NS - Excercise 04

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Assignment: Ch.

07 Firewall
Part 1: The Basics a. b. c. d. e. Define Firewall. What are the types of firewall? describe them briefly. Explain three situation when a rewall is required? To create a firewall rule there is some basic criteria that must be set. What are they? Does a rewall have to black a particular trafc both inbound (to protected site) & outbound (from protected site)? Why or why not? Which active attacks are you able to prevent by restricting access on the firewall? Note: This question presuppose you to do activity in Part 3: Simulation 2.


Part 2: Simulation 1 a. Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and run this file Quick Tutorial: Choose no firewall and click next. The following screen will appear:

Click the Blue PLAY button. Note that the traffic flows both from the cloud or internet to the client machines. By default, there is no malicious traffic flowing to the machines. Click on the OS Exploit option. Eventually, youll see a similar red colored bug flow from the internet into the local area network and land on a machine, infecting the machine. Once a machine is infected, it is marked as such with the international No emblem. Let us see how configuring a firewall will help prevent such infections.

b. Make a new scenario. Choose Perimeter Firewall, save as Scenario_PermitAll.dat

c. Create a rule/rules in Options Define Firewall 1 Rules to Allow all TCP and UDP traffic from cloud to 192.168.1.* and 192.168.2.*, and vice versa, make sure you ticked all the active attacks available to see whatll happen.

Part 3: Simulation 2 Download the Workstation Database scenario from and save it to your computer. Choose File -> new to restart the program and click load from file button, pointing the program to the file you downloaded. This scenario was configured so that workstations can pass through Firewall 2 and gain access to the database. Firewall 1 has an allow all traffic rule set so all information is passed through to the network and from the network to the servers. Write rules to prevent active attacks from passing through Firewall 1 and attacking the database.

Part 4: Submitting this Assignment Compress the .PDF file from part 1 along with .DAT files from part 2 and 3 (.zip is preferred) then upload to this site before 18/11/2013 00:00 AM.

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