"BLOG APPLICATION" Enable The Employees of The Organization To Create An

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In the fast and rapid developing world computer technologies and their development play a key role. By using the available computer technologies, one can computerize any system to speedup the work efficiently and effectively. The project BLOG APPLICATION enable the employees of the organization to create an account for his blog, add posts and manage them. Blogs are an excellent way to share knowledge, interests within the organization and have interesting comments and discussions. ur Blog !pplication is an Intranet application, which is developed for the employees within our rganization. The users can create their own blog account and can post their views and comments and can publish it others to view. There is an !dmin who maintains the entire application. The users are classified into two types "egistered #sers and $isitors. The "egistered #sers are the employees who have a blog account, and they can create their own post and can publish it for others to view. This "egistered #ser can also view other%s posts and can comment on them and rate them. &e can make a post as a draft and can edit it later and then publish it. &e can also delete his own post if he wants. &e can add an image to his post and it is restricted to one image a post. The $isitor is the employee who doesn%t have a blog account. 'o he can only view others posts and he can comment on them and can rate them. &e cannot create any post and publish it. The $isitor can create his own blog account by registering. &e will be given a blog name through which he will be known to others. Then he is recognized as a "egistered #ser and then he can create his own posts and publish it. The !dmin is the person who maintains the entire system. The admin has the rights to delete the abuse posts, block the abuse users, and generates the reports such as deleted posts, blocked users, list of all users. The posts that are rated as abuse by more than five users is notified to the admin. Then the admin reads it and if it is really abused, he deletes it and increases the users abuse count and if the users abuse count exceeds three, then he is notified to the admin, and the admin blocks the user. (ata !rchives is in monthly wise. It consists of two types, data archives in the home page and in the user page. In the home page if the user clicks the data archive, it shows all the months in the year in which the posts are made. !nd each month contains the post made by all the users. If we click the month then it will i

show all the posts made by different users. )hereas in the user%s page the data archive shows all the posts that are made only by the user in that particular month. (ifferent concepts like Tags and Tiles are used in our Blog !pplication. Tags are nothing but a way of displaying the categories based on the number of posts in it. The *ont size of the categories increases according to the number of posts in it.


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