Benefits of A Good Personality

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The Benefits of

Goo! Pe"son #it$

% &h t is Pe"son #it$'

% As(e)ts of Pe"son #it$ % Benefits of Pe"son #it$

Vi"t*es of

Goo! Pe"son #it$ n! Eti.*ette


% + Vi"t*es to ,ee( in -in!

So)i # G" )es

% &h t is / nne"s, so)i # 0" )es eti.*ette' % So)i # 0" )es

t ho/e (# )es

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P"o(e" Atti"e n! A))esso"ies So)i # F*n)tions

% &h$ is ("o(e" tti"e i/(o"t nt' tti"e % 2 Ti(s on 3e "in0 ("o(e"

The Benefits of Goo! Pe"son #it$

Personality is a sum total of an individual. It is also a guide in dealing with other people. It refers to all the factors within the person that it influences, behavior, thinking and feeling. As(e)ts of Pe"son #it$ 1) Physical - dressing, walking, posture, body build, health, complexion and facial

expressions ) Intellectual - how and what a person talks about !) "ocial - doing a right thing at a right time, association and responsiveness to people, getting along with others #) $motional - likes%dislikes, shy or outgoing, calm or nervous, facing life&s challenges ') (oral - distinction between right and wrong Benefits of Goo! Pe"son #it$ 1) Helps a person develop a happy outlook in life. ) Helps a person become successful and confident in meeting challenges. )aving a positive attitude toward doing difficult work is a good personal character trait and will move you toward achieving your goal. *ikewise, being courageous and determined will help you succeed. If you are organi+ed, you can plan out successful completion of your pro,ects and goals. People who have such negative personal character traits as being disorgani+ed, procrastinating and being careless typically will not be very successful in what they attempt. !) Wins friendships. -our attitudes and how you act toward other people often determines their desire to deal with you, both in business and in personal relationships. If you show that you are an honest person with a great amount of integrity, others will trust you. People like to associate with those they feel are reliable and responsible. .hey appreciate it if you are fair-minded and understanding.

Vi"t*es of
* * * * /mbition 0enevolence 1ontentment 2etermination

Goo! Pe"son #it$

* * * * *

$nthusiasm 3orgiveness *oyalty "elf-1ontrol 4isdom

So)i # G" )e/Eti.*ette

"ocial grace - eti5uette and good manners practiced in daily life (anners - way of doing things accepted by society $ti5uette - set of rules of behavior in our society6 training%upbringing at home6 the codes of rules that govern social behavior /t )ome 7espect others privacy, don8t take things without the owner8s permission, always say words of appreciation like 9:ood (orning;9 or 9I love you9 Public Places .1 In the street - the gentleman should always be on the danger side while crossing the street with girls. 4hen walking in groups, let others pass instead of blocking the way. . <n the bus - the gentleman should let the lady enter the bus first and assist her. (en should also let the lady sit in case of unavailability of seats. -ounger people should let older people sit. .! In a restaurant - for the men, they should open the door, pull the chair of the girl for her to sit and pay for the meal. 3or the ladies, they should be considerate in ordering food. 1alling a waiter%waitress must be done in a respectful way. .# In a church - 4ear decent clothes, don&t laugh conspicuously, be silent% speak in a little voice especially during the preaching. .' In school - always be neat, clean and presentably dressed =whether in school uniform or P$ attire). 2on&t disturb other classes by making unnecessary noises like laughing too loud, shouting or running in hallways. /lways follow disciplinary rules of

action and avoid illicit acts.

P"o(e" Atti"e F*n)tions

n! A))esso"ies

t So)i #

/ person&s attire or ensemble embodies his personality. It is a reflection of his%her persona. .hus dressing up right is an inevitable protocol of our everyday life. 0e it any event, formal, casual or social6 our dressing speaks volumes about our personality and taste. It is important to know the do&s and don8ts of dressing up properly at social functions. <ne must dress according to the theme of the occasion or event. >sually, girls have a harder time choosing what to wear than boys do. .hat&s why they spend time reading maga+ines and watching fashion segments on tips how to dress up. .ips for being properly dressed at any party or event you plan to go to are as follows6 "imple is classy; ?ow for a social function the safest dressing would be that is simple, elegant and beautiful; (en can opt for classic suits and ties. 4omen can opt for drapes or gowns or even smart suits. 1olor it right; "ince a social function is a little informal compared to a formal one, you can experiment a little with colors. /lthough colors like 0lack, white and blues are the ultimate classics and never go out of style6 you can indulge in colors like champagne, browns @ nude shades of pinks. (en can add color to their suits with colored ties with interesting motifs and designs.

/ccessori+e your ensemble; -ou can add glamour to your ensemble by sporting elegant accessories that go well with your attire. 4omen can opt for beautiful earrings, rings or even a necklace. (en can opt for a smart watch in gold, stainless steel or silver. )owever, you need to remember that you do not overdo the accessories. $nsure you tone your look out and don&t adorn all your accessories for an event. Aeep body odor at bay; -ou can&t afford to smell bad when it comes to social functions. -ou may have your dress right and the perfect shoes and look, but a bad body odor can ruin your entire appearance and impression. Invest a good

perfume and apply it right. 0e confident; -our confident will instinctively add that extra charm to your dressing. 4ear a warm smile and walk with poise and stance. $xchange pleasantries and maintain a smart posture. 2on&t stand with dropping shoulders, instead stand straight with a smart posture.


Ambition - strong sense for achievement.


Benevolence - helping others without e pecting something in return.

!ontentment - reali"ing that true happiness #oesn$t lie on material things.

* *

%etermination - purposing to accomplish right goals at the right time& regar#less of the opposition. 'nthusiasm - e pressing (o) in each tas* as )ou give it )our best effort. 'nsemble - a number of #ifferent items of clothing an# accessories& put together to create an outfit. +orgiveness - clearing the recor# of those who have wronge# me an# not hol#ing a gru#ge. Lo)alt) - using #ifficult times to #emonstrate m) commitment to those , serve.
* *

-ersona - an i#entit) or role that somebo#) assumes.

Self-!ontrol - re(ecting wrong #esires an# #oing what is right.

.is#om - ma*ing practical applications of truth in #ail) #ecisions.

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