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Israel Photo eBook

In order to have our

own land and political life,
it is also necessary that
we have a language to hold
us together. That language
is Hebrew.
- Father of Modern Hebrew,
Eliezer Ben Yehudah



Tel Aviv Shoreline
View more photos by David Rabkin

I will take you from
among the nations and
gather you from all the
lands, and I will bring you
to your own soil.

Jordan River
View more photos by Boruch Len

My heart is full of
sympathy for Zionism.
- British Prime Minister Winston


Ein Avdat
View more photos by Yehoshua Halevi

Sojourn in this Land
and I will be with you and
bless you.

Snow Covered Judea

View more photos by Yehoshua Halevi

Israel was not created in order

to disappear - Israel will endure
and flourish. It is the child of
hope and the home of the brave.
It can neither be broken by
adversity nor demoralized by
success. It carries the shield of
democracy and it honors the
sword of freedom.
- US President John F. Kennedy


. ,


, Wild Red Poppies

View more photos by Yehoshua Halevi

Fairest of sites, joy of all
the earth, Mount Zion, by
the northern side of the
great kings city.


Migdal Mountains
View more photos by Boruch Len

I had faith in Israel before it

was established, I have in it
now. I believe it has a glorious
future before it - not just
another sovereign nation, but
as an embodiment of the great
ideals of our civilization.
- US President Harry Truman




Nimrods Cistern
View more photos by Boruch Len

May you see children
born to your children,
peace upon Israel.

Festive Morning Prayers

View more photos by Howie Mischel

His majestys Government views with favor the

establishment in Palestine
of a national home for the
Jewish people.
- Lord Arthur James Balfour,
Balfour Declaration



Ein Fawwar
View more photos by Shmuel Browns

Like flying birds, so will
God protect Jerusalem.



Sunset over Ramat Beit Shemesh

View more photos by Yehuda Poch

So we part in this troublous world to meet with

joy in sweet Jerusalem.
- William Shakespeare



Old City Alleyway

View more photos by Howie Mischel

The granaries will be
filled with grain, and the
vats will overflow with
wine and oil.

Family Picnic
View more photos by Galit Trager

Israel has enormous power

in the high tech world
most people know that
Israel, relative to its size,
has made achievements in
the field of technology.
- Bill Gates




Caesar's Aqueduct
View more photos by Ron Shoshani

A song of ascents, when
God will return the
captivity of Zion, we will
be like dreamers.


Pink and Green Blossoms

View more photos by Boruch Len

Israel has created a new

image of the Jew in the
world - the image of a
working and an intellectual
people, of a people that
can fight with heroism.
- Prime Minister
David Ben Gurion



Red Canyon
View more photos by Shmuel Browns

And they sowed fields
and planted vineyards that
yielded a fruitful harvest.

Bountiful Grapes
View more photos by Eliyahu Alpern

Israels medical technology

exports have saved more
lives per capita than any
other country.
- Professor Alan Dershowitz



Dead Sea Salt Formation

View more photos by Galit Trager

You will yet plant
vineyards in the mountains
of Samaria; the planters
will plant and redeem.

Gush Etzion Vineyard

View more photos by Yehoshua Halevi

We have not come to

Jerusalem to conquer the
holy sites of others...but to
guarantee the wholeness of
this city, and to live side by
side in brotherhood.
- Israeli General, Moshe Dayan



, Kibbutz Deganya
View more photos by Howie Mischel

For the sake of Zion
I will not be silent, For the
sake of Jerusalem I will not
be still.

Ayun Falls
View more photos by Yehoshua Halevi

Israel Photo eBook

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