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Review of conjunctions or linking words

Linking words and phrases Sequence First / firstly, second / secondly, third / thirdly etc Next, last, finally In addition, moreover Further / furthermore Another Also In conclusion To summarise While Later After that /after/before Result/purpose So As a result As a consequence (of) Therefore Thus Consequently Hence Due to In order to So that Emphasis Undoubtedly Indeed Obviously Generally Admittedly In fact Particularly / in particular Especially Clearly Importantly

Addition And In addition / additionally / an additional Furthermore Also Too As well as

Reason For Because Since As Because of For this reason As a result As a result

Example For example For instance That is (ie) Such as Including Namely

Contrast However Nevertheless Nonetheless Still Although / even though Though But Yet Despite / in spite of In contrast (to) / in comparison While Whereas On the other hand On the contrary

Comparison Similarly Likewise Also Like Just as Just like Similar to Same as Compare compare(d) to / with Not only...but also

PRACTICE 1 Circle the correct option

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. He went to lie down because / so that he was ill. It was Marks birthday, so / for example he gave a party. The car was very fast; however / while it is very expensive. I washed the dishes despite / while Mary was watching TV. He screamed when / then he heard a terrible noise. In order to / although Sam is young, he is very sensible. He phoned home in case / in order to tell his mother what happened. She began making dinner as soon as / while she got home.

Match column A with column B to make correct sentences. 1. John phoned Mary____ 2. Mary called a taxi____ 3. Fred was dismissed____ 4. They were feeling cold____ 5. Although I prefer Carol_____ 6. I made an sandwich______ A) after she had collected her things. B) So they made a fire.

C) but she wasnt at home. D) I dont think she isnt the right person for the job. E) because he was always late for work. F) because I was hungry.

Link the two sentences using the words in brackets:

a) Susan cleaned the window. Lucy washed the floor. (while) _______________________________________________________________ b) She put on the coat. She went to school. (then) _______________________________________________________________ c) John missed the bus. He arrived to school on time. (although) _______________________________________________________________ d) She went to the doctor. She was feeling ill. ( because) ______________________________________________________________ e) It was cold. They made a fire. ( so) ______________________________________________________________ f) He brushed his teeth. He went to bed. (before) ______________________________________________________________ Complete the sentences with one of the following linking words. and- so- but then before after- because a) I got out the car ____________ walked. b) The weather was very nice ____________ went to the beach. c) ____________ we went to bed, I locked all doors. d) The boy was wet and cold, ____________ he wasnt hurt. e) we turned off the lights and ____________ left the room. f) I had a shower ____________ we had played tennis. g) My mother took me to the hospital ____________ accident.

LINKING WORDS HOMEWORK Fill in the blanks with a suitable linking word. Dont repeat it! 1. Ellie went to bed late yesterday, . she overslept this morning. a. So b. because c. however d. in spite of

2. My brother is taking some vitamins he doesnt feel so weak. a. finally b. So that c. also d. in addition

3. Paul did his best to save the company, his effort was useless. a. while b. after that c. as well as d. although

4. Sally worked hard. , her boss thought she didnt. a. in order to b. however c. so d. too

5 Everybody was late for school this morning of the bus strike. a. and b. then c. because d. also

Rewrite the sentences using the linking word in brackets. Make the necessary changes: 1. Mark is learning German. He wants to apply for a job in Germany (in order to). .. 2. The guests ate all the food. Mary doesnt cook very well (although). 3. Paula didnt get the job. She had the right qualifications (in spite of). 4. My fathers health has improved a lot. He gave up smoking two months ago (as a result). 5. He went to the office. Andy felt ill (however).

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