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1. Write corresponding lisp expressions for the following and evaluate: (+ 12 45) 12+45 (+ 12 45 7 ) !

"r#itrar$ nu%#er of argu%ents 12+45+7 (+ 12 (& 45)) ! 'nar$ %inus 12+(&45) (+ 12 (& 45 7 )) ! (inar$ %inus 12+(45&7 ) (1+ () 2 *)) 1+2)* (1& (+ 2 *)) 1&(2+*) (+ *5 1*) *5+1* (+ *5., 1*.,) *5.,+1*., (+ *5 5) ! -nteger *5+5 (+ *4 5) ! .atio (float (+ *4 5)) ! /loating point nu%#er (& (+ 1 (+ (+ 2 *) () 4 5))) 0) 11(2+*+4)5)&0 (2)4)+(0& ) 25+(&*+4)3+(0+2+5) 2.a) 4ow %an$ ele%ents do each of the following lists have5 Write lisp expressions. (6789 :48 76; ("< ;66.= 4">)? ((6789) (:48 76; ("< ;66.=) 4">)? ((1 2 *) (4 5 0) (7 @) (1, 11 12))? ((698) /6. ">> ("9; (:W6 (/6. A8)))) #). /ind out whether the lists (a (# c) d) and ((a #) c d)are eBual. "ns:&(eBual C(a (# c) d) C(a (# c) d)) c) /ind out the first?second?third and rest fro% the following lists: (1 2 * 4)?((i hate) (peanut #utter) (and Dell$))?($ou (walrus (hurt) the (one $ou) love))?(add * (%ult 4 5))?(gar#age (gar#age) out)?(car ((in the garage) parE))? (deeper and (deeper and (deeper and (deeper we went)))) 4int:&'se predicates first? second?rest etc. d) i) 8xtract the ele%ent /-8 fro% the following lists: (/88 /-8 /68 /'A)? ((/88 /-8) (/68 /'A)) ii) 8xtract the ele%ent /68 fro% the following lists: (/88 /-8 /68 /'A) iii) /ind out the third and fourth ele%ent fro% the list of #) 4int:&'sing F". and F;. *. Get each word fro% the lists (((/'9)) (-9 :48) (='9))? (((>'8 F'(8) (.8; 7<."A-;)) 4int:&'sing F". and F;. 4. (uild the list (foo #ar #aH) fro% scratch using cons. 5. a) "ppend lists (1 2 *) and (4 5 0). 4int:&'se append function #) 7ut the s$%#ols IiJ? Ia%J ?IaJ? IstudentJ ?IofJ ?Idiat%J into a list. 4int:&'se list function 0. Write and evaluate the following using lisp predicates and the return t$pe. a) 7 is less than 11 #) 12 is odd c) :he s$%#ols IEirEJ and IspocEJ are eBual d) ItwelveJ is a nu%#er e) &4 is less than &* f) @ and &@ are eBual g) * less than and eBual to @ h) greater than and eBual to i) FhecE whether the following are lists: i) stitch ii) a stitch in ti%e D) FhecE whether the following are ato%s: i) 1 ii) golf iii) (hole in one) E) 7ut the following in the categor$ of string? nu%#er? float? integer? s$%#ol? odd nu%#er? even nu%#er Idiat%J? . ?0? add? *4? 17? Ihello worldJ


(K 7 11)? (oddp 12)? (eBual CEirE CspocE)? (nu%#erp 12)? (K &4 &*)? (eBual &@ @)? (KL* @)? (listp Cstitch)? (listp C(a stitch in ti%e))? (ato% 1 )? (ato% Cgolf)? (ato% C(hole in one))? (stringp Idiat%J)? (floatp . )? (s$%#olp Cdiat%)
7. Write a function? using car and cdr (or first and rest) which returns the third ele%ent of a list. "ns:& (defun our&third (x) (car (cdr (cdr x)))) (our&third C(a # c d)) . Write a function called (seconds&in&a&leap&$ear) which calculates the nu%#er of seconds in a leap $ear. "ns:&(defun seconds&in&a&leap&$ear () () 0, () 0, () 24 *00)))) @. Write a function (less&than&or&eBual&to x $)which returns t if x is less than or eBual to $. ;efine it using a logical operators and? or and not. "ns:&(defun less&than&or&eBual&to (x $) (or (K x $) (L x $))) 1,. Fo%pute three ti%es of x. "ns:&(defun triple (M) NFo%pute three ti%es M.N ! -nline co%%ents can () * M)) ! #e placed here. 11. 9egate the sign of a nu%#er "ns:&(defun negate (M) N9egate the value of M.N ! :his is a docu%entation string. (& M)) 12. Write a function that will taEe two aregu%ents x?$. :he output will #e the value of x+$+5. "ns:&defun foo (x $) (+ x $ 5)) !defining a function /66 O (foo 5 ,) !calling a function 1, 1*. /ind the average of two nu%#ers. "ns:&(defun average (x $) (+ (+ x $) 2.,)) 14. ;efine a predicate called >69G8.&:4"9 that taEes two lists as input and returns : if the first list is longer than the second. Ans: (defun longer-than (x y) (> (length x) (length y))) 15. . Write a function ";;>89G:4 that taEes a list as input and returns a new list with the length of the input added onto the front of it. -f the input is (A66 G66 G"- 7"9)? the output should #e (4 A66 G66 G"- 7"9). What is the result of (";;>89G:4 (";;>89G:4 P(" ( F)))5 Ans:-(defun addlength (x) (cons (length x) x)) (addlength (addlength (a b c))) (4 3 a b c) 10. Write a predicate /-.=:7 that returns : if its first argu%ent (a s$%#ol) is eBual to the first ele%ent of its second argu%ent (a list). :hat is? (/-.=:7 P/66 P(/66 (". ("Q)) should return :. (/-.=:7 P(6-9G P(/66 (". ("Q)) should return 9->. Ans:- (defun firstp (x y) (equal x (first y)))

17. Write a function A-;&";;1 that adds 1 to the %iddle ele%ent of a three&ele%ent list. /or exa%ple? (A-;&";;1 P(:"R8 2 F66R-8=)) should return the list (:"R8 * F66R-8=). Note: <ou are not allowed to %aEe A-;&";;1 a function of three inputs. -t has to taEe a single input that is a list of three ele%ents. "ns:& (defun %id&add1 (x) (list (first x) (+ 1 (second x)) (third x))) 1 . . Write a function /&:6&F that converts a te%perature fro% /ahrenheit to Felsius. :he for%ula for doing the conversion is: Felsius te%perature L S5(/ahrenheit te%perature & *2)T+@. :o go in the opposite direction? the for%ula is: /ahrenheit te%perature L(@+5 Felsius te%perature) + *2. Ans:- (defun f-to-c (temperature) (* (- temperature 32.0) 5/9)) 1@. Write a function to find the average of two nu%#ers. (defun average (x y) Ans:-(/ (+ x y) 2.0)) 2,. Write definitions for 4">/ and F'(8 using ;8/'9. (:he F'(8 function should taEe a nu%#er n as input and return n*.) Ans:-(defun half (n) (/ n 2)) (defun cube (n) (* n n n)) 21. ;efine a function 7<:4"G that taEes two inputs? x and y? and returns the sBuare root of x2+y2. <ou %a$ recogniHe this as 7$thagorasPs for%ula for co%puting the length of the h$potenuse of a right triangle given the lengths of the other two sides. (7<:4"G * 4) should return 5.,. "ns:& (defun pythag (x y) (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))) 22. Write a function A"R8&8U89 that %aEes an odd nu%#er even #$ adding one to it. -f the input to A"R8&8U89 is alread$ even? it should #e returned unchanged. "ns:& (defun %aEe&even (n) (if (evenp n) n (+ n 1))) 2*. Write a function /'.:48. that %aEes a positive nu%#er larger #$ adding one to it? and a negative nu%#er s%aller #$ su#tracting one fro% it. What does $our function do if given the nu%#er ,5 "ns:& (defun further (n) (if (< n 0) (- n 1) (+ n 1))) 24. Write a >isp function (fact n) that co%putes the factorial of n? using a loop. 'se a let to introduce an$ local varia#les that $ou need. "ssu%e that the para%eter is a non&negative integer. (:r$ out $our function to co%pute the factorial of 1,,,,.) "ns:&Aethod 1) (defun fact (n) (cond ((Herop n) 1) (t () n (fact (& n 1)))))) Aethod 2) (defun it&fact (n) (let ((prod 1)) (doti%es (i n prod) (setf prod () prod (+ i 1)))))) (it&fact 5) V 12, 1 . Write down a progra% in lisp to print fi#onacci series using recurssion. "ns:& (defun fi# (n) (cond ((eBual n ,) 1)

((eBual n 1) 1) (t (+ (fi# (& n 1)) (fi# (& n 2)))))) 1@. a) Write a recursive function "9<6;;7 that returns : if an$ ele%ent of a list of nu%#ers is odd. -t returns 9-> if none of the% are. "ns:& (defun an$oddp (x) (cond ((null x) nil) ((oddp (first x)) t) (t (an$oddp (rest x))))) #) Write the a#ove progra% using if instead of cond. "ns:& (defun an$oddp (x) (if x (if (oddp (first x)) (first x) (an$oddp (rest x))))) 2,. Write ">>6;;7? a recursive function that returns : if all the nu%#ers in a list are odd. "ns:& (defun all&oddp (x) (cond ((null x) t) ((evenp (first x)) nil) (t (all&oddp (rest x))))) 21. Write a recursive function ";;&9'A= that adds up the nu%#ers 9? 9&1? 9&2? and so on? down to ,? and returns the result. /or exa%ple? (";;&9'A= 5) should co%pute 5+4+*+2+1+,? which is 15. "ns:& (defun add&nu%s (n) (cond ((Herop n) ,) (t (+ n (add&nu%s (& n 1)))))) 22. a)Write F6'9:&;6W9? a function that counts down fro% n using recursion. (F6'9:&;6W9 5) should produce the list (5 4 * 2 1). #) Write =W'".8&>-=:? a recursive function that taEes a list of nu%#ers as input and returns a list of their sBuares. (=W'".8&>-=: P(* 4 5 0)) should return (@ 10 25 *0). "ns:&a) (defun count&down (n) (cond ((Herop n) nil) (t (cons n (count&down (& n 1)))))) #) (defun sBuare&list (x) (cond ((null x) nil) (t (cons () (first x) (first x)) (sBuare&list (rest x)))))) 23. Write a function F69=:."-9 that taEes three inputs called M? A"M? and A-9. -f M is less than A-9? it should return A-9! if M is greater than A"M? it should return A"M. 6therwise? since M is #etween A-9 and A"M? it should return M. (F69=:."-9 * &5, 5,) should return *. (F69=:."-9 @2 &5, 5,) should return 5,. Write one version using F69; and another using nested -/s. "ns:& (defun constrain (x %ax %in) (cond ((K x %in) %in) ((O x %ax) %ax) (t x))) (defun constrain (x %ax %in) (if (K x %in) %in (if (O x %ax) %ax x))) 24. Write a function 8A74"=-Q8 that changes the first word of a phrase fro% IgoodJ to IgreatJ 6. fro% I#adJ to IawfulJ and returns the %odified phrase. "ns:& (defun e%phasiHe (x)

(cond ((eBual (first x) Pgood) (cons Pgreat (rest x))) ((eBual (first x) P#ad) (cons Pawful (rest x))))) 25. a) Write 8U8.<&6:48.? a recursive function that returns ever$ other ele%ent of a listXthe first? third? fifth? and so on. (8U8.<&6:48. P(" ( F ; 8 / G)) should return (" F 8 G). (8U8.<&6:48. P(- F"A8 - ="W - F69W'8.8;)) should return (- - -). #) Write A8.G8&>-=:=? a function that taEes two lists of nu%#ers? each in increasing order? as input. :he function should return a list that is a %erger of the ele%ents in its inputs? in order. (A8.G8&>-=:= P(1 2 0 1, 12) P(2 * 5 @ 1*)) should return (1 2 2 * 5 0 @ 1, 12 1*). "ns:&a) (defun ever$&other (x) (cond ((null x) nil) (t (cons (first x) (ever$&other (rest x)))))) #) (defun %erge&lists (x $) (cond ((null x) $) ((null $) x) ((K (first x) (first $)) (cons (first x) (%erge&lists (rest x) $))) (t (cons (first $) (%erge&lists x (rest $)))))))

1. a) .epresent the a#ove fa%il$ tree using 7.6>6G clauses. "ns: parent( pa%? #o#). parent( to%? #o#). parent( to%? liH). parent( #o#? ann). parent( #o#? pat). parent( pat? Di%). #) 4ow will $ou asE the following Bueries using 7.6>6G5 i) -s (o# parent of 7at5

ii) -s >iH parent of 7at5 iii) -s :o% parent of (en5 iv) Who is >iHPs parent5 v) Who is #o#Ps children5 vi) Who is parent of who%5 vii) Who is a parent of Yi%5 "ssu%e that this is so%e <. Who is a parent of <5 "ssu%e that this is so%e M . viii) ;o "nn and 7at have a co%%on parent5 :his can #e expressed again in two steps: (1) Who is a parent? M? of "nn5 (2) -s (this sa%e) M a parent of 7at5 "ns: i) 5& parent( #o#? pat). ii) 5& parent( liH? pat). iii) 5& parent( to%? #en). iv) 5& parent( M? liH). v) 5& parent( #o#? M). vi) 5& parent(M? <). vii) 5& parent( <? Di%)? parent( M? <). Uiii) 5& parent( M? ann)? parent( M? pat). c) "ssu%ing the parent relation as defined in this section? what will #e 7rologZs answers to the folrowing Buestions5 i) 5&parent( Di%? M). ii) 5&parent( M? Di%). iii) 5&parent( paffi? M)? parent( M? pat). iv) 5&parent( paffi? M)? parent( M? <)? parent( <? Di%). "ns:&

d) /or%ulate in 7rolog the following Buestions a#out the parent relation: i) Who is 7atZs parent5 ii) ;oes >iH have a child5 iii) Who is 7atZs grandparent5 "ns:&

e) -n the progra% of Buestion 1a) introduce the relation %ale and fe%ale either using one unar$ or a #inar$ relation. "ns:&


f) -ntroduce 6ffspring relation using 7arent relation. "ns:& /or all M and <? < is an offspring of M if M is a parent of <. offspring( <? M) :& parent( M? <). g) -ntroduce Aother relation using 7arent anf /e%ale relation. "ns:& /or all M and <. M is the %other of < if M is a parent of < and M is a fe%ale. %other( M? <) :& parent( M? <)? fe%ale( M). 2. :ranslatet he followings tate%entsin to prolog rules: (a) 8ver$#od$ who has a child is happ$ (introduce a one&argu%ent relation happ$). (#) /or all M? if M has a child who has a sister then M has two children (introduce new relation hastwochildren) "ns:& (u) happ$( M) .&parent( M? <). (#) hastwochildren( M) :&parent( M? <)?sister( Q? <). *. -ntroduce 7redecessor relation using recursion. "ns:& /or all M and Q. M is a predecessor of Q if there is a < such that (1) M is a parent of < and (2) < is a predecessor of.Q . predecessor(M?Q) :&parent( M? Q). predecessor(M? Q) :&parent( M? <)?predecessor(<?Q). 4. Write down an entire fa%il$ progra% fro% the fa%il$ tree of the first page. "ns:&

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