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Some important points to be noted for specia c ass abo!t " p#$ Loco$ A ocomoti%e is man!fact!red b& t#e assemb & of fi%e parts' s!c# as roof' !nder frame' dri%ers cab' mac#ine room' and bo(ie$ ROO)* A roof is consistin( of resister #armonic fi ter' s!r(e arrestor' roof ine' panto(rap#' Main circ!it brea+er' Transd!cer etc$ ,N-ER )RAME*An !nder frame consist of fo!r ma.or parts* Main compressor' Transformer' circ!it bra+er batter&' batteries bo/$ MACHINE ROOM* T#e mac#ine room of a t#ree p#ase ocomoti%e main & consists of a!/i iar& reser%oir' A!/i iar& compressor' a!/i iar& con%erter bo/*0' A!/i iar& con%erter bo/*1'Sca%an(e b o2er to traction motor b o2er'3oi coo in( !nit *0' Sca%en(e b o2er capacitor to mac#ine room b o2er*0' Sca%en(e b o2er to mac#ine room b o2er* 0'Sca%an(e b o2er to mac#ine room b o2er *1' Sca%en(e b o2er capacitor to mac#ine room b o2er *1'contro e ectronics pne!matic manifo d' pne!matic pane ' Traction con%erter *0' traction con%erter *1' oi p!mp con%erter *0' oi p!mp con%erter *1 '%i(i ance contro e4!ipment' c!bica a!/i iar& circ!its*0 ' c!bica contro circ!its*0' 51 'oi coo in( !nit' transformer3 con%erter$' centra e ectronics*0 centra e ectronics*1 -RIVERS CA6* -ri%er7s cab of WA8*9 e ectric ocomoti%e main & consists of fo o2in( accessories* Cre2 fan* :1nos$ amp for dri%er7s des+ i !mination' pne!matic #orn' emer(enc& f as#er i(#t ' amp for assistant dri%er7s des+ i !mination ' pane *A'pane *6'pane *C5pane * -'contro e%er for #orn* :1 nos$'Speedometer' 2iper motor' Re%erser' TE36E T#rott e bra+e #and e for direct oco bra+e' bra+e #and e for a!tomatic train bra+e' foot s2itc# ;SAN-IN8'< )oot s2itc# for re ease of oco bra+e' foot s2itc# ;%i(i ance< ' emer(enc& bra+e coc+' par+in( bra+e (a!(e 6O8IE* T#e bo(ie of t#ree p#ase oco is main & consistin( of t#e fo o2in( accessories = s!c# as sandin( bo/ :1nos$' primar& s!spension damper' primar& s!spension sprin(' secondar& s!spension &a2 damper' secondar& s!spension %ertica damper' secondar& s!spension sprin( '#ori>onta damper' 2#ee f an(e !brication reser%oir 'safet& c#ain' 2#ee set (!ide$ bo(ie frame ' 2#ee bra+e b oc+ 'brea+ e%er 'bra+e c& inder ' bra+e rod '2#ee f an(e 'sandin( pipe' traction in+' and anti compo!ndin( %a %e$ 6RIE) -ESCRI?TION O) THE LOCO T#e WA8*9 5WA8*9H is a #i(# speed main ine ocomoti%e for #a! in( )RI8HT trains and WA?*@is a #i(# speed main ine ocomoti%e for #a! in( passen(er trains$ T#is ocomoti%e is a do!b e ended desi(n ' 2#ic# means t#at t#ere are a dri%ers7s cab at bot# end and co!p in( e ements at bot# end of t#e ocomoti%e $T2o bo(ie assemb ies

s!pport t#e entire 2ei(#t of t#e ocomoti%e and pro%ide a means for transmission of t#e tracti%e effort of t#e rai s$ T#e bo(ies are desi(ned to 2it#stand t#e stresses and %ibrations res! tin( from norma ro in( stoc+ app ications$ An important f!nction of t#e bo(ie is to absorb and iso ate s#oc+ ca!sed b& %ibrations in t#e trac+ bed$ T#e s!spension s&stem minimi>es t#e transmission of t#ese s#oc+s to t#e ocomoti%e !nder frame$ T#e traction motor are s!spended in t#e bo(ie frame and on t#e indi%id!a a/is $t#e motors transmit t#eir ener(& to t#e dri%in( a/ es t#ro!(# a (ear bo/ mo!nted on t#e dri%in( a/ e$ T#e force from t#e dri%in( a/ es is transmitted to t#e contact point bet2een t#e 2#ee tread and t#e rai $

= MECHANICAL )EAT,RES T#e t#ree a/ es' t#ree motors co* co bo(ie assemb ies' is one of t#e ma.or parts of t#e ocomoti%e$ T2o bo(ies s!pport t#e entire 2ei(#t of t#e ocomoti%e and pro%ide a means for transmission of t#e tracti%e effort to t#e rai s$ T#e bo(ies are desi(ned to 2it#stand t#e stresses and %ibrations res! tin( from norma A ro in( stoc+ app ications$ An important f!nction of t#e bo(ie is to absorb and iso ate s#oc+ ca!sed b& %ibrations in t#e trac+ bed$ T#e s!spension s&stem minimi>es t#e transmission of t#ese s#oc+s to t#e ocomoti%e !nder frame$ T#e traction motors are s!spended in t#e bo(ie frame and on t#e indi%id!a a/is $t#e motors transmit t#eir ener(& to t#e dri%in( a/ es t#ro!(# a (ear bo/ mo!nted on t#e dri%in( a/ e$ T#e force from t#e dri%in( a/ es is transmitted to t#e contact point bet2een t#e 2#ee tread and t#e rai $ Traction force is' in t!rn' transmitted t#ro!(# t#e a/ e .o!rna bo/es and (!ide rods to t#e bo(ie frame$ T#e p!s#* p! in+ rod' connected bet2een t#e bo(ie transom and car !nder frame' transmit t#e tracti%e forces to t#e car bod&$ T#e WA89'9H is e4!ipped 2it# t#e fo o2in( pne!matic bra+in( s&stemB A!tomatic train bra+e 'direct oco bra+e'par+in( bra+e 'and anti*spin bra+e' as 2it# t#e tracti%e effort 'bra+in( effort is transmitted to t#e bo(ie frame b& t#e a/ e .o!rna bo/es and (!ide rods and from t#e bo(ie frame to t#e ocomoti%e b& t#e traction rods$ Iso ation and absorption of s#oc+ oads and %ibration is performed b& t#e primar& and secondar& s!spension $ Mo%ement bet2een t#e car bod& and bo(ie is smoot# & contro ed b& t#e primar& and secondar& s!spension$ A t#o!(# t#e sprin(s permit free mo%ement in an& direction ' atera b!ffers and dampers imit t#e amo!nt and rate of atera mo%ement $ Rebo!nd imit c#ains and %ertica dampers imit t#e amo!nt and rate of %ertica rebo!nd of t#e ocomoti%e car bod& $Ca2 D on(it!dina E dampers contro t#e car bod& pitc# rate$ 8!ide rods contro t#e fore and aft mo%ement bet2een t#e a/ es and t#e bo(ie frame' 2#i e t#e in+ rod contro s t#e fore and aft mo%ement bet2een t#e bo(ies and t#e ocomoti%e car bod&$

T#e primar& s!spension' ocated bet2een t#e a/ es and t#e bo(ie frame' is pro%ided b& t2in coi sprin(s on t#e a/ e .o!rna bo/ ' fore and aft of t#e a/ e ine $ Vertica #&dra! ic dampers are !sed to dampen t#e rebo!nd rate of t#e sprin(s $T#is ;) e/i coi <arran(ement permits atera mo%ement of t#e a/ e$ Lon(it!dina contro of t#e a/ e' and t#e transmissionof tracti%e ad bra+in( effort to t#e bo(ie frame $' is pro%ided b& t#e (!ide rods connected bet2een t#e a/ e .o!rna bo/es and bo(ie frame $ Sp#erib oc+ r!bber b!s#es in t#e (!ide rods a o2 t#e a/ e atera mo%ement 2it#o!t !nd!e restriction$ Secondar& s!spension is a so pro%ided b& coi sprin(s and %ertica #&dra! ic dampers' ocated bet2een t#e bo(ie frame and t#e ocomoti%e !nder frame on eac# side of t#e bo(ie $ t#e 2ei(#t of t#e ocomoti%e car bod& is carried b& t#e secondar& s!spension sprin( $ T#e ;)LEFI* )LOAT< arran(ement of t#e secondar& s!spension a o2s t#e ocomoti%e car bod& to mo%e bot# atter & and %ertica & 2it#in certain imits re ati%e to t#e bo(ies$ ASTM*American societ& for testin( and materia $ AISI*American iron and stee ind!str&$ MAIN TRANS)ORMER* T#e main transformer is #o!sed in an a !min!m tan+A it is mo!nted !nder frame bet2een t#e t2o bo(ies$ TRACTION CONVERTER* T#e mac#ine room contains one traction con%erter per bo(ie 2it# 1*point s2itc#in( $ T#is comprises a ine con%erter DNSRE and a t#ree p#ase dri%e con%erter DASRE T#e traction motors are s!pp ied 2it# po2er direct & b& t2o re e%ant bo(ie se ecti%e dri%e con%erter 2it# appropriate contro e ectronics$ AFLE -RIVE* T#ree e/terna & %enti ated t#ree p#ase as&nc#rono!s s4!irre ca(e motors of t&pe G)RAG:GHare insta ed on bot# bo(ies $ t#e t#ree traction motors on eac# bo(ie are s!pp ied 2it# po2er b& one traction con%erter$ 8M t&pe a!to drain %a %e is mo!nted in t#e air drier of t#e oco$ -*0 t&pe a!to drain %a %e is mo!nted in t#e reser%oir of t#e ocomoti%e$
MALLEA6LE CAST IRONB* Ma eab e cast iron is a #eat treated iron carbon a o& ' 2#ic# so idifies in as cast condition 2it# a (rap#ite free str!ct!re 't#at is 't#e tota carbon content present in t#e combined form as cementite D)e"CE$ t#ere are t#ree t&pes of ma eab e cast iron $ %i>$ 2#ite #eart' b ac+ #eart' para &tic t&pe dependin( !pon c#emica composition' time c&c e d!rin( annea in( process and


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