Introduction To Statistics Worksheet

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Name: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Introduction to Statistics Worksheet 1. Statistics is defined as the science of collecting, describing, and interpreting data. Using your o n ords, rite a sentence about each of the aforementioned statistical acti!ities.

". Determine if the follo ing statement is descripti!e or inferential in nature: a. #f all U.S. $indergarten teachers, %"& say that $no ing the alphabet is an essential s$ill. b. #f the '(( U.S. $indergarten teachers polled, %"& say that $no ing the alphabet is an essential s$ill. %. #f the U.S. adult population, %)& has an allergy. * sample of 1"(( randomly selected adults resulted in %%."& reporting an allergy. a. Describe the population. b. +hat is the sample, c. Describe the !ariable. d. -dentify the statistic and gi!e its !alue. e. -dentify the parameter and gi!e its !alue. .. -n your o n ords, e/plain hy the parameter is fi/ed and the statistic !aries.

0. -s a football 1ersey number a 2uantitati!e or 2ualitati!e !ariable, Support your ans er.

). * ne department store is getting ready to open. 3he store o ner ants t o $no 4 a. 3 o 2ualitati!e !ariables about its customers that he might find helpful.

b. 3 o 2uantitati!e !ariables about its customers that he might find helpful.

5. 6/plain hy the !ariable score for the home team at a bas$etball game is discrete.

Name: _________________________ Date: _________________________

'. 6/plain hy the !ariable number of minutes to dri!e to school is continuous.

7. 3he se!erity of side effects e/perienced by patients hile being treated ith a particular medicine is under study. 3he se!erity is measured on a scale: none, mild, moderate, se!ere, and !ery se!ere. a. Name the !ariable of interest. b. -dentify the type of !ariable. 1(. Students are being sur!eyed about the eight of boo$s and supplies they are carrying to class. a. -dentify the !ariable of interest. b. -dentify the type of !ariable. c. 8ist a fe !alues that might occur in a sample. 11. 3he admissions office ants to estimate the cost of te/tboo$s at US9. 8et the !ariable x be the total cost of all te/tboo$s purchased by a student this semester. 3he plan is to randomly identify 1(( students and obtain their total te/tboo$ costs. 3he a!erage cost for the 1(( students ill be used to estimate the a!erage cost for all students. a. Describe the parameter the admissions office ishes to estimate. b. Describe the population. c. Describe the !ariable in!ol!ed. d. Describe the sample. e. Describe the statistic and ho you ould use the 1(( data !ales collected to calculate the statistic.

1". Select 1( students currently enrolled at US9 and collect data for these three !ariables. 1: Number of courses enrolled in. ": 3otal cost of te/tboo$s and supplies. %: ;ethod of payment used for te/tboo$s and supplies. a. +hat is the population, b. +hat is the sample, c. 9lassify each of the three !ariables as 2ualitati!e or 2uantitati!e, discrete, or continuous. 1%. -dentify each as 2ualitati!e or 2uantitati!e. a. 3he brea$ing strength of a gi!en type of string b. 3he hair color of children auditioning for the musical Annie

Name: _________________________ Date: _________________________

c. 3he number of stop signs in to ns of less than 0(( people d. +hether or not a sin$ faucet is defecti!e e. 3he number of 2uestions ans ered correctly on the S*3 f. 3he length of time re2uired to ans er a telephone call at a certain real estate office 1.. Suppose a 1" year old as$ed you to e/plain the difference bet een a sample and a population, ho ould you e/plain it to him<her, =o might you e/plain hy you ould ant to ta$e a sample, rather than sur!eying e!ery member of the population,

10. -n your o n ords, e/plain the difference bet een a statistic and a parameter.

1). 9lassify each as nominal>le!el, ordinal>le!el, inter!al>le!el, or ratio>le!el data. a. =orsepo er of motorcycle engines b. 3? Sho ratings @poor, fair, good, e/cellent: c. 3ime re2uired by dri!ers to complete a night course d. Salaries of cashiers at the Aiggly +iggly for day shift and night shift e. ;arital status of respondents to a sur!ey on sa!ings accounts f. *ges of students enrolled in a martial arts course g. +eights of beef cattle fed a special diet h. Ban$ings of eight lifters i. Aages in the telephone boo$ for the city of 8os *ngeles 15. 6/plain the difference bet een -nferential and Descripti!e Statistics. Aro!ide at least one e/ample e ha!e not discussed in class.

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