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Gutierrez, Simoune Monica Ruth C.

Laws of Learning Factors that affect Learning


I. Introduction:
Anyone who intends to guide and direct the learning activities of others requires a detailed understanding of the nature and processes of learning. What other people teach demands a high degree of competence in presenting subject matter. Nevertheless, how they teach depends largely on their understanding of the learning process and the ability to apply this understanding. The Laws of learning are attempts to state the more fundamental conditions favorable to the learning process. They are designed to make learning a continuous and effective process of development when properly handled. Thorndike proposed three primary laws of learning: Law of Readiness, Law of Exercise and Law of Effect. Psychologists agree that several factors affect learning. These factors influence the ability of a person to cope up with their environment and the ability to concentrate on their work. Learning cannot be effective unless maturation exists.

II. Objectives:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What are the primary, secondary and other laws of learning? Cite laws of learning appropriate for adults and general public. List down purposes of knowing laws of learning. What are the different factors that affect learning? Enumerate the solutions to the factors that affect learning.

III. Definition of Terms:

Psychologists- A psychologist evaluates, diagnoses, treats, and studies behavior and mental processes. Law of use- the more often an association is used, the stronger it becomes. Law of disuse- the longer an association is unused, the weaker it becomes.

IV. Summary/Assessment:
1. Laws of Learning 1.1. Thorndike Primary Laws of Learning 1.1.1. Law of Readiness 1.1.2. Law of Exercise 1.1.3. Law of Effect

1.2. Thorndike Secondary Laws of Learning 1.2.1. Multiple responses 1.2.2. Mindset 1.2.3. Partial Activity 1.2.4. Analogy 1.2.5. Associative shifting 1.3. Other Laws 1.3.1. Law of Apperception (Herbart) 1.3.2. Law of Association (Kant) 1.3.3. Law of use and disuse 1.3.4. Law of frequency and recency (Watson) 1.3.5. Law of Intensity (Carr) 1.3.6. Law of Primacy (Watson) 1.3.7. Law of Forgetting (Ebbinghause) 2. Different Ages 2.1. Adult 2.1.1. Effective learning is relevant to the learners life and work because most adults are self directed learners. 2.1.2. Adult learners have definite notions about what type of learners they are. These notions interfere with or enhance their learning. 2.1.3. Adult learners require the training objectives, content, activities, and assessment techniques to be aligned to each other. 2.2. General Public 2.2.1. Active responding produces more effective learning than passive listening or reading. 2.2.2. Learners cannot master skills without repeated practice and relevant feedback. 2.2.3. Different types of learning require different types of strategies. 3. Purpose of knowing the laws of learning 3.1. People have different learning capacities. 3.2. Different types of learning require different types of strategies. 3.3. Learners master skills and knowledge at the level at which they are required to respond during the learning process. 3.4. Most adults are self-directed learners. 3.5. Learners master skills and knowledge at the level at which they are required to respond during the learning process.

4. Factors that affect learning 4.1. Health of the Learner 4.2. Emotions 4.3. Intelligence 4.4. Opportunities for Learning 4.5. Environmental Condition 5. Solutions to the factors that affect learning 5.1. Good learners health 5.2. Calm emotions 5.3. Good facilities 5.4. Conducive Environment I can say that people need to cope up with these different distractions in order to learn. Environment is one of the factors that affect students so we need to improve the facilities. Learning is a long process. It takes time and maturation and also a good environment. We need to use different strategies because learners have different capacities. And knowing these strategies would be a great help for effective teaching.

V. Reference: D. Robinson, An Intellectual History of Modern Psychology M. Ash and W. Woodward, Psychology in 20th Century Thought and Society (1989) R. B. Evans, V. S. Sexton, and T. C. Cadwallader, ed., The American Psychological Association (1992)

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