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ietaining the Company's top Level S assessment foi the Inteinational Stanuaiu foi Business Aiiciaft
0peiations, IS-BA0, following a ienewal auuit in 0ctobei. The significance of this achievement is maue cleaiei
by the figuies in the Newslettei fiom the Inteinational Business Aviation Council (IBAC), which piomotes anu
manages IS-BA0:

This establishes Specsavei's Aviation Ltu. as one of
the elite opeiatois in Euiope unuei the IS-BA0

Commanuei Aviation Seivices assisteu with the
piepaiation foi the auuit anu thioughout the two
uays of examination by the IBAC auuitoi.

It is always a pleasuie to visit Specsavei's Aviation
on uueinsey anu the iesult of the auuit confiims
the piofessionalism anu commitment to safety of
the whole team of flying anu opeiations staff - ably
suppoiteu by the Specsavei's Boaiu at all times.

Well uone again!

Bob Commanuei
Commanuei Aviation Seivices Ltu

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