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SCM210 Integration Stammdaten SCM210

Release 640 04/06/2006

SCM210 Integration Stammdaten

Core Interface APO


Software Components: SAP R/3 ERP Enterprise, SAP APO 3.1 2003/Q1 Material !m"er: #00#$0%3


Copyright 2004 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this p !li"ation may !e reprod "ed or transmitted in any form or for any p rpose #itho t the e$press permission of SAP AG. %he information "ontained herein may !e "hanged #itho t prior noti"e.

SAP AG 2004

Some software pro&!'ts mar(ete& ") SAP A* an& its &istri"!tors 'ontain proprietar) software 'omponents of ot+er software ,en&ors. Mi'rosoft, -in&ows, O!tloo(, an& PowerPoint are re.istere& tra&emar(s of Mi'rosoft Corporation. /0M, 102, 102 2ni,ersal 1ata"ase, OS/2, Parallel S)sple3, M4S/ESA, A/5, S/3$0, AS/%00, OS/3$0, OS/%00, iSeries, pSeries, 3Series, 6Series, 6/OS, A7P, /ntelli.ent Miner, -e"Sp+ere, etfinit), 8i,oli, an& /nformi3 are tra&emar(s or re.istere& tra&emar(s of /0M Corporation in t+e 2nite& States an&/or ot+er 'o!ntries. Ora'le is a re.istere& tra&emar( of Ora'le Corporation. 2 /5, 5/Open, OS7/1, an& Motif are re.istere& tra&emar(s of t+e Open *ro!p. Citri3, /CA, Pro.ram ei.+"or+oo&, Meta7rame, -in7rame, 4i&eo7rame, an& M!lti-in are tra&emar(s or re.istere& tra&emar(s of Citri3 S)stems, /n'. 98M:, 5M:, 598M: an& -3C are tra&emar(s or re.istere& tra&emar(s of -3C;, -orl& -i&e -e" Consorti!m, Massa'+!setts /nstit!te of 8e'+nolo.). <a,a is a re.istere& tra&emar( of S!n Mi'ros)stems, /n'. <a,aS'ript is a re.istere& tra&emar( of S!n Mi'ros)stems, /n'., !se& !n&er li'ense for te'+nolo.) in,ente& an& implemente& ") ets'ape. Ma310 is a tra&emar( of M)SQ: A0, Swe&en. SAP, R/3, m)SAP, m)SAP.'om, 3Apps, 3App, an& ot+er SAP pro&!'ts an& ser,i'es mentione& +erein as well as t+eir respe'ti,e lo.os are tra&emar(s or re.istere& tra&emar(s of SAP A* in *erman) an& in se,eral ot+er 'o!ntries all o,er t+e worl&. All ot+er pro&!'t an& ser,i'e names mentione& are t+e tra&emar(s of t+eir respe'ti,e 'ompanies. 1ata 'ontaine& in t+is &o'!ment ser,es informational p!rposes onl). ational pro&!'t spe'ifi'ations ma) ,ar). 8+ese materials are s!"=e't to '+an.e wit+o!t noti'e. 8+ese materials are pro,i&e& ") SAP A* an& its affiliate& 'ompanies >?SAP *ro!p?@ for informational p!rposes onl), wit+o!t representation or warrant) of an) (in&, an&

SAP *ro!p s+all not "e lia"le for errors or omissions wit+ respe't to t+e materials. 8+e onl) warranties for SAP *ro!p pro&!'ts an& ser,i'es are t+ose t+at are set fort+ in t+e e3press warrant) statements a''ompan)in. s!'+ pro&!'ts an& ser,i'es, if an). ot+in. +erein s+o!l& "e 'onstr!e& as 'onstit!tin. an a&&itional warrant).

Co rse Prere( isites

Prere( isite
SCM200 & S pply Chain Planning 'vervie#

Also re"ommended
SAPSCM & mySAP SCM 'vervie# P)M100 )ife*Cy"le +ata Management

SAP AG 2002

%arget Gro p

%his "o rse is aimed at pro,e"t team mem!ers and -ey sers #ho are responsi!le for the implementation of prod "tion planning sing SAP AP' #ithin mySAP SCM.

+ ration
2 days

SAP AG 2002

Notes for the user 8+e trainin. material is not s!ita"le for a selfAtea'+ pro.ram. 8+e 'o!rse is onl) 'omplete wit+ t+e e3planations from t+e instr!'tor. 8+ere is spa'e to note t+is a&&itional information in t+e trainin. material.

Co rse 'vervie#

Co rse Goals Co rse '!,e"tives Co rse Content Co rse 'vervie# +iagram Main . siness S"enario 'vervie# of Integration of /01 Systems #ith SAP AP'

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse Goals

%his "o rse #ill prepare yo to2

Gain a !asi" nderstanding of the integration of

the AP' System #ith an /01 System 3or e$ternal system4

%ransfer master data from the /01 System to the

AP' System and to set p yo r system to transfer transa"tion data !et#een the systems.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse '!,e"tives

At the "on"l sion of this "o rse5 yo #ill !e a!le to2

+es"ri!e the ar"hite"t re of integration of 6/P

systems #ith the AP' System

Sele"t master and transa"tion data to transfer

from /01 to AP'

Spe"ify #here in the AP' System it may !e

ne"essary to add to the master data transferred from the /01

+es"ri!e the monitoring and the

"ompare0re"on"ile f n"tions sed to ens re data "onsisten"y in /01 and AP'

SAP AG 2002

ERP S)stem stan&s for Enterprise Reso!r'e Plannin. S)stem. 8+e R/3 S)stem is an e3ample of an ERP S)stem.

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse Content

Prefa"e Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Co rse 'vervie# Ar"hite"t re of Integration %ransfer of Master +ata AP' Master +ata Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Appendi$ Models and Planning 7ersions %ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata Monitoring06rror 8andling S mmary

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse 'vervie# +iagram 314
Co rse 'vervie# Ar"hite"t re of Integration %ransfer of Master +ata AP' Master +ata Models and Planning 7ersions %ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata Monitoring06rror 8andling S mmary Appendi$
SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Main . siness S"enario

9o r "ompany is implementing prod "tion planning and detailed s"hed ling sing SAP AP' PP0+S. SAP AP' is sed in "om!ination #ith SAP /01. %a-ing the Pre"ision P mp "ompany as an e$ample5 yo familiari:e yo rself #ith the f n"tions of Prod "tion Planning and +etailed S"hed ling. %he Pre"ision P mp "ompany offers a n m!er of high*te"h standard p mps.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


S pply Chain Planning at a Glan"e

Standard S'P

<le$i!le Planning



+emand Planning 3+P4 Glo!al Availa!le*to* Promise 3A%P4 S pply Net#orPlanning 3SNP4 Prod "tion Planning0 +etailed S"hed ling 3PP0+S4
%ransportation Planning 3%P07S4

Sales +emand Management Material /e(mnts Planning 3M/P4 Capa"ity Planning 3C/P4

SC Man fa"t ring 0 Pro" rement

SAP AG 2002

*enerall) spea(in., s!ppl) '+ain plannin. is &i,i&e& into man) steps, some of w+i'+ 'an "e e3e'!te& ") 'omponents in SAP R/3 an& ot+ers w+i'+ 'an "e e3e'!te& in SAP APO. /t is possi"le an& a&,isa"le to inte.rate t+ese two s)stems an& !se "ot+ w+en plannin.. 8+e SAP APO Core /nterfa'e >C/7@ is !se& to inte.rate t+e s)stems. 1eman& plannin., w+ere past sales fi.!res are !se& to &eri,e a f!t!re pro.ram of pro&!'tion, 'an "e e3e'!te& "ot+ wit+in fle3i"le plannin. in SAP R/3 >!sin. stan&ar& Sales C Operations Plannin. DSOPE@, or wit+in 1eman& Plannin. >1P@ in SAP APO. 1eman& Mana.ement in its tr!e sense ta(es pla'e in SAP R/3. /t is also possi"le, +owe,er, to &eri,e planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements from SAP APO 1P. /n prin'iple, sales or&ers are 'reate& in SAP R/3. 8+e A8P '+e'( of a sales or&er 'an ta(e pla'e .lo"all) in SAP APO >inte.ration wit+ APO PP/1S is also possi"le@. CrossAplant plannin. is possi"le !sin. S!ppl) etwor( Plannin. in SAP APO. Material ReF!irements Plannin. 'an "e e3e'!te& in eit+er SAP R/3 or SAP APO. -+ile, in SAP R/3, 'apa'it) reF!irements plannin. is e3e'!te& separatel) in a se'on& step, in SAP APO PP/1S >Pro&!'tion Plannin./1etaile& S'+e&!lin.@, F!antities an& 'apa'ities 'an "e planne& sim!ltaneo!sl). E3e'!tion of pro&!'tion, in ot+er wor&s, t+e pro'essin. of man!fa't!rin. or&ers >pro&!'tion or pro'ess or&ers@, ta(es pla'e in t+e area of S!ppl) C+ain Man!fa't!rin..

>C@ SAP A*


.enefits of Prod "tion Planning in SAP AP'

+etailed s"hed ling #ith sim ltaneo s ( antities and "apa"ity planning 3PP0+S4 6$a"t material re( irements planning 3in ho rs and min tes45 for dependent re( irements too M ltilevel material and "apa"ity availa!ility "he"- 3A%P4 for sales orders 'ptimi:ation algorithm #ithin the limits of detailed s"hed ling 3minimi:ing set p times5 set p "osts5 date delays5 alternative sele"tion of reso r"es5 ...4 +ynami" e$"eption messages 3alerts4 Capa"ity "ategories2 %ime5 a"tivity5 vol me5 pie"e

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


AP' Integration 314

/01 *= AP'
Master data
Plants5 vendors5 " stomers Materials ;or- "enters 3"apa"ities4 /o tings and !ills of material ...

AP' *= /01
Transaction data
Sales orders Planned0prod "tion orders P r"hase orders Sto"...

Prod "tion orders Pro" rement proposals /es lt of availa!ility "he" ...

SAP /01 6/P

SAP AG 2002

SAP .;

SAP /01 1.1I

As a r!le, SAP APO is !se& in 'onne'tion wit+ ot+er 'omponents of t+e SAP S)stem or wit+ non SAP 'omponents. 8+ere are two &ifferent inte.ration 'on'epts: :in(a.e wit+ non R/3 S)stems: 8+e reF!ire& interfa'es are implemente& as 0AP/s >0!siness Appli'ation Pro.rammin. /nterfa'es@. :in(a.e wit+ SAP R/3 S)stems >one or more@: 8+e reF!ire& interfa'e is in&i'ate& as t+e SAP APO Core /nterfa'e >C/7@. A m!t!al s)stem 'onne'tion +as "een set !p in C!stomi6in. to ena"le t+e s)stem to transfer &ata rele,ant for t+e plannin. pro'esses, from t+e e3e'!tion R/3 S)stem into APO, an& also to ret!rn t+e plannin. res!lts from APO "a'( into t+e R/3 .

8+e main tas(s of t+e APO Core /nterfa'e in'l!&e: 1eterminin. t+e so!r'e an& s)stem in 'omple3 s)stem en,ironments Pro,i&in. APO S)stem wit+ t+e rele,ant master an& transa'tion &ata 8ransferrin. &ata ' >transa'tion &ata@ Ret!rnin. plannin. res!lts to t+e e3e'!tion s)stem >SAP R/3 or e3ternal s)stem@.

>C@ SAP A*


AP' Integration 324

SAP /01
S+ 8/


Non* /01 System

CI< 3Core Interfa"e4




SAP AG 2002

8+e APO Core /nterfa'e >C/7@ is responsi"le for t+e &ata e3'+an.e "etween APO an& R/3 S)stems. 8+e APO C/7 is a realAtime interfa'e t+at lin(s APO wit+ one or se,eral R/3 S)stems. Onl) t+e &ata o"=e'ts nee&e& in t+e &ata str!'t!res in APO for t+e &ifferent plannin. an& optimi6ation pro'esses are transferre& from t+e 'omple3 &ataset of t+e R/3 into APO. 8+e APO Core /nterfa'e .!arantees "ot+ t+e initial &ata transfer >initial transfer@ an& also t+e transfer of &ata ' wit+in APO. 8+e o!t"o!n& &eli,er) from APO C/7 ta(es pla'e as an R/3 Pl!.Ain. 8+e inte.ration of R/3 wit+ t+e C/7 interfa'e is possi"le as of release 3.1/. Earlier releases or an R/2 S)stem 'an "e 'onne'te& wit+ 0AP/s as ? onAR/3 S)stems?. >0AP/ I 0!siness Appli'ation Pro.rammin. /nterfa'e@.

>C@ SAP A*



AP' Integration 314

Sales order Planned order Prod "tion order P r"hase order ... Plant5 " stomer5... Material master Capa"ity /o ting and .'M

CI< /eal time
Prod "tion Pro" rement /eplenishment ...


)o"ation Prod "t /eso r"e Prod "tion pro"ess model

SAP AG 2002

Plannin. in SAP APO !ses its own master &ata t+at is !s!all) transferre& a!tomati'all) from an SAP R/3 s)stem, "!t w+i'+ 'an also "e 'reate& man!all) in SAP APO. -+en master &ata is transferre& from R/3, it is mappe& onto 'orrespon&in. master &ata in APO. Rat+er t+an transferrin. all t+e &ata from R/3, onl) master &ata rele,ant for plannin. in APO is transferre& >firstl) in t+e form of an initial transfer, t+en later as '+an.e transfers@. SAP R/3 is alwa)s t+e &ominant s)stem for master &ata. Onl) t+e settin.s t+at 'annot "e transferre& from R/3 are maintaine& &ire'tl) in APO. 8+e transa'tion &ata rele,ant for plannin., s!'+ as ware+o!se sto'( an& sales or pro&!'tion or&ers is also transferre& from t+e R/3 into APO ,ia t+e C/7 interfa'e. An& ,i'e ,ersa, t+e res!lts of t+e plannin. in APO are ret!rne& to t+e R/3 ,ia C/7 an& e3e'!te& t+ere. 8+is inte.ration of transa'tion &ata .enerall) ta(es pla'e in realAtime.

>C@ SAP A*



/01 Pl g*In %e"hnology


/01 Pl g*in

AP' C/M .; ..P 3S6M4


Information on /01 Pl g*in2 SAPNet0/1*Pl g*in

SAP AG 2002

An R/3 interfa'e is mar(e& wit+ an R/3 Pl!.Ain, to ena"le t+e s)stem to inte.rate a m)SAP 'omponent >for e3ample, APO or 0-@ wit+ one or se,eral R/3 S)stems. -it+ R/3 Pl!.Ains, se,eral m)SAP 'omponents 'an "e inserte& at t+e same time. Most Pl!.Ains 'on'ern a&&Aons >R/3 stan&ar& software en+an'ements wit+ a&&itional f!n'tions@. 1ifferent m)SAP 'omponents 'an "e s!pplie& wit+ transa'tion an& master &ata from t+e R/3 Pl!.Ain. /n t+is wa), t+e C/7 interfa'e &oes not onl) pro,i&e t+e APO S)stem wit+ initial &ata re'or&s >initial s!ppl)@, it also .!arantees a stepA")Astep s!ppl) wit+ all t+e rele,ant &ata ' 8+e inte.ration "etween R/3 an& APO is t+erefore possi"le as of release 3.1/. 7or eas) inte.ration from R/3 an& APO, it is ne'essar) to install a Pl!.A/n rele,ant to t+e R/3 release. Also note t+at s!pport pa'( are also &eli,ere& for t+e Pl!. ins.

>C@ SAP A*



Co rse 'vervie#2 >nit S mmary

%he integration of the SAP AP' #ith /01 Systems ta-es pla"e via the CI< interfa"e5 #hi"h is an element of the /01 Pl g*in. Non /01 Systems are "onne"ted sing .APIs. %he system transfers the master data relevant for planning in AP' via the CI< interfa"e5 from /01 into AP'. %he CI< interfa"e is responsi!le for the transfer of transa"tion data from the /01 into AP' and for the retransfer of the planning res lts from AP' !a"into the /01.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



Ar"hite"t re of Integration

/<C )in-s .et#een AP' and the /01 System . siness System Gro p .asi" Settings

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Ar"hite"t re of Integration2 >nit '!,e"tives

At the "on"l sion of this nit5 yo #ill !e a!le to2 Set p a /<C lin- !et#een SAP AP' and SAP /01 6$plain the "on"ept of the ! siness system gro p.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse 'vervie# +iagram 324
Co rse 'vervie# Ar"hite"t re of Integration %ransfer of Master +ata AP' Master +ata Models and Planning 7ersions %ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata Monitoring06rror 8andling S mmary Appendi$
SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


AP' Integration #ith /01 Systems

SAP /01
S+ 8/


Non* /01 System




SAP AG 2002

8+e APO Core /nterfa'e >C/7@ is responsi"le for t+e &ata e3'+an.e "etween APO an& R/3 S)stems.

>C@ SAP A*


/<C )in- .et#een SAP /01 and SAP AP'



Master0 transa"tion data

Core Interfa"e 3sele"tion and e$tra"tion of data4

/emote < n"tion Call 3/<C4

AP' master0 transa"tion data

SAP AG 2002

A R7C >Remote 7!n'tion Call@ 'onne'tion 'onne'ts an R/3 S)stem an& an APO S)stem. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e &ata t+at is sele'te& wit+ t+e Core /nterfa'e >C/7@ ,ia t+is 'onne'tion. >8o a,oi& 'onf!sion, an e3ample of a &ata transfer from R/3 to APO is s+own on t+e sli&e. 8+e transfer of transa'tion &ata from APO to R/3 also ta(es pla'e wit+ R7C te'+nolo.).@ SAP R/3 is a &ata"aseAorientate& s)stem so stores t+e &ata in t+e &ata"ase. SAP APO, on t+e ot+er +an&, is a,aila"le ne3t to t+e 'lassi' &ata"ase ,ia t+e li,eCa'+e >main memor)Aorientate&@.

>C@ SAP A*


Str "t re of a /<C )in-2 'vervie#

Between an R/3 and an APO System

1. +efine logi"al systems
Names for R/3 and APO exist in R/3 Names for R/3 and APO exist in APO

2. Assign logi"al systems to "lients

The logical R/3 System is assigned to R/3 clients The logical APO System is assigned to APO clients

1. +efine /<C destinations

Target host for the logical R/3 System is known Target host for the logical APO System is known

4. 6sta!lish target systems

The APO target system is known in R/3

?. Spe"ify AP' release

The release of the APO target system is known
SAP AG 2002

A R7C 'onne'tion >Remote 7!n'tion Call@ sets !p 'omm!ni'ation "etween an R/3 an& an APO S)stem. 7irstl), t+e s)stem &efines lo.i'al s)stem names: /n R/3 an& APO, a lo.i'al s)stem is name& for "ot+ t+e R/3 an& t+e APO s)stems. Se'on&l), t+e s)stem assi.ns lo.i'al s)stems to t+e R/3 an& APO 'lients. 8+ir&l), t+e s)stem &etermines t+e a't!al R7C &estination ") spe'if)in. a p+)si'al 'onne'tion for t+e lo.i'al s)stem. 8+e R7C &estination also 'ontains t+e lo.on &ata for t+e rele,ant s)stem. 7o!rt+l), t+e s)stem &efines t+e APO &estination from t+e ,iew of t+e R/3 S)stem. 7inall), enter t+e APO S)stem release in step #.

>C@ SAP A*


+efining )ogi"al Systems

efine logical systems

efine logical systems


/1C)N%@00 AP'C)N%@00


/1C)N%@00 AP'C)N%@00

Assign the logical R/3 System to R/3 clients

/01 Client @00

Assign the logical APO System to APO clients

AP' Client @00

SAP AG 2002


Jo! 'an &efine lo.i'al s)stems in C!stomi6in., !n&er Define Logical System, w+i'+ 'an "e fo!n& in C!stomi6in. !n&er SAP -e" Appli'ation Ser,er, Appli'ation :in( Ena"lin. >transa'tion SA:E@. /n "ot+ R/3 an& APO, )o! assi.n a lo.i'al s)stem name an& a &es'ription for t+e R/3 an& APO S)stems, so t+at t+e s)stems 'an "e !niF!el) a&&resse& in a 'omple3 s)stem lan&s'ape. /n t+e R/3 C!stomi6in. step Assign Logical System to Client >li(ewise in SAP -e" Appli'ation Ser,er C!stomi6in., t+is is fo!n& !n&er Application Link Enabling >transa'tion SA:E@@ )o! assi.n t+e lo.i'al R/3 S)stem to t+e 'lient t+at s+o!l& "e 'onne'te& to t+e APO S)stem. 1o t+e same in APO: Jo! assi.n t+e lo.i'al APO S)stem to t+e 'lient t+at s+o!l& "e 'onne'te& wit+ t+e R/3 S)stem. 8+is APO 'lient is t+en rea'+a"le ,ia +is lo.i'al name. -e re'ommen& t+at )o! name t+e lo.i'al s)stem as follows: D System nameEC: 8DClient nameE, for e3ample, OMOC: 8H00 for 'lient H00 in s)stem OMO.

>C@ SAP A*


+efining /<C +estinations

!reate R"! destination for the APO System /01 linRFC destination Tar et !ost )ogi"al AP' System name AP'C)N%@00

!reate R"! destination for the R/3 System )ogi"al /01 /01 linRFC destination Tar et !ost System name /1C)N%@00

i"d#001$"d#$sa%&a $de 00

i"d#002$"d#$sa%&a $de 00

S'ste( n)(*er )ogon Client User Pass"ord

S'ste( n)(*er )ogon

800 AP-R+,-T+ .......

Client User Pass"ord

800 R3R+,-T+ .......

SAP AG 2002

R7C 'onne'tions 'reate an& re,erse t+e lin( "etween t+e R/3 an& t+e APO S)stems. Jo! &efine t+e R7C 'onne'tions t+at are R/3 connections >for "ot+ R/3 an& for APO@ in t+e a&ministration of t+e parti'!lar s)stems, transa'tion Define Target Systems for RFC Calls >transa'tion 'o&e sm#$@. Jo! 'reate a R7C &estination in R/3 !n&er t+e lo.i'al APO S)stem name t+at )o! +a,e &efine& an& an APO 'lient to >in o!r e3ample APOC: 8H00@. As a ma'+ine, )o! enter t+e ser,er a&&ress of t+e APO ser,er an& t+e s)stem n!m"er, so t+at t+e APO S)stem 'an "e a&&resse& in t+e networ(. 7inall), )o! enter a !ser t+at will 'reate t+e lin( to t+e APO S)stem. 8+is !ser m!st e3ist in t+e APO S)stem an& +a,e f!ll a!t+ori6ation. 8+is is ne'essar) for t+e transfer of master an& transa'tion &ata into APO. 1o t+e same in APO: Jo! 'reate a R7C &estination !n&er t+e lo.i'al R/3 S)stem name t+at )o! +a,e &efine& an& a R/3 'lient to >in o!r e3ample, R3C: 8H00@. Jo! enter t+e ma'+ine an& s)stem n!m"er of t+e R/3 S)stem. 7inall), )o! enter a !ser t+at e3ists in t+e R/3 S)stem an& +as t+e ne'essar) a!t+ori6ation. Jo! 'an set t+e R7C 'onne'tions "etween t+e R/3 an& APO S)stem, so t+at if an error in t+e transfer o''!rs, a new attempt at transferrin. a!tomati'all) starts.

>C@ SAP A*


+etermine %arget System and Maintain AP' /elease
;hi"h of the different /<C destinations is the AP' SystemA



etermine APO target system

#ogical system Mode

Ser/er0i"d#002$"d#$sa%&a $de S'ste( n)(*er0 00 Client0 800



/elease definedA
SAP AG 2002

7inall), )o! &etermine w+i'+ of t+e R7C &estinations are APO S)stems. Jo! also &efine t+e APO s)stems in t+e R/3, transa'tion Target Systems, in t+e C/7 settin.s !sin. t+e lo.i'al s)stem name >an& t+e rele,ant R7C 'onne'tion@. 8+e operation mo&e "e+in& t+e s)stem is not maintaine& man!all), "!t is ") t+e s)stem. As t+e s)stem performs t+e inte.ration in ,ario!s wa)s for &ifferent APO releases, )o! m!st also enter t+e release of t+e APO s)stem. >8ransa'tion AP Releases in t+e C/7 settin.s@.

>C@ SAP A*


. siness System Gro p 314

Mat. No. A
Plant 8am! rg )ogi"al

System 1

Material n m!er A

Mat. No. A
Plant M ni"h )ogi"al

Mat. No. A
Plant +resden )ogi"al

System 2

System 1
e.g. Additionally p r"hased plant
SAP AG 2002

An APO S)stem 'an "e inte.rate& wit+ se,eral R/3 S)stems >lo.i'al s)stems@. /t ma) t+erefore "e t+e 'ase t+at t+e n!m"er assi.nment for 'ertain master &ata o"=e'ts, for e3ample, material masters, is not t+e same in all t+ese lo.i'al s)stems. /n t+e e3ample a"o,e, material n!m"er A in lo.i'al s)stems 1 an& 2 si.nifies t+e same +ammer, w+ereas t+e same material n!m"er in lo.i'al s)stem 3 >per+aps a s!"seF!entl) p!r'+ase& plant@ is a s'rew. /f lo.i'al s)stems 1, 2 an& 3 are planne& wit+ t+e same APO S)stem, t+e pro"lem arises t+at t+e s)stem 'annot simpl) transfer t+e R/3 material n!m"ers into APO, as t+e) ma) "e am"i.!o!s. 8+e fa't t+at t+e same material ma) +a,e &ifferent material n!m"ers in &ifferent lo.i'al s)stems, is not &is'!sse& on t+is or t+e followin. /f t+is &oes o''!r, )o! 'an !se a '!stomer e3it in APO in"o!n& pro'essin. w+ere )o! map t+e rele,ant material n!m"ers from t+e &ifferent lo.i'al s)stems onto t+e !niF!e material n!m"er in APO.

>C@ SAP A*



. siness System Gro p 324

Mat. No. A
Plant 8am! rg )ogi"al

B$siness system gro$% &BS'() Area of same naming con*ention

System 1

)ogi"al System 0

Mat. No. A
Plant +resden )ogi"al

Mat. A Plant MNo. ni"h )ogi"al System 2 Plant M ni"h )ogi"al
System 2

System 1

. siness System Gro p 314

SAP AG 2002

. siness System Gro p 324

8o .!arantee t+at t+e namin. of master &ata in &istri"!te& s)stem lan&s'apes is !niF!e, "!siness s)stem .ro!ps are &efine& in APO as areas of t+e same namin. 'on,ention. A 0!siness S)stem *ro!p >0S*@ .ro!ps &ifferent p+)si'al s)stems to form a +i.+erAle,el lo.i'al !nit. /f, for e3ample, two lo.i'al s)stems >:S1 an& :S3@ e3ist in a s)stem lan&s'ape in w+i'+ APO is inte.rate&, an& 'ontain &ifferent materials wit+ t+e same name >Material A is a +ammer in :S1, "!t a s'rew in :S2@, t+is 'onfli't m!st "e resol,e& for inte.ration in APO. 7irst of all, "ot+ lo.i'al s)stems are to "e to &ifferent "!siness s)stem .ro!ps >0S*1 an& 0S*2@. 8+e lo.i'al s)stems were ea'+ to one "!siness s)stem .ro!p. 8+e APO S)stem, as an in&epen&ent lo.i'al s)stem, m!st also "e to a "!siness s)stem .ro!p. Ea'+ so!r'e s)stem >R/3@ is to a 0S*. One 0S* 'an 'onsist of one or se,eral so!r'e s)stems "!t m!st 'ontain at least one R/3 so!r'e s)stem.

>C@ SAP A*



. siness System Gro p 314

Mat. No. A
Plant 8am! rg )ogi"al

A .ammer

+ni,$e material n$m-ers in APO

System 1

Mat. A Plant MNo. ni"h )ogi"al System 2 Plant M ni"h )ogi"al
System 2

A .ammer AB.SG2 Screw Mat. No. A

Plant +resden )ogi"al

System 1 . siness System Gro p 314 . siness System Gro p 324

SAP AG 2002

/f t+e sit!ation arises t+at two &ifferent lo.i'al s)stems wit+ i&enti'al n!m"er are operatin. w+en a &istri"!te& s)stem lan&s'ape is 'onstr!'te& wit+ APO, t+e i&enti'al names m!st "e '+an.e& wit+ a '!stomer e3it. 8+e followin. en+an'ements are a,aila"le as '!stomer e3its >transa'tions SMO1 an& CMO1@ for t+e in"o!n& pro'essin. in t+e APO S)stem >t+e list is not 'omplete@: APOCF001 E5/8K/SAPAPO/SAP:C/7K:OCK001: :o'ation APOCF002 E5/8K/SAPAPO/SAP:C/7KA8PK001: Maintain A8P '+e'( 'ontrol APOCF003 E5/8K/SAPAPO/SAP:C/7K/RQK001: Re&!'tion of planne& in&ep. reF. APOCF004 E5/8K/SAPAPO/SAP:C/7KOR1K001: Pro&!'tion an& planne& or&ers APOCF005 E5/8K/SAPAPO/SAP:C/7KPRO1K001: Pro&!'ts APOCF006 E5/8K/SAPAPO/SAP:C/7KP2K001: P!r'+ase or&er &o'!ments E5/8KSAP:K100%K001: Reso!r'e APOCF010 E5/8K/SAPAPO/SAP:C/7KS:SK001: Sales or&er APOCF011 E5/8K/SAPAPO/SAP:C/7KS8OCLK001: Sto'( 7or f!rt+er '!stomer e3its: see t+e online +elp.

>C@ SAP A*



. siness System Gro p 344
A. +efine ! siness system gro ps
.SG .SG1 .SG2 +es"ription System gro p 1 System gro p 2


.. Assign logi"al systems to a .SG

)ogi"al system )S0 AP' )S1 8am! rg )S2 M ni"h )S1 +resden . siness System Gro p .SG1 .SG1 .SG1 .SG2

C. +isplay /01 material n m!ers on AP' material n m!ers

Material no. .SG A .SG1 A .SG1 A .SG2 Material 8ammer 8ammer S"re# AP' material n m!er A A AB.SG2

Reali/ation) !$stomer exits for master data in APO in-o$nd %rocessing

SAP AG 2002

/f t+e sit!ation arises t+at two &ifferent lo.i'al s)stems wit+ i&enti'al n!m"er are operatin. w+en a &istri"!te& s)stem lan&s'ape is "ein. 'onstr!'te&, a !niF!e mappin. str!'t!re m!st "e 'onstr!'te&. 7irstl), )o! m!st &efine t+e "!siness s)stem .ro!ps in APO C!stomi6in. step !aintain "#siness System $ro#p >!n&er "asis Settings in APO@. /n t+e ne3t step >C!stomi6in. step Assign Logical System an% &#e#e Type@ )o! assi.n t+e &i,erse lo.i'al s)stems of )o!r s)stem lan&s'ape to a 0S*. Jo! s+o!l& "e aware t+at wit+in a s)stem .ro!p, t+e same namin. 'on,ention m!st appl), i.e. t+e &ifferent master &ata o"=e'ts m!st +a,e !niF!e names wit+in t+e .ro!p. 8+e last step mainl) 'onsists of t+e master &ata o"=e'ts from t+e &ifferent 0S*s "ein. 'opie& wit+ !niF!e names into APO !sin. a '!stomer e3it. 8+ese '!stomer e3its e3ist for all master &ata. Jo! m!st maintain a 0S*, e,en w+en onl) one R/3 is lin(e& wit+ one APO S)stem, or w+en se,eral R/3 S)stems are 'onne'te& wit+o!t t+e ris( of am"i.!ities. Jo! will onl) nee& more t+an one 0S* w+en t+ere is no !niF!e namin. 'on,ention. 8+e APO S)stem s+o!l& prefera"l) "e to t+e 0S*, w+ere its &ata m!st not "e rename&.

>C@ SAP A*



' t!o nd and In!o nd C e es

Sending system
' t!o nd ( e e 3standard4
+ata ( e e is "reated and sent & #itho t "onsidering the system load in the re"eiving system

Recei*ing system

ata is a*aila-le after the $%date

+ata ( e e is "reated and sent as an in!o nd ( e e

In!o nd ( e e
ata is $%dated taking the system load into acco$nt

SAP AG 2002

1!rin. inte.ration of APO an& R/3, mass transa'tions s!'+ as plannin. in APO, w+ere a lar.e amo!nt of &ata to "e transferre& is 'reate&, 'an 'a!se 'onsi&era"le s)stem loa&s in t+e re'ei,in. s)stem. 8+is is 'a!se& ") t+e missin. wor(loa& &istri"!tion of t+e FR7C pro'essin. in t+e s)stem. /f in"o!n& F!e!es are !se&, t+e s)stem loa& on t+e s)stem is ta(en into a''o!nt. /f )o! are e3pe'tin. +i.+ amo!nts of inte.ration &ata an& ins!ffi'ient wor( pro'ess reso!r'es in t+e s)stem, it ma) "e !sef!l to swit'+ to in"o!n& F!e!es. 8+e 'on,ersion from o!t"o!n& >stan&ar&@ to in"o!n& F!e!es ta(es pla'e in t+e R/3 w+en &eterminin. t+e APO s)stems >transa'tion 'o&e C7C1@ an& in APO w+en assi.nin. t+e lo.i'al s)stems to a "!siness s)stem .ro!p >APO C!stomi6in.@.

>C@ SAP A*



AP' Integration #ith Non*/01 Systems

SAP /01
S+ 8/ )'

Non* /01 System

3Core Interfa"e4




SAP AG 2002

8+e &ata e3'+an.e "etween APO an& nonAR/3 S)stems ta(es pla'e ,ia 0AP/s >0!siness Appli'ation Pro.rammin. /nterfa'es@. 0AP/s are &o'!mente& stan&ar& interfa'es t+at ena"le an o"=e'tAorientate& a''ess to SAP S)stems >,ia CMM, <a,a, 4is!al 0asi', /1OCs, COM/1COM, 1elp+iConne't, ...@.

>C@ SAP A*



Ar"hite"t re of Integration2 >nit S mmary

%he integration !et#een AP' and /01 Systems is "reated sing a /<C lin-. %o g arantee that the naming of master data in distri! ted system lands"apes is ni( e5 ! siness system gro ps are defined as areas of the same naming "onvention. 9o "an se " stomer e$its to transfer master data from different system gro ps into AP'.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



2.17Architecture of Integration - Exercises

nit! Architecture of Integration "o#ic! $e%ie& of 'ettings
At t+e en& of t+ese e3er'ises, )o! will "e a"le to: Re,iew t+e settin.s of t+e R7C 'onne'tion "etween an R/3 an& an APO S)stem. 0efore )o! familiari6e )o!rself wit+ t+e f!n'tions of t+e C/7 interfa'e as a mem"er of t+e pro=e't team, re,iew t+e R7C 'onne'tion t+at 'onne'ts t+e R/3 S)stem wit+ t+e APO S)stem.


1!rin. t+e e3er'ises, lin( an R/3 S)stem wit+ an APO S)stem. 8+e lin( "etween t+ese s)stems is "ase& on a R7C 'onne'tion t+at 'onne'ts two lo.i'al s)stems. 1A1A1 -+i'+ R/3 'lient are )o! wor(in. wit+N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A1A2 4iew in R/3 C!stomi6in., w+i'+ lo.i'al s)stem name is to )o!r 'lient. ote t+e lo.i'al name of t+e R/3 S)stem: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A1A3 -+i'+ APO 'lient are )o! wor(in. wit+N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A1A% 4iew in C!stomi6in. of t+e APO S)stem, w+i'+ lo.i'al s)stem name is to )o!r 'lient. ote t+e lo.i'al name of t+e APO S)stem: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


/n t+e ne3t step, ,iew t+e R7C 'onne'tion "etween t+e two s)stems. 1A2A1 /n t+e R/3 S)stem, &ispla) t+e R7C 'onne'tion to t+e APO S)stem. 8+is 'onne'tion 'ontains t+e name of t+e lo.i'al APO S)stem t+at )o! note& a"o,e. -+i'+ !ser name is !se& for lo.on to t+e APO S)stemN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A2A2 /n t+e APO S)stem, now &ispla) t+e R7C 'onne'tion to t+e R/3 S)stem. 8+is 'onne'tion 'ontains t+e name of t+e lo.i'al R/3 S)stem t+at )o! note& a"o,e. -+i'+ !ser name is !se& for lo.on to t+e R/3 S)stemN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

>C@ SAP A*



2.18Architecture of Integration - 'o(utions

nit! "o#ic! Architecture of Integration $e%ie& of 'ettings

1&1&1 1&1&2 R/3 1lient0 7aried5 for e$ample5 "lient @00. ,en) %at! in C)sto(i2in o# t!e R/3 S'ste(0 C stomi:ing*SAP 0e- A%%lication Ser*er A%%lication #ink 1na-ling &A#1( Sending and Recei*ing Systems #ogical Systems Assign !lient to #ogical System Assi ned lo i1al na(e o# t!e R/3 S'ste(0 7aried5 for e$ample5 %D0C)N%@00. 1&1&3 1&1&4 AP- 1lient0 7aried5 for e$ample5 "lient @00. ,en) %at! in C)sto(i2in o# t!e AP- S'ste(0 C stomi:ing SAP R/3 Basis !$stomi/ing A%%lication #ink 1na-ling &A#1( Sending and Recei*ing Systems #ogical Systems Assign !lient to #ogical System Assi ned lo i1al na(e o# t!e AP- S'ste(0 7aried5 for e$ample5 AP'C)N%@00. 1&2 1&2&1 RFC 1onne1tion to t!e AP- S'ste(0 ,en) %at! in t!e R/3 S'ste( Tools Administration Administration Network R"! estinations &R/3 !onnections( User na(e0 >S6/A+MIN 1&2&2 RFC 1onne1tion to t!e R/3 S'ste(0 ,en) %at! in t!e AP- S'ste( Tools Administration Administration Network R"! estinations &R/3 !onnections( User na(e0 >S6/A+MIN

>C@ SAP A*



%ransfer of Master +ata

%ransfer of Master +ata from SAP /01 to SAP AP' Initial +ata %ransfer and %ransfer of +ata Changes Integration Model for the %ransfer of Master +ata.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


%ransfer of Master +ata2 >nit '!,e"tives

At the "on"l sion of this nit5 yo #ill !e a!le to2 +es"ri!e the "on"ept of initial data transfer and transfer of master data "hanges from an /01 System into an AP' System Create an integration model for the transfer of master data %ransfer master data.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse 'vervie# +iagram 314
Co rse 'vervie# Ar"hite"t re of Integration %ransfer of Master +ata AP' Master +ata Models and Planning 7ersions %ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata Monitoring06rror 8andling S mmary Appendi$
SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Master +ata Interfa"e2 Core Interfa"e 3CI<4



/01 master data

Plant5 " stomer5... Material master Capa"ity /o ting and !ill of

Core Interfa"e

AP' master data

)o"ation Prod "t /eso r"e Prod "tion

Integration model


pro"ess model

SAP AG 2002

8+e &ata transfer "etween t+e R/3 an& APO s)stems is &efine& an& 'ontrolle& !sin. t+e APO Core /nterfa'e >C/7@. C/7 is t+e 'entral interfa'e for 'onne'tin. APO to t+e e3istin. R/3 s)stem en,ironment. A R7C 'onne'tion wit+ t+e R/3 S)stem is a te'+ni'al reF!irement for s!''essf!l &ata transfer to APO !sin. t+e Core /nterfa'e. 8+e C/7 interfa'e is an a&&Aon to t+e R/3 S)stem t+at )o! install !sin. t+e rele,ant pl!.Ain. 8+e e3a't installation pro'ess is &epen&ent, ot+er t+in.s, on t+e R/3 release )o! are wor(in. wit+. Jo! 'an fin& '!rrent &etaile& information on pl!.Ains in SAP et, !n&er t+e alias /R3Apl!.Ain. 8+e sele'tion of master &ata t+at t+e s)stem transfers to APO is &etermine& in an inte.ration mo&el t+at )o! &efine in t+e R/3.

>C@ SAP A*


Master +ata '!,e"ts of the CI<

/01 master data
Plant C stomer S pplier Material master Capa"ity /o ting and !ill of material %ransfer of data "hanges Initial data transfer

AP' master data
)o"ation Prod "t /eso r"e Prod "tion pro"ess model

SAP AG 2002

8+e APO Core /nterfa'e is a realAtime interfa'e. Onl) t+e &ata o"=e'ts nee&e& in t+e &ata str!'t!res re'on'ile& in plannin. in SAP APO for t+e parti'!lar plannin. an& optimi6ation pro'esses are transferre& from t+e 'omple3 &ataset in SAP R/3 to SAP APO. 0ot+ t+e initial &ata transfer >initial transfer@ an& t+e transfer of &ata ' to APO are ma&e t+ro!.+ t+e APO Core /nterfa'e. 8+e master &ata o"=e'ts in SAP APO are not i&enti'al to t+ose in SAP R/3. 1!rin. master &ata transfer, t+e rele,ant SAP R/3 master &ata is !s!all) mappe& onto 'orrespon&in. SAP APO plannin. master &ata. 8+e SAP R/3 s)stem is alwa)s t+e &ominant s)stem for master &ata. Onl) spe'ifi' APO master &ata t+at &oes not e3ist in SAP R/3 is maintaine& &ire'tl) in SAP APO.

>C@ SAP A*


Initial +ata %ransfer of Master +ata2 'vervie#

1. 'enerate integration model

+etermine name and AP' target system Sele"t master data


Name %arget sys. Plant Material master /eso r"e


2. Acti*ate integration model

Integration model is a"tive


Master data #ill !e transferred

SAP AG 2002

Jo! &efine t+e inte.ration mo&el t+at 'ontrols t+e transfer of master an& transa'tion &ata in t+e R/3 S)stem. Jo! 'an fin& t+e men! option Core 'nterface A%(ance% Planner an% ptimi)er >t+e C'F men!@ !n&er Logistics *+ Central F#nctions *+ S#pply C,ain Planning 'nterface8+e inte.ration mo&el &istin.!is+es "etween master &ata an& transa'tion &ata. -e re'ommen& t+at )o! sele't t+e two t)pes of &ata in separate inte.ration mo&els an& t+en transfer t+em separatel). /n t+e inte.ration mo&el, )o! sele't t+e &ataset >master or transa'tion &ata@ t+at )o! want to transfer. Jo! spe'if) t+e followin. in t+e inte.ration mo&el A 8+e APO s)stem for t+e &ata transfer A 8+e &ata o"=e'ts )o! want to transfer Jo! 'an &elete inte.ration mo&els t+at )o! no nee&. ote t+at )o! m!st first &ea'ti,ate t+ese inte.ration mo&els.

>C@ SAP A*


Generate Integration Model for Initial +ata %ransfer
Name F appli"ation G ni( e definition of integration model
Name %arget sys. Appli"ation P>MPS AP'C)N%@00 MA%6/IA)S


Material master C stomers Plants S ppliers ;or- "enters

Sele"tion of master data types


Prod "tion pro"ess models

Sele"tion options materials

Material Plant M/P type 1000 E0

Sele"tion "riteria for the master data

6$e" te

SAP AG 2002


8+e master &ata t+at t+e s)stem will transfer for t+e first time >initial transfer@, from t+e R/3 S)stem into t+e APO S)stem, is &efine& in an inte.ration mo&el. 8+e R/3 S)stem .enerates t+is inte.ration mo&el >transa'tion C7M1@. An inte.ration mo&el is !niF!el) &efine& ") its name an& appli'ation. /t is !sef!l to 'reate se,eral inte.ration mo&els wit+ t+e same name "!t as &ifferent appli'ations. Ens!re t+at t+e &ata pools of )o!r inte.ration mo&els are .enerall) not too "i.. 8+is ena"les )o! to +an&le errors more easil). 8+e s)stem t+at )o! spe'if) in t+e inte.ration mo&el &etermines t+e APO S)stem t+at t+e master &ata is transferre& into. 8+e s)stem is a lo.i'al >APO@ s)stem t+at m!st +a,e a R7C 'onne'tion. 7inall), )o! !se a parti'!lar inte.ration mo&el to spe'if) w+i'+ master &ata )o! want t+e s)stem to transfer. 8o &o so, )o! first spe'if) t+e master &ata t)pes t+at flow into t+e inte.ration mo&el. /n t+e se'on& step, )o! spe'if) t+e sele'tion 'riteria to "e !se& for t+e sele'tion of t+e in&i,i&!al master &ata &o'!ments in t+e R/3 S)stem. Jo! 'omplete t+e .eneration of t+e inte.ration mo&el ") ?e3e'!tin.? t+e mo&el >t+is means t+at t+e &ata o"=e'ts of t+e mo&el are 'ompile&@ an& t+en )o! sa,e it.

>C@ SAP A*


A"tivate Integration Model for Initial +ata %ransfer

2ntegration model
Name %arget sys. Appli"ation
P>MPS AP'C)N%@00 MA%6/IA)S

Material master A Material Materialmaster masterA . Material master A


A"tive0Ina"t. MA%6/IA)S 10200200



Master data in AP'
SAP AG 2002

Material master A Material master Prod "t . A Prod "t A

8o transfer &ata into APO, )o! m!st a'ti,ate an inte.ration mo&el t+at +as pre,io!sl) "een .enerate&. Jo! a'ti,ate an inte.ration mo&el wit+ t+e Acti(ate 'ntegration !o%el transa'tion >transa'tion 'o&e C7M2@ in t+e C/7. /t is !sef!l to +a,e se,eral inte.ration mo&els a'ti,e at a time. C+oose t+e Start f!n'tion to t+e &ata transfer into APO: 8+e master &ata, or t+e eF!i,alent of t+e R/3 master &ata in APO, e3ists in t+e APO S)stem. 0asi'all), onl) t+e master &ata t+at was not a,aila"le in an) ot+er a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el is transferre& a.ain >&elta 'omparison@. 8o "e a"le to 'arr) o!t t+e &elta mat'+in. t+at was e3e'!te& &!rin. a'ti,ation of an inte.ration mo&el F!i'(l), t+e s)stem refers to t+e r!ntime ,ersion of t+e inte.ration mo&els. 8+e r!ntime ,ersion is forme& in t+e "a'(.ro!n& from all a'ti,e inte.ration mo&els, ea'+ wit+ one o"=e't t)pe an& s)stem, formatte& optimall) an& sa,e& to t+e &ata"ase. /t is a!tomati'all) !p&ate& &!rin. t+e a'ti,ation of new mo&els. Jo! 'an a''ess t+e r!ntime ,ersion man!all) from report RC/7/MA5. 8+e initial &ata transfer !s!all) r!ns in a parti'!lar or&er: t+e o"=e'ts are sele'te& s!''essi,el), transferre& to APO an& pro'esse& t+ere in t+is seF!en'e. 7or impro,e& s)stem performan'e, it is also possi"le to e3e'!te a parallel initial &ata transfer: se,eral inte.ration mo&els 'an "e a'ti,ate& at t+e same time. Jo! 'an set &!rin. parallel pro'essin. w+et+er to r!n t+e sele'tion in R/3, pro'essin. in APO or "ot+ at t+e same time. Parallel pro'essin. ta(es pla'e wit+in an o"=e't t)pe, w+ereas t+e &ifferent o"=e't t)pes are still transferre& in seF!en'e.

>C@ SAP A*


Sele"tion Criteria for M/P %ype HE0H

M/P type M/P pro"ed re

Material master + Material master C

2ntegration model

E0 E

Material master . Material master A

%arget s. AP'C)N%@00 Appli"at. MA%6/IA)S Material master

;itho t M/P5 #ith .'M e$plosion

Mat A

Mat C Mat +


C stomers

Sele"tion materials

Mat .

Material Plant M/P type 1000

Planning in AP'
SAP AG 2002

Prod "t C Prod "t . Prod "t A


Material stat s AP


< rther restri"tions on the sele"tion are possi!le

Plannin. is not ne'essaril) e3e'!te& for all materials in SAP APO. Plannin. for 'riti'al materials 'an ta(e pla'e in SAP APO, w+ile less 'riti'al materials >s!'+ as 'ons!mptionA'ontrolle& p!r'+asin. materials@ are planne& e3'l!si,el) in SAP R/3. Materials planne& in SAP APO ma) not "e planne& a.ain in SAP R/3 A t+e plannin. res!lt from SAP APO is transferre& &ire'tl) in t+e form of planne& or pro&!'tion or&ers to SAP R/3. 9owe,er, for materials wit+ a 0OM, &epen&ent reF!irements 'an "e 'reate& in t+e R/3 for nonAAPOArele,ant 'omponents. Jo! t+erefore assi.n t+ese materials a spe'ial MRP t)pe wit+ t+e MRP pro'e&!re ?5? >?wit+o!t MRP, wit+ 0OM e3plosion?@. >8+is MRP pro'e&!re is a,aila"le as of %.0O if )o! wor( wit+ earlier releases, !se MRP t)pe ?P%? wit+ a plannin. time fen'e of $$$ &a)s@. /t is also possi"le to !se t+e MRP t)pe 5O to sele't materials rele,ant for SAP APO in t+e inte.ration mo&el. /f )o! .i,e materials t+at are to "e planne& in APO a spe'ial plantAspe'ifi' material stat!s, )o! 'an !se t+e material stat!s to limit t+e sele'tion f!rt+er. /n .eneral, )o! s+o!l& "e 'aref!l a"o!t separatin. SAP APOArele,ant materials from t+ose t+at are not SAP APOArele,ant: 7or effe'ti,e plannin. in SAP APO, )o! m!st "e s!re t+at all materials important for t+e plannin. pro'ess are a't!all) planne& in SAP APO. >8a(e 'apa'it) plannin. as an e3ample: /f t+e 'apa'ities are to "e planne& for t+e &ifferent reso!r'es in SAP APO, all materials t+at are pro&!'e& on t+ese reso!r'es m!st "e planne& in SAP APO.@

>C@ SAP A*


%ransfer Ne# AP'*/elevant Master +ata 314

Material master C



%arget s. AP'C)N%@00 Appli"at. MA%6/IA)S Material master M/P type

1xisting integration model 6$e" te 3 Save

A"tive0Ina"t. 11200200 10200200



MA%6/IA)S MA%6/IA)S Start


AP'C)N%@00 AP'C)N%@00

ifference is transferred

Ne# master data in AP'
SAP AG 2002

Prod "t C

ew APOArele,ant master &ata >in t+e e3ample on t+e sli&e a"o,e, a new material wit+ MRP t)pe ./@, t+at 'orrespon&s wit+ t+e sele'tion 'riteria of an e3istin. inte.ration mo&el >in t+e e3ample, materials wit+ t+e MRP t)pe ./ are sele'te& in t+e inte.ration mo&el@, 'an "e transferre& into APO in t+e followin. wa): 8+e s)stem reA.enerates t+e e3istin. mo&el >t+e new master &ata is also sele'te& +ere@. 8+ere are t+en two mo&els wit+ t+e same name, t+e onl) &ifferen'es "ein. t+e &ates an& times. /f t+e a'ti,ation is performe& in t+is sit!ation, t+e &ifferen'e is t+en transferre& >in'l!&in. an) e3istin. '+an.e pointers@. 8+e s)stem 'ompares t+e e3istin., a'ti,e inte.ration mo&els wit+ t+e new mo&el. After t+e &ata transfer, t+e s)stem &ea'ti,ates t+e ol% inte.ration mo&el, lea,in. t+e ne0 inte.ration mo&el as t+e a'ti,e mo&el. /f )o! +a,e a'ti,ate& mo&el 1 wit+ t+e material masters A an& 0, an& a'ti,ate a mo&el 2 in t+e se'on& step wit+ material masters 0 an& C, t+en w+en )o! a'ti,ate mo&el 2, onl) material C will "e transferre&. 8+en w+en )o! &ea'ti,ate mo&el 1, t+e inte.ration for materials 0 an& C remain. 8o ens!re t+at t+e s)stem +as transferre& all t+e APOArele,ant master &ata, it is possi"le to perio&i'all) re.enerate an& a'ti,ate t+e e3istin. inte.ration mo&els. As an) e3istin. '+an.e pointers are also pro'esse& in t+is pro'e&!re, a separate transfer of &ata ' is no ne'essar).

>C@ SAP A*



%ransfer Ne# AP'*/elevant Master +ata 324

1xec$te integration model %eriodically

'enerate integration model
Name %arget sys. Appli"ation
P>MPS AP'C)N%@00 MA%6/IA)S

I'.B1 7ariant P>MPBMA%

6$e" te


Save alternati*e)

Step 1

/IM'+G6N report Acti*ate integration model

Name %arget sys. Appli"ation
P>MPS AP'C)N%@00 MA%6/IA)S

I'.B1BAN+B2 I'.B2 7ariant P>MPBMA%



Step 2

/IM'+AC2 report
SAP AG 2002

1efinin. =o"s ena"les t+e s)stem to re.enerate an& t+en a'ti,ate t+e inte.ration mo&els in re.!lar inter,als, as t+e R/3 S)stem is 'onstantl) 'reatin. new APOArele,ant master &ata. 8+e s)stem .enerates an inte.ration mo&el wit+ t+e R/MO1*E report. Jo! s'+e&!le t+is report ") enterin. a ,ariant >t+at )o! m!st +a,e &efine& pre,io!sl)@ as a =o". 8+e s)stem a'ti,ates an inte.ration mo&el ,ia t+e R/MO1AC2 report. Jo! nee& a ,ariant for t+is report too, in or&er to s'+e&!le it in a =o". ?E3e'!tin.? an inte.ration mo&el 'onsists of two steps: 8+e .eneration an& a'ti,ation of an inte.ration mo&el. Jo! 'an s'+e&!le t+ese two steps wit+ a =o", w+ere )o! &efine t+e two a'ti,ities as two 'onse'!ti,e steps. 8o a,oi& 'reatin. man) ol& mo&els t+at are no nee&e& &!rin. t+e re.!lar .eneration an& a'ti,ation of t+e inte.ration mo&els, )o! s+o!l& re.!larl) &elete t+e ol& mo&els. Jo! 'an also s'+e&!le &eletions perio&i'all) wit+ t+e R/MO11E: report. /f )o! set t+e Log %eacti(ate% material masters swit'+ &!rin. a'ti,ation of an inte.ration mo&el, material masters t+at are no a'ti,e after t+e a'ti,ation of t+e new mo&el are lo..e& >t+e new mo&el ma) repla'e an ol& mo&el wit+ t+e same name@. Report RC/7M81E t+en allows )o! to &ispla) t+e 'orrespon&in. list or set t+e 'orrespon&in. pro&!'t masters in APO to e3ternal plannin., so t+at t+e) are not in'l!&e& in an APO plannin. r!n.

>C@ SAP A*



%ransfer of Master +ata Changes 314

!hanges to APO4rele*ant master data are transferred 4 what is APO4rele*ant master data5
Name P>MPS

Appli"at. MA%6/IA)S


Material master

Sele"tion materials Material Plant M/P type 1000 Material A Material . Material C




Materials 3master data4 are AP'* relevant

Integration model a"tive

P mps AP'C)N%@00 Materials

SAP AG 2002

An) ' )o! ma(e to t+e master &ata in t+e R/3 S)stem t+at are also APOArele,ant, m!st "e transferre& into t+e APO S)stem. 8+e s)stem &oes not !s!all) 'arr) o!t a new initial &ata transfer, "!t =!st transfers t+e in&i,i&!al ' to t+e master &ata. /n t+e same wa), t+e s)stem also transfers a &eletion fla. for a material into APO. An transfer of &ata ' ass!mes t+at an a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el is a,aila"le for t+e rele,ant master &ata, an& t+at t+e master &ata is APOArele,ant. -it+ t+e transfer of master &ata ', remem"er t+at t+e s)stem will transfer t+e 'omplete &ata re'or&. /f, for e3ample, )o! '+an.e a fiel& in t+e material master, t+e entire material master will "e retransferre& in t+e transfer of &ata '

>C@ SAP A*



%ransfer of Master +ata Changes 324

Material master A
M/P M/P type

Master data change

Change pointer generally a"tiveA /elevant message type a"tiveA

Change pointer
Material .


Plan. del. time 10 days 11 days 7ariant +6)%ABMA%

C stomi:ing

Material A

%ransfer of data "hanges %arget sys. AP'C)N%@00 '!,e"t types Material master

Change transfer
6$e" te



Changed master data in AP'

SAP AG 2002

Prod "t A Plan. del. time 11 days

SAP R/3 is t+e &ominant master &ata s)stem. As a r!le, t+e s)stem performs ' to t+e master &ata in t+e R/3 S)stem an& transfers t+em from t+ere into t+e APO S)stem. -it+ master &ata ', it is not ne'essar) for t+e s)stem to totall) retransfer all t+e master &ata as an initial &ata transfer. /nstea&, t+e s)stem 'an transfer =!st t+e '+an.e& master &ata. 7or a transfer of &ata ', )o! m!st set in C!stomi6in. in t+e R/3 S)stem, t+at A:E '+an.e pointers are written for master &ata ' 7irst, )o! a'ti,ate t+e '+an.e pointers > Acti(ate C,ange Pointers *$enerally in C!stomi6in. in A:E, transa'tion 01B1@, "efore )o! &etermine >in C!stomi6in., Acti(ate C,ange Pointers for !essage Type, transa'tion 01#0@, w+i'+ master &ata o"=e'ts s+o!l& +a,e '+an.e pointers. >C/7MA8 messa.e t)pe for material masters, C/74E for ,en&ors, C/7C2S for '!stomers, C/7SRC for info re'or&s@ /f )o! !se C/7 transa'tion Config#re Transfer of Data C,anges, t+e settin.s for t+e messa.e t)pes C/7MA8, C/74E an& C/7C2S are a!tomati'all) set. 8+e pro'ess of transferrin. &ata ' re,erts to t+e A:E '+an.e pointer. 8+is '+an.e pointer sele'ts t+e master &ata for t+e s)stem to retransfer. -+en )o! 'all !p t+e transa'tion C,ange Transfer * !aster Data >C7P1@, spe'if) t+e t+e lo.i'al s)stems an& t+e master &ata o"=e'ts >material masters, ,en&ors, so!r'es of s!ppl), '!stomers@, t+at +a,e ' to "e transferre&. Jo! 'an sa,e )o!r settin.s for t+e transfer of &ata ' as ,ariants an&, if ne'essar), !se t+ese ,ariants for t+e perio&i' s'+e&!lin. of transferrin. &ata ' as a =o" >RCP8RA % report@. ma&e to R/3 ro!tin.s or 0OMs 'an "e transferre& to APO as a PPM transfer of &ata ' 8+is transfer ta(es pla'e wit+ a separate transa'tion.
SCM210 13

>C@ SAP A*

/eal*%ime %ransfer of Master +ata Changes
!onfig$ration %roced$re for transfer of master data changes
!onfig$re transfer of data changes
Material master . siness %ransa"tion 6vent5 immed. A)6 "hange pointer5 periodi" no transfer of data "hanges !$stomers . siness %ransa"tion 6vent5 immed. A)6 "hange pointer5 periodi" no transfer of data "hanges S$%%liers . siness %ransa"tion 6vent5 immed. A)6 "hange pointer5 periodi" no transfer of data "hanges
SAP AG 2002

Changed /01 master data o!,e"ts are transferred to AP' #hen the "hanges are saved in real*time

Changes to /01 master data o!,e"ts are re"orded and the transfer of the "hanges is 3periodi"ally5 for e$ample4 triggered

8+e s)stem 'an transfer ' to APOArele,ant master &ata >&ata 'ontaine& in an a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el@ t+e material master, '!stomer an& ,en&or in realAtime, >&ire'tl) w+en !p&atin. a &ata '+an.e in t+e R/3 S)stem@ into t+e APO S)stem. 8+e settin.s for t+is f!n'tion are ma&e in C/7 transa'tion Config#re Transfer of Data C,anges. /n realA time transfer, t+e s)stem transfers t+e 'omplete &ata re'or& t+at +as "een '+an.e& &ire'tl) to t+e APO S)stem. >7or n!mero!s ' t+ere are 'orrespon&in. reper'!ssions on t+e s)stem performan'e, t+is f!n'tion reF!ires more settin.s to "e ma&e a''or&in. to t+e online &o'!mentation@. /n t+e perio&i' transfer, t+e s)stem 'olle'ts an& transfers t+e master &ata ' into t+e APO S)stem, wit+in a normal transfer of &ata ' 8+e transfer of &ata ' 'an finall) "e &ea'ti,ate&. /f t+e transfer of &ata ' is set to ?0!siness 8ransa'tion E,ent, imme&iatel)?, t+e pro'essin. ta(es pla'e wit+o!t !sin. '+an.e pointers. /f t+e transfer of &ata ' is set perio&i'all), t+e '+an.e pointers are a!tomati'all) a'ti,ate&. Similarl) to t+e '+an.e pointers, t+e '+an.e is '+e'(e& to see w+et+er it is rele,ant for APO "efore t+e online transfer. 8+is '+e'( ta(es pla'e "ase& on t+e APO master &ata str!'t!re: it is 'on,erte& after t+e '+an.e of t+e new R/3 master &ata &o'!ment into t+e APO &o'!ment an& 'ompare& wit+ t+e e3istin. APO &o'!ment P anot+er transfer of master &ata ' onl) ta(es pla'e if t+ere are &ifferen'es.

>C@ SAP A*



%ransfer Master +ata Changes Periodi"ally

1*al$ate and send change recordings

%arget sys. AP'C)N%@00 '!,e"t types Material master C stomers

Sched$le %eriodically


7ariant +6)%ABMA%

6$e" te

/CP%/AN4 report

C rrent master data in AP'
SAP AG 2002

8+is .i,es )o! t+e '+an'e to perio&i'all) s'+e&!le t+e transfer of master &ata ' as a =o". 9ere )o! &efine a ,ariant >'ontainin. t+e s)stem an& t+e sele'tion of master &ata o"=e'ts@ for t+e RCP8RA % report >+i&&en "e+in& transa'tion C7P1@, wit+ w+i'+ )o! 'an &efine t+e =o".

>C@ SAP A*



PPM %ransfer of +ata Changes

Prod "tion version 0001
Changes to prod "tion order5 ro ting 3or master re"ipe45 .'M

No. ?000JJ

/o ting


PPM transfer of data changes


C rrent plans in AP'

SAP AG 2002 to R/3 pro&!'tion ,ersions, ro!tin.s, master re'ipes or 0OMs 'an "e transferre& to APO ,ia t+e PPM transfer of &ata ' >transa'tion C7P3@: 8+e PPM t+at 'orrespon&s wit+ t+ese o"=e'ts >or t+e iPPE r!ntime o"=e't@ is 'reate&. /f one of t+e R/3 o"=e'ts mentione& a"o,e is '+an.e&, a PPM '+an.e pointer is written. 8+ese '+an.e pointers are pro'esse& wit+ t+e PPM transfer of &ata ' /f '+an.e pointers +a,e "een written t+at are not to lea& to a transfer >for e3ample, "e'a!se t+e '+an.e is ol&@, t+e) 'an "e &elete& wit+ transa'tion C7P%. > to t+e operation from 'lassifi'ation at t+e wor( 'enter &o not reF!ire a '+an.e pointer.@ ote t+e followin. restri'tions in t+e PPM transfer of &ata ' no '+an.e pointers are written for ' to &!mm) 0OMs, ' to referen'e& referen'e operation sets, ' to referen'e& o"=e'ts >for e3ample, 'omponent s'rap in t+e material master@.

>C@ SAP A*



Integration Model2 'ther < n"tions

+ea"tivate integration model Conne"tion !et#een /01 and AP' for the relevant master and movement data #ill !e "an"elled


+elete integration model +ea"tivated models "an !e deleted <ilter o!,e"t sear"h Che"- #hether the data o!,e"ts are already "ontained #ithin an integration model Consisten"y "he"9o "an "he"- the "onsisten"y of the sele"ted data in the integration model

SAP AG 2002

After &ea'ti,ation of an inte.ration mo&el for transa'tion &ata, t+e affe'te& transa'tion &ata is not e3'+an.e& "etween R/3 an& APO: for e3ample, sales or&ers t+at are 'reate& in t+e R/3 after &ea'ti,ation of t+e mo&el are no transferre&. Planne& or&ers t+at are 'reate& in APO after &ea'ti,ation of t+e 'orrespon&in. inte.ration mo&el are not transmitte& to APO eit+er. 1eletin. an inte.ration mo&el &oes not mean t+at t+e pre,io!sl) sele'te& &ata in APO is also &elete&. >7or master &ata 'ontaine& wit+in an a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el, an& for w+i'+ )o! +a,e set a &eletion fla. in R/3, t+e &eletion fla. is transferre& to APO !sin. a transfer of &ata '

>C@ SAP A*



%ransfer of Master +ata2 >nit S mmary 314

%he /01 is the dominant master data system. %he system transfers the master data from the /01 to AP' #ith the help of a CI< integration model. + ring an initial transfer5 the system "reates the AP' master data that "orresponds #ith the /01 master data. %he system determines the s"ope of an initial transfer #ith an integration model. A transfer of data "hanges "an help g arantee that the system #ill transfer AP'*relevant data "hanges in the /01 into the AP' System.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



%ransfer of Master +ata2 >nit S mmary 324

%he system "an s"hed le !oth the initial data transfer and the transfer of data "hanges as periodi" ,o!s sing relevant e$isting reports.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



3.20"ransfer of )aster *ata - Exercises

nit! "o#ic! "ransfer of )aster *ata Initia( "ransfer of )ateria( )asters

At t+e en& of t+ese e3er'ises, )o! will "e a"le to: Prepare R/3 material masters for plannin. in APO Create an inte.ration mo&el for t+e initial &ata transfer an& e3e'!te t+e transfer. 8+e p!mp 8A71QQ in plant 1000 is to "e planne& in APO. 8+erefore, )o! first prepare t+e material master in R/3 for plannin. in APO, an& t+en 'reate an inte.ration mo&el to transfer into APO.


8+e material 8A71QQ is to "e planne& in APO. A materials plannin. in R/3 is 'ontrolle& ") t+e MRP t)pe t+at )o! enter in t+e material master. /f a material is not to "e planne& in R/3, it m!st +a,e t+e 'orrespon&in. MRP t)pe. 1A1A1 1ispla) t+e X0 )$+ t,#e in R/3 C!stomi6in.. -+i'+ MRP pro'e&!re is entere& in t+is MRP t)peN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A1A2 -+at effe't &oes t+is MRP pro'e&!re +a,eN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A1A3 -+i'+ plannin. met+o& is entere& in t+is MRP t)pe >!n&er A%%itional selection parameters@N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


C+an.e t+e material master "--1.. in plant 1000 as follows: 1A2A1 Enter )$+ t,#e X0 in t+e MRP1 ,iew. 1A2A2 8+e s!"seF!ent transfer of t+e tas( list an& "ill of material into t+e APO S)stem ass!mes t+at a ,ali& pro&!'tion ,ersion e3ists in R/3. 8+erefore, 'reate a pro&!'tion ,ersion for material 8A71QQ: Press t+e Production Versions "!tton in t+e MRP% ,iew of t+e material master. /n t+e o,er,iew s'reen, enter a new pro&!'tion ,ersion 0001 wit+ t+e name Nor/a( #ro0uction, w+i'+ s+o!l& "e ,ali& from to0a, !ntil the en0 of next ,ear. 2sin. t+e Details "!tton, .o to t+e &etail s'reen an& enter t+e followin. &ata: 1ot si2e: from 1 >p'@ to 9993999 >p'@

>C@ SAP A*



"as4 (ist: /n t+e &etaile& plannin. row, transfer t+e $outing3 t+at )o! sear'+ for >an& fin&@ wit+ t+e 7% 9elp, from t+e plannin. .ro!p fiel& !sin. material >8A71QQ@. 5i(( of /ateria(: Enter t+e alternati,e 0OM 1 from 0OM !sa.e 1. Jo! e3it t+e pro&!'tion ,ersion maintenan'e ") pressin. t+e "!tton Continue twi'e, t+en save t+e material master. 1A3 Jo! 'reate an inte.ration mo&el to transfer t+e material master to APO: 1A3A1 *enerate an inte.ration mo&el wit+ t+e followin. settin.s: Mo&el name: s)stem: Appli'ation: + )+.. Logical AP system name t,at yo# note% abo(e )A" "--1..

Sele't t+e /ateria( /asters to "e in'l!&e& in t+e inte.ration mo&el. 2n&er t+e .eneral sele'tion options for materials, enter material "--1.. in plant 1000. 1o not e3e'!te t+e inte.ration mo&el )etR

1A3A2 Sa,e )o!r settin.s as t+e )at. ,ariant. "--1... 1A3A3 Execute t+e inte.ration mo&el ") pressin. t+e e3e'!te i'on. On t+e followin. res!lts s'reen, ma(e s!re t+at t+e inte.ration mo&el sele'te& )o!r material 8A 71QQ. Ma(e s!re t+at onl) one material +as "een sele'te&. /f )o! +a,e for.otten to spe'if) )o!r material in t+e .eneral sele'tion options, all materials >se,eral t+o!san&@ are sele'te&. /n t+is 'ase, ret!rn to w+ere t+e inte.ration mo&el is 'reate& an& spe'if) t+e sele'tion. 1A3A% 8o 'omplete t+is pro'ess, save )o!r inte.ration mo&el. 8o transfer t+e master &ata to t+e APO S)stem, )o! m!st a'ti,ate t+e inte.ration mo&el. 8o pro,i&e a "etter o,er,iew, t+e instructor will acti%ate all )o!r mo&els.

>C@ SAP A*

8+e instructor a'ti,ates )o!r inte.ration mo&els.

SCM210 21


C+e'( t+e res!lt of t+e material master transfers in APO. /n t+e APO S)stem, &ispla) t+e pro&!'t "--1.. in lo'ation 1000. 1A#A1 -+at is t+e name of pro&!'t 8A71QQN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A#A2 :oo( at t+e A%ministration ta" pa.e. -+i'+ #ser 'reate& t+e pro&!'t masterN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK -+ere &oes t+is !ser 'ome fromN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A#A3 *o to t+e Lot si)e ta" pa.e. -+i'+ lotAsi6in. pro'e&!re is set +ereN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A#A% *o to t+e Proc#rement ta" pa.e. -+i'+ pro'!rement t)pe is setN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

>C@ SAP A*



3.21"ransfer of )aster *ata - 'o(utions

nit! "o#ic! "ransfer of )aster *ata Initia( "ransfer of )ateria( )asters


,en) %at! in R/3 C)sto(i2in 0 Prod$ction Material Re,$irements Planning Master ata !heck MRP Ty%es 1&1&1 1&1&2 ,RP %ro1ed)re in ,RP t'%e 300 67 0itho$t MRP7 with BOM ex%losion8 +##e1t0 %his M/P type means that the "orresponding materials #ill not !e planned in the /01. <or planned orders that are "reated man ally or transferred from a non*SAP system 3AP'45 a .'M e$plosion is still performed so that dependent re( irements "an !e "reated. Plannin (et!od0 15 Planned -y external system8

1&1&3 1&2

,en) %at! in t!e R/3 S'ste(0 #ogistics Prod$ction Master ata Material Master Material !hange 2mmediately

1&3 1&3&1 ,en) %at! in t!e R/3 S'ste(0 #ogistics !entral "$nctions S$%%ly !hain Planning 2nterface !ore 2nterface Ad*anced Planner and O%timi/er 2ntegration Model 'enerate !reate Sa/e as a /ariant0 +nter t!e /ariant na(e in t!e inte ration (odel )nder 'oto 9ariants Sa*e as 9ariant and t!en Save$


1&4 1&5 4n t!e AP- S'ste(5 1!oose Master ata Prod$ct8 1&5&1 1&5&2 6a(e o# %rod)1t0 P$m% PR1!2S2ON :;; 3transferred from /014. User "!o 1reated t!e %rod)1t (aster0 +S1RA M2N. -ri in o# t!is )ser0 %he prod "t master #as transferred via the CI< interfa"e that is !ased on a /<C "onne"tion !et#een the /01 and the AP' System. %he ser >S6/A+MIN is defined in this /<C "onne"tion & the CI< interfa"e ses this ser to logon to the AP' System. 1&5&3 1&5&4 7ot&si2in %ro1ed)re0 %he lot*for*lot order ( antity is set. Pro1)re(ent t'%e0 1 3In*ho se prod "tion4 is set.

>C@ SAP A*



AP' Master +ata

AP' Master +ata /es lt of the %ransfer of /01 Master +ata into AP' S pplementing AP' Master +ata.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


AP' Master +ata2 >nit '!,e"tives

At the "on"l sion of this nit5 yo #ill !e a!le to2 +es"ri!e the res lt of the transfer of /01 master data to AP' 6$plain the f n"tion of the individ al master data do" ments in AP' Spe"ify #here in the AP' System it may !e ne"essary to add to the master data transferred from the /01

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse 'vervie# +iagram 344
Co rse 'vervie# Ar"hite"t re of Integration %ransfer of Master +ata AP' Master +ata Models and Planning 7ersions %ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata Monitoring06rror 8andling S mmary Appendi$
SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Master +ata2 'vervie# 314

/01 master data
Plant C stomer S pplier Material master ;or- "enter0"apa"ity /o ting and !ill of material

AP' master data

Prod "t /eso r"e Prod "tion pro"ess model

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem transfers t+e R/3 master &ata o"=e'ts plant, c#stomer an& (en%or into APO as lo'ations wit+ &ifferent lo'ation t)pes. 8+e s)stem also transfers 'lasses an& '+ara'teristi's from R/3 into APO.

>C@ SAP A*


)o"ation %ypes


#ocations with

Plant +istri! tion "enter M/P area C stomer %ransportation :one S pplier


lo"ation type
1001 1002 100J 1010 100? 1011 Prod "tion plant +istri! tion "enter M/P area C stomer %ransportation :one S pplier ...

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


)o"ation %ype Prod "tion Plant

ata transfer from the R/3 %rod$ction %lant /01

!$stomi/ing) Plant Plant Name 1000 8am! rg Master data) #ocation )o"ation )o".type


1000 1001

8am! rg plant Prod "tion plant

Street %o#n

Alster St. 22222 8am! rg


Street %o#n

Alster St. 22222 8am! rg

Co ntry +6 Germany /egion 02 %ime :one )ang age 8am! rg C6% German

Co ntry +6 Germany /egion 02 %ime :one )ang age 8am! rg C6% German

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem transfers a plant into APO as a lo'ation wit+ lo'ation t)pe 1001 >pro&!'tion plant@. 8+e s)stem also 'opies t+ese "asi' settin.s for t+e plant: 1es'ription, a&&ress &ata, time 6one an& re.ional assi.nment.

>C@ SAP A*


Additional +ata in AP' )o"ation


Master data) location )o"ation )o".type


1000 1001 Prod "tion plant

SNP ...

+6 6N

8am! rg plant 8am! rg plant


Short des"ription of the lo"ation in several lang ages

Street %o#n

Alster St. 22222 8am! rg AP'*spe"ifi" planning parameters

Co ntry +6 Germany /egion 02 %ime :one )ang age 8am! rg C6% German

SAP AG 2002

7or APO lo'ations, )o! 'an maintain t+e s+ort te3t in se,eral lan.! >in 'ontrast wit+ t+e plant in R/3@, so t+at after lo.on in a 'ertain lan.!a.e, t+is lan.!a.e will appear. As a r!le, APO lo'ations 'ontain a&&itional plannin. parameters t+at +a,e no eF!i,alents in R/3. Jo! 'an t+en maintain t+ese parameters in APO. 8+e s)stem 'annot transfer t+em from R/3.

>C@ SAP A*


)o"ation %ype +istri! tion Center

ata transfer from R/3 distri-$tion center &from SAP R/3 <8;( /01
!$stomi/ing) Plant Plant Name 2400 +C Milano Master data) #ocation )o"ation 2400 )o".type 1002


+C Milano +istri! tion "enter


Street %o#n

7ia Castaldi 1 20100 Milano I% Italy

Street %o#n Co ntry

7ia Castaldi 1 20100 Milano I% Italy


Co ntry

RP 8am! rg plant +C +C Milano

+efinition as +C
!$stomi/ing) 1000 2400
SAP AG 2002

Plant Node type Name

As of %.0, t+e s)stem 'an &efine plants as &istri"!tion 'enters wit+in t+e frames of t+e 1RP f!n'tion >1RP: 1istri"!tion Reso!r'e Plannin.@ in R/3. 7or t+is, )o! !se t+e 'orrespon&in. entr) in t+e C!stomi6in. ta"le >C!stomi6in. step Assign 1o%e Type * !aintain Plant in t+e settin.s of 1RP C!stomi6in.@. -+en )o! transfer plants into APO t+at are &efine& in R/3 as &istri"!tion 'enters, t+e s)stem transfers t+em to lo'ation t)pe 1002 >&istri"!tion 'enter@. 8+e transfer of t+e in&i,i&!al R/3 plant settin.s >in R/3, a 1C is a plant@ ta(es pla'e in e3a'tl) t+e same wa) as it &oes for pro&!'tion plants. /f )o! are wor(in. wit+ a release ol&er t+an SAP R/3 %.0, w+ere )o! 'annot &efine 1Cs, !se a '!stomer e3it to transfer an R/3 plant as an APOA1C.

>C@ SAP A*


)o"ation %ype M/P Area

ata transfer from R/3 storage location MRP area &as of <8=( /01
!$stomi/ing) Re,ts %lanning M/P area Name +.10DD M/P area 10DD 02 1000 00DD Master data) #ocation )o". +.10DD %ype 100J M/P area 10DD M/P area


M/P area type Plant /e"eiving stor. lo".

Assignment to %lant :;;;

General Address

no other storage locations Plant 1000 are assigned>

Street Alster St. 11 %o#n 22222 8am! rg +6 Germany

Street %o#n Co ntry

Alster St. 11 22222 8am! rg +6 Germany

SAP AG 2002

Co ntry


As of SAP R/3 %.#, MRP areas for t+e &ifferentiation of reF!irements plannin. "elow t+e plant le,el are a,aila"le in t+e R/3. Jo! 'an transfer stora.e lo'ation MRP areas, ot+erwise (nown as t)pe 2 MRP areas, into APO as lo'ations wit+ lo'ation t)pe 100G. /n t+e R/3, MRP areas are or.ani6ational le,els "elow t+e plant le,el, i.e. t+e) are to one parti'!lar plant. 8+is plant assi.nment remains in APO. Jo! 'an onl) transfer stora.e lo'ation MRP areas to APO if t+e) +a,e e3a'tl) one stora.e lo'ation A a''or&in. to t+e re'ei,in. stora.e lo'ation A to it. Plant MRP areas 'annot "e transferre&, "!t t+e plants are. An R/3 material master 'an "e in'l!&e& in t+e plant MRP &ata an& MRP area se.ments, an& ena"les plannin. of t+is material in &ifferent MRP areas. -+en t+e s)stem transfers s!'+ materials to APO, t+e MRP area &ata 'an also "e transferre&: /n APO, t+ere is t+en a pro&!'t master for t+e plant lo'ation an& t+e MRP area lo'ations.

>C@ SAP A*


)o"ation %ype C stomer

ata transfer from the R/3 c$stomer /01

Master data) !$stomer +e!tor Name Street %o#n 1000 .a-er Calvinstr. 1K 114KJ .erlin Germany .erlin German C6% Master data) #ocation )o"ation )o".type


0000001000 1010

C stomer


Street %o#n Co ntry

Calvinstr. 1K 114KJ .erlin +6 Germany .erlin German

Co ntry +6 /egion 11 )ang age %ime :one


/egion 11 )ang age

Master data) #ocation )o"ation +10000 )o".type 100? .erlin region %ransport.:one

%ransportation :one +10000

SAP AG 2002

.erlin region

8+e s)stem transfers '!stomers from R/3 as lo'ations wit+ t)pe 1010 >C!stomer@. 8+e s)stem 'reates sales or&ers in R/3 an& transfers t+em as transa'tion &ata to APO. Jo! onl) nee& a '!stomer in APO w+en t+e '!stomer is to "e planne& in APO >for e3ample, 8ransportation Plannin.@. /f )o! 'reate a sales or&er in R/3, an& t+e &eman& is planne& in APO, t+e sales or&er 'an also "e transferre& to APO wit+o!t '!stomers. -+en t+e s)stem transfers a '!stomer master from R/3 to APO, t+e a't!al '!stomer lo'ation is transferre&, as is t+e transportation 6one t+at is to a '!stomer in t+e R/3, as lo'ation t)pe 100# >transportation 6one@.

>C@ SAP A*



)o"ation %ype 7endor

ata transfer from the R/3 *endor /01

Master data) 9endor 7endor Name Street %o#n )1000 C.6... Lolpingstr. 1 12001 .erlin Master data) #ocation )o"ation 000000)1000 )o".type 1011


S pplier


Street %o#n

Lolpingstr. 1 12001 .erlin

Co ntry +6 Germany /egion 11 )ang age .erlin German

Co ntry +6 Germany /egion 11 )ang age .erlin German

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem transfers ,en&ors from R/3 as lo'ations wit+ t)pe 1011 >,en&or@. /f t+e ,en&or an& t+e '!stomer +a,e t+e same n!m"er in SAP R/3 >for e3ample, '!stomer an& ,en&or 1000@, t+en )o! m!st rename one of t+em in t+e APO in"o3 !sin. t+e 'orrespon&in. '!stomer e3it. >7or e3ample, rename t+e ,en&or in S1000@. Ot+erwise, )o! 'annot &istin.!is+ "etween t+e two lo'ations. 8+e ,en&or m!st "e (nown in APO in or&er for t+e ,en&or sele'tion to ta(e pla'e in APO.

>C@ SAP A*



6$ternal Pro" rement /elationship

ata transfer from the R/3 %$rchasing info record

1xt8 %roc$rement relationshi%

S pplier in AP' -no#nA


P$rch8 info record

Info re". S pplier Material Plant ?1004J11 )1000 P>MP 1000

Info re". /1C)N%@00

'eneral data So r"e lo". )1000 P>MP 1000 01.01.2000 11.12.DDDD

?1004J11 Prod "t %arget lo". 7alid from to Settings Plan. del. time

7alid from 01.01.2000 to 11.12.DDDD

12 days

Plan. del. time 12 days

Trans%ortation lanes
7alid 01.01.2000 to 11.12.DDDD

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem 'an transfer a p!r'+asin. info re'or& from R/3 to APO as an e3ternal pro'!rement relations+ip. Jo! s+o!l& "e aware t+at t+e so!r'e lo'ation >t+at 'orrespon&s wit+ t+e ,en&or in t+e p!r'+asin. info re'or&@ m!st "e re'o.ni6e& in APO in or&er for a s!''essf!l &ata transfer to ta(e pla'e. /f ne'essar), t+e s)stem will transfer t+e ,en&or "efore+an&. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e p!r'+asin. pri'e from t+e p!r'+asin. info re'or& into t+e e3ternal pro'!rement relations+ip. >S'ale pri'es too@. /f a s!"'ontra't pro'!rement pro'essin. is planne& in APO, t+en t+e 0OM " to a s!"'ontra'tin. p!r'+ase info re'or& 'an "e transferre& to APO ,ia C/7 as a s!"'ontra'tin. PPM.

>C@ SAP A*



Master +ata2 'vervie# 324

/01 master data
Plant C stomer S pplier Material master ;or- "enter0"apa"ity /o ting and !ill of material

AP' master data

Prod "t /eso r"e Prod "tion pro"ess model

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem 'an transfer t+e R/3 material master into APO as a pro&!'t master.

>C@ SAP A*



Prod "t Master in AP'

9iews of the APO %rod$ct master

Administra tion Attri! tes >nits of meas re +emand

)ot si:e SNP2





Pro" rement

SAP AG 2002


8+e pro&!'t master in APO is &i,i&e& into &ifferent ,iews a''or&in. to topi'. 8+e +ea&er &ata >ta" c,aracteristics, #nits of meas#re, classification@ is .eneral an& ,ali& for more t+an one lo'ation. Jo! 'an spe'if) t+e plannin. of a pro&!'t in APO, a''or&in. to t+e lo'ation. :o'ations 'an 'ome from plant t)pe or MRP area >a''or&in. to t+e R/3 stora.e lo'ation MRP areas@. Man) of t+e fiel&s for t+e pro&!'t are a!tomati'all) fille& w+en t+e s)stem transfers a material master from R/3. 8o .!arantee t+e 'onsisten') of t+e &ata in t+e R/3 an& APO S)stems, onl) maintain t+ese fiel&s in R/3. 8+e s)stem t+en onl) ' t+e &ata &!rin. a transfer >from R/3@ of t+e master &ata ' Jo! 'an &efine t+e len.t+ of t+e APO pro&!'t master n!m"er in APO C!stomi6in. >pro'ess step: Specify #tp#t Format f Pro%#ct 1#mber@. As is stan&ar& in R/3, an 1H & pro&!'t n!m"er is !se&.

>C@ SAP A*



General +ata

Simple sele"tion in the integration model

Prod$ct A
Attri! tes Material gro p 001


Mat A E0
E0 E

%ransportation grp 0001 Gross #eight 7ol me >nits of meas re 1 p". 1 pal
"orresponds #ith "orresponds #ith

2@0 LG 05J? M1

M/P type M/P pro"ed re

1 p". 10 p".

;itho t M/P5 #ith .'M e$plosion

Classifi"ation regarding classes and characteristics that m$st exist in APO

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem transfers t+e followin. .eneral &ata from t+e R/3 material master into t+e APO pro&!'t: Material .ro!p >"asic Data 2@, transportation .ro!p >Sales3 $eneral/Plant Data@, .ross wei.+t an& ,ol!me >"asic Data 2@, !nits of meas!re >A%%itional %ata@, 'lassifi'ation &ata >Classification@. ote t+at for 'lassifi'ation &ata, t+e s)stem transfers t+e 'lasses an& '+ara'teristi's to APO "efore+an&. Materials t+at t+e s)stem transfers to APO m!st "e part of t+e inte.ration mo&el. 8+e sele'tion of APOA rele,ant materials 'an !s!all) "e easil) &efine& ") t+e !se of MRP t)pe 50.

>C@ SAP A*



A%P Settings


Material A
M/P 1
A*aila-ility check

Prod$ct A
A%P A%P gro p 02 10 days 02


Availa!ility "he"%/)%

Che"-.hori:on 10 days Calendar for "he"-.hori:on )'C1000 Che"- mode 0?0 S ggestion2 Prod "tion "alendar of lo"ation

Strategy gro p


Planned ind. re(mt type 7S< "lass 101

Main strategy 40

C stomer re(mt type LS7 "lass 0?0

SAP AG 2002

After t+e transfer of A8P C!stomi6in., t+e s)stem 'an transfer t+e A8P settin.s from t+e material master into t+e 'orrespon&in. pro&!'t. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e '+e'(in. .ro!p as t+e A8P .ro!p in t+e pro&!'t an& t+e total replenis+ment lea& time as t+e '+e'(in. +ori6on &ire'tl) from t+e material master. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e '+e'( mo&e: /t 'orrespon&s wit+ t+e reF!irements 'lass in R/3, in ot+er wor&s, )o! enter +ere t+e in&i'ator for t+e '!stomer reF!irements 'lass t+at is &etermine& ") t+e strate.) .ro!p of t+e material. /n R/3, t+e reF!irements 'lass is !s!all) &etermine& ") t+e strate.) .ro!p of t+e material "!t 'an also "e a res!lt of t+e s'+e&!le line 'ate.or) in t+e sales or&er. 8+ere is a 'alen&ar in APO for t+e '+e'(in. +ori6on. 8+e s)stem now a!tomati'all) s!..ests t+e pro&!'tion 'alen&ar for t+e parti'!lar lo'ation. Jo! 'an '+an.e t+is settin. later.

>C@ SAP A*



A%P C stomi:ing
2ntegration model
Appli"ation A%PBC>S% Availa!ility "he"A%P C stomi:ing

Prere( isite2

A%P C stomi:ing Import C stomi:ing Allo#ed


C stomi:ing
A%P gro p . siness event Che"- mode Assignment mode


Che"-ing gro p Che"-ing r le /e(mnts "lass

Prod "tion type 3standard0"hara"teristi"s4

S"ope of "he"-

Che"- "ontrol #ith s"ope of "he"-

SAP AG 2002

7or t+e transfer of A8P settin.s from t+e R/3 material master to APO, note t+at t+e s)stem m!st first transfer t+e A8P C!stomi6in. into APO. Jo! 'an sele't t+e A8P C!stomi6in. from an inte.ration mo&el, w+ere t+e import of C!stomi6in. settin.s in t+e APO S)stem is allowe& >C!stomi6in. step !aintain $lobal Settings for A(ailability C,eck@. /f )o! e3e'!te t+e a,aila"ilit) '+e'( in SAP APO an& not in SAP R/3, t+en )o! &efine an inte.ration mo&el, in w+i'+ )o! '+oose t+e in&i'ator ?a,aila"ilit) '+e'(? an&, in t+e material sele'tion, enter t+e materials for w+i'+ t+e A8P '+e'( s+o!l& ta(e pla'e in SAP APO. 1!rin. t+e transfer of t+e A8P C!stomi6in., t+e SAP R/3 '+e'(in. .ro!p is &ispla)e& in an A8P .ro!p wit+ t+e same in&i'ator. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e R/3 '+e'(in. r!le as a "#siness E(ent wit+ t+e same name. 8+e reF!irements 'lass in SAP R/3 is &ispla)e& on t+e '+e'( mo&e in SAP APO. 8+is A8P '+e'( mo&e is new an& 'ontains t+e assi.nment mo&e >t+at 'ontrols t+e f!n'tion of allo'ation of '!stomers an& planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements@ an& t+e pro&!'tion t)pe >stan&ar& or '+ara'teristi' for t+e plannin. of ,ariants@. 8+e s)stem t+en transfers t+e R/3 s'ope of '+e'( to t+e APO '+e'( 'ontrol t+at 'ontains t+e s'ope of '+e'(.

>C@ SAP A*



/e( irements Strategies


Material A
M/P 1

Prod$ct A


Strategy gro p


Re,8 strategy

Proposed strategy 10 Make4to4stock %rod$ction 20 Planning w8 final assem-8 10 Planning w/o$t final ass8 40 Planning %rod$ct 20 Planning w8 final assem-8 Assem!ly planning

Main strategy

40 ?0 K0 J0

Mi$ed M/P ind.


Strategy J0 Mi$ed M/P ind. 1

+efa lt strategy 20


Assem!ly planning

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem transfers t+e plannin. strate.ies in t+e R/3 material master into t+e APO pro&!'t master, ,ia t+e R/3 APO interfa'e. ote t+at t+e lo.i' ,aries sli.+tl) in "ot+ s)stems >e,en t+e n!m"ers t+at in&i'ate t+e strate.) in SAP R/3 an& SAP APO &o not !s!all) a.ree, "e'a!se se,eral SAP R/3 plannin. strate.ies 'an "e mappe& in SAP APO wit+ one reF!irements strate.)@. 8+e R/3 strate.) .ro!p, w+i'+ 'ontains a main strate.) an& sometimes f!rt+er se'on&ar) strate.ies, is maintaine& in t+e R/3 material master. 8+e main strate.) from SAP R/3 strate.) .ro!p is alwa)s transferre& to SAP APO. 8+e R/3 strate.) of ma(eAtoAor&er pro&!'tion >strate.) 20@ is not e3pli'itl) transferre& to APO as strate.ies are not nee&e& for ma(eAtoAor&er pro&!'tion in APO. >APO strate.ies mainl) onl) 'on'ern t+e planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements@. /n t+e SAP R/3 material master, an MRP .ro!p 'an also "e !se& to assi.n a strate.) .ro!p to t+e material. -+en a material li(e t+is is transferre& to SAP APO, t+e s)stem also '+e'(s an&, if ne'essar), transfers t+ese settin.s.

>C@ SAP A*



Cons mption


Material A
M/P 1

Prod$ct A


1 Cons mption mode 2 1 Cons.period on#ards Cons.per.!a"-#ards 10 20 Cons.per.on#ards Cons.per.!a"-#ards Cons mption mode

1 2 1 10 20

Cons mption settings from M/P gro p A

%ransfer is the same

SAP AG 2002

8+e settin.s in t+e SAP R/3 material master for t+e 'ons!mption of planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements ") sales or&ers are transferre& ,ia C/7. 0e'a!se 'ons!mption mo&e 4 &oes not e3ist in APO an& is not re'ommen&e&, t+e s)stem &oes not transfer t+is settin.. /n t+e SAP R/3 material master, an MRP .ro!p 'an also "e !se& to assi.n 'ons!mption to t+e material. -+en a material li(e t+is is transferre& to SAP APO, t+e s)stem also '+e'(s an&, if ne'essar), transfers t+ese settin.s.

>C@ SAP A*



Individ al and Colle"tive /e( irement
Prod$ct A
e%endent re,$irements



Material A
M/P 4
e%endent re,$irements

Indiv.0"olle"t. 2 Only collecti*e

Al#ays "olle"tive re(mts Possi!le ind. " st. re(mts


Material A
M/P 4
e%endent re,$irements

Prod$ct A
e%endent re,$irements


2ndi*8 and collect8 Indiv.0"olle"t. 1 Only indi*id$al

Al#ays "olle"tive re(mts Possi!le ind. " st. re(mts

SAP AG 2002

8+e settin.s for in&i,i&!al/'olle'ti,e reF!irements for &epen&ent reF!irements are transferre& from t+e SAP R/3 material master to t+e SAP APO pro&!'t master ,ia C/7: /f t+e in&i,i&!al/'olle'ti,e in&i'ator +as t+e ,al!e ?2? >collecti(e re5#irement only@, Al0ays collecti(e re5#irement is set in t+e SAP APO pro&!'t, an& t+e Poss- in%i(i%#al c#stomer re5mts in&i'ator is set for no ,al!e or ?1?.

>C@ SAP A*



Stati" )ot*Si:ing Pro"ed re


Material A
M/P 1
#ot si/e data

Prod$ct A
)ot si:e


)ot si:e

6E 1xact lot si/e

)ot*for*lot order ( antity <i$ed lot si:e Ma$im m sto"- level 100

8. Re%lenish to ... max8stk8le*el 100 Ma$im m sto"- level


Material A
M/P 1
#ot si/e data

Prod$ct A
)ot si:e


)ot si:e

<E "ixed lot si/e 100 p".

)ot*for*lot order ( antity <i$ed lot si:e .y period 100 p". P.ind.

<i$ed lot si:e

!$stomi/ing lot si/e "6

)ot si:e indi"ator
SAP AG 2002


"ixed lot si/e

8+e s)stem 'an transfer t+e stati' lotAsi6in. pro'e&!re of lotAforAlot or&er F!antit), fi3e& lot si6es an& perio& lot si6e pro'e&!res from t+e R/3 material master to t+e APO pro&!'t master, ,ia t+e R/3 APO interfa'e. 8+e lotAsi6in. pro'e&!re lot*for*lot in t+e SAP R/3 material master is transferre& a''or&in.l) to t+e SAP APO pro&!'t master as t+e lot*for*lot lot si6e. 8+e SAP R/3 fi3e& lot si6e is transferre& to SAP APO as t+e fi3e& lot si6e. 8+e s)stem re,erts to t+e C!stomi6in. of t+e R/3 lotAsi6in. pro'e&!re >see C!stomi6in. step C,eck Lot*Si)ing Proce%#re@: /f lot si6e in&i'ator F is &efine&, t+en set t+e fi3e& lot si6e in APO. 8+e s)stem also transfers t+e ,al!e for t+e fi3e& lot si6e spe'ifie& in t+e SAP R/3 material master. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e Replenis, to ma6im#m stock le(el lotAsi6in. pro'e&!re in t+e R/3 material master, lotAforAlot into t+e APO pro&!'t master, as APO &ispla)s t+e pro'e&!re of replenis+in. to ma3im!m sto'( le,el &ifferentl). /n APO, t+is is possi"le in 'onne'tion wit+ t+e 'ons!mptionA"ase& reor&er point plannin. t+at is 'ontrolle& in APO ") a +e!risti' in t+e pro&!'t master. 8+e ,al!es for t+e reor&er point an& ma3im!m sto'( le,el maintaine& in t+e R/3 material master are transferre& to t+e pro&!'t master ,ia t+e R/3 APO interfa'e. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e in&i'ator Lot si)e of sales or%er planning in t+e R/3 lotAsi6in. pro'e&!re >&efine& in C!stomi6in.@ into t+e APO pro&!'t master: /f )o! are wor(in. wit+ t+e lot si6e in t+e s+ort term +ori6on, in t+e sales or&er plannin. in R/3, t+e in&i'ator Al0ays lot*si)e is set in t+e APO pro&!'t master.
SCM210 21

>C@ SAP A*

Period )ot*Si:ing Pro"ed re


Material A
M/P 1 )ot si:e P) Periodic lot si/e

Prod$ct A
)ot si:e


)ot*for*lot order ( antity

!$stomi/ing lot si/e P#

)ot*si:ing pro". P Periodic lot si/e + )ot si:e indi"ator ay

<i$ed lot si:e .y period + ay

; 0eek M Month

Period indi". ; 0eek M Month No. of periods 1

No. of periods

1 Re,mts date

?$antity and date determination

S"hed ling

1 2

Period start Period end

Avail. date ind.


Period fa"tor

0 1

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem 'an also transfer t+e perio&i' lotAsi6in. pro'e&!re of t+e R/3 material master into t+e APO S)stem. 8+e s)stem re,erts to R/3 C!stomi6in., t+at )o! 'an fin& "e+in& t+e lotAsi6in. pro'e&!re in R/3 >see R/3 C!stomi6in. step C,eck Lot*Si)ing Proce%#re@. /f ?P? >perio& lot si6e@ +as "een &efine& for t+e lotAsi6in. pro'e&!re +ere, a perio& lot si6e will also "e set in SAP APO. 8+e lot si6e in&i'ator &etermines in C!stomi6in., w+i'+ perio& in&i'ator t+e s)stem will transfer into APO: 8+e perio& in&i'ators D >&a)@, 7 >wee(@, ! >mont+@ 'an "e transferre&. 8+e s)stem also transfers t+e n!m"er of perio&s, wit+in w+i'+ t+e pro'!rement F!antit) s+o!l& "e s!mmari6e&. /n a similar wa), t+e s)stem t+en transfers t+e in&i'ator Date %etermination in R/3 C!stomi6in. of t+e lotAsi6in. pro'e&!re to APO: 7or t+e settin. a(ailability %ate8re5#irements %ate, t+e a,aila"ilit) &ate in&i'ator in t+e pro&!'t is set to "lan(, for t+e settin. a(ailability %ate8start of perio% t+e a,aila"ilit) &ate in&i'ator is . an& t+e perio& fa'tor is /, for t+e settin. a(ailability %ate8en% of perio% t+e a,aila"ilit) &ate in&i'ator is . an& t+e perio& fa'tor is 2

>C@ SAP A*



)ot Si:e Parameter


Prod$ct A
)ot si:e Min. lot si:e Ma$. lot si:e Assem!ly s"rap 10 p". 200 p". 10 M ? p". 0001 10 p". D? M @0 p". @0 p".


Mat A
)ot*si:e data

/o nding val e /o nding profile Safety sto"Servi"e level /eorder point Ma$. sto"- level

AP' C stomi:ing2 Is the ro nding profile -no#nA

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem 'an transfer man) lot si6e parameters from t+e R/3 material master into APO. SAP APO 'ontains plannin. f!n'tions t+at &o not e3ist in R/3. 7or t+is reason, e3tra maintenan'e of t+e lot si6e parameters ma) "e ne'essar) in t+e APO pro&!'t master, if f!n'tions wit+o!t eF!i,alents in R/3 are !se&. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e assem"l) s'rap from t+e R/3 material master to APO. ote t+at t+e lo.i' for t+e 'al'!lation of t+e s'rap in R/3 &oes not totall) a.ree wit+ t+e lo.i' in APO.

>C@ SAP A*



SNP25 PP0+S5 Pro" rement and G/0GI

Material A
P r"hasing
P r"hasing gro p 001 M/P 2 S"hed.margin -ey 001
Call hori:on Safety time ... 10 days 2 days

Prod$ct A
SNP2 P r"hasing gro p PP0+S Call hori:on Pro" rement Pro" rement type Plan. del. time G/0GI 6 14 days 10 days 001


Pro" rement type

Plan. del. time 14 days

G/ pro"essing

1 days

G/ pro"essing time )oading gro p

1 days 0001

S and +2 gen.0Plant
SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem transfers t+e p!r'+asin. .ro!p from t+e R/3 material into t+e APO pro&!'t. 8+e 'all +ori6on is &efine& in t+e R/3 material ") t+e s'+e&!lin. (e) for floats. 8+e s)stem transfers t+is 'all +ori6on into t+e APO pro&!'t. 8+e plannin. time fen'e is transferre& from t+e R/3 material master re'or& to t+e APO pro&!'t master. 8+e pro'!rement t)pe, planne& &eli,er) time, .oo&s re'eipt pro'essin. time an& t+e loa&in. .ro!p of sales an& &istri"!tion are also transferre&.

>C@ SAP A*



Maintaining Additional Prod "t Master <ields in AP'

Mass maintenan"e for prod "t master fields in AP' 3for those that "annot !e transferred from /014 Alternative sol tion2 6nhan"ing the /01 material master re"ord #ith " stomer*spe"ifi" fields 3append str "t res4 and transferring these fields into the integration model 3 sing a " stomer e$it4

SAP AG 2002

Jo! 'an !se mass maintenan'e to s!"seF!entl) maintain pro&!'t master re'or&s t+at )o! +a,e 'opie& from R/3 >'all from t+e initial s'reen in pro&!'t master maintenan'e@. /n mass maintenan'e, )o! 'an maintain man) fiel&s t+at 'annot "e transferre& o!t of R/3. Alternati,e sol!tion !sin. an en+an'ement Jo! 'an en+an'e t+e R/3 material master !sin. '!stomerA spe'ifi' fiel&s >appen& str!'t!res, see SAP note %%%10@. Jo! 'an also en+an'e t+e R/3 material master so t+at )o! 'an maintain t+e settin.s for f!n'tions t+at &o not e3ist in R/3 in t+e R/3 material master. 7or t+e C/7 transfer for t+ese fiel&s, note t+at )o! nee& to en+an'e C/7 in t+e R/3 o!t"o3 an& t+e APO in"o3 to &efine t+at t+ese fiel&s are transferre& >!sin. t+e 'orrespon&in. '!stomer e3its@.

>C@ SAP A*



Master +ata2 'vervie# 314

/01 master data
Plant C stomer S pplier Material master ;or- "enter0"apa"ity /o ting and !ill of material

AP' master data


Prod "t /eso r"e Prod "tion pro"ess model

SAP AG 2002

An R/3 wor( 'enter >for e3ample, a PPAP/ reso!r'e@ 'an 'ontain se,eral 'apa'ities wit+ &ifferent 'apa'it) 'ate.ories: 7or t+e pro&!'tion of a material in t+is wor( 'enter, all 'apa'ities are ne'essar). APO &ispla)s ea'+ 'apa'it) 'ate.or) as a sin.le reso!r'e. 8+e transfer of a wor( 'enter into APO 'an res!lt in se,eral reso!r'es. -or( 'enter +ierar'+ies from R/3 are not s!pporte& in APO.

>C@ SAP A*



/eso r"e Categories
Transfera-le from SAP R/3



Stora e
SAP AG 2002


8+e reso!r'e 'ate.or) &etermines t+e !se of a reso!r'e. 8+e reso!r'es transferre& from R/3 are "asi'all) pro&!'tion reso!r'es >reso!r'e 'ate.or) P@. /n APO, 'apa'it) plannin. 'an also ta(e pla'e for ot+er reso!r'e 'ate.ories >for e3ample, Stora.e@. Jo! m!st 'reate t+ese reso!r'es man!all) in APO.

>C@ SAP A*



/eso r"es in SAP AP'

Single*a"tivity reso r"es 3PP0+S4

%ime*"ontin o s Availa!le "apa"ity for one a"tivity

M lti*a"tivity reso r"es 3PP0+S4

%ime*"ontin o s Availa!le "apa"ity for m ltiple a"tivities

Transfera-le from SAP R/3

. "-et reso r"es 3SNP4

%ime intervals Availa!le "apa"ity per time interval

Mi$ed reso r"es 3PP0+S and SNP4

Transfera-le from R/3 with c$stomer exit
SAP AG 2002

Reso!r'es are SAP APO master &ata, in w+i'+ 'apa'ities an& wor(in. times of ma'+ines, personnel, means of transport an& ware+o!ses are &efine&. Reso!r'es 'an "e &efine& as sin.leAa'ti,it) reso!r'es, m!ltiAa'ti,it) reso!r'es or "!'(et reso!r'es. 8+e sin.le/m!ltiAa'ti,it) reso!r'es 'an "e !se& for 'ontin!al an& e3a't time s'+e&!lin.. Pro&!'tion Plannin. an& 1etaile& S'+e&!lin. !ses sin.leAa'ti,it) an& m!ltiAa'ti,it) reso!r'es. 8+e s)stem 'an transfer t+em from R/3. 0!'(etAreso!r'es are !se& for me&i!m an& lon.Aterm s'+e&!lin. in S!ppl) etwor( Plannin. >S P@. 8+e time perio&s are at least one &a) lon.. Mi3e& reso!r'es 'an "e !se& in "ot+ S P >"!'(etAoriente& plannin.@ an& in PP/1S >timeA'ontin!o!s s'+e&!lin.@. Jo! 'an transfer mi3e& reso!r'es from R/3 wit+ t+e +elp of a '!stomer e3it. 8+ere are also ,e+i'le reso!r'es >for t+e APO transport plannin.@ an& line reso!r'es >for a!tomoti,e pro'esses@ a,aila"le. 8+e s)stem 'annot transfer eit+er of t+em from R/3.

>C@ SAP A*



;or- Center and /eso r"es

An SAP APO reso$rce for each SAP R/3 work center ca%acity AP' /01 Plant


/eso r"e
2 m ltimi$ed

;or- "enter 1D04

Capa"ity "at. 001 Machine Capa"ity "at. 002 #a-or

AP' C stomer e$it2 Mi$ed reso r"e

/eso r"e ;1D04B1000B001

Cat. P

)o"ation 1000

H;or- "enterH /01 plant


SAP AG 2002

-+en an SAP R/3 wor( 'enter is transferre& to SAP APO, ea'+ 'apa'it) 'ate.or) is mappe& to an in&i,i&!al reso!r'e. 8+ese reso!r'es are in&epen&ent of ea'+ ot+er in APO. 8+e reso!r'es in APO m!st +a,e !niF!e names. 8+e transfer ta(es pla'e a''or&in. to t+e followin. namin. 'on,ention: 8+e name of t+e wor( 'enter will start wit+ a 7, t+en 'omes t+e plant from w+i'+ t+e wor( 'enter, an& t+en t+e 'apa'it) 'ate.or) 'omes at t+e en&. SAP R/3 wor( 'enter 'apa'ities are normall) transferre& as ?pro&!'tion? t)pe m!lti or sin.leAa'ti,it) reso!r'es. 2nli(e mi3e& reso!r'es, t+ese reso!r'es 'an onl) "e !se& in PP/1S. /f )o! want t+e s)stem to 'reate mi3e& reso!r'es &!rin. t+e transfer, to "e !se& in S P as well as PP/1S, t+en )o! !se a '!stomer e3it. > ote 32$G33@. /f )o! !se mi3e& reso!r'es, t+en a'ti,ate a '!stomer e3it for PPM > ote 321%G%@.

>C@ SAP A*



Single and M lti*A"tivity /eso r"es


1000 Plant ;or- "enter 1D04


/eso r"e
Single*a"tivity /eso r"e


Capa"ity Cat. 001 Machine

0ork center ca%acity

Cat. )o"ation 1000

;or-. times J200 to 1?200


;1D04B1000B001 P

No. of indiv."aps Several operations No. of indiv."aps Several operations No. of indiv."aps Several operations
SAP AG 2002

M lti*a"tivity /eso r"e Cat. )o"ation 1000

;1D04B1000B001 P

Sin.leAa'ti,it) reso!r'es 'an onl) "e !se& ") one operation, w+ereas wit+ m!ltiAa'ti,it)Areso!r'es, se,eral operations 'an "e s'+e&!le& at t+e same time. 8+e s)stem &ispla)s R/3 wor( 'enter 'apa'ities wit+ onl) one in&i,i&!al 'apa'it) t+at 'annot "e !se& ") se,eral operations, on sin.leAa'ti,it) reso!r'es. Similarl), t+e s)stem &ispla)s R/3 wor( 'enter 'apa'ities t+at eit+er possess more t+an one in&i,i&!al 'apa'it) or t+at 'an "e !se& ") more t+an one operation, on m!ltiAa'ti,it) reso!r'es. 1!rin. t+e transfer of t+e R/3 wor( 'enter 'apa'it), onl) t+e &ata from t+e stan&ar& a,aila"le 'apa'it) is 'onsi&ere& >for t+e option of sin.le or m!ltiAa'ti,it) reso!r'e@ or 'opie&. 8+e s)stem &oes not transfer possi"le a,aila"le 'apa'it) inter,als t+at &iffer from t+e stan&ar& a,aila"le 'apa'it). A R/3 wor( 'enter 'apa'it) 'an +a,e more t+an one in&i,i&!al 'apa'it) "!t 'annot "e !se& ") se,eral operations. 8+is 'ase 'annot "e &ispla)e& in APO in t+is form, as t+is 'apa'it) is &ispla)e& on a m!ltiA a'ti,it) reso!r'e. Jo! 'an onl) !se set!p matri'es wit+ sin.leAa'ti,it) reso!r'es.

>C@ SAP A*



/eso r"e +ata


;or- "enter 1D04


/eso r"e
+6 General data %ime :one <a"tory "alendar A"tive version Standard "apa"ity



Ma"hine "ap. final assem!ly

Capa"ity "at. 001

Ma"hine "apa"ity final assem!ly
!a%acity <a"tory "alend. I+ 01 A"tive version 1 Standard a*ail8 ca%8 ;or-. time J200 to 1?200 .rea- d ration 1 ho r 1 /eso r"e tili:ation 100M No. of indiv."apa"ities Planning details /el. for finite s"hed ling
SAP AG 2002

C6% 01 1

AP' C stomi:ing2 8as fa"tory "alendar !een "reatedA

;or-. time J200 to 1?200 .rea- d ration 1 ho r

/eso r"e tili:ation 100M Capa"ities Planning parameters <inite planning 15000


1!rin. t+e transfer of an R/3 wor( 'enter, t+e s)stem 'reates one APO reso!r'e for ea'+ 'apa'it) 'ate.or). 8+e 'orrespon&in. reso!r'es a&opt t+e s+ort te3t of t+e 'apa'it). Jo! 'an maintain t+e s+ort te3t in APO in more t+an one lan.!a.e. /f t+e R/3 wor( 'enter 'apa'it) &oes not +a,e a s+ort te3t, t+en t+e name of t+e wor( 'enter is s!pplemente& in APO wit+ t+e 'apa'it) 'ate.or) >for e3ample, 1$0%K001@. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e fa'tor) 'alen&ar /1 an& t+e a'ti,e 'apa'it) ,ersion. 8+e s)stem &oes not a!tomati'all) transfer t+e fa'tor) 'alen&ar itself >t+e 'orrespon&in. C!stomi6in.@. Appli'ation C!stomi6in. 'annot .enerall) "e transferre& ,ia an inte.ration mo&el from R/3. >E3'eption: Plant, MRP area, A8P@. 0asis C!stomi6in. >fa'tor) 'alen&ar, !nits@ 'an "e transferre& ,ia t+e SAP transport s)stem. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e stan&ar& a,aila"le 'apa'it) of t+e a'ti,e 'apa'it) ,ersion an& t+e n!m"er of in&i,i&!al 'apa'ities. 8+e s)stem &oes not a!tomati'all) transfer inter,als t+at ,ar) from t+e stan&ar& a,aila"le 'apa'it) an& t+at )o! +a,e &efine& in R/3. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e rate of reso!r'e !tili6ation of t+e R/3 'apa'it). 8+e s)stem &oes not transfer t+e fiel& (erloa%, wit+ w+i'+ )o! 'an allow a per'enta.e o,erloa& on a 'apa'it) in R/3, into t+e APO reso!r'e. 8+e rate of reso!r'e !tili6ation represents t+e 'orrespon&in. f!n'tion. -+en )o! set t+e in&i'ator Rele(ant for finite sc,e%#ling in t+e R/3 'apa'it), t+e s)stem a'ti,ates t+e in&i'ator Finite planning in t+e rele,ant APO reso!r'e &!rin. t+e transfer.

>C@ SAP A*



/eferen"e /eso r"e


1000 Plant ;or- "enter 1D0?


/eso r"e
2 m ltimi$ed

AP' C stomer e$it2 Mi$ed reso r"e

Capa"ity "at. 001 Machine

/ef. avail. "apa"ity Plant Capa"ity 1000 L1D00

/eso r"e

Cat. /eferen"e reso r"e L1D00B1000B001

;1D0?B1000B001 P L1D00B1000B001 P

Capa"ity "at. 001

Standard a*ail8 ca%8 ;or-. time J200 to 1?200 .rea- d ration 1 ho r 1 No.of indiv. "apa"ities

%ransfer of referen"e availa!le "apa"ityN AP' name "ontains no ; 3for #or- "enter4

SAP AG 2002

/n t+e R/3, a referen'e a,aila"le 'apa'it) 'an "e to a wor( 'enter 'apa'it): 8+e s)stem transfers t+e a,aila"le 'apa'it) of t+e referen'e a,aila"le 'apa'it). 8+e transfer of a wor( 'enter 'apa'it) 'ontainin. a referen'e a,aila"le 'apa'it) res!lts in two reso!r'es in APO: 8+e s)stem transfers t+e referen'e a,aila"le 'apa'it) as an in&i,i&!al reso!r'e >referen'e reso!r'e@, t+erefore t+is reso!r'e name &oes not start wit+ a 7. 8+e s)stem transfers t+e wor( 'enter reso!r'e >'ontainin. a 'op) of t+e 'apa'it) &ata of t+e referen'e reso!r'e@, an& t+e referen'e reso!r'e is to it.

>C@ SAP A*



+efinition of Capa"ity 7ariants in AP' 314O

:st ste%) !reate -reak %attern

.rea- 1 .rea- 2 .rea- 1

.rea- data

.rea- pattern .
.rea- 1 .rea- 2 .rea- 1

.rea- pattern .rea- n m!er Planner Start 0 end of !rea.rea- after ho rs 0 !rea- d ration

.rea- pattern C
.rea- 1 .rea- 2 .rea- 1

SAP AG 2002

8+e star >S@ on t+is sli&e an& t+e followin. sli&es means t+at t+e) 'ontain a&&itional information, t+at &oes not &ire'tl) 'on'ern t+e inte.ration of master &ata. 8+ese sli&es are inten&e& as an appen&i3. /n a "rea( pattern, )o! &efine "rea(s for a s+ift, in&epen&entl) of a parti'!lar s+ift. 8+e "rea(s are ,ali& in&epen&entl) of a parti'!lar s+ift. Jo! 'an &efine ea'+ "rea( eit+er ") spe'if)in. a start an& finis+ time, or ") enterin. t+e "rea( &!ration an& t+e start of t+e "rea( in relation to t+e start of t+e s+ift. Jo! !se a "rea( pattern in a s+ift &efinition.

>C@ SAP A*



+efinition of Capa"ity 7ariants in AP' 324O

@nd ste%) !reate shift factors

Shift fa"tors
.. Capa"ity /eso r"e tili:ation ...

Shift fa"tor data

Shift fa"tor definition 7alidity Planner Capa"ity >nit of meas re /eso r"e tili:ation

SAP AG 2002

/n a s+ift fa'tor &efinition, )o! &efine t+e reso!r'e !tili6ation an& t+e 'apa'it) for a s+ift, in&epen&entl) of a parti'!lar s+ift. 8+e 'apa'it) an& t+e !nit of meas!re for t+e 'apa'it) are onl) rele,ant for m!ltiAa'ti,it) reso!r'es. Sin.leAa'ti,it) reso!r'es +a,e 'apa'it) 1 wit+o!t a !nit of meas!rement. Jo! !se a s+ift fa'tor &efinition in a s+ift &efinition.

>C@ SAP A*



+efinition of Capa"ity 7ariants in AP' 314O

3rd ste%) !reate shifts

.rea- pattern .
.rea- 1 .rea- 2 .rea- 1
Shift A

Shift fa"tors
Capa"ity /eso r"e tili:ation

.rea- model data

Shift data

Shift fa"tor data

9rea: %attern 9rea: n)(*er Planner Start/end o# *rea: 9rea: a#ter !o)rs

S!i#t de#inition ;alidit' Planner Start/end 9rea: %attern 9rea: d)ration S!i#t #a1tors

S!i#t #a1tor de#inition ;alidit' Planner Ca%a1it' Unit o# (eas)re Reso)r1e )tili2ation

SAP AG 2002

/n a s+ift &efinition, )o! &efine t+e wor(in. times, "rea(s, reso!r'e !tili6ation an& 'apa'it) for a s+ift. Jo! !se a s+ift fa'tor &efinition to &efine t+e reso!r'e !tili6ation an& t+e 'apa'it) in t+e s+ift. Jo! 'an !se a "rea( pattern to &efine t+e "rea(s in a s+ift. /nstea& of !sin. a "rea( pattern, )o! 'an spe'if) t+e a"sol!te &!ration of t+e "rea(s for t+e s+ift.

>C@ SAP A*



+efinition of Capa"ity 7ariants in AP' 344O

<th ste%) !reate shift %rograms

Shift C Shift . Shift A
Shift C

Shift se( en"e

Shift .


Shift se( en"e data

Shift A

S!i#t se=)en1e <a' n)(*er ;alidit' Planner 6on&"or:da's S!i#t 1 $$$ S!i#t >

Shift data

S!i#t de#inition $$$

SAP AG 2002

/n a s+ift seF!en'e, )o! &efine t+e &ail) seF!en'e of s+ifts for as man) 'onse'!ti,e &a)s as )o! want. 7or ea'+ &a), )o! 'an spe'if) !p to nine s+ifts. 8+e s+ifts for one &a) 'an o,erlap, "!t t+e) m!st +a,e &ifferent start times. 8+e last s+ift of one &a) ma) finis+ t+e followin. &a). Jo! 'an also !se a s+ift seF!en'e to &efine t+e wor(in. times an& t+e 'apa'it) in a parti'!lar time inter,al of a 'apa'it) ,ariant.

>C@ SAP A*



+efinition of Capa"ity 7ariants in AP' 3?4O

=th ste%) !reate ca%acity *ariants

Shift se( en"e per day 1 2 1 4 ? 1 2 1 4 ? 12 21 14 1 ? 2 1 1 21 12 1 4 ?

Interval 1
9ar8 : 9ar8 @ 9ar8 3

Interval 1 Interval 1

Interval 2

Time Time

Interval 2 Interval 2

Shift se( en"e data

Capa"ity variant data

S!i#t se=)en1e $$$

Reso)r1e 7o1ation Ca%a1it' /ariant no$ ;alidit' ?or:da's Interval S!i#t se=)en1e <a' -ne

SAP AG 2002

8o &efine wor(in. times, "rea( times, reso!r'e !tili6ation an& 'apa'it) in a parti'!lar time inter,al of a 'apa'it) ,ariant, )o! assi.n a s+ift seF!en'e to t+e time inter,al. 8+e First Day fiel& spe'ifies w+i'+ &a) of t+e s+ift seF!en'e falls on t+e first &a) of t+e time inter,al. 8+e 7ork%ays fiel& spe'ifies w+et+er t+e &a)s in t+e inter,al are wor(&a)s, nonAwor(&a)s or wor(&a)s a''or&in. to t+e fa'tor) 'alen&ar.

>C@ SAP A*



Capa"ity +efinitions in AP'2 'vervie#O
.rea- 1 .rea- 2 .rea- 1 .rea- pattern . .rea- 1 .rea- 2 .rea- 1 .rea- pattern C .rea- 1 .rea- 2 .rea- 1 Shift se( en"e per day 1 2 1 4 ? 1 2 1 4 ? Shift A

Shift fa"tors
Capa"ity /eso r"e tili:ation

1 2 21 14 1 ? 2 1 1 21 1 2 1 4 ?

Interval 1
9ar8 : 9ar8 @ 9ar8 3
SAP AG 2002

Interval 1 Interval 1

Interval 2

Time Time

Interval 2 Interval 2

8o &efine wor(in. times, "rea( times, reso!r'e !tili6ation an& 'apa'it) in a parti'!lar time inter,al of a 'apa'it) ,ariant, )o! assi.n a s+ift seF!en'e to t+e time inter,al. 8o &efine s+ift seF!en'es )o! !se: 0rea( patterns S+ift fa'tor &efinitions S+ift &efinitions

>C@ SAP A*



Pooled Capa"ities

1000 Plant ;or- "enter 1D0K

/eso r"e
1 m ltimi$ed

AP' C stomer e$it2 Mi$ed reso r"e

Capa"ity "at. 002 Person Pooled "ap. P'')

/eso r"e P'')B1000B002

Cat. P

)o"ation 1000

Standard a*ail8 ca%8 ;or-. time J200 to 1?200 .rea- d ration 1 ho r No.of indiv. "apa"ities 10

%ransfer of pooled "apa"ity AP' name "ontains no ; 3for #or- "enter4

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem 'an transfer to APO poole& 'apa'ities t+at are to a R/3 wor( 'enter. 8+e s)stem &oes not onl) transfer t+e in&i,i&!al wor( 'enter 'apa'ities, to w+i'+ t+e poole& 'apa'it) is, "!t also t+e poole& 'apa'it) itself. As far as t+e &ata transfer is 'on'erne&, t+e s)stem transfers t+e poole& 'apa'ities =!st li(e it &oes normal reso!r'es >t+e a,aila"le 'apa'it) is also transferre&@, e3'ept t+at t+e reso!r'e name starts wit+ a 7

>C@ SAP A*



Master +ata2 'vervie# 344

/01 master data
Plant C stomer S pplier Material master ;or- "enter0"apa"ity /o ting and !ill of material

AP' master data


Prod "t /eso r"e Prod "tion 3PPM4 pro"ess model

SAP AG 2002

8+e R/3 ro!tin. an& "ill of material are mappe& in APO on a pro&!'tion pro'ess mo&el. /n t+e same wa), t+e R/3 master re'ipe >PPAP/@ 'an "e mappe& onto an APO pro&!'tion pro'ess mo&el >see appen&i3@. 8+e followin. te'+ni'al 0OM 'ate.ories are s!pporte& in t+e C/7 interfa'e: Simple 0OMs, m!ltiple 0OMs >t+e rele,ant alternati,e is spe'ifie& in t+e pro&!'tion ,ersion@, ,ariant 0OMs >&ifferent material n!m"ers are pro&!'e& wit+ t+e same s!per 0OM@.

>C@ SAP A*



Alternatives to PPM in AP'


Prod$ct A

1 +efa lt val e from C stomi:ing

!$rrently not %ossi-le>

Plan ex%losion

2 Plan e$plosion from PPM

Transfer *ia !2"

Plan e$plosion

1 4

Individ al e$plosion of iPP6 Matri$ e$plosion of iPP6 !$rrently only with -$siness sol8 2

? / ntime o!,. generated from /01

Transfer *ia !2"
SAP AG 2002

Asi&e from t+e PPM, t+ere are alternati,e &ata str!'t!res in APO a,aila"le for Pro&!'tion Plannin. an& 1etaile& S'+e&!lin.. 8+ese alternati,es are t+en interestin. if t+e te'+ni'al restri'tions of t+e PPM >no En.ineerin. C+an.e Mana.ement, no ,ariants@ a..ra,ate t+e !se of APO. -it+ t+e Plan e6plosion in&i'ator in t+e APO pro&!'t master, )o! 'an &etermine w+i'+ &ata o"=e'ts t+e or&er e3plosion in APO is "ase& on. 8+e /nte.rate& Pro&!'t an& Pro'ess En.ineerin. >iPPE@ is not '!rrentl) in'l!&e& in t+e SAP R/3 stan&ar&. SAP APO 3.1 'ontains t+e iPPE, "!t it 'an onl) "e transferre& from one R/3A1/ s)stem. 8+e iPPE r!ntime o"=e't >iPPEA:TO@ is a &ata str!'t!re .enerate& from t+e iPPE. /t ser,es or&er e3plosion in APO, as &ire't e3plosion of t+e iPPE wo!l& "e too 'ostl) for ea'+ in&i,i&!al or&er. Alternati,el), t+is r!ntime o"=e't 'an "e .enerate& in APO li(e a PPM ,ia t+e C/7 interfa'e from t+e R/3 ro!tin. an& 0OM an& !se& for or&er e3plosion. /f p+antom assem"lies are in'l!&e& in t+e 0OM, t+e) m!st "e sele'te& separatel) in t+e inte.ration mo&el as material 0OMs w+en !sin. t+e iPPEAR8O >p+antom assem"lies are not e3plo&e& in t+e r!ntime o"=e't, !nli(e t+e PPM@. 8+ere s+o!l& t+erefore "e one 0OM for ea'+ p+antom assem"l).

>C@ SAP A*



/01 Prod "tion 7ersion and AP'*PPM

/01 Material A
M/P 4

Plan N?000JJ010001 Prod "tion version 0001 escri-es %rod$ctn %roced$re


No. ?000JJ

/o ting

Prod "tion pro"ess model 3PPM4 Prod "t A


SAP AG 2002

7or t+e C/7 transfer of t+e ro!tin. an& "ill of material as a pro&!'tion pro'ess mo&el >PPM@ into APO, a ,ali& pro&!'tion ,ersion m!st "e a,aila"le in t+e material master of t+e 'orrespon&in. material. 8+e pro&!'tion ,ersion &etermines a man!fa't!rin. pro'ess ") spe'if)in. a ro!tin. an& a "ill of material. A PPM 'orrespon&s wit+ t+e assi.nment of a pro&!'t to a plan. A plan 'an "e to se,eral pro&!'ts, an& t+erefore 'ontain se,eral PPMs. /n t+e R/3 material master, se,eral pro&!'tion ,ersions 'an "e &efine& for &ifferent lot si6e inter,als. Ea'+ of t+ese pro&!'tion ,ersions is transferre& into APO as an in&i,i&!al plan an& PPM. 8+e in&i,i&!al plans &iffer ") .ro!p 'o!nter. 8+e PPMs t+at are transferre& from R/3 +a,e !sa.e P3 8+e) 'an "e !se& in APO for Pro&!'tion Plannin. an& 1etaile& S'+e&!lin. >PP/1S@. /f t+e plans are also !se& for S!ppl) etwor( Plannin. >S P@, t+e) nee& to "e 'opie& as PPMs wit+ !sa.e ?S?. A spe'ial report is a,aila"le in SAP APO for t+is.

>C@ SAP A*



%as- )ist +es"ription in AP'


Material A
Prod "tion version 0001
/o ting No. ?000JJ Gro p "o nter



Plan no. N?000JJ010001
SAP AG 2002

PPM Prod "t A

-+en a plan or a pro&!'tion pro'ess mo&el is 'reate& in APO, as a transfer of a ro!tin./"ill of material from an R/3 pro&!'tion ,ersion, t+e is 'learl) a &eri,ation of t+e plan n!m"er: 8+e plan n!m"er in APO is 'ompose& of t+e ro!tin. n!m"er of t+e R/3 >e3presse& ") a n!m"er t+at spe'ifies t+e ro!tin. t)pe A for e3ample, ? ? for a normal ro!tin., ?R? for a line ro!tin., an& ?2? for a master re'ipe >pro'ess in&!str)@@, t+e .ro!p 'o!nter an& t+e &es'ription of t+e pro&!'tion ,ersion. >8+e s)stem transfers referen'e operation sets in ro!tin.s =!st li(e normal ro!tin.s are transferre&.@ 8+e s)stem transfers a &es'ription of t+e ro!tin. into APO as a plan te3t, an& t+e "rief &es'ription of t+e pro&!'tion ,ersion is transferre& as a PPM te3t. /f one ro!tin. is !se& in se,eral pro&!'tion ,ersions, t+e plan n!m"er in APO in'l!&es t+e material n!m"er an& plant. >7or e3ample, for material A in plant 1000: #000GG010001A1000@. 8+e s)stem onl) transfers t+e pro&!'tion ,ersions t+at are ,ali& at t+e time of sele'tion in t+e inte.ration mo&el.

>C@ SAP A*



Str "t re of the Prod "tion Pro"ess Model 314


Plan N?000JJ010001


Prod "t A

'peration 10

A"tivity2 Set p
!om%onents /elationships

A"tivity2 Prod "e


'peration 20

A"tivity2 Prod "e

SAP AG 2002

8+e PPM +as ,ali&it) parameters &etermine& ") lot si6e an& time inter,als. A PPM 'ontains one or more operations >)o! 'an maintain t+e s+ort te3ts of t+e PPM operations in &ifferent lan.! Ea'+ operation in'l!&es at least one a'ti,it). >8+ese a'ti,ities ma) "e pro%#ce, set#p, tear %o0n or 0ait@. 8+e 'omponents 'ons!me& >or pro&!'e&@ ") t+e a'ti,it) are to t+e a'ti,ities. 8+e seF!en'e of a'ti,ities wit+in t+e operation is &efine& ") t+e relations+ips. 8+e transfer of R/3 master &ata 'an res!lt in two t)pes of relations+ip: 7inis+Astart relations+ips, w+ere t+e en& of one a'ti,it) starts anot+er, an& startAstart relations+ips, w+ere two a'ti,ities start at t+e same time.

>C@ SAP A*



Str "t re of the Prod "tion Pro"ess Model 324

Acti*ities and reso$rces

Prod "t A Sele"tion of mode is dynami" for s"hed ling

'peration 10 A"tivity2 Prod "e

Mode 1
Primary reso r"e ;1D04B1000B001 Se"ondary reso r"e ;1D04B1000B002

Mode 2
Primary reso r"e ;1D0?B1000B001 Se"ondary reso r"e ;1D0?B1000B002

SAP AG 2002

8+e mo&e &etermines t+e reso!r'e an& t+e 'apa'it) reF!irement nee&e& to e3e'!te an a'ti,it). As well as t+e primar) reso!r'e t+at is rele,ant for s'+e&!lin., )o! 'an enter one or more se'on&ar) reso!r'es in a mo&e. 8+e s)stem also 'reates 'apa'it) reF!irements for t+e &epen&ent reso!r'es &!rin. s'+e&!lin.. Se,eral mo&es 'an "e to one a'ti,it), t+at is, se,eral alternati,e reso!r'es 'an "e an& t+e a'ti,it) 'an "e pro'esse&. 1!rin. s'+e&!lin. in PP/1S, t+e s)stem a!tomati'all) sele'ts a mo&e. 8+e mo&e sele'te& is t+e mo&e t+at starts latest if )o! ta(e t+e a,aila"le 'apa'it) into 'onsi&eration. /t is possi"le to .i,e preferen'e to parti'!lar mo&es t+at )o! !se for t+e optimi6ation in PP/1S. Jo! 'an t+erefore .i,e t+e mo&es &ifferent priorities. Alternati,e seF!en'es of an R/3 plan 'an "e transferre& !sin. a '!stomer e3it as alternati,e mo&es to APOAPPM >see note no. 21G210@.

>C@ SAP A*



'perations in PPM


Material A

/o ting ?000JJ
'peration 10
Assem!ly Control -ey PP01
/elevant to s"hed ling

Plan N?000JJ010001 PPM

Prod "t A


'peration 10
is transferred No control key in APO

'peration 20
Control -ey PP02
/elevant to s"hed ling
SAP AG 2002

%he follo#ing are not transferred2 is not transferred 'perations witho$t work center 3in a"tive integration model4 'perations witho$t *alid d$ration 3!e"a se form las or standard val es are missing4

8+e operations in a R/3 ro!tin. 'orrespon& wit+ operations in APO PPM. 8+e s)stem transfers all R/3 operations t+at are rele,ant to s'+e&!lin. an& +a,e a 'orrespon&in. 'ontrol (e). 8+e s)stem &oes not transfer operations t+at are not rele,ant to s'+e&!lin.. 8+e s)stem &oes not transfer operations if: 8+ere is no wor( 'enter in t+e R/3 operation an& no wor( 'enter in an) a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el, an& if t+ere are no s'+e&!lin. res!lts !neF!al to 6ero >partl) "e'a!se t+ere are form!las or stan&ar& ,al!es missin.@. 8+e operation n!m"ers remain &!rin. t+e transfer. 8+e s)stem transfers R/3 s!"Aoperations as APO operations. 8+e s)stem transfers parallel seF!en'es of an R/3 ro!tin. to APO: 8+e s)stem t+en 'reates t+e 'orrespon&in. operations an& pro,i&es t+em wit+ relations+ips so t+at t+e) operate as parallel seF!en'es. >StartAstart relations+ip@. Jo! 'an transfer alternati,e seF!en'es of an R/3 ro!tin. !sin. a '!stomer e3it.

>C@ SAP A*



S"hed ling and A"tivities

'peration 10 Assem!ly
;or- "enter 1D04

S"hed ling !asis

Standard val e
Set p


? min.


'peration 10 Assem!ly A"tivity2 Set p

Primary res.


S"hed l.form la


1. Set p 1? min.


<i$ed d ration 050@1 8

Ma"hine 8/ 7aria!le1 7aria!le2

A"tivity2 Prod "e

Primary res. ;1D04B1000B001 7aria!le d ration 052?0 8 per 1 p" Se"ondary res. ;1D04B1000B002

2. Pro"essing

1. %ear do#n 7aria!le1

SAP AG 2002

8+e operations of a pro&!'tion pro'ess mo&el in'l!&e a'ti,ities w+ere )o! will fin& a &es'ription of t+e a't!al pro'ess steps for t+e operation. 1!rin. t+e transfer of an R/3 ro!tin., t+e s)stem 'reates t+e a'ti,ities of t+e APO PPM operation rele,ant to t+e R/3 operation. A wor( 'enter is to an SAP R/3 operation. 8+e wor( 'enter spe'ifies w+i'+ time elements 'an "e ta(en into 'onsi&eration &!rin. t+e s'+e&!lin. >for e3ample, set!p time, ma'+ine time, personnel time@ wit+ t+e +elp of a stan&ar& ,al!e (e). 8+e s'+e&!lin. form!las store& in t+e wor( 'enter &efine t+e &!ration from t+e allowe& time elements in t+e ro!tin.. 8+e set!p, pro'essin. an& tear &own of an R/3 operation are all &ispla)e& in APO a'ti,ities. 1!rin. t+e C/7 transfer of a ro!tin., t+e s'+e&!lin. form!las of t+e rele,ant wor( 'enter are also interprete&, in or&er to 'reate t+e 'orrespon&in. a'ti,ities in PPM wit+ t+eir &!rations. 8+e a'ti,ities of t+e PPMs in'l!&e a mo&e wit+ a primar) reso!r'e ea'+. 8+ese primar) reso!r'es 'orrespon& wit+ t+e 'apa'it) sele'te& in t+e wor( 'enter as a s'+e&!lin. "asis. Ot+er possi"le a,aila"le 'apa'ities t+at are not rele,ant for s'+e&!lin. are &ispla)e& !sin. se'on&ar) reso!r'es. 8+e 'apa'it) reF!irements of t+e in&i,i&!al pro'ess steps res!lt from t+e s'+e&!lin. form!las &efine& in t+e wor( 'enter an& t+e time elements of t+e ro!tin.. 8+e s)stem stores t+em in APO PPM as ,aria"le or fi3e& &!rations >t+e ,aria"le &!rations relate to t+e o!tp!t F!antit) of t+e last operation of PPM, t+at is &eri,e& from t+e "ase F!antit) of t+e R/3 0OM@. 8+e &!rations are spe'ifie& in t+e APO a'ti,it), in t+e "ase !nit of meas!re of t+e R/3 'apa'it) rele,ant for s'+e&!lin. >s+own in 9o!r >9@ in t+e sli&e@.

>C@ SAP A*



'vervie# of A"tivity /elationships

A"tivity 1
Min. time deviation

A"tivity 2
Ma$. time deviation



A"tivity 1
Min. time deviation

A"tivity 2
Ma$. time deviation

SAP AG 2002

8+ere are two t)pes of a'ti,it) relations+ips: 1. StartAstart relations+ip: 8+e start times of two a'ti,ities are 'orrelate& wit+ ea'+ ot+er. 2. 7inis+Astart relations+ip: 8+e en& of one a'ti,it) is lin(e& wit+ t+e start of t+e ne3t a'ti,it).

>C@ SAP A*



A"tivity /elationships


'peration 10


'peration 10



;or- "enter 1D04

Set p a"tivity 3S4 /el. S300104*P300104

<orm la s

1. Set p 2. Pro"essing 1. %ear do#n

A"tivity2 Prod "e 3P4

/el. P300104*%300104

Minim m #ait time Ma$im m #ait time Move time

A"tivity2 Set p 3%4

/el. %300104*P300404
Minim m0ma$im m d ration

'peration 40 Che"-s
;or- "enter 1D0? Pro"essing
SAP AG 2002

'peration 40 Che"-s A"tivity2 Pro"ess 3P4

8+e ?a'ti,ities? of an R/3 operation, set#p, process an& tear %o0n are transferre& in t+is or&er into APO PPM as a'ti,ities. 8+e a'ti,it) relations+ips &efine t+e or&er of APO a'ti,ities. 1!rin. t+e C/7 transfer of an R/3 operation, t+e s)stem 'reates t+ese a'ti,it) relations+ips a!tomati'all), as pre'e&in. an& s!"seF!ent relations+ips wit+in an operation. 8+e operation n!m"er &etermines t+e seF!en'e of t+e in&i,i&!al operations of an R/3 ro!tin.. A 'orrespon&in. a'ti,it) relations+ip "etween t+e last a'ti,it) of one operation an& t+e first a'ti,it) of t+e followin. operation &efines t+is seF!en'e in APO PPM too. Possi"le a,aila"le wait or mo,e times t+at &etermine t+e time inter,al of t+e followA!p operation in t+e R/3 operation, are &i,i&e& "etween two PPM operations in t+e a'ti,it) relations+ip: 8+e s!m of t+e minim!m wait time an& t+e minim!m mo,e time is transferre& as t+e minim!m &!ration. >8+e ma3im!m wait time of t+e R/3 operation is not rele,ant for s'+e&!lin. an& is t+erefore not transferre& to APO.@ R/3 s!"Aoperations are transferre& as APO operations wit+ t+e a'ti,it) pro%#ce- As R/3 s!"Aoperations are not rele,ant for s'+e&!lin. >t+eir &ates are &etermine& a''or&in. to t+e lowerAle,el operation t+e) are to@, t+e s!"Aoperation a'ti,it) is lin(e& to a startAstart relations+ip at t+e start of t+e operation. Rele,ant for s'+e&!lin. is also still t+e ori.inal main operation in APO.

>C@ SAP A*



Component Assignment


Material A


Prod "t A


'peration 10 Prod "tion version 0001 /o ting 'peration 10 'peration 20 'peration 10 .'M Mat A Mat . Mat C Mat +
Materials in a"tive integration modelA

A"tivity S
Inp t

Prod. .

'peration 20 A"tivity S


Inp t Inp t

Prod. C Prod. +

'peration 10 A"tivity P

!om%onent assignment in ro$ting

SAP AG 2002

' tp t

Prod. A

/n SAP R/3, "ill of material 'omponents in t+e ro!tin. 'an "e to in&i,i&!al operations. 8+is assi.nment of 'omponents is transferre& into APO: 8+e 'omponent assi.nment is &ispla)e& ") inp!t 'omponents in a'ti,ities. 8+e assi.nment is ma&e to t+e first a'ti,it) of t+e rele,ant operation. 8+e res!lt of pro&!'tion, t+e finis+e& pro&!'t, is mar(e& in SAP APO as an o!tp!t 'omponent. 8+e o!tp!t 'omponent is to a'ti,it) pro%#ce >P@ in t+e last operation of PPM >if a'ti,it) P &oes not e3ist +ere, t+en it is to set#p@. 8+e s)stem onl) transfers t+e 'omponent assi.nment for materials 'ontaine& in an a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el. 1ire't pro'!rement items are transferre& as sto'( items. /f materials are to an operation in SAP R/3 t+at is not transferre& to SAP APO, t+e) are to t+e first operation in t+e SAP APO PPM >or more pre'isel): t+e first a'ti,it) of t+e first operation@.

>C@ SAP A*



CI< %ransfer of PPMs2 Mis"ellaneo s

%he indi"ator Tear down/%arallel wait time in the /01 operation "an !e transferred Corresponding relationships in AP'

9o "an transfer the operation*related lead*time offset of the /01 .'M item %ime*!ased offset of logi"al inp t "omponents in PPM

S !"ontra"ting PPM "an !e transferred 3e$ternal pro" rement4 No man al maintenan"e of s !"ontra"ting PPMs in AP' ne"essary

SAP AG 2002

8+e s)stem 'an transfer t+e in&i'ator Tear %o0n/parallel 0ait time in t+e R/3 operation, into APO in t+e form of 'orrespon&in. relations+ips >see note 321$#B for &etails@. S!"'ontra'tin. PPMs 'an "e transferre& ,ia C/7 to t+e so!r'e lo'ation in APO. Assi.n t+e pro&!'tion ,ersion to an info re'or& in R/3 an& sele't t+e S#bcontracting PP! o"=e't a''or&in.l) in t+e inte.ration mo&el.

>C@ SAP A*



AP' Master +ata2 >nit S mmary 314

.asi"ally5 master data relevant for prod "tion planning in /01 "an !e transferred from the /01 into the AP' System. %he additional maintenan"e of master data in AP' is generally only ne"essary for f n"tions that have no e( ivalen"e in /01. %he /01 master data for the plant5 " stomer5 vendor and M/P area is displayed in AP' as lo"ations #ith "orresponding lo"ation types. Material masters are transferred as prod "ts in AP'.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



AP' Master +ata2 >nit S mmary 324

;or- "enters are transferred to AP' in the form of their "apa"ities2 for ea"h #or- "enter "apa"ity a reso r"e is "reated in AP'. %he prod "tion pro"ess model in AP' is a "om!ination of ro ting and .'Ms. %he transfer of /01 master data ass mes the se of a prod "tion version in the material master.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



4.54A+6 )aster *ata- Exercises

nit! "o#ic! A+6 )aster *ata 1ocations

At t+e en& of t+ese e3er'ises, )o! will "e a"le to: 1ispla) APO lo'ations res!ltin. from t+e transfer from R/3

8+e pro&!'tion of p!mp 8A72QQ in plant 1000 is to "e planne& in APO. Plant 1000, alon. wit+ ot+er plants, +as alrea&) "een transferre& to t+e APO S)stem ,ia t+e C/7 interfa'e.


1ispla) #ro0uction #(ant 1000 in t+e A+6 ',ste/ >&ispla) t+is lo'ation@. 1A1A1 2se t+e 7% +elp >in t+e Location type fiel& on t+e initial s'reen of t+e lo'ation master@, to enter t+e lo'ation t)pe for t+e pro&!'tion plant. -+i'+ t)pe is for pro&!'tion plantsN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A1A2 1ispla) pro&!'tion plant 1000. 8+e &ata is arran.e& on se,eral ta" *oto t+e A%%ress ta" pa.e: -+at is t+e name of t+e lo'ationN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK -+i'+ a&&ress is entere& for it >street an& 'it)@N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK -+i'+ time 6one is to plant 1000N KKKKKKKKKKKKK


/n $73, &ispla) t+e so!r'e of pro&!'tion plant 1000. /n R/3, plants are &efine& in C!stomi6in.. 1ispla) #(ant 1000 in C!stomi6in.. 1A2A1 -+at is t+e name of plant 1000N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A2A2 -+i'+ a&&ress is entere& for itN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A2A3 -+at is t+e time 6one >+i&&en "e+in& t+e A%%ress i'on@N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


1ispla) ot+er ta" for (ocation 1000 in A+6. 9ere )o! will fin& a n!m"er of settin.s t+at +a,e no 'orrespon&in. settin.s in t+e R/3 plant. /f )o! want to !se s!'+ f!n'tions in APO, )o! m!st maintain t+ese settin.s after )o! +a,e transferre& )o!r &ata to APO.
SCM210 #%

>C@ SAP A*


1ispla) #(ant 2400 in $73 C!stomi6in.. 1A%A1 -+at is t+e name of plant 2%00N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A%A2 8+e name implies t+at t+is plant is a &istri"!tion 'enter >1C@. -+ere is it maintaine& in R/3N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Ma(e s!re t+at plant 2%00 is a't!all) a 1C.


1ispla) APO lo'ation 2%00 >lo'ation t)pe 1002@. 1A#A1 -+at is t+e name of t+is lo'ationN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK >8+is lo'ation is of t+e t)pe %istrib#tion center "e'a!se plant 2%00 was transferre& from R/3.@ 1A#A2 -+at are t+e lo'ation t)pes wit+ w+i'+ t+e followin. R/3 master &ata is represente& in APO >!se t+e 7% +elp in t+e Location type fiel& to answer t+is F!estion@N MRP area: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK C!stomer: 4en&or: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

>C@ SAP A*




>C@ SAP A*



>C@ SAP A*



nit! A+6 )aster *ata "o#ic! $esources

At t+e en& of t+ese e3er'ises, )o! will "e a"le to: 1ispla) a reso!r'e in APO 1es'ri"e t+e res!lt of t+e transfer of an R/3 wor( 'enter to APO 8+e reso!r'es reF!ire& to pro&!'e t+e p!mps in APO +a,e alrea&) "een transferre& from R/3. C+e'( t+e res!lt of t+e transfer.


-or( 'enter "-1.. in plant 1000 is reF!ire& to pro&!'e t+e p!mps. 1ispla) t+e wor( 'enter in R/3. 2A1A1 -+at is t+e name of t+is wor( 'enterN KKKKKKKKKKKKKK 2A1A2 -+i'+ two 'apa'ities >wit+ w+i'+ 'apa'it) 'ate.ories@ are &efine& for t+is wor( 'enterN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK -+i'+ 'apa'it) is rele,ant for s'+e&!lin.N KKKKKKKKKKK 2A1A3 1ispla) more &etaile& &ata for t+e 'apa'it) wit+ ca#acit, categor, 001 >mac,ine@. -+i'+ stan&ar& a,aila"le 'apa'it) is &efine& for t+is 'apa'it)N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 9ow man) in&i,i&!al 'apa'ities &oes t+is 'apa'it) +a,eN KKKKKKKKKKK Can it "e !se& ") se,eral operationsN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK /s it rele,ant for finite s'+e&!lin.N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 2A1A% -+i'+ res!lt &o )o! e3pe't w+en )o! see t+e res!lt of t+e transfer of wor( 'enter 8A:QQ into APON >8o answer t+is F!estion, 'onsi&er t+e res!lts for F!estion 2A1A3@: 9ow man) APO reso!r'es are rele,ant to t+e wor( 'enterN KKKKK /s 'apa'it) 'ate.or) 001 mappe& onto a sin.leAa'ti,it) reso!r'e or a m!ltiA a'ti,it) reso!r'eN -+)N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 2A1A# -+at are t+e names of t+e APO reso!r'es t+at res!lt from t+e C/7 transfer of t+e R/3 wor( 'enter 8A:QQ of plant 1000N

>C@ SAP A*



KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 2A2 8+e 'apa'ities of t+e R/3 wor( 'enter 8A:QQ of plant 1000 were transferre& to t+e trainin. s)stem as /ixe0 resources !sin. a '!stomer e3it. 0ot+ t+e ma'+ine 'apa'it) >'apa'it) 'ate.or) 001@ as well as t+e la"or 'apa'it) >'apa'it) 'ate.or) 002@ were transferre& as sing(e-acti%it, resources. 2A2A1 1ispla) t+e APO reso!r'es 8"-1..9 in (ocation 1000. :oo( at t+e sin.le mi3e& reso!r'es: 1oes one of t+ese reso!r'es represent t+e R/3 wor( 'enter 8A :QQ in plant 1000N KKKKKKKKKKKKK 2A2A2 1ispla)e& more &etaile& information for reso!r'e 8"-1..:1000:001: -+at is t+e name of t+is reso!r'eN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK -+i'+ stan&ar& 'apa'it) is &efine&N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK /s t+is reso!r'e s'+e&!le& finitel) in APON KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

>C@ SAP A*




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nit! "o#ic!

A+6 )aster *ata +ro0uction +rocess )o0e( ;++)<

At t+e en& of t+ese e3er'ises, )o! will "e a"le to: 8ransfer a pro&!'tion pro'ess mo&el to APO 1es'ri"e t+e res!lt of t+e transfer of a pro&!'tion ,ersion wit+ 0OM an& ro!tin. to t+e APO S)stem 8+e pro&!'tion pro'ess mo&els reF!ire& to pro&!'e t+e p!mps in APO are transferre& from R/3. C+e'( t+e res!lt of t+e transfer.


Ens!re t+at t+is pro&!'tion ,ersion e3ists in t+e $73 material master of p!mp "--1..3 plant 1000 >)o! s+o!l& +a,e 'reate& t+is pro&!'tion ,ersion in a pre,io!s e3er'ise@: Pro&!'tion ,ersion 0001 wit+ te3t nor/a( #ro0uction, ,ali& to en0 of next ,ear, lotA si6e ran.e of 1 to 999.999 #c3 routing >for material@ an& 56) >!sa.e 1 an& alternati,e 1@. /n t+e change /o0e, loo( at t+e R/3 ro!tin. for t+e pro&!'tion of material "--1.. in plant 1000. 3A2A1 -+i'+ operations are reF!ire& for pro&!'tion >w+at are t+e operation &es'riptions@N Operation 10: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Operation 20: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Operation 30: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Operation %0: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Operation #0: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Operation B0: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 3A2A2 -+i'+ 'omponents are !se& to pro&!'e t+is material >see t+e 'omponent assi.nment in t+e ro!tin. to answer t+is F!estion@N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 3A2A3 Assi.n 'omponent "-51.. to o#eration 40.



/n t+e followin., 'reate an integration /o0e( to transfer t+e ro!tin. an& 0OM to APO for material 8A71QQ as a #ro0uction #rocess /o0e( >PPM@. 3A3A1 *enerate an inte.ration mo&el wit+ followin. settin.s:

>C@ SAP A*



Mo&el name: s)stem: Appli'ation:

+ )+.. Logical name of t,e AP System t,at yo# note% in #nit 3 ++) "--1..

Sele't t+e #ro0uction #rocess /o0e(s to "e in'l!&e& in t+e inte.ration mo&el. As .eneral sele'tion options for materials, enter t+e material "--1.. in plant 1000. 1o not e3e'!te t+e inte.ration mo&el )etR

3A3A2 Sa,e )o!r settin.s as t+e ++) "--1.. ,ariant. 3A3A3 Execute t+e inte.ration mo&el ") pressin. t+e e3e'!te i'on. On t+e followin. res!lts s'reen, ma(e s!re t+at t+e inte.ration mo&el sele'te& )o!r pro&!'tion ,ersion 0001 for material 8A71QQ. 8o 'omplete t+is pro'ess, save )o!r inte.ration mo&el. 8o transfer t+e master &ata to t+e APO S)stem, )o! m!st a'ti,ate t+e inte.ration mo&el. 8o pro,i&e a "etter o,er,iew, t+e instructor will acti%ate all )o!r mo&els.

3A3A% 8+e instructor a'ti,ates )o!r inte.ration mo&els. 3A% 1ispla) t+e #ro0uction #rocess /o0e( for t+e pro&!'tion of pro&!'t "--1.. in (ocation 1000 in A+6. 3A%A1 Compare t+e operations of t+e PPM wit+ t+e R/3 operations of t+e 'orrespon&in. ro!tin. >w+i'+ )o! wrote &own a"o,e@. Are t+e operation &es'riptions t+e sameN KKKKKKKKKKKK 3A%A2 :oo( at t+e inp!t 'omponents of operation 10. -+i'+ 'omponents are to t+is operationN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 3A%A3 :oo( at t+e inp!t 'omponents of operation %0. -+i'+ 'omponents are to t+is operationN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

>C@ SAP A*



Jo! will &is'o,er t+at t+e 'omponents 8A02QQ an& 8A83QQ are not a,aila"le in t+e APO PPM. 8+is is "e'a!se t+ese 'omponents are not to "e planne& in APO. 8+e materials are not in'l!&e& in an) a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el, so t+at t+e PPM &oes not in'l!&e t+ese 'omponents. 3A%A% 1ispla) more &etaile& information for o#eration 30 of t+e PPM. -+i'+ a'ti,ities &oes t+is operation +a,eN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 9ow man) mo&es &oes t+e a'ti,it) Pro%#ce +a,eN KKKKKKKK -+at is t+e primar) reso!r'e of t+e mo&eN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK -+i'+ ,aria"le &!ration is &efine& for t+e a'ti,it) at t+is reso!r'eN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 8o w+i'+ "ase F!antit) of t+e finis+e& pro&!'t &oes t+e ,aria"le &!ration refer >noti'e t+e o!tp!t 'omponent of t+e last operation@N KKKKKKKKKKKKK

>C@ SAP A*



4.55A+6-)aster *ata- 'o(utions

nit! "o#ic! A+6 )aster *ata 1ocations


4n t!e AP- S'ste(5 1!oose Master ata #ocation #ocation8 1&1&1 1&1&2 Prod)1tion %lant t'%e0 1001 7o1ation na(e0 8am! rg Address0 Alsterdorferstr. 115 222DD 8am! rg Ti(e 2one0 C6%


4n R/3 C)sto(i2in 5 1!oose 1nter%rise Str$ct$re efine7 co%y7 delete7 check %lant 1&2&1 1&2&2 1&2&3 Plant 10000 8am! rg

efinition #ogistics 4 'eneral

Address0 Alsterdorferstr. 115 222DD 8am! rg Ti(e 2one0 C6%

1&3 1&4 1&4&1 1&4&2 6a(e o# %lant 24000 Milano +istri! tion Center <e#inin a distri*)tion 1enter @<CA in R/30 +istri! tion "enters are defined in C stomi:ing for RP. Choose Prod$ction istri-$tion Reso$rce Planning & RP( Basic Settings Maintain assignment of node ty%e A %lant. In the ta!le that appears5 define #hi"h plants are +Cs.


4n t!e AP- S'ste(5 1!oose Master ata #ocation #ocation8 1&5&1 1&5&2 6a(e o# lo1ation 24000 Milano +istri! tion Center. ,RP area0 100J C)sto(er0 ;endor0 1010 1011.

>C@ SAP A*



nit! "o#ic!

A+6 )aster *ata $esources


4n t!e R/3 S'ste(5 1!oose #ogistics Prod$ction Master ata 0ork !enters 0ork !enter is%lay8 2&1&1 2&1&2 6a(e o# t!e "or: 1enter0 Paint sho%. Ca%a1ities assi ned to "or: 1enter0 Machine 3"apa"ity "ategory 0014 and #a-or 3"apa"ity "ategory 0024 Ca%a1it' #or s1!ed)lin 0 Machine 2&1&3 Standard a/aila*le 1a%a1it'0 ;or- time from J200h to 1?200h5 #ith a one ho r !rea6)(*er o# indi/id)al 1a%a1ities0 'ne 6o5 t!e 1a%a1it' 1annot *e )sed *' se/eral o%erations$ Bes5 t!e 1a%a1it' is rele/ant to #inite s1!ed)lin $ 2&1&4 ?or: 1enter T&7CC is trans#erred to AP- in t!e #or( o# t"o reso)r1es$ Ca%a1it' 1ate or' 001 is to *e re%resented at a sin le&a1ti/it' reso)r1e as t!e n)(*er o# indi/id)al 1a%a1ities is one and t!e 1a%a1it' 1annot *e )sed *' se/eral o%erations$ 2&1&5 6a(es o# t!e AP- reso)r1es 1orres%ondin to #or- "enter %*)PP2 ;%* )PPB1000B001 or ;%*)PPB1000B002


4n t!e AP- S'ste(5 1!oose Master ata Reso$rce8 2&2&1 2&2&2 9es5 the reso r"es ;%*)PPB1000B001 or ;%*)PPB1000B002 are displayed as single mi$ed reso r"es in AP'$ 6a(e o# reso)r1e ?T&7CCD1000D0010 Machine ca%acity %aint sho%. Standard a/aila*le 1a%a1it'0 I st as in /015 a #or- time from J200h to 1?200h5 #ith a one ho r !rea9es5 the reso r"e is s"hed led finitely 3as a res lt of the Rele*ant to finite sched$ling indi"ator that is set in the /01 #or- "enter4.

>C@ SAP A*



nit! "o#ic!

A+6 )aster *ata +ro0uction +rocess )o0e( ;++)<


4n t!e R/3 S'ste(5 1!oose #ogistics Prod$ction Master ata Material Master Material is%lay is%lay !$rrent8 4n t!e R/3 S'ste(5 1!oose #ogistics Prod$ction Master ata Ro$tings Ro$tings Standard Ro$tings !hange8 3&2&1 -%erations #or %rod)1tion0 -%eration 100 Material staging !y pi"-ing list -%eration 200 Press fly #heel in "asing -%eration 300 Paint "asing -%eration 400 Insert hollo# shaft in "asing -%eration 500 <inal assem!ly of p mp -%eration 600 +eliver to sto"3&2&2 T!e 1o(%onents T&91CC5 T&92CC5 T&93CC5 T&94CC and s1re" T&T3CC are )sed in %rod)1tion$ A do" ment item is also availa!le.


3&3 3&3&1 ,en) %at! in t!e R/3 S'ste(0 #ogistics !entral "$nctions S$%%ly !hain Planning 2nterface !ore 2nterface Ad*anced Planner and O%timi/er 2ntegration Model 'enerate !reate


4n t!e AP- S'ste(5 1!oose Master ata Prod$ction Process Model8 3&4&1 3&4&2 3&4&3 3&4&4 Bes5 t!e o%eration des1ri%tions are t!e sa(e$ Co(%onents at o%eration 100 Components %*.1PP and %*.4PP are assigned to operation 10. Co(%onents at o%eration 400 Component %*.1PP is assigned to operation 40. -%eration 30 !as t!e a1ti/ities Prod "e @PA and Set p @SA$ ,odes0 A"tivity Prod$ce has a mode. T!e %ri(ar' reso)r1e o# t!is (ode is ?T&7CCD1000D001$ T!e /aria*le d)ration is 0$167 !o)rs @%er o)t%)t =)antit' o# t!e #inis!ed %rod)1tA$ 9ase =)antit'0 T!e /aria*le d)ration re#ers to one %ie1e o# #inis!ed %rod)1t T&F1CC$

>C@ SAP A*



Models and Planning 7ersions

Models and Planning 7ersions for Master +ata and %ransa"tion +ata Maintaining Models via the S pply Chain 6ngineer

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Models and Planning 7ersions2 >nit '!,e"tives

At the "on"l sion of this nit5 yo #ill !e a!le to2 +es"ri!e the f n"tion of models and planning versions for master and transa"tion data in AP' Spe"ify ho# master and transa"tion data5 that is transferred via the CI< interfa"e5 a"ts regarding its model and planning version assignment.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse 'vervie# +iagram 3K4
Co rse 'vervie# Ar"hite"t re of Integration %ransfer of Master +ata AP' Master +ata Models and Planning 7ersions %ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata Monitoring06rror 8andling S mmary Appendi$
SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Models and Planning 7ersions in SAP AP'

Master data

Master data in A"tive model 000

)o"ations Prod "ts %ransportation lane A"tive planning version 000 version*dependent master data and transa"tion data
SAP AG 2002


/eso r"es PPM

Sim lation model Q01

/eso r"es PPM

Planning version 1 version*dependent master data and transa"tion data

Planning version Q01 version*dependent master data and transa"tion data

8+e S!ppl) C+ain Mo&el >a""re,iation: Mo&el@ represents t+e entire s!ppl) '+ain networ( from s!ppliers to pro&!'tion an& &istri"!tion sites, t+ro!.+ to t+e '!stomer. /t 'ontains lo'ations, transportation lanes, pro&!'ts, reso!r'es, an& pro&!'tion pro'ess mo&els. 8+e mo&el is t+erefore t+e "asis for all plannin. f!n'tions in SAP APO. /t onl) 'ontains master &ata. Master &ata from SAP R/3 is a!tomati'all) to t+e a'ti,e mo&el >mo&el 000@ &!rin. t+e transfer to SAP APO. 8+e a'ti,e mo&el represents t+e s!ppl) '+ain a't!all) !se& in t+e 'ompan). /n t+is wa), all t+e transferre& master &ata is a!tomati'all) a,aila"le for operational plannin. in mo&el 000. Jo! m!st assi.n master &ata t+at )o! 'reate man!all) in SAP APO to a mo&el. 7or sim!lation p!rposes, it is possi"le to 'reate se,eral plannin. ,ersions for ea'+ s!ppl) '+ain mo&el. 9owe,er, onl) t+e mo&el 000 an& t+e plannin. ,ersion 000 are a'ti,e. 8+e plannin. ,ersion 'ontains master &ata an& transa'tion &ata. /n an ina'ti,e plannin. ,ersion, )o! 'an, for e3ample, sim!late in'rease& planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements an& plan pro&!'tion "ase& on an in'rease& &eman&. Jo! 'annot transfer t+e plannin. res!lts from t+e ina'ti,e plannin. ,ersion to t+e a'ti,e plannin. ,ersion. Jo! m!st repeat t+e plannin. in t+e a'ti,e plannin. ,ersion. Jo! 'an !se ,ersion mana.ement to 'op) mo&els an& plannin. ,ersions, or 'reate t+em man!all). 8+e) m!st "e !niF!el) i&entifia"le, +owe,er, w+i'+ means t+at two plannin. ,ersions in &ifferent mo&els m!st +a,e &ifferent names. 8+e a'ti,e plannin. ,ersion 000 onl) e3ists in mo&el 000.

>C@ SAP A*


Models and Plan. 7ersions for )o"tns and Prod "ts

AP' master data /01 master data Plant5 " stomer5 vendor Material master

Sim lation model Q01 Assignment

A"tive model 000

A1ti/e %lannin /ersion 000

Create master data

)o"ations Prod "ts

Plannin /ersion 001

/eferen"e /eferen"e Planning version*spe"ifi" fields may !e added 3only valid in version 0014 Master data added

)o"ations Prod "ts

Maintained d ring master data transfer

SAP AG 2002

/f lo'ations an& pro&!'ts are 'reate& in APO ,ia t+e R/3AAPO interfa'e, t+e) are a!tomati'all) 'reate& in t+e a'ti,e plannin. ,ersion 000 an& to t+e a'ti,e mo&el 000. /f plannin. is sim!late& in an ina'ti,e plannin. ,ersion >for e3ample, plannin. ,ersion 001@, t+e master &ata fiel&s of t+e lo'ation an& t+e pro&!'t master of t+e a'ti,e plannin. ,ersion 000 are rea& >lo'ation an& pro&!'t in an ina'ti,e plannin. ,ersion t+!s refer to t+e a'ti,e plannin. ,ersion 000@. /f )o! want to !se mo&ifie& master &ata in sim!late& plannin. >for e3ample, &ifferent MRP attri"!tes of a pro&!'t@, )o! 'an maintain 'ertain fiel&s spe'ifi'all) for t+e plannin. ,ersion in t+e lo'ation or t+e pro&!'t master in APO >man!all) or mass maintenan'e@. 1!rin. plannin. in plannin. ,ersion 001, t+ese ,ersionAspe'ifi' fiel&s from plannin. ,ersion 001 are t+en rea&. 7or fiel&s t+at are spe'ifi' to a plannin. ,ersion, an& 'an "e maintaine& as s!'+, t+e s)stem rea&s t+e fiel&s from a'ti,e plannin. ,ersion 000 >referen'e@ if no alternati,e settin.s +a,e "een ma&e. /f )o! also want to !se 'ertain lo'ations an& pro&!'ts in ina'ti,e mo&els, )o! m!st man!all) assi.n t+ese lo'ations an& pro&!'ts to t+e ina'ti,e mo&el reF!ire&. Jo! 'an &o so from wit+in master &ata maintenan'e or ,ia t+e S!ppl) C+ain En.ineer. -it+in t+e ina'ti,e mo&el, plannin. 'an "e 'arrie& o!t in one or se,eral ina'ti,e plannin. ,ersions.

>C@ SAP A*


Models and Planning 7ersions for /eso r"es

AP' master data /01 master data

Sim lation model Q01 Assignment

A"tive model 000

4nde%$ o# %lannin /ersion


Create master data

/eso r"e
A1ti/e %lannin /ersion 000

Copy Copy Planning version*spe"ifi" fields may !e added 3only valid in version 0014

/eso r"e
Plannin /ersion 001

/eso r"e

Maintained d ring master data transfer

SAP AG 2002

Master data added

/f reso!r'es are 'reate& in APO ,ia t+e R/3AAPO interfa'e, t+e) are a!tomati'all) 'reate& in a ,ersion t+at is in&epen&ent of a plannin. ,ersion >plannin. ,ersion ?"lan(?@ an& to t+e a'ti,e mo&el 000. /n a&&ition, t+ese plannin. ,ersionAin&epen&ent reso!r'es are a!tomati'all) 'opie& into all plannin. ,ersions >a'ti,e plannin. ,ersion 000 as well as all ina'ti,e plannin. ,ersions@ t+at e3ist in t+is mo&el &!rin. t+e master &ata transfer. Jo! are left wit+ a plannin. ,ersionAin&epen&ent reso!r'e, an a'ti,e plannin. ,ersion reso!r'e, an& some ina'ti,e plannin. ,ersion reso!r'es. -+en ,ersion mana.ement is !se& to 'reate a new plannin. ,ersion at a later sta.e, all reso!r'es are a!tomati'all) 'opie& to t+e new plannin. ,ersion >as a 'op) of t+e plannin. ,ersionAin&epen&ent reso!r'e@ w+en t+e new ,ersion is 'reate&. /f t+e same reso!r'e is transferre& ,ia t+e R/3AAPO interfa'e a.ain, onl) t+e plannin. ,ersionAin&epen&ent reso!r'e is o,erwritten in APO. 8+e plannin. ,ersionA &epen&ent reso!r'es >reso!r'es for a'ti,e an& ina'ti,e plannin. ,ersions@ are not a&=!ste&. /f plannin. is sim!late& in a 'ertain plannin. ,ersion >for e3ample, in t+e a'ti,e plannin. ,ersion 000 or t+e ina'ti,e plannin. ,ersion 001@, t+e reso!r'e master &ata fiel&s in t+e rele,ant plannin. ,ersion are rea&. /f )o! want to !se mo&ifie& master &ata in t+e sim!late& plannin. >for e3ample, &ifferent operatin. times of reso!r'es in sim!lation@, )o! 'an '+an.e t+e reso!r'es spe'ifi'all) for a plannin. ,ersion in APO. /f )o! also want to !se 'ertain reso!r'es in ina'ti,e mo&els, )o! m!st man!all) assi.n t+ese reso!r'es to t+e reF!ire& ina'ti,e mo&el. Jo! 'an &o so from wit+in master &ata maintenan'e or ,ia t+e S!ppl) C+ain En.ineer. -+en )o! assi.n t+e reso!r'e to t+e ina'ti,e mo&el, t+e reso!r'e is a!tomati'all) 'reate& in

>C@ SAP A*


all plannin. ,ersions of t+e ina'ti,e mo&el >'op) of t+e plannin. ,ersionAin&epen&ent reso!r'es to t+e plannin. ,ersionAspe'ifi' reso!r'es of t+e a'ti,e mo&el@.

>C@ SAP A*


Models and Planning 7ersions PPMs

AP' master data /01 master data

Sim lation model Q01 Assignment

A"tive model 000

;alid #or all %lannin /ersions

/o ting and !ill of material

Create master data


Maintained d ring master data transfer

SAP AG 2002

Master data added

/f PPMs are 'reate& in APO ,ia t+e R/3AAPO interfa'e, t+e) are a!tomati'all) to t+e a'ti,e mo&el 000. 9owe,er, t+e PPM is ,ali& in all plannin. ,ersions. 8+is means it &oes not &epen& on a 'ertain plannin. ,ersion. 8+e onl) e3'eption are timeA&epen&ent parameters in PPM, s!'+ as s'rap, reso!r'e 'ons!mption, material 'ons!mption >'omponent F!antit)@. Jo! 'an plan t+em spe'ifi'all) for a plannin. ,ersion in APO "!t 'annot !se t+e R/3AAPO interfa'e. /f )o! sim!late plannin. in an ina'ti,e plannin. ,ersion >for e3ample, plannin. ,ersion 001@, t+e same PPM is !se& as for operational plannin.. Mo&ifie& PPM fiel&s for sim!late& plannin. onl) are not s!pporte&. /f )o! also want to !se 'ertain PPMs in ina'ti,e mo&els, )o! m!st man!all) assi.n t+ese PPMs to t+e reF!ire& ina'ti,e mo&el. Jo! 'an &o so from wit+in master &ata maintenan'e or ,ia t+e S!ppl) C+ain En.ineer.

>C@ SAP A*


Maintaining Models in the S pply Chain 6ngineerO

Net#orNet#or- str str "t re ;or;orarea area file file Planning Planning o!,e"ts o!,e"ts 'vervie# 'vervie# map map

Net#orNet#or- map map

SAP AG 2002

Jo! maintain t+e s!ppl) '+ain networ( in t+e S!ppl) C+ain En.ineer >SCE@, ") pla'in. lo'ations on t+e map an& 'reate a networ( ") a&&in. transportation lanes. 8+e lane &ire'tion s+ows t+e &ire'tion of t+e pro&!'t transportation flow. 8+e SCE allows )o! to ,iew &ata pertainin. to &ifferent elements in )o!r s!ppl) '+ain. /t also allows )o! to maintain t+e mo&el o"=e'ts sim!ltaneo!sl). Jo! 'an s!"mit reF!ests for information on in&i,i&!al or 'om"ine& elements in )o!r s!ppl) '+ain. 7or e3ample, )o! 'an reF!est a list of all t+e pro&!'ts to a spe'ifi' lo'ation in )o!r mo&el. At t+e same time, )o! 'an a&& pro&!'ts to t+is lo'ation or ma(e ' in t+e lo'ation master.

>C@ SAP A*


'!,e"ts in the S pply Chain 6ngineerO




/! !$stomer Trans%ortatn MRP Stock transfer TSP /one area %oint

%ransportation lanes

SAP AG 2002

As well as lo'ations an& transportation lanes, t+e s!ppl) '+ain mo&el also allows )o! to (eep tra'( of ot+er s!ppl) '+ain elements. 8+ese in'l!&e pro&!'ts, PPMs >pro&!'tion pro'ess mo&els@, an& reso!r'es. 1!rin. s!ppl) '+ain mo&elin., )o! ma) +a,e to assi.n or &elete lar.e n!m"ers of o"=e'ts in )o!r mo&el. Man) of t+ese o"=e'ts 'an +a,e &epen&ent o"=e'ts to t+em. 8o .!arantee 'onsisten') wit+in t+e mo&el, )o! 'an a!tomati'all) assi.n or &elete t+e &epen&ent o"=e'ts, wit+ t+e primar) o"=e't. A!tomati' assi.nment .!arantees not onl) 'onsisten') "!t also ena"les easier mo&el maintenan'e. /f )o! +a,e a lot of master &ata, ,iewin. it in t+e networ( map in t+e S!ppl) C+ain En.ineer 'an "e'ome ,er) 'onf!sin.. 8o limit )o!r ,iew to onl) t+e master &ata )o! want to 'on'entrate on, )o! 'an &efine wor( areas. 8+e wor( area is !se& e3'l!si,el) as a filter for &ispla)in. o"=e'ts in t+e En.ineer. Jo! 'an maintain &ifferent wor( areas. /n t+e wor( area of t+e S!ppl) C+ain En.ineer, )o! 'an sele't: :o'ations >plant, &istri"!tion 'enter, ,en&or, '!stomer@ Pro&!'ts Reso!r'es PPMs >pro&!'tion pro'ess mo&els@.

>C@ SAP A*



%ransportation )anesO

Pro" rement Means of transport Prod "ts that "an !e "arried !y a means of transport %ransportation "apa"ity !y vol me5 #eight5 pallets %ransportation "osts per nit5 prod "t5 and means of transport

SAP AG 2002

8ransportation "etween two lo'ations is &efine& t+ro!.+ transportation lanes t+at are to a means of transport an& t+ro!.+ transportationArele,ant attri"!tes t+at m!st "e &es'ri"e&O for e3ample, transportation time an& transportation 'osts. Means of transport &es'ri"es t+e t)pe of transport !se& to transport .oo&s "etween lo'ations, for e3ample, tr!'(, s+ip, or plane. A transportation lane 'o!l& 'onsist of a pro'!rement ,iew for pro'!rin. sto'( an& a means of transport ,iew for transferrin. sto'(. /n a&&ition, )o! 'an ma(e t+e followin. settin.s: Jo! 'an &efine t+e pro&!'t pro'!rement parameters li(e lot si6es, 'ost f!n'tions, !nit 'osts an& lane priorities. Jo! 'an &efine t+e means of transport for ea'+ lane an& t+e relate& parameters li(e transportation 'osts, &istan'es, an& times. Jo! 'an assi.n pro&!'tAspe'ifi' means of transport. Jo! 'an assi.n transportation ser,i'e pro,i&ers. 8+e arrows on t+e lanes s+ow t+e traffi' &ire'tion "etween so!r'e lo'ation an& lo'ation. Jo! 'an maintain t+e laneArele,ant &ata ,ia an a'tion men! in t+e tree o,er,iew or on t+e map. 7or e3ample, )o! 'an &ispla) a list of all pro&!'ts t+at are to a parti'!lar lane, or )o! 'an '+an.e t+e means of transport for a parti'!lar pro&!'t wit+in a spe'ifi' timeframe.

>C@ SAP A*



Models and Planning 7ersions2 >nit S mmary

'perational planning in the AP' System is "arried o t in the a"tive planning version 000 of the a"tive model 000. + ring master data transfer from an /01 System5 the "orresponding AP' master data is a tomati"ally assigned to the a"tive version 000 of the a"tive model 000. 9o "an also se the AP' master data in an ina"tive planning versions. %o do so5 yo m st assign them to the ina"tive versions.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



%ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata

%ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata .et#een /01 and AP' Systems Initial +ata %ransfer and %ransfer of +ata Changes Integration Model for the %ransfer of %ransa"tional +ata

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


%ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata2 >nit '!,e"tives

At the "on"l sion of this nit5 yo #ill !e a!le to2 +es"ri!e the "on"ept of transa"tion data transfer !et#een /01 and AP' Systems +efine an integration model for the transfer of transa"tion data %ransfer transa"tion data

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse 'vervie# +iagram 3K4
Co rse 'vervie# Ar"hite"t re of Integration %ransfer of Master +ata AP' Master +ata Models and Planning 7ersions %ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata Monitoring06rror 8andling S mmary Appendi$
SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


%ransa"tion +ata Interfa"e2 Core Interfa"e 3CI<4



/01 transa"tion data Core Interfa"e

P r"hase orders P r"hase re( isitions Sales orders Planned orders Planned ind. re(mnts /eservations Sto"-s...

AP' transa"tion data

Integration model

'rders * /eplenishment order * Man fa"t ring order * Pro" rement order ... 3+istin"tion !y A%P "ategory4

SAP AG 2002

8+e sele'tion of transa'tion &ata t+at t+e s)stem transfers to APO is &etermine& in an inte.ration mo&el t+at )o! &efine in t+e R/3. All transa'tion &ata is mappe& to or&ers in SAP APO, w+i'+ are &istin.!is+e& ") t+eir A8P 'ate.or).

>C@ SAP A*


%ransa"tion +ata '!,e"ts of the CI<

/01 transa"tion data
P r"hase orders P r"hase re(s Sales orders Planned orders Planned ind. re(mts /eservations Sto"...

2nitial data transfer
AP' transa"tion data
'rder #ith "ategory .< 3P"h'rd4 AG 3P r/(s4 .M 3Sls'rd4 AI 3Pld'rd4 <A 3<C re(.4 AM 3Prd/es4 CC 3Sto"-4 ...

Transfer of data changes

Real time

SAP AG 2002

7irst, t+e initial &ata transfer of transa'tion &ata ta(es pla'e t+ro!.+ t+e APO Core /nterfa'e. As a r!le, t+e '+an.e transfer "etween SAP R/3 an& SAP APO follows a!tomati'all) for transa'tion &ata o"=e'ts " to an a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el. ew transa'tion &ata or ' to e3istin. transa'tion &ata are transferre& a!tomati'all). 8+e APO transa'tion &ata o"=e'ts are not .enerall) i&enti'al to t+ose in R/3. 8+e s)stem transfers ,ario!s R/3 transa'tion &ata into APO as or&ers t+at &iffer ") A8P 'ate.or). Planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements 'an onl) "e transferre& from SAP R/3 to SAP APO t+ro!.+ C/7. 8+e transfer of planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements from APO to R/3, t+at )o! nee& if )o! onl) perform &eman& plannin. in APO, m!st "e tri..ere& from &eman& plannin. in APO !sin. a separate transa'tion. Jo! 'an spe'if) in APO t+at planne& or&ers an& p!r'+ase reF!isitions are onl) transferre& from APO to R/3 if t+e 'on,ersion in&i'ator +as "een set.

>C@ SAP A*


Initial +ata %ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata2 'vervie#

1. 'enerate integration model

+etermine name and AP' target system Sele"t transa"tion data


Name %arget sys. Sales orders Prod "tion orders ;areho se sto"-


2. Acti*ate integration model

Integration model is a"tive


Initial transfer of transa"tion data is performed5 follo#ed !y a "ontin o s real*time transfer of data "hanges
/etransfer for the PP0+S planning res lts is in real*time in the defa lt settings

SAP AG 2002

Jo! &efine t+e inte.ration mo&el t+at 'ontrols t+e transfer of transa'tion &ata, in t+e R/3 S)stem. 8+e inte.ration mo&el &istin.!is+es "etween master &ata an& transa'tion &ata. -e re'ommen& t+at )o! sele't t+e two t)pes of &ata in separate inte.ration mo&els an& t+en transfer t+em separatel). /n t+e inte.ration mo&el, )o! sele't t+e transa'tion &ata )o! want to transfer. Jo! spe'if) t+e followin. in t+e inte.ration mo&el: A 8+e APO s)stem for t+e &ata transfer A 8+e &ata o"=e'ts )o! want to transfer 7or an) transa'tion &ata from t+e pro&!'tion plannin. t+at is 'ontaine& in an a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el, t+e s)stem !s!all) performs a 'ontin!o!s realAtime transfer of &ata ' in t+e &efa!lt settin.s "etween R/3 an& APO.

>C@ SAP A*


Integration Model for %ransa"tion +ata
Name F appli"ation G ni( e definition of integration model
Name %arget sys. Appli"ation Sales orders Prod "tion0pro"ess orders Planned orders P>MPS AP'C)N%@00 %/AB+A%A

AP' System
Sele"tion of transa"tion data types

Sele"tion options materials Material Plant M/P type 1000 E0


Storage lo"ation sto"-s

Sele"tion "riteria for transa"tion data

6$e" te

SAP AG 2002


8+e transa'tion &ata t+at is to "e transferre& from t+e R/3 S)stem to t+e APO S)stem is &efine& in an inte.ration mo&el. 8+e R/3 S)stem .enerates t+is inte.ration mo&el >transa'tion C7M1@. An inte.ration mo&el is !niF!el) &efine& ") its name an& appli'ation. /t is !sef!l to 'reate se,eral inte.ration mo&els wit+ t+e same name "!t as &ifferent appli'ations. Ens!re t+at t+e &ata pools of )o!r inte.ration mo&els are .enerall) not too "i.. 8+is ena"les )o! to +an&le errors more easil). 8+e s)stem t+at )o! spe'if) in t+e inte.ration mo&el &etermines t+e APO S)stem t+at t+e transa'tion &ata is transferre& into. 8+e s)stem is a lo.i'al >APO@ s)stem t+at m!st +a,e a R7C 'onne'tion. APO &etermines t+e >R/3@ s)stem to "e !se& for a retransfer from APO to R/3. Jo! !se a parti'!lar inte.ration mo&el to spe'if) w+i'+ transa'tion &ata )o! want to transfer. 8o &o so, )o! first spe'if) t+e transa'tion &ata t)pes t+at are to "e a&&e& to t+e inte.ration mo&el. Se'on&l), )o! spe'if) t+e sele'tion 'riteria t+at will "e !se& to sele't t+e in&i,i&!al &o'!ments in R/3. Jo! 'omplete t+e .eneration of t+e inte.ration mo&el ") ?e3e'!tin.? t+e mo&el >t+is means t+at t+e &ata o"=e'ts of t+e mo&el are 'ompile&@ an& t+en )o! sa,e it.

>C@ SAP A*


A"tivate Integration Model for %ransa"tion +ata
2ntegration model
Name %arget sys. Appli"ation P>MPS AP'C)N%@00 %/AB+A%A A"tive0Ina"t. Stor lo". sto"- . P>MPS AP'C)N%@00 %/AB+A%A 10200200 Material master A Material master Stor lo". sto"- A . Planned order A





Material master A Material master Stor lo". sto"- A . Planned order A

%ransfer of data "hanges


%ransa"tion data in AP'

Planned order A

SAP AG 2002

8o transfer transa'tion &ata "etween R/3 an& APO, )o! m!st a'ti,ate t+e inte.ration mo&el. Jo! a'ti,ate an inte.ration mo&el wit+ t+e Acti(ate 'ntegration !o%el transa'tion >transa'tion 'o&e C7M2@ in t+e C/7. /t is !sef!l to +a,e se,eral inte.ration mo&els a'ti,e at a time. C+oose t+e Start f!n'tion to t+e initial &ata transfer. 8+is means t+at t+e transa'tion &ata )o! +a,e sele'te& is transferre& into APO for t+e first time. 8+is initial transfer is a!tomati'all) followe& ") t+e realAtime lin( "etween R/3 an& APO. 8+is means, for e3ample, t+at on'e a sele'te& stora.e lo'ation sto'( of a material ' &!e to a .oo&s mo,ement postin., t+e new sto'( is transferre& to APO. 8+e retransfer of plannin. res!lts from APO to R/3 'an also ta(e pla'e in realAtime.

>C@ SAP A*


P !li"ation of Planning /es lts


Planning res lts in AP'

Planned order $

;hi"h /01 SystemA

Planned order $ Plant A

Colle"t the "hanges

Periodi" transfer

SAP AG 2002

/n t+e APO transa'tion 9ser Settings >transa'tion 'o&e /SAPAPO/C%@ )o! 'an set t+e format in w+i'+ t+e new APO transa'tion &ata >plannin. res!lts@ is transferre& to R/3. 8+e transfer !s!all) ta(es pla'e for PP/1S in realAtime >&efa!lt settin. for PP/1S &ata@. 8+ere is also t+e possi"ilit) of 'olle'tin. t+e ', t+en transferrin. t+em to R/3 in a se'on& step >transa'tion Process c,ange pointer /SAPAPO/C#@. 8+e &efa!lt settin. for S P ens!res t+at t+e ' are 'olle'te& an& transferre& perio&i'all). 7or t+e realAtime transfer of S P plannin. res!lts, )o! set t+e form for transferrin. plannin. res!lts to R/3 wit+ t+e C!stomi6in. operation: Set transfer to LTP system. 2n&er t+e !aintain Distrib#tion Definition operation in t+e "asi' settin.s in APO C!stomi6in., spe'if) for ea'+ lo'ation an& p!"li'ation t)pe >for e3ample, inA+o!se pro&!'tion or e3ternal pro'!rement@, w+i'+ R/3 S)stem )o! are .oin. to p!"lis+ )o!r plannin. res!lts in >name of t+e lo.i'al s)stem@. Jo! m!st maintain t+is ta"le, e,en if )o! onl) operate one R/3 S)stem.

>C@ SAP A*


Possi!le S"enarios 314
emand and Prod$ction Planning in APO7 Sho% "loor !ontrol in R/3


2ntegration model +emand Planning 3+P4

Planned ind. re(mnt Name P>MPS %argSys. AP'C)N%@00 Appli". %/AB+A%A

Prod "tion Planning 3PP0+S4

Planned order Man f. order

Storage lo"ation st"-s Planned orders Prod.0pro"ess orders


6$e" te Man f. order

Sele"tion materials Plant M/P type 1000 E0


Planned order

Shop floor "ontrol

+o not plan materials in /01 ! t e$plode .'M if re( ired

SAP AG 2002

8+e transa'tion &ata )o! 'an sele't in t+e inte.ration mo&el &epen&s &ire'tl) on t+e plannin. pro'ess. 8+ere are se,eral !sef!l mo&els of +ow R/3 an& APO s)stems 'ooperate, all of w+i'+ are "ase& on &ifferent inte.ration mo&els. /n t+e e3ample a"o,e, t+e entire &eman& an& pro&!'tion plannin. is to ta(e pla'e in APO. As a res!lt of t+e plannin. in APO, t+e s)stem 'reates pro&!'tion or&ers an& transfers t+em to R/3 as t+e e3e'!tin. s)stem. 8+e pro'essin. of man!fa't!rin. or&ers ta(es pla'e in R/3. 8+e pro'essin. pro.ress m!st "e (nown to APO for f!rt+er plannin.. 1eman& plannin. ta(es pla'e in t+e Deman% Planning 'omponent in APO. /t is "ase& on a fore'ast t+at is 'arrie& o!t in APO !sin. +istori'al ,al!es from 0-. Planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements are .enerate& as a res!lt of 1eman& Plannin.. 8+e planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements are t+e startin. point for pro&!'tion plannin. in SAP APO. /n a&&ition to t+e reF!irements, e3istin. ware+o!se sto'( mana.e& in R/3 s+o!l& "e in'l!&e& in t+e plannin.. 8+is means t+at stora.e lo'ation sto'(s m!st "e a&&e& to t+e inte.ration mo&el. 8+e res!lt of pro&!'tion plannin. is planne& or&ers in APO, t+at 'an "e transferre& to R/3 for information >or for plannin. &epen&ent reF!irements for nonAAPOArele,ant materials in t+e 0OM@. /n t+e ne3t step, t+e) will "e 'on,erte& into man!fa't!rin. or&ers in APO >pro&!'tion or pro'ess or&ers@, t+at will "e transferre& to R/3 for e3e'!tion. 8o ens!re t+at t+ese materials are not planne& a.ain in R/3, )o! s+o!l& assi.n an MRP t)pe to t+em, e3'l!&in. t+em from &eman& plannin. >MRP t)pe 50@.
SCM210 10

>C@ SAP A*

Possi!le S"enarios 324
emand Management in SAP R/37 Prod$ction Planning in SAP APO7 Sho% "loor !ontrol in SAP R/3
2ntegration model


+emand Management
Planned ind. re(mnt Create



%argSys. AP'C)N%@00 Appli". %/AB+A%A

Planned ind. re(mnts


Planned ind. re(mnt

Storage lo"ation st"-s Planned orders Prod.0pro"ess orders Sele"tion materials 6$e" te Plant M/P type 1000 E0

Prod "tion Planning 3PP0+S4

Planned order

Man f. order Create


Man f. order
Planned order

Shop floor "ontrol

SAP AG 2002

+o not plan materials in /01 ! t e$plode .'M if re( ired

/n t+is e3ample, &eman& mana.ement is to ta(e pla'e in R/3. 8+e planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements t+at res!lt from t+is plannin. are transferre& into pro&!'tion plannin. in APO. As a res!lt of t+e plannin. in APO, pro&!'tion or&ers are 'reate& an& transferre& to R/3 as t+e e3e'!tin. s)stem. 1eman& mana.ement in R/3 'an "e 'arrie& o!t man!all), 'an "e "ase& on a fore'ast, or 'an !se t+e f!n'tions of Sales C Operations Plannin. >SOP@. Planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements are 'reate& as a res!lt an& are transferre& into t+e APO S)stem. Planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements m!st t+erefore "e in'l!&e& in t+e inte.ration mo&el. 8+e planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements are t+e startin. point for pro&!'tion plannin. in SAP APO. 7!rt+ermore, stora.e lo'ation sto'( s+o!l& "e in'l!&e& in t+e plannin.. Planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements in APO are a res!lt of t+e pro&!'tion plannin., an& will "e transferre& to R/3 for information. /n t+e ne3t step, t+e) will "e 'on,erte& into man!fa't!rin. or&ers in APO >pro&!'tion or pro'ess or&ers@, t+at will "e transferre& to R/3 for e3e'!tion.

>C@ SAP A*



%ransa"tion +ata2 >nit S mmary 314

%he transa"tion data that is to !e transferred !et#een /01 and AP' is sele"ted via an integration model in CI<. In an initial data transfer5 the transa"tion data is transferred to AP' from /01 for the first time. <or PP0+S data in the defa lt setting5 the real*time transfer of data "hanges is in"l ded2 +ata "hanges to e$isting transa"tion data or ne# transa"tion data is immediately e$"hanged !et#een !oth systems.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



%ransa"tion +ata2 >nit S mmary 324

;hi"h transa"tion data yo sele"t in the integration model depends dire"tly on the planning pro"ess. %here are several sef l s"enarios of ho# the /01 System and AP' System "an "ooperate5 all of #hi"h are !ased on different integration models.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



6.14"ransfer of "ransaction *ata - Exercises

nit! "o#ic! "ransfer of "ransaction *ata "ransfer of +(anne0 6r0ers

At t+e en& of t+ese e3er'ises, )o! will "e a"le to: E3plain t+e res!lt of planne& or&ers an& pro&!'tion or&er transfers "etween APO an& t+e R/3 S)stem. 8+e pro&!'tion of p!mp 8A72QQ in plant 1000 is planne& in APO: 8+e s)stem transfers t+e res!lt of t+is plannin. into t+e e3e'!tion R/3 S)stem. An inte.ration mo&el for t+e transa'tion &ata of p!mp 8A72QQ is alrea&) a,aila"le an& is a'ti,e.


4iew t+e '!rrent plannin. sit!ation of t+e material "--2.. in plant 1000 in $73. 8+en 'all !p t+e current stoc47re=uire/ents (ist of t+e material. 1A1A1 1o planne& or pro&!'tion or&ers e3ist for t+e materialN KKKKKKKKKKKK 1A1A2 9ow +i.+ is t+e '!rrent plant sto'( le,elN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Call !p t+e '!rrent sto'(/reF!irements list of t+e material, so t+at )o! 'an ,iew t+e res!lt at t+e same time as t+e plannin. &ata in APO.


Jo! 'reate a planne& or&er man!all) in t+e A+6 S)stem, for t+e p!mp "--2.. in pro&!'tion plant 1000. Pro'ee& as follows: 1A2A1 Call !p t+e #ro0uct %ie& for pro&!'t 8A72QQ: Plannin. 4ersion: 000 Pro&!'t: "--2.. :o'ation: 1000 Confirm '!rrent !sin. Enter an& enter t+e pro&!'t ,iew. On t+e ta" pa.e Elements, t+e '!rrent plannin. elements are &ispla)e&. -+at is t+e ware+o!se sto'( le,elN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A2A2 *o to t+e '+an.e mo&e of t+e pro&!'t ,iew >w+ere )o! press t+e i'on C an!e@. Cop) t+e s!..este& propa.ation ran.e >SAPA::@ wit+ Sa(e. ow press t+e "!tton Create order an& 'reate t+e followin. &ata for t+e or&er:

>C@ SAP A*



Plannin. 4ersion: 000 Pro&!'t: "--2.. :o'ation: 1000 Re'eipt/ReFmts Q!antit): 5 #ieces Start 1ate: Delete entr" A,ail/ReFmt 1ate: a &ee4 to0a, Create t+e or&er an& sa(e t+e plannin.. -+at is t+e n!m"er of t+e or&er )o! +a,e =!st 'reate&N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A2A3 #$date t+e pro&!'t ,iew. -+at is t+e n!m"er of t+e planne& or&er nowN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 8+e planne& or&er is transferre& from APO to R/3 an& t+en pro,i&e& wit+ t+e R/3 planne& or&er n!m"er. 8+is n!m"er is t+en transferre& from t+e APO S)stem for t+e 'orrespon&in. planne& or&er. A''or&in. to t+e s)stem loa&, t+is operation ma) ta(e a w+ile. /t ma) t+erefore "e ne'essar) to !p&ate t+e pro&!'t ,iew se,eral times, !ntil t+e planne& or&er is &ispla)e& wit+ its new n!m"er.


ow .o to t+e current stoc47re=uire/ents (ist of materials 8A72QQ in $73 an& re%res t+e list. 1A3A1 /s a planne& or&er &ispla)e&N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A3A2 -+at is t+e a,aila"ilit) &ate of t+e planne& or&er an& +ow +i.+ is t+e or&er F!antit)N KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A3A3 7inall), note t+e n!m"er of t+e planne& or&er: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Ma(e s!re t+at t+e n!m"er in APO is t+e same as t+e or&er n!m"er t+at )o! note& in tas( 1A2A3.


Ret!rn to t+e #ro0uct %ie& in A+63 an& t+en .o to t+e change /o0e a.ain. Sele't )o!r planne& or&er an& set t+e 'on,ersion in&i'ator ") pressin. t+e 'orrespon&in. "!tton. >8+is in&i'ator means t+at t+e planne& or&er is 'on,erte& into a pro&!'tion or&er.@ &ave t+e pro&!'t ,iew in APO, an& t+en u$date it.

>C@ SAP A*



8+e planne& or&er wit+ a 'on,ersion in&i'ator is transferre& from APO into R/3 as a pro&!'tion or&er, an& pro,i&e& wit+ t+e R/3 pro&!'tion or&er n!m"er. 8+is n!m"er is t+en transferre& from t+e APO S)stem for t+e 'orrespon&in. planne& or&er. A''or&in. to t+e s)stem loa&, t+is operation ma) ta(e a w+ile. /t ma) t+erefore "e ne'essar) to !p&ate t+e pro&!'t ,iew se,eral times, !ntil t+e or&er is &ispla)e& wit+ its new n!m"er. -+at is t+e >new@ n!m"er of t+e APO or&erN KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 1A# 7inall), ,iew t+e current stoc47re=uire/ents (ist a.ain in the $73 an& re%res t+e list: Ma(e s!re t+at )o!r planne& or&er +as "een repla'e& wit+ a pro&!'tion ,ersion in t+e R/3.

>C@ SAP A*



6.15"ransfer of "ransaction *ata - 'o(utions

nit! "o#ic! "ransfer of "ransaction *ata "ransfer of +(anne0 6r0ers


4n t!e R/3 S'ste(5 1!oose #ogistics Prod$ction MRP 1*al$ations Stock/Re,$irements #ist &M ;<( 1&1&1 1&1&2 A/aila*le %lanned or %rod)1tion orders0 No5 there are no planned or prod "tion orders availa!le. C)rrent %lant sto1:0 0 pie"es.


4n t!e AP- S'ste(5 1!oose0 Prod$ction Planning 2nteracti*e Prod$ction Planning Prod$ct 9iew 1&2&1 1&2&2 1&2&3 Sto1: le/el0 0 pie"es. -rder n)(*er0 7aried5 for e$ample K110D. C)rrent order n)(*er0 7aried5 for e$ample 2D421.

1&3 1&3&1 1&3&2 Planned order dis%la'ed0 9es5 a firm planned order is displayed. A/aila*ilit' date and order =)antit'0 %he planned order #ith a ( antity of ? pie"es is availa!le a #ee- from today. 3If this day is not a #or-day5 then the ne$t #or-day4. Planned order n)(*er0 7aried5 for e$ample 2D421 3as a!ove4.



ew n!m"er of APO or&er: >arie03 for exa/#(e 60002440.

>C@ SAP A*



Monitoring06rror 8andling

Monitoring of Appli"ation 6rrors >sing the (/<C Monitor Appli"ation )og SCM C e e Manager Notifi"ation a!o t C e e .lo"-s >sing (/<C Alert Compare0/e"on"ile < n"tions to 6ns re +ata Consisten"y in /01 and AP'

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Monitoring06rror 8andling2 >nit '!,e"tives

At the "on"l sion of this nit5 yo #ill !e a!le to2 >se the (/<C monitor to monitor appli"ation errors >se the appli"ation log to perform an error analysis 6$plain the "on"ept of the SCM C e e Manager +es"ri!e the "ompare0re"on"ile f n"tion sed to ens re data "onsisten"y in /01 and AP'

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse 'vervie# +iagram 3J4
Co rse 'vervie# Ar"hite"t re of Integration %ransfer of Master +ata AP' Master +ata Models and Planning 7ersions %ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata Monitoring06rror 8andling S mmary Appendi$
SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Integration Monitoring


(/<C monitor Appli"ation log (/<C monitor Appli"ation log SCM C e e Manager (/<C alert AP' /01


Monitoring !oth /01 and AP' from AP'2

SAP AG 2002

8+e APO Core /nterfa'e offers two "asi' monitorin. f!n'tions to monitor t+e &ata transfer from R/3 to APO as well as from APO to R/3: t+e FR7C monitor to &ispla) in'orre't F!e!e entries an& t+e appli'ation lo.. /n a&&ition, t+e FR7C alert monitor is !se& to monitor t+e F!e!es in APO an& R/3 t+at are rele,ant to APOAR/3 inte.ration. /f F!e!e "lo'(s are &ete'te&, an a!tomati' messa.e 'an "e sent to a pre&efine& &estination. /nstea& of e,al!atin. t+e anal)ses in "ot+ s)stems >R/3 an& APO@ separatel) w+en errors o''!r, t+e !ser 'an !se t+e 'entral SCM Q!e!e a,aila"le in APO to monitor t+e F!e!es an& appli'ation lo.s in "ot+ s)stems. -+ereas t+e transa'tions FR7C monitor an& FR7C alert are to "e 'arrie& o!t separatel) for o!t"o!n& an& in"o!n& F!e!es, "ot+ F!e!e t)pes 'an "e monitore& at t+e same time in t+e SCM Q!e!e

>C@ SAP A*


Ne"essity of a (/<C Monitor

Asynchrono$s transfer technology

(/<C monitor Master0 transa"tion data /emote < n"tion Call 3/<C4 E Comm ni"ation error E Appli"ation error
Core Interfa"e 3sele"tion and e$tra"tion of data4

AP' transa"tion data

/emote < n"tion Call 3/<C4 (/<C monitor

AP' master0 transa"tion data

SAP AG 2002

8+e 'omm!ni'ation "etween R/3 an& APO is "ase& on t+e as)n'+rono!s transfer te'+nolo.) of t+e F!e!e& Remote 7!n'tion Call >FR7C@. A Remote 7!n'tion Call >R7C@ is 'allin. a f!n'tion mo&!le in a &ifferent s)stem. 8+is te'+nolo.) is !se& in t+e inte.ration "etween APO an& R/3 "ot+ for t+e initial &ata s!ppl) an& transfer of &ata ' >from R/3 to APO@ as well as for t+e p!"li'ation of plannin. res!lts >from APO to R/3@. 8+e &ata is first "!ffere& ") t+e sen&in. s)stem an& t+en transferre& to t+e s)stem >o!t"o!n& F!e!es, in"o!n& F!e!es are also possi"le@. 8+e "i. a&,anta.e of t+is is t+at t+e appli'ation t+at tri..ere& t+e &ata transfer &oes not +a,e to wait !ntil t+e !p&ate +as "een 'omplete& in t+e s)stem. 9owe,er, t+is means t+at ret!rn parameters 'annot "e passe& on an& potential error 'annot "e &ire'tl) ret!rne& to t+e appli'ation. 8wo t)pes of errors are &istin.!is+e& for t+e pro'essin. of FR7C 'alls: 1. Comm!ni'ation errors: 8+is in'l!&es networ( pro"lems, a nonAe3istin. R7C &estination, an& so on. Sin'e t+e &ata transfer is repeate& after 'ertain perio&s, most of t+ese 'omm!ni'ation errors s+o!l& &isappear on'e t+e networ( 'onne'tion is a,aila"le a.ain.

>C@ SAP A*


2. Appli'ation error: 8+is in'l!&es pro.ram errors, nonApostin. of &ata in t+e s)stem, missin. master &ata at a transa'tion &ate et'. Appli'ation errors 'annot "e sol,e& ") t+e s)stem in&epen&entl) an& m!st "e pro'esse& ") t+e s)stem a&ministrator.

8+e 'entral instan'e for monitorin. appli'ation errors is t+e SCM Q!e!e, a 'entral tool 'ontainin. information a"o!t t+e R/3 an& APO FR7C monitors. 8+e FR7C monitors are a,aila"le in R/3 an& APO for o!t"o!n& or in"o!n& F!e!es. All transfer fiel&s >F!e!es@ are &ispla)e& for t+e s)stem, t+e) 'an "e a'ti,ate& or &elete&.

>C@ SAP A*


>sing the (/<C Monitor 314
(/<C monitor in /01
(/<C monitor 3o t!o nd ( e e4

<estination +ntries 3 3
Unlo1: =)e)e

Client 800 800

F)e)e na(e

CFDA<CD7-A< AP-C76T800 CR,D<+7TD,AT+R4A7 4PC

Re#res! A1ti/ate =)e)e 7o1: =)e)e

Master data transfer

Client 800

F)e)e na(e CFDA<CD7-A<


<estination AP-C76T800
<e*) 7U?

Stat)s 1$ <ate SBSFA47 02$10$2002

$$$ ...

+Ge1)te 7U?

Client 800 800 800

User SA,P7+ SA,P7+ SA,P7+

F)n1tion (od)le /SAPAP-/C4FD7-CD469-U6< /SAPAP-/C4FDPR-<D469-U6 /SAPAP-/C4FDR+SD 469-U6<

Stat)s teGt Bo) are not a)t!ori2ed to lo on Transa1tion re1orded Transa1tion re1orded

C e e "hannel C<BA+CB)'A+ G initial data transfer

SAP AG 2002

/n t+e initial &ata transfer, transfer fiel&s are re'o.ni6e& an& &ispla)e& at t+e time of t+e inte.ration mo&el a'ti,ation. Repeat an& 'gnore f!n'tions are a,aila"le in t+e &ialo. "o3. /f )o! '+oose Repeat, t+e s)stem attempts to start initial &ata transfer a.ain >for e3ample, if t+ere was onl) a temporar) pro"lem in s)stem 'omm!ni'ation@. 8+e 'gnore "!tton 'an "e !se& if t+e a'ti,ation +as faile& &!e to an e3istin. transa'tion &ata F!e!e. As faile& transa'tion &ata transfers &o not ne'essaril) affe't a master &ata transfer, t+e initial transfer 'an i.nore t+is entr). 8+is f!n'tion 'annot "e !se& for pre,io!s faile& initial &ata transfers. /n t+is 'ase, t+e pro"lem m!st "e anal)6e& wit+ t+e FR7C monitor. 1!rin. online transfer >for e3ample, sto'( postin.s in R/3@, transfer fiel&s are not &ispla)e& online for t+e r!ntime >as)n'+rono!s transfer te'+nolo.)@. 8+is means t+at )o! &o not +a,e to '+e'( in t+e FR7C monitor &!rin. nonAtransfers of &ata "etween APO an& R/3 w+et+er entries mar(e& in re& are &ispla)e&. 8+is '+e'( 'an "e 'arrie& o!t a!tomati'all) ") FR7C alert. 8+ere is a FR7C monitor in "ot+ R/3 an& APO. /n t+e FR7C monitor, ") &o!"leA'li'(in. on t+e affe'te& lines, all f!n'tion 'alls for t+e sele'te& transfer F!e!e are &ispla)e&. 8+e top f!n'tion mo&!le "lo'(s all followin. entries in t+e 'ase of an error. Jo! 'an &ispla) t+e '!rrent stat!s te3t from t+e error s+ort te3t. A &etaile& error messa.e is store& in t+e application log of t+e s)stem. /n t+e e3ample a"o,e, t+e !ser from t+e R7C &estination is eit+er lo'(e& in APO or &oes not e3ist.

>C@ SAP A*


C e e Channels for +ata %ransfer2 6$amples

2ntegration model 6 Materials A5 .N PPMs A5 . 2ntegration model B Material +N PPMs C5 + 2ntegration model C Material 6

C e e "hannels
C<BA+CB)'A+ PPM C 3+ata "hannel !lo"-ed4

Material A Material . PPM Material A PPM Material .

Initial data transfer master data

C<P'RP' n m!erS

'nline transfer transa"tion data

P' n m!er 4J11 Material A 3if an a"tive integration model e$ists for p r"hase orders for material A4 P' n m!er 4J12 Material A

AP' transa"tion data

SAP AG 2002

/n t+e e3ample a"o,e, t+e PPM 'o!l& not "e transferre& for material C "e'a!se t+e material itself was not transferre&. 8+e F!e!e for t+e ne3t initial transfers of master &ata is t+erefore "lo'(e&. 9owe,er, online transfers for transa'tion &ata 'an still "e 'arrie& o!t, pro,i&e& t+at an a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el e3ists for t+e master or transa'tion &ata in F!estion. 8+ere are ,ario!s F!e!e '+annels a,aila"le in t+e interfa'e: /nitial &ata transfer C7KA1CK:OA1, sto'(s C7S8LS, p!r'+ase or&ers an& p!r'+ase reF!isitions C7POS, planne& or&ers/pro&!'tion or&ers C7P:OS, sales or&ers C7S:SS, man!al reser,ations C7RS4S, 'onfirmations C7C 7S, planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements C7P/RS, pro&!'tion 'ampai.ns C7PCMS, transports C7S9PS et'. >S stan&s for t+e n!m"er of t+e p!r'+ase or&er, sales or&er et'.@. /f onl) temporar) 'omm!ni'ation errors o''!r in t+e networ( 'onne'tion, t+e faile& transfers >entr) in t+e FR7C monitor@ 'an "e starte& a.ain >") '+oosin. Acti(ate 5#e#e in t+e FR7C monitor@. /f )o! onl) want to reAstart an o"=e't t)pe >for e3ample, lo'ations@ wit+in a F!e!e, )o! 'an '+oose t+e E6ec#te L97 f!n'tion to repeat t+e transfer of lo'ations. /f t+ere are 'omm!ni'ation errors an& )o! want to e3e'!te t+e new a'ti,ation of t+e F!e!e a!tomati'all), )o! 'an ma(e a settin. in t+e R7C &estination >transa'tion SM#$@ so t+at t+e s)stem attempts in &efine& time inter,als to transfer t+e &ata >in t+e R7C &estination !n&er TRFC ptions: &efa!lt settin. A 30 attempts e,er) 1# min!tes@.

>C@ SAP A*


>sing the (/<C Monitor 324
(/<C monitor in AP'
(/<C monitor 3o t!o nd ( e e4

<estination R3C76T800 R3C76T800
7o1: =)e)e

Client 800 800

F)e)e na(e CF+P3040 CFP7-0003056

Re#res! A1ti/ate =)e)e

+ntries 1 1
Unlo1: =)e)e

Planned order "reated in AP'

Client 800

F)e)e na(e CFP7-0003056


<estination R3C76T800
<e*) 7U?

Stat)s 1$ <ate SBSFA47 02$10$2002

$$$ ...

+Ge1)te 7U?

Client 800 800

User SA,P7+ SA,P7+

F)n1tion (od)le C4FD-R<+RD469-U6< C4FD-R<+RD469-U6<

Stat)s teGt 6o a1ti/e inte ration (odel Transa1tion re1orded

SAP AG 2002

/n t+e e3ample a"o,e, a planne& or&er was 'reate& in APO for a finis+e& pro&!'t. 8+e) were not in'l!&e& in an) a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el in R/3 at t+e time of t+e or&er 'reation an& 'an t+erefore not "e transferre& to R/3.

>C@ SAP A*


Appli"ation )og2 Motivation


Appli"ation log /012 6rror


Master0 transa"tion data

E Comm ni"ation error E Appli"ation error

AP' master0 transa"tion data

Core Interfa"e

Appli"ation log AP'2 6rror

SAP AG 2002

Jo! 'an !se t+e appli'ation lo. to tra'e w+en >time@, an& w+at >&ata o"=e'ts an& inte.ration mo&el@ was transferre& ") w+om >!ser@. /n a&&ition, t+e appli'ation lo. pro,i&es a &etaile& error messa.e if an appli'ation error o''!rre&. As a prereF!isite, m!st +a,e "een swit'+e& on. 8+e settin. of t+e mo&e ta(es pla'e in R/3 or APO >transa'tion C7C2 in R/3 an& /SAPAPO/C% in APO@. 8+e followin. settin.s are possi"le: Stan&ar& >onl) t+e +ea&ers of t+e &ata re'or&s are lo..e&@ 1etaile& >+ea&er an& 'ontents of t+e transferre& &ata re'or&s are lo..e&@.

8+e &etaile& 'an F!i'(l) lea& to lar.e &ata F!antities an& t+erefore performan'e pro"lems in t+e pro&!'tion operation. 7or t+is reason, we re'ommen& !sin. &etaile& onl) w+en t+e &etaile& &ata is a't!all) nee&e&, for e3ample, in t+e implementation p+ase. 8+e s)stem &oes not &elete t+e lo.s a!tomati'all). 8o pre,ent e3treme &ata"ase loa&, we re'ommen& &eletin. t+e lo.s perio&i'all) >also possi"le in "a'(.ro!n& pro'essin.@. /f )o! &o not ma(e an entr) in t+e &ate an& time fiel&s, all lo.s ol&er t+an two wee(s are &elete&.

>C@ SAP A*



>sing the Appli"ation )og 314
Appli"ation log in /01
/01 (/<C Re#res! monitor
Client 800 800 User SA,P7+ SA,P7+ F)n1tion (od)le Stat)s teGt /SAPAP-/C4FDTPSRCD469-U 7o1$ 0000001003 does not eGist Transa1tion re1orded /SAPAP-/C4FDG+6D+;+6T 6)(*er S)*o*He1t t'%e 530 4nitial data s)%%l'

/01 appli"ation log

<ate User 02$10$2002 SA,P7+

F)n1tion0 C4FD7-CAT4-6DS+6<0 Plant 1000

AP' appli"ation log

<ate 02$10$2002 Pro*le( Pro*le( Pro*le( User 6)(*er S)*o*He1t t'%e US+RA<,46 4 So)r1es o# s)%%l' 1lass0 /er' i(%ortant 1lass0 (edi)( 1lass0 additional in#or(ation

7o1ation 0000001003 does not eGist

SAP AG 2002

/n t+e e3ample a"o,e, an initial &ata s!ppl) was 'arrie& o!t in R/3 to transfer se,eral &ifferent master &ata, in'l!&in., for e3ample, p!r'+asin. info re'or&s. One of t+e p!r'+asin. info re'or&s transferre& was for a ,en&or t+at &oes not e3ist in APO. 8+is p!r'+asin. info re'or& 'o!l& t+erefore not "e transferre&. Jo! 'an sele't &ifferent s!"o"=e'ts for t+e C/7 o"=e't in t+e R/3 an& APO appli'ation lo.. 8+ese in'l!&e, for e3ample, EP E6ternal proc#rement, 'P 'n*,o#se pro%#ction, or '1'T'AL 'nitial s#pply an& L CAT' 1 Location3 c#stomer, plant, (en%or >t+e entries for an initial s!ppl) an& an transfer of &ata ' are .ro!pe& !n&er t+e s!"o"=e't '1'T'AL@. 8+e transa'tion /1 of t+e sen&in. appli'ation ser,es as t+e (e) of an error messa.e >8/1 fiel& in t+e FR7C line of t+e FR7C monitor of t+e sen&in. s)stem@. -+en )o! enter t+is n!m"er, )o! 'an &ispla) all for t+is FR7C 'all in t+e s)stem. /n t+e appli'ation lo., )o! enter t+e n!m"er of t+e transa'tion /1 in t+e E6t- i%entif- fiel& an& e3e'!te t+e sele'tion. 8+e s)stem &ispla)s all for t+e 'all in F!estion. -it+ R/3 transa'tion C7CB, )o! 'an set t+e interfa'e parameters t+at are to "e e3e'!te& in t+e appli'ation lo..

>C@ SAP A*



>sing the Appli"ation )og 324
Appli"ation log in AP'
AP' (/<C Re#res! monitor
Client 800 800 User SA,P7+ SA,P7+ F)n1tion (od)le C4FD-R<+RD469-U6<D30A C4FD-R<+RD469-U6<D30A Stat)s teGt 6o a1ti/e inte ration (odel Transa1tion re1orded

AP' appli"ation log

<ate 02$10$2002 User SA,P7+ 6)(*er S)*o*He1t t'%e 120 4n&!o)se %rod)1tion

F)n1tion0 /SAPAP-/C4FD4PD-UT9-U6<0 -rder (aterial P&1025 %lant 1000

/01 appli"ation log

<ate User 6)(*er S)*o*He1t t'%e 02$10$2002 US+RA<,46 1 4n&!o)se %rod)1tion Pro*le( 1lass0 /er' i(%ortant Pro*le( 1lass0 (edi)( Pro*le( 1lass0 additional in#or(ation 4n*o)nd R3C76T8000 For s'ste( AP-C76T800 no a1ti/e inte ration (odel #or t'%e TDP7- #ilter o*He1t P&102 1000
SAP AG 2002

/n t+e e3ample a"o,e, a planne& or&er for a finis+e& pro&!'t an& p!r'+ase reF!isitions for t+e 'omponents of t+e finis+e& pro&!'t +a,e "een 'reate& in APO. 9owe,er, t+ese were not in'l!&e& in an) a'ti,e inte.ration mo&el at t+e time of or&er 'reation. 8+erefore, t+e or&ers were not transferre& to R/3 "!t (ept in t+e F!e!e. /n t+e o!t"o!n& lo., )o! alwa)s re'o.ni6e t+e lo. of s!''essf!l transfers. /n t+e of t+e s)stem, error are &ispla)e& if errors o''!rre& &!rin. transfers.

>C@ SAP A*



SCM C e e Manager 314

/01 /01

S!M ?$e$e Manager 6$pand nodes System
O-Dect ty%es

6$e" te

/1C)N%@00 6P

AP' o t!o nd types

Pl g*in o t!o nd types %BINI%IA)

6P 1xternal %roc8 IP 2n4ho$se %rod8888 %BINI%IA) 2nitial trans8 %B'/+ Planned orders888



E Comm ni"ation error E Appli"ation error /<C


SAP AG 2002

/nstea& of e,al!atin. t+e appli'ation lo.s in "ot+ s)stems >R/3 an& APO@ separatel) w+en errors o''!r, t+e !ser 'an !se t+e 'entral SCM Q!e!e a,aila"le in APO to monitor t+e F!e!es an& appli'ation lo.s in "ot+ s)stems. -it+ t+e SCM Q!e!e, )o! 'an monitor "ot+ o!t"o!n& an& in"o!n& F!e!es. 8o monitor t+e in"o!n& F!e!es, set t+e 'orrespon&in. swit'+ w+en )o! enter t+e transa'tion.

>C@ SAP A*



SCM C e e Manager 324
6$ternal pro" rement In*ho se prod "tion Planned independent re(. Planning file entries Prod "tion "ampaigns Sales order %ransport +elivery /eservations...

System2 AP'C)N%@00 %ype2 In*ho se prod "tion

/efresh Appl.log

C e e C<P)'2?K

+estination /1C)N%@00

6rror te$t


SAMP)6 No a"tive integration model

Initial data transfer P r"hase orders Planned0prod "tion orders Sales orders Planned independent re( irements Man al reservations Prod "tion "ampaigns Confirmations %ransports S pplies Chara"teristi"s Classes
SAP AG 2002

/n t+e SCM Q!e!e, transfer fiel&s are in&i'ate& ") re& t+!n&er"olts, w+ereas 'orre't transfer '+annels +a,e a .reen '+e'(mar(. /n t+is wa), )o! 'an imme&iatel) re'o.ni6e w+et+er in'orre't transfers e3ist. An) errors 'an "e anal)6e& &ire'tl) in t+e SCM Q!e!e an& sol,e&.

>C@ SAP A*



(/<C Alert for A tomati" Notifi"ation

/01 /01
,R"! Alert


6$e" te

#ocal o$t-o$nd ,$e$es

+ata C e e

%arget systems )o"al ( e e names C e e errors only



None %o initiator %o administrator

Remote o$t-o$nd ,$e$es


/emote systems +estinations /emote ( e e names C<O C e e errors only 3remote system4


SAP AG 2002

8+e FR7C alert monitors all APO F!e!es an& t+e F!e!es of t+e 'onne'te& lo.i'al R/3 s)stems. /f t+ere are F!e!e errors or "lo'(s, a messa.e is .enerate& from t+e stat!s information an& 'an "e sent ,ia SAP Offi'e. All in'orre't o!t"o!n& F!e!es are iss!e& as a list. A!tomati' notifi'ation 'an ta(e pla'e at: 8+e initiator of t+e "lo'( t+ro!.+ SAP Offi'e /n"o3 Mail >t+e initiator of e,er) F!e!e "lo'( re'ei,es a messa.e informin. +im or +er t+at +e or s+e +as 'a!se& a "lo'(@ 8+e a&ministrator, t+ro!.+ an SAP Offi'e /n"o3 or ") /nternet mail >one person is '+osen to re'ei,e all /f )o! want to sen& t+e to an eAmail a&&ress, )o! m!st +a,e ma&e t+e ne'essar) settin.s in SAP'onne't.

-it+ t+e settin.s for Local &#e#es, )o! 'an &etermine w+et+er a notifi'ation is to ta(e pla'e if no F!e!e appears in APO. /n t+e Remote &#e#es .ro!p, t+e settin.s for monitorin. F!e!es of t+e 'onne'te& R/3 s)stems are &efine&.

>C@ SAP A*



CI< Compare0/e"on"ile < n"tion

/01 /01

!2" com%are/reconcile f$nction Partner system 3/014 Material Plant Integration model
O-Dects to -e checked


P mp

Planned orders Prod "tion0pro"ess orders P r"hase re( isitions ... ... Storage lo"ation sto"-s Sales order sto"-s ... ...
SAP AG 2002

Compare /e"on"ile

li*e Ca"he

1ata in'onsisten'ies "etween APO an& R/3 'an arise in 'ertain 'ir'!mstan'es, for e3ample, &!e to appli'ation errors or man!al &eletion of F!e!e entries. 8+e 'ompare/re'on'ile f!n'tion +elps )o! to i&entif) an& 'orre't s!'+ &ata in'onsisten'ies. /n APO, t+e f!n'tion 'o,ers t+e followin. o"=e'ts: Sto'(, sales or&ers, planne& or&ers, pro&!'tion/pro'ess or&ers, p!r'+ase or&ers an& transports. -+en )o! !se t+e 'ompare/re'on'ile f!n'tion, t+e s)stem performs a 'omparison an& lists an) in'onsistent o"=e'ts it i&entifies. 8+en )o! 'an sele't in&i,i&!al, se,eral, or all o"=e'ts for t+e re'on'ile f!n'tion. 8+e sele'te& &ata is t+en sent a.ain from R/3 to APO or APO to R/3. 8+e transa'tion is 'alle& in APO. /n t+e Partner system fiel&, spe'if) t+e R/3 S)stem to "e !se& for t+e re'on'ile f!n'tion. /n a&&ition, )o! 'an restri't t+e 'ompare/re'on'ile f!n'tion to 'ertain pro&!'ts, lo'ations, inte.ration mo&els, or &ata o"=e'ts an& t+erefore infl!en'e t+e r!ntime of t+e transa'tion. After e3e'!tin. t+e 'ompare f!n'tion, t+e res!lts are &ispla)e& in an o,er,iew. An) e3istin. errors are also s+own. Jo! 'an remo,e t+e error >re'on'ile f!n'tion@ &ire'tl) from t+e &ispla) of t+e res!lts.

>C@ SAP A*



Monitoring06rror 8andling2 >nit S mmary

+ata transfer !et#een /01 and AP' is "arried o t asyn"hrono sly. 6rrors o"" ring d ring the data transfer "an therefore !e pro"essed separately. %e"hni"al pro!lems or appli"ation errors "an "a se these errors. %here are different f n"tions for error handling availa!le in /01 and AP'2 the (/<C monitor and the appli"ation log. ;ith the SCM C e e Manager and the (/<C alert5 the error monitoring "an ta-e pla"e "entrally from AP'. 9o "an se the CI< "ompare0re"on"ile f n"tion to remove data in"onsisten"ies !et#een /01 and AP'.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



7.17)onitoring7Error ?an0(ing Exercises

>C@ SAP A*



>C@ SAP A*



nit! )onitoring7Error ?an0(ing "o#ic! Error ?an0(ing

At t+e en& of t+ese e3er'ises, )o! will "e a"le to: Anal)6e transfer errors wit+ t+e SCM Q!e!e

8+is e3er'ise is optional. 7or transferrin. transa'tion &ata "etween R/3 an& APO, )o! nee& a'ti,e inte.ration mo&els for t+e !n&erl)in. master an& transa'tion &ata. Jo! a'ti,ate a transfer error an& t+en anal)6e it.

0efore )o! start t+e e3er'ise, t+e trainer 'reates an inte.ration mo&el for transferrin. transa'tion &ata for )o!r material 8A71QQ: Mo&el name: + )+' Appli'ation: "$A*A"A MaterialA&epen&ent o"=e'ts: 'torage (ocation stoc4s3 sa(es or0ers3 #(anne0 in0e#en0ent re=uire/ents3 #(anne0 or0ers3 /anufacturing or0ers *eneral sele'tion options: All /ateria(s "--1.. in plant 1000 t+at were !se& ") t+e parti'ipants. 1A1 Create planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements in t+e $73 for p!mp "--1.. in plant 1000: 1A1A1 2sin. #(anning #erio0 &ee43 'reate a planne& in&epen&ent reF!irement of 10 #ieces each for t+e current &ee4 @3 an& t+e current &ee4 @4. 1A1A2 8+e planne& in&epen&ent reF!irements )o! 'reate& are transferre& to APO "e'a!se of t+e inte.ration mo&el. :oo( in t+e pro&!'t ,iew in APO at t+e reF!irements 'reate& in R/3. 1A1A3 Carr) o!t plannin. in t+e pro&!'t ,iew in APO. /n t+e pro&!'t ,iew in t+e c an!e 'ode( start t+e plannin. wit+ a $roduct euristic an& t+en press Enter. APO planne& or&ers are 'reate& for t+e reF!irements. &ave t+e plannin. res!lt. 1A1A% 8+e planne& or&ers 'an "e transferre& to SAP R/3. Also loo( at t+e sto'(/reF!irements list in R/3 for 'reate& planne& or&ers. 1A2
>C@ SAP A*

ow a'ti,ate an error w+en transferrin. t+e transa'tion &ata.

SCM210 20

1A2A1 *eacti%ate )o!r master &ata inte.ration mo&el from !nit 3 wit+ t+e mo&el name + )+.. an& t+e appli'ation )A" "--1... 1A2A2 Set t+e con%ersion in0icator in t+e A+6 #ro0uct %ie& for t+e first planne& or&er >)o! 'on,ert t+is in a pro&!'tion or&er@. &ave t+e pro&!'t ,iew. 8+en loo( at t+e '!rrent sto'(/reF!irements list in R/3. Jo! will not see an) ', t+e 'on,ersion of t+e planne& or&er was not transferre& to R/3. 1A3 8+ere was no '+an.e in t+e R/3 sto'(/reF!irements sit!ation, "!t an or&er was alrea&) 'on,erte&. 8+ere is o",io!sl) a faile& transa'tion &ata transfer. Anal)6e t+is sit!ation wit+ t+e 'A) Bueue )anager in APO. 1A3A1 /n t+e SCM Q!e!e, e3pan& t+e APOC: 8H05 men! in t+e e3plorer. 1A3A2 As well as )o!r inA+o!se pro&!'tion F!e!e, t+ere are pro"a"l) alrea&) ot+ers >'reate& ") t+e ot+er .ro!ps@. 7irst fin& t+e F!e!e )o! 'reate& !sin. t+e material n!m"er an& )o!r !ser. 1o!"leA'li'( on t+e t+!n&er"olt in )o!r error messa.e to see &etails on t+e error. 1A3A3 8o remo,e t+e error, acti%ate t+e inte.ration mo&el for t+e material master 8A 71QQ >mo&el name + )+E.., appli'ation )A" "--1..@. 1A3A% /n APO, 'arr) o!t t+e new transfer of t+e 'on,ersion of t+e planne& or&er, ") activatin! t e )ueue in t+e SCM Q!e!e 1A3A# :oo( at t+e res!lt in R/3 a.ain. 8+e planne& or&er s+o!l& +a,e "een 'on,erte& into a pro&!'tion or&er.

>C@ SAP A*



7.18)onitoring7Error ?an0(ing - Exercises

nit! )onitoring7Error ?an0(ing "o#ic! Error ?an0(ing

1&1 1&1&1 R/3 (en) %at!0 #ogistics Prod$ction Prod$ction Planning Management Planned 2nde%endent Re,$irements !reate emand


AP- (en) %at!0 Prod$ction Planning 2nteracti*e Prod$ction Planning Prod$ct 9iew

1&2 1&2&1 R/3 (en) %at!0 #ogistics !entral "$nctions S$%%ly !hain Planning 2nterface !ore 2nterface Ad*anced Planner and O%timi/er 2ntegration Model Acti*ate AP- (en) %at!0 Prod$ction Planning 2nteracti*e Prod$ction Planning Prod$ct 9iew


1&3 1&3&1 1&3&3 AP- (en) %at!0 Tools APO Administration 2ntegration Monitor S!M ?$e$e Manager R/3 (en) %at!0 #ogistics !entral "$nctions S$%%ly !hain Planning 2nterface !ore 2nterface Ad*anced Planner and O%timi/er 2ntegration Model Acti*ate

>C@ SAP A*



S mmary
Co rse 'vervie# Ar"hite"t re of Integration %ransfer of Master +ata AP' Master +ata Models and Planning 7ersions %ransfer of %ransa"tion +ata Monitoring06rror 8andling S mmary Appendi$
SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Co rse '!,e"tives

9o are no# a!le to2

+es"ri!e the ar"hite"t re of integration of /01

Systems #ith the AP' System

Sele"t master and transa"tion data to transfer

from /01 to AP'

Spe"ify #here in the AP' System it may !e

ne"essary to add to the master data transferred from the /01

+es"ri!e the monitoring and the

"ompare0re"on"ile f n"tions sed to ens re data "onsisten"y in /01 and AP'

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


/e"ommended <ollo#* p Co rses

Integration of transa"tion data is dire"tly dependent on the individ al AP' planning f n"tions. It is therefore des"ri!ed in greater detail in the AP' appli"ation "o rses. %hese "o rses also provide more detailed information on master data. SCM210 SCM242 SCM1K0 S pply Net#or- Planning 3SNP4 Prod "tion Planning Part 2 3 SAP AP' PP0+S4 Capa"ity Planning

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


/e"ommended <ollo#* p A"tivities

Go thro gh the e$er"ises. >se either the I+6S data or yo r o#n data /ead on*line do" mentation /ead IMG do" mentation /ead release notes

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Appendi$2 S pplement to .SGs

Mapping different material n m!ers from several /01 Systems onto one prod "t in AP'.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


. siness Sit ation

Several /01 Systems are lin-ed #ith one AP' System. Some prod "ts are planned in the /01 Systems nder different material n m!ers. %hese materials are planned as one prod "t in different plants in AP'. %he retransfer of the planning res lts from AP' into the /01 Systems #ill ta-e pla"e #ith the /01*dependent material n m!ers.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Con"rete 6$ample

Material master Material 70015 Plant 0002 %nitial %nitial transfer transfer of of material material 70015& 70015& plant plant 0002 0002


Material master Material 60015 Plant 0001 %nitial %nitial transfer transfer of of material material 60015& 60015& plant plant 0001 0001

Product 60015 ocation 0001 ocation 0002 Planning Planning for for product product 60015 60015

Planned orders
Material 70015 Plant 0002

!ransfer !ransfer planning planning result result to to t"e t"e R/3 R/3 #$stems #$stems

Planned orders
Material 60015 Plant 0001

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Sol tion to the Pro!lem sing .SGs 314

em t s p Sy ro B1 g G .S

Sy s gro tem .S p GB 2


SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Sol tion to the Pro!lem sing .SGs 324

<or ea"h /01 System5 define a separate ! siness system gro p. Assign the 3logi"al4 /01 Systems to their ! siness system gro ps. A"tivate the " stomer e$it 6EI%B0SAPAP'0SAP)CI<BP/'+B001 3AP'C<00?4 for the initial transfer of material masters.

SAP AG 2002

E3ample for t+e pro.rammin. of '!stomer e3its:


*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE ZXCIFUSERU08 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* loop at it_matkey. * set exte !al mate ial !"m#e et_matmap-ext_mat! $ it_matkey-ext_mat! . * set %&'-i!te !al mate ial !"m#e pe (e)a"lt et_matmap-mat! $ it_matkey-ext_mat! .

* sta t o) *"stome spe*i)i* mate ial mappi!+ i) *)_(st_#s+ $ ,-S._/, a!( et_matmap-mat! 0/1 $ 23,. et_matmap-mat! 0/1 $ 24,. e!(i). * sta t o) *"stome spe*i)i* mate ial mappi!+ *olle*t et_matmap. e!(loop. * set *o!t ol )la+s i) !ot et_matmap56 is i!itial. * tell system to "se *"stome spe*i)i* mate ial mappi!+

>C@ SAP A*


e)_map_"se $ ,X,. * tell system to allo7 ("pli*ate p o("*t !"m#e s )o (i))e e!t -S.s e)_("p_*8e*k $ ,%,. e!(i).

>C@ SAP A*


Sol tion to the Pro!lem sing .SGs 314

At least AP' 1.0 #ith S pport Pa"-age 4 %he parameter 6<B+>PBC86CL in the " stomer e$it 6EI%B0SAPAP'0SAP)CI<BP/'+B001 3AP'C<00?4 m st !e set to TAT5 so that m ltiple entries are allo#ed 3for the internal material n m!er4.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*


Appendi$2 Master /e"ipe 3PP*PI4

Mapping a /01 master re"ipe 3PP*PI4 onto an AP' prod "tion pro"ess model.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



Master /e"ipe and PPM2 .asi"s

'perations and phases 3and also se"ondary reso r"es4 of the /01 re"ipe are transferred as operations #ith different operation types to AP'*PPM. /elationships !et#een /01 phases are transferred as a"tivity relationships !et#een AP' a"tivities. <or more detailed information on the integration of PPMs in PI and PM0SM5 see the SAP 'nline +o" mentation in the TS pply Chain Management 3SCM4 . siness S"enariosT nit5 in the se"tion TMaster +ata U Prod "tion Pro"ess ModelT.

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



Master /e"ipe and PPM

Master re"ipe
'peration 10

'peration 10 * operation type 1 3PI operation4 'peration 11 * transfer oper. 105 oper.type 2 3PI phase4

Phase 11 Phase 12 /es. A /es. A Se". res. 400

A"t. 11 * Set p0Prod "e /es. A 'peration 12 * transfer oper. 105 oper.type 2 3PI phase4 A"t. 12 * Prod "e /es. A

/es. E

'peration 400 * transfer op. 115 op. type 1 3PI se".res.4 A"t. 400 * Prod "e

Se"ondary reso r"e ?00

/es. E 'peration ?00 * transfer op. 105 op. type 1 3PI se".res.4

/es. 9

A"t. ?00 * Prod "e /es. 9

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*




/elationships0A"tivity /elationships
'peration 10 'peration 20


Phase 11 Se".res 400 Se".res ?00

Phase 12

Phase 21

Phase 22

Phase 21


Assignment of se"ondary reso r"es


A"t. 11

A"t. 12

A"t. 21

A"t. 22

A"t. 21

A"t. 400

'peration*internal a"tivity relationships 'rder*internal a"tivity relationships

A"t. ?00

SAP AG 2002

>C@ SAP A*



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