Quantity Surveying Practices

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BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Construction Management Sheffield Hallam University ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET Program Module

Number Assessment Assignment Title Lecturer Student Name Date Handed Over Date Submitted Assessors Feedback 29.09.2013 Mr. Upali Fernando, Mrs.Indra Rajapakse Student Number Due Date 02.02.2014 Pass/ ReSubmission
BSc in Quantity Surveying Construction Management &

SHU SL BATCH - 05 Quantity Surveying Practice

77-6966-00S 01

Module Title

Final Grade Assessors Name Assessors Signature Student Signature & Comments Date Assessed :

International College of Business and Technology

BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Construction Management Sheffield Hallam University This assignment constitutes 50% of the units total assessment. SECTION 1 General Quantity Surveying Practice and Construction Claims Word count for Section 1 is 3000 and Section 2 is 3000. Total word count should be 6000. Task 1.1 In olden days the duties of a Quantity Surveyor were limited to ; Measuring quantities or surveying quantities for proposed construction works to arrive the value of the proposed works, and; Measuring quantities or surveying quantities to arrive the value of the completed works. But currently the Quantity Surveyor has to perform the entire Construction Cost Management services in addition to above mentioned conventional duties. Explain the above statement and give your own ideas that may support to improve the future of the Quantity Surveying profession. Task 1.2 1.2.1 Describe the causes of Construction Claims that may have to claim by the parties to the Contract. 1.2.2 Properly prepare Extension of Time Claim. For a certain delay event based your own hypothetical project. The Claim shall comprise with; a) b) c) d) e) f) g) project details; delay event details; delay notice; final particulars; summaries of base-line programmed & affected programmed; mitigation actions; Contemporary records; etc.

to substantiate the cost of extended site overheads and head office overheads.

International College of Business and Technology

BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Construction Management Sheffield Hallam University

Construction Procurement and Dispute Resolution Word count for Section 2 is 3000 and Section 1 is 3000.Total word count should be 6000. Task 2.1 A client has approached you seeking advice regarding the suitability of Turnkey contract for the procurement of a new research laboratory complex building locates in main city centre. The client is inexperienced and the project is technically complex. Write a short report to the client advising why this procurements method may be inappropriate comparing with all other procurement method including all such factors that influence the selection of suitable procurement path. Finally recommend a suitable alternative procurement method and justify why Task 2.2 A contractor and employer forming a new contract using the governing contact form in the country and require the right to refer dispute in arbitration to be available. Describe how the standard contract form must be edited to achieve this and where any additional information should be inserted. You may suppose to prepare a report to the client in this regard, summarising how arbitration is accommodated with the contract, identifying the advantages of arbitration in comparison to litigation and highlight any particular problems that may be encounter with an arbitration decision. LEARNING OUTCOMES Develop an understanding, and evaluate the services of Quantity Surveyors within the construction markets, organisations and the professions as contract managers. Critically analyse and identify contractual claims issues and appropriate dispute resolution procedures. Articulate ideas in an appropriate format, to the Quantity Surveyor's role within an industrial context. REPORT STRUCTURE Paper Size Word Count Printing Margins Binding Margin Header and Footer Printing Basic Font Size Line Spacing Font Style Presentation

: A4 : 6000 words : LHS; RHS: 1 Inch 25 mm : Inch 12 mm : 1 Inch : Single Sided : 12 : 1.5 : Arial/Times New Roman : Bound Document

International College of Business and Technology

BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Construction Management Sheffield Hallam University

Important Information for Students The assignment should be submitted as a SOFT COPY in a word format ONLY (CD ONLY) as well as HARD COPY on or before the due date. Please note that plagiarism is treated as a serious offence and therefore the work you produce must be individual and original although may work in groups in some instances (Please refer to Student Handbook on Plagiarism & Cheating). All sources of information must be referenced using Harvard referencing where a reference listing should be included at the end of the assignment. Please note that the submission date given for this assignment is the final date that you can hand over the assignment. No late submissions are allowed. (Please refer to the Student Handbook on Assessments - Late Submissions). Please refer to Student Handbook on Assignments Re-submission.

International College of Business and Technology

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