of activit#. The list of the present 2dministration and their contact telephone num!ers is as follo s K-




?eneral 5anager Mr; <;B; Murty

Chief /Aecutive %fficer

Chittaranjan Locomotive Works @.% Chittaranjan +ist . $urd an (W.$) @.N- 3(000( "2N K M&((0)()1=1=>)( Tel K M&((0)()1=1==;;

Chief /lectrical /ngineer 5r. @. @radhan Chief 5echanical /ngineer 5r. ,.4.'ain "inancial 2dviser BChief 2ccount officer 5r.+ipankar Lahiri

9ead of /lectrical /ngg. functions 9ead of 5echanical /ngg. functions 9ead of "inance B 2ccounts functions

Tel K M&((0)()1=1==;>

Tel K M&((0)()1=1==;*

Tel K M&((0)()1=1==(;

2ontroller of :tores <r. C.(.&u%ta

4ead of <aterial <anagement functions

)elD ?,687.692!2!67.82hittaranEan9 )el D?,687792262162@82alcutta9 )el D ?,687792262.0.78Fa-9

2hief Cersonnel >fficer <r. AngraE <ohan 2hief Cublic Relations >fficer <r. 3. Candey

4ead of 4uman Resource functions 4ead of Cublic Relations functions

)el D ?,687.692!2!!62

)el D ?,687.692!2!!71

I Stru"tur upto JA4 L / 0

A#)inistr$tion ?in$n" E0 "tri"$0 M "-$ni"$0 < rsonn 0 M$t ri$0


M #i"$0 Vigi0$n" <u,0i" R 0$tions S "urity Ci/i0 Engin ring

Ho2 to r $"- CLW

Layout ma


Chittaran5an %ocomoti,e 4or)s C$% &, located in the land of 'iswa (harati , a great educational and cultural seat in the world, is the premier electric loco producer in this country. )ituated at the border of est (engal and *harkhand, it is about +, kms away from !sansol and is situated today was a small ,+- kms from .olkata, the state capital. The place where $%

unknown hamlet of )anthals in the pre"industriali/ation era. 0nce the construction of the loco unit started, a wave of all round development reached this distant place and gradually it has become a modern railway township e1uipped with all modern facilities. )pread over an area of 12.+3 s1. kms , $% houses workshops, offices, schools college, staff 1uarters, cinema hall,

indoor stadium and auditorium. !part from its e4pertise in rolling out state" of"the"art electric locos and providing 5ndian 6ailways much needed motive power, $hittaran7an is also a hot spot for nature lovers, and all those who want to soothe their frayed nerves in the lap of mother nature. visit $hittaran7an from 9ovember to :arch every year. 5ts serene environment, lush green fields and plethora of unknown birds welcome all visitors. 5t8s ideal to ;very winter, migratory birds, after covering thousand miles come to the seven lakes within the township. 5f you are a nature lover, you will surely be delighted to get a glimpse of $% s flora and fauna. $ome and e4plore this treasure trove.

I 4$00 ry 8 :

Lo"o)oti/ s



I 4$00 ry 8 :

Lo"o)oti/ s



WA4!7 ! T- %H $/y H$u0' ?r ig-t 0o"o)oti/ o. IR:! Rail Freight market which is registering a remarkable growth since 2000, has also triggered a buoyancy in demand for Electric Freight locomotives. Almost 60 6! " of #R$s freight handling takes %lace over #R$s Electrified &olden 'uadrilaterals and (iagonals , though it accounts for only 2! " of its route kilometrage . &olden 'uadrilateral and (iagonals being saturated routes, need heavy through%ut and faster sectional clearance. )his is where these heavy haul and s%eedier *A&+, locos %lay a 5666 H<1 =+ KV1 3! p-$s significant role. )his &em of a loco is indeed Lo"o)oti/ WA4!7 a rail o%erator$s delight.)his si- a-le loco with a-le and nose sus%ended drive is designed to give a starting tractive effort of .60 /0 and ma-imum braking effort of 260 /0. Rated 6000 h%, the loco has also been successfully ada%ted to give !01 /0 of starting tractive effort with additional ballast. This loco also is capable to give 6000 hp on rail upto its rated speed of 100 kmph which gives superior section clearing capability especially in handling speed restriction.

?r ig-t E0 "tri"


N # :! Due to advanced mechanical design especially those of bogies, the locomotive has low unsprung masses and is truly track friendly. Presently !P"# is the only passenger locomotive with fully suspended drive. !nti"collision posts give locomotive superior crash worthiness. The fleet of !P"# class locomotives is now being geared up for the proposed 1#0 kmph services S$0i nt D t$i0s :!
4$ug Continuous H< St$rting Tr$"ti/ M$B1 Sp Br $(ing # ..ort (>3> mm >;;; )>;4N ()3t) (;; kmph 2ir, :egenerative

Wheel Aggangement System Voltage Weight of loco Type

2o+2o. 2!/3 A2, !0 45. 627t. Freight


)his !000 4C locomotive was evolved to meet the re;uirement of hauling longer trains of 2. coaches at higher s%eed u% to 670 km%h over #ndian railways. )his loco is %resently hauling im%ortant high+s%eed trains on #ndian Railways. )hese are sia-les loco with a-le and nose sus%ended drive.
+666 H< =+ KV AC WA< 9 <$ss ng r E0 "tri" Lo"o)oti/ ;

# :!

Due to advanced mechanical design especially those of bogies, the locomotive has low unsprung masses and is truly track friendly. Presently !P"# is the only passenger locomotive with fully suspended drive. !nti"collision posts give locomotive superior crash worthiness. The fleet of !P"# class locomotives is now being geared up for the proposed 1#0 kmph services S$0i nt D t$i0s :!


syst ) C0$ss o. Lo"o Tr$"( 4$ug AB0 Br$( $rr$ng ) nt Syst )

1= 4,, 2C, =; 9<. W2@-) (>3> mm ($road ?auge) Co-Co 2ir and :heostatic

Total weight Wheel Diameter Length over uffers Panto locke! !own height Traction #otor type "ontinuous Power at Wheel *im Starting Tractive 'ffort "ontrol System Voltage

662.1 ? 6" t.F 60,2 mm 80ew9 , 6066 mm 8Full worn9 61@,. mm .272.! mm 4: 6!2!0A, (2 :eries <otor !000 4C 70.1 t 660 3 (2

4$00 ry 3 :

S-op ?0oor $"ti/iti s


48.*AST*("T(*' AVA4LA&L' AS 98 :0%,%1:00 0%

=6>/%/-/ s?% m% 16/>6=,/ s?% m%

Lan! area un!er workshop< Total plinth area in shops inclu!ing stores she!

>@ 0:/ 0:6,>@ 1-@: Total 01=/-

G*9(P +A G*9(P +& G*9(P +" G*9(P +D



area 0=%/, S?%

Total km

Length of *oa! *esi!ential Auarters Hospitals Health (nits "ommunity Halls 9pen Air Theatre "inema Halls #arkets "lu s 4nstitutes School 2*ly%3 Schools 28on+*ly%3 ;en!riyaVi!yalaya "ollege ,%P9W'*

1:/ >6/@B :0 ::= :0 :1 ::0 :, 0B 0B :0 :0

km% nos% nos% nos% nos% no% nos% nos% no% nos% nos% nos% no% no%



#a$imum "ontract !eman!

"onsumption of 'lectricity 2p%a%3 #illion units


History+ last


A&9(T "H4TTA*A85A8 L9"9#9T4V' W9*;S Pro!uction of D" Traction #otors an! "ontrol '?uipment commence! in April6 0>B-% "urrently oth D" D A" traction motors are eing manufacture!% Steel foun!ry was set up in 0>B1+B/ for manufacture of cast steel loco parts% "LW has in house facilities for machining an! assem ly of wheel sets6 fa rication an! machining of ogies etc% The facilities inclu!e mo!ern "8" machines6 plasma+cutting machines6 inert gas wel!ing sets etc *iver A7ay flows past "LW along its northern si!e% Workshops6 offices an! ?uarters are sprea! over the whole are with ample space in etween E surroun!e! y greenery an! trees% There are several water o!ies in "LW e$hi iting a lush green environment which attract a large num er of migratory ir!s every year% A variety of flora an! fauna can e seen here all the year roun!% Long efore others ecame environment conscious6 "LW a!ministration starte! planting trees6 thus turning an ari! area into a green one% 4n 0>>B alone >:6::: saplings were plante! with the help of the Social .orestry Division of Government of West &engal% 4n 1::@ also @:6::: saplings have een plante! with the help of same agency% The A!ministration is regularly e!ucating the staff an! encouraging them to preserve the environment% *ecently6 an immense amount of work has een !one6 with a view to conserve the 'nvironment6 as well as using of all the e$isting natural resources in an eco+frien!ly manner% The efforts have een recogniFe! y the Worl! 'nvironment .oun!ation an! the Gol!en Peacock award for Environment Management 2006, has been conferred on 9th June 2006. "LW has complie! fully with the provisions of the 4n!ustrial Safety

L9"9 ASS'#&LC SH9P


Act6 0>,=% "LW in its safety policy aims to ensure 0::G safety for all workers working in "hittaran7an Locomotive Works% C ! is the "roud reci"ient of the #afet$ innovation award 2006. %he award was conferred on C ! on 6th #e"tember, 2006 b$ the #afet$ and &ua'it$ forum of the (nstitute of Engineers )(ndia*. !e re"eated the i''ustrious "erformance in the $ear 2009 and C ! was again conferred the #afet$ innovation award on +0.09.09.

C ! has continued its e,ce''ent "erformance and has been successfu' in "roducing a record best number of 220 'ocos in 2009-.0. C ! ce'ebrated its /iamond Jubi'ee $ear in 2009-.0 % The year saw a num er of cele rations% A kite flying "ompetition was hel! on #arch6 1::>6 to commemorate "LWHs stepping into its Diamon! 5u ilee year% The programme rought together the resi!ents of the township 6 in cele rating the Diamon! 5u ilee year % .ew parks were also renovate! in this year% The first electric locomotive 2WAP+-type no% /:1--3 with Hea! 9n Generation 2H9G3 scheme was flagge! off on /:th 5une6 1:0: y G#)"LW% The first /+phase 'lectric locomotive 2WAG+> Loco no% /01>03fitte! with "a Air+"on!itioning System in "hittaran7an Locomotive Works2"LW3 was flagge! off an! !e!icate! to the service of the nation on /0%0%1:00 4n!ian Steam *ailway Society at >th 8ational Steam "ongress organise! y 4n!ian Steam railways Society on 0=th .e 1:01 at 8ational *ail #useum 68ew Delhi felicitate! "LW for the outstan!ing contri ution in the Steam loco pro!uction in the country% ShriSan7ivHan!a6 #em er #echanical6 *ly &oar! han!e! over the #emento an! "ertificate which were receive! y Shri*a!heyShyam 6 General #anager6 "LW%

8ew Pro7ects

8'W P*95'"TS .un! un!er plan hea! ,1:: 2"apital3 Augmentation of facilities for enhancement capacity of Three phase locos to @: locos per year% 2AP+@:3
Augmentation of facilities for enhancement capacity of / phase locos to @: locos per year% 4n long term perspective6 pro!uction of /+ phase locos at "LW will increase an! pro!uction of conventional locos will re!uce! gra!ually%

Pro7ect for creation of a!!itional facility for enhancing


the pro!uction capacity of "LW up to 1:: locos per year%2AP+1::3

Pro7ect for creation of a!!itional facility for enhancing the pro!uction capacity of "LW up to 1:: locos per year% This was re?uire! to enhance the pro!uction capacity of "LW to 1:: locos per annum 2inclu!ing @: three phase locos per annum3 to meet the increase! loco re?uirement of 4n!ian *ailway%

#o!erniFation an! augmentation of pro!uction capacity from 1:: to 1-@ locos per year%2AP+1-@3
#o!erniFation an! augmentation of pro!uction capacity from 1:: to 1-@ locos per year% The !eman! of electric locomotives is going up continuously to cope with the increase in freight traffic an! passenger traffic an! to take care of re?uirements of new routes of electrifie!% With increase! electric locomotives re?uirement6 "LW shall pro!uce at the rate of 1-@ locomotives per year%

'lectric Locomotive .actory at Dankuni6 West &engal

The unit will work as an ancillary unit of "LW% 4nitially state of art /+phase high HP locomotive with regenerative reaking of B::: HP 2WAG+>3 electric locomotive will e turne! out% Su se?uently6 the infrastructural facilities shall e utiliFe! for the pro!uction of >::: HP locomotives in future%

"entre of e$cellence for !esign 6 !evelopment D evaluation of a!vance! technology system for electrical rolling stock%
The purpose of esta lishing the "entre of '$cellence is to !evelop capa ility for !esigning6 !evelopment an! evaluation of a!vance! technology systems for 'lectric *olling Stock% The i!ea is to ecome a technology e$porter from present status of technology importer in *olling Stock e?uipments% The main enefit that will accrue from this pro7ect is that we shall ecome self reliant in the fiel! of !evelopment of 'lectric *olling Stock e?uipments which will come in a ig way not only for the !omestic re?uirement of a!option of new technology in rolling stock ut we shall e in a position to cater to the emerging worl! market as per the customiFe! re?uirement of !ifferent countries%

Shri*a!heyShyam6 General #anager of "LW receives #emento from Shri S% Han!a6 #em er #echanical 6 *ailway &oar! at >th 8ational Steam "ongress at 8ew Delhi on 0=%:1%1:01% "urrently there is no !ata or recor! availa le%



!AP " 7 : 6000 # $ a%$ &'(' 140 )m/#*+' + ,,-$ 3" #a+, -*./,' I0t,*%.ty a0- .0t,*+tat, 1a*, 1*.,0-2y Pa++,03,* ma*),t #a+ o1 2at, +#o40 a +t*o03 a0- +u+ta.0,- 3*o4t# .0 *,%,0t t.m,+' T#.+ ma*),t 0,,-+ /,*y o4,*1u2 E2,%t*.% 2o%o+ 4#.%# %a0 #au2 24 to 26 %oa%#,+ at + ,,-+ .0 t#, *a03, o1 130/ 140 )m #' To m,,t t#, +u*3.03 -,ma0-+ o1 t#.+ ama5.032y ,6 2o-.03 Pa++,03,* ma*),t +,3m,0t$ CL! #a+ %om, out 4.t# a 6000 7'P 2o%o *, E2,%t*.% 2o%o *o-u%t 8 !AP"7'


!AP " 5 : 5450 # $25 )V a%$ &'(' 160 )m/#*' + ,,-$3" #a+, -*./, !AP"5 %2a++ 2o%omot./,+ ,m 2oy a-/a0%,- %o0t*o2 a0*o u2+.o0 t,%#0o2o3y a0- a*, %a a92, to -,2./,* 5450 # o0 *a.2' T#, 2o%omot./, #a+ a22 t#, #a22ma*)+ o1 a #.3#"+ ,,*o u2+.o0 u0.t /.5' 2.3#t 4,.3#t$ 1u22y +u+ ,0-,- -*./, a0-.+% 9*a),' T#ou3# *,+,0t2y$ .t #a+ 9,,0 %,*t.1.,- 1o* 160 )m # o ,*at.o0$ t#, 2o%omot./, #a+ 9,,0 -,+.30,- to 3./, a +,*/.%, + ,,- o1 200 )m # 4.t# t,+t + ,,- ot,0t.a2 o1 225 )m #' S.0%, IR .+ %u**,0t2y 1a%.03 +,/,*, %om ,t.t.o0 .0 P*, Pa++,03,* 9u+.0,++ ma*),t 1*om %omm,*%.a2 a.*2.0,+$ +oo0,* o* 2at,*$


!A( " 9 : 6000 # $ 25)V a%$ &'('$1*,.3#t 2o%omot./,$ 100 )m/#*+' 3" #a+, -*./,


Ra.2 :*,.3#t ma*),t 4#.%# .+ *,3.+t,*.03 a *,ma*)a92, 3*o4t# +.0%, 2000$ #a+ a2+o t*.33,*,- a 9uoya0%y .0 -,ma0- 1o* E2,%t*.% :*,.3#t 2o%omot./,+' A2mo+t 60 8 65 ; o1 IR8+ 1*,.3#t #a0-2.03 ta),+ 2a%, o/,* IR8+ E2,%t*.1.,- (o2-,0 <ua-*.2at,*a2+ a0- =.a3o0a2+ $ t#ou3# .t a%%ou0t+ 1o* o02y 25 ; o1 .t+ *out, ).2om,t*a3, '


!A( " 7 : 5000 7P$25 )V a%$ &*oa- (a3, >&(?1'676m$ + ,,- 100 )m/#*+' >o0 I0-.a0 R2y+'t*a%)?'Ta %#a03,*/ =C T*a%t.o0 @oto* t,%#0o2o3y


!AP " 4 : 5000 # $25)V$ a%$ &'('1'676 m + ,,- 130 )m/#*+' $Ta %#a03,* / =C T*a%t.o0 @oto* t,%#0o2o3y




A? CAST It,m+: 7S Ca+0u9 &o3., 1o* &OBN7L 4a3o0+' :2,6.%o.2 &o3., 1o* !AP"4 2o%o' :2,6.%o.2 &o2+t,* 1o* !AP"4 2o%o' Co"Co &o3., &( 1o* !A("5 D !=@"2 Lo%o' Ca+0u9 &o2+t,*' Ca+0u9 S.-, :*am,' C,0t*, P./ot To a0- &ottom 1o* Ca+0u9 &o3.,+' Su+ ,0+.o0 tu9, 1o* 7.ta%#. T@' Su+ ,0+.o0 tu9, 1o* &7EL T@' Su+ ,0+.o0 tu9, 1o* !=@"3= 2o%o' Roto* C2am 1o* 7.ta%#. T@' Commutato* S .-,* 1o* 7.ta%#. T@' C,0t*, P./ot 1o* !AP"4 2o%o' &a22a+t &2o%)+ 1o* !A("9 2o%o' &a22a+t !,.3#t+ 1o* !A("7 2o%o' !#,,2+ 1o* To4,* Ca*' !#,,2+ 1o* Po4,* Ca*' !#,,2+ 1o* Na**o4 (au3, Coa%#,+' !#,,2+ 1o* Na**o4 (au3, 2o%o' E0u%)2, 1o* C& Cou 2,*' Cou 2,* &o-y 1o* C& Cou 2,*' Co), 1o* C- Cou 2,*' St*.),* Ca+t.03+ 1o* C& Cou 2,*' Cou0t,* !,.3#t S2a9+ 1o* 140T S2a9+ 1o* 140T &*,a)-o40 C*a0,+' !oo-,0 C2,at+$ !,-3,+$ &att,*y &o6,+$ ,t%' &? :A&RICATE= ITE@S: Lo03 &,am+ D E0- St*u%tu*, 1o* !AP"4 Lo%o' E0- St*u%tu*, D E0- &o6 1o* !A("7 2o%o'

(*a-, o1 St,,2: St,,2 :ou0-*y ma0u1a%tu*,+ +t,,2 %a+t.03+ 3,0,*a22y %om 2a.0t 4.t# 3*a-,+ IS"1030 a0- AAR"201' To m,,t t#, *,Fu.*,m,0t+ o1 -.11,*,0t *o-u%t+$ St,,2 :ou0-*y #a- ,a*2.,* 9,,0 *o%,++.03 ,.3#t -.11,*,0t 3*a-,+ o1 m,ta2' St,,2 :ou0-*y #a+ 9,,0 +u%%,++1u2 .0 *at.o0a2.5.03 t#, +am, to 1./, 3*a-,+ o02y 4.t#out a11,%t.03 a0y m,ta22u*3.%a2$ %#,m.%a2 o* #y+.%a2 *o ,*t.,+' T#.+ #a+ *,+u2t,- .0 .m *o/,m,0t .0 *o-u%t./.ty' 37

=.11,*,0t 3*a-,+ o1 +t,,2 1o* %a+t.03+ a*, a+ 1o22o4+:" (*a-, Com o+.t.o0 .0 P,*%,0ta3, Ca*9o0 @a03a0,+, Su2 #u* P#o+ #o*u+ S.2.%o0 >ma6'? >ma6? >@a6? (*a-,"I 0'22 G 0'26 0'08 G 1'00 0'025 0'025 0'50 (*a-,"II 0'18 G 0'22 0'70 G 0'90 0'040 0'040 0'50 (*a-," III 0'20 G 0'32 1'40 G 1'85 0'030 0'030 0'065

9thers 9ther 4tems


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