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1. Write sentences in the question and negative forms.

a. Sam was in Junior B last year.
.. .
.. .
b. We were in Rome last week.

c. There was a good film on TV last night.

d. They were busy yesterday.

e. It was a long concert.

f. You were tired last night.

2. Circle the correct word.
a. There was/were a fire in our school last night.
b. There was/were 20 pupils in my class last year.
c. Was/Were there a book on the desk?
d. Was/Were there DVDs in 1980?
e. Was/Were there a lot of people at the swimming pool yesterday?
3. Complete the sentences. Use was/were.
a. The actress .. beautiful.
b. It very windy yesterday.
c. you afraid of the dark when you were little?
d. she sick last week?
e. Sally and Jane scared.
f. We at the festival yesterday. Tom there too.
4. Write questions. Use was/wasn't/were/weren't
a. it / cold / in December
b. Jim / angry / yesterday
c. they / in Athens / last summer

d. your window / open / yesterday
e. it / hot / last week

f. Grandma and Grandpa / at the cinema / last night

5. Complete the questions with was / were

a. . they in the park yesterday?
No, .
b. . you happy with the present?
c. .. she on TV last night?
d. .. your sunglasses in the car on Saturday?
e. you a good student at school?
f. the music very bad?
No, ..
6. Make the sentences negative.
a. They were at the football match last night.

b. It was an interesting film.

c. She was scared on the plane.
d. You were good at Maths at school.
e. He was with the boss at lunchtime.

f. I was at the supermarket yesterday afternoon.


Past Simple (regular verbs)

1. Complete the chart. Use the Past Simple form of the verbs below.
play / clap / live / carry / ask / shop / plan / walk / cry / close / travel / like /
worry / visit / dance / try

2. Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.
a. The car .. at the red light. (light)
b. I .. to my grandmother last week. (talk)
c. What . here last month? (happen)
d. Jo .. to go to the party yesterday. (want)
e. We . for our test last night. (study)
f. Andy and Julia . in London yesterday. (arrive)
3. Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple form of the verbs below.
paint / hurry / drop / dance / wait / travel
a. Dad .. to Paris last week.
b. They the house last year.
c. We .. for the bus yesterday.
d. Ned .. at the party last night.
e. He . his pen on the floor.
f. Tom was late so he to school.
4. Write sentences in the question and the negative forms.
a. They played football in the park.

b. You enjoyed the holiday.

c. He travelled to France last year.

d. It rained last month.

e. She arrived at six o'clock.


5. Choose and complete in the Past Simple.

use / help / study / listen / watch / travel
a. Sam . to his new CD yesterday.
b. They . TV yesterday.
c. I .. to Spain last year.
d. Julie .. me with my project.
e. We .. the computers at school yesterday.
f. They . all night for their test.
6. Complete in the Past Simple.
a. The teacher is shouting at us at the moment.
The teacher at us this morning too.
b. Diana is dancing with Ted right now.
Diana . with him at the party yesterday too.
c. We are listening to music at the moment.
We to music all day yesterday too.
d. Paul is studying history now.
Paul . history last year too.
e. They are cleaning the kitchen now.
They the kitchen last night too.
f. The clock stops at 12 o'clock every day.
The clock .. at the same time yesterday too.
7. Make sentences in the Past Simple.
a. Tom / travel / to China last summer
b. the girls / play / football last Saturday

c. we / not visit / her yesterday

d. Paul / phone / you last night ?
e. I / finish / my homework / at 3:00
f. Sarah / walk / to school yesterday

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