Charismatic Projectors

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PROJECTORS (& CRISIS CULTS) (cricult-12/19) All of histor !"ri#"s fro$ th" thr"" %ou&!

'("us' (for )("iss*) u&i#"rs+l %ro,"ctor c+-"! i&si!" th" .o&" %l+&"t+riu$ of th" s/ull0 Th" sho12 !+ +&! &i-ht2 $ust -o o&0 E+ch of th"s" %ro,"ctors co&tri#"s to h+#" oth"r li/" %ro,"ctors co&t"&! 1ith th" "3ist"&c" of th"ir o1&0 E#"r %ro,"ctor $ust "ith"r ."li"#" i& its sho1 or i& so$"o&" "ls"4s0 Th+t is2 th" "ith"r $"r-" th"ir sho1 1ith +&oth"r $or" %o1"rful sho1 +&! ."co$" %+rt of it or oth"rs -"t th"$ to $"r-" 1ith th"irs0 Th" thir! choic"2 +&! #"r s"l!o$ "3"rcis"!2 is to !o &"ith"r of th" first t1o +lt"r&+ti#"s .ut to si$%l u&!"rst+&! th" &+tur" of %ro,"ctors i&clu!i&- o&"4s o1& +&! th"r"for" st+&! i&!"%"&!"&t of th" stru--l"0 Such %ro,"ctors +&! th"ir sho1s +r" for$"! fro$ .irth +&! %+rt+/" of th"ir for$+ti#" %roc"ss0 Th+t is2 th" co&t"&t of th"ir sho1s +r" strictl + r"sult of th" cultur+l soft1"+r f"! i&to th" &+tur+l h+r!1+r"0 Th" fu&!+$"&t+l #+lu" of +ll %ro-r+$$"! sho1s ."i&ru& +t +& $o$"&t is th" LIE (Lif" Is E#"r thi&-)0 Th" LIE is 1h+t th" sho1 is +ll +.out &o $+tt"r 1h+t cultur+l for$ or co&t"&ts th" sho1 s""$s to ." %ro,"cti&-0 Th" i&si-hts of 5"sto& L+6+rr" +r" us"ful h"r" to hi-hli-ht $ $+i& th"$"s0 7" u&!"rst+&!s R"li-io (1hich i&clu!"s +ll for$s of th" %ro,"cti#" $i&! such +s $ th2 !r"+$s2 f+&t+s 2 $+-ic2 h+lluci&+tio&2 %s cho%+th 2 "tc0 +s 1"ll +s r"li-io&s) +s ori-i&+ti&- fro$ + ch+ris$+tic i&!i#i!u+l 1ith +& "3tr+or!i&+ril %o1"rful (co&#i&ci&- +&! co"rci#") %ro,"ctor c+%+.l" of co&#"rti&- l+r-" &u$."rs of oth"rs to his %ro,"cti#" #isio& of r"+lit 0 Th"s" i&!i#i!u+ls +r" th" s+cr"! +&! s"t +%+rt o&"s 1hos" +.ilit to o%"r+t" out of th" R"$-li/" !r"+$/#isio&+r st+t" +&! i!"&tif 1ith th" 1hol" of th" %s chic !is%ositio& of th" $i&! i& its '&u$i&ous' +&! '+1ful' s%iritu+l !o$+i&2 -i#"s th"$ th" %o1"r o#"r oth"rs to "&list th"$ i& th" &"c"ss+r r"ific+tio&/!"ific+tio& of th"ir f+&t+s +s r"+lit 0 As L+6+rr" %uts it2 '+ r"li-io& is + /i&! of -rou% !r"+$2 th" su.,"cti#" %o"tr i& 1hich2 su%%orti&- o&" +&oth"r4s f+ith or &""! to ."li"#"2 1" stri#" !"s%"r+t"l to ."li"#"0 A l+r-" co$%o&"&t of "#"r r"li-io& is willful belief 000th" &""! to co"rc" $"& to ."li"#" i& 1h+t 4co$$o& s"&s"4 +lr"+! /&o1s to ." u&tru"0 Ch+ris$+2 1hich s""$s to ." + 4su%"r&+tur+l4 rightness str"+$i&- fro$ th" ch+ris$+tic i&!i#i!u+l2 is $"r"l th" "$otio&+l 1"lco$"&"ss of his $"ss+-"2 deja vu i& th" %r"%ot"&t u&co&scious 1ish"s of "+ch co$$u&ic+&t0' O I& oth"r 1or!s2 th" ch+ris$+tic $+&2 th" o&" 1ho 1oul! ." -o! +&! i$%os" his !r"+$ #isio& u%o& +ll oth"rs +s r"+lit 2 $ust so$"ho1 co&#i&c"2 co&#"rt2 co"rc" +&! co&8u"r thos" oth"r %ro,"ctors i&to ."li"#i&- his #"rsio& of 1h+t is0 E#"r such s"lfi&to3ic+t"!2 &+rcissistic -o!-$+&4s lif" is "ss"&ti+ll +.out -"tti&- oth"rs to r"if +&! !"if his i&f+&til" !"sir"s +&! o$&i%ot"&c" f+&t+si"s0 This h" $ust !o i& or!"r to /""% his %ro,"ctor i&t+ct +&! ru&&i&-0 Th" "ffort h" $ust $+/" to s"" th+t this occurs is %ro%ortio&+t" to th" !iscr"%+&c ."t1""& his !r"+$ +&! r"+lit 0

Also2 historic+l ti$i&- %l+ s + l+r-" %+rt i& his +cc"%t+&c"0 As L+6+rr" sho1s2 1h+t h" c+lls th" 'crisis cults' of such ch+ris$+tic %"rso&s2 c+$" i&to ."i&- ."c+us" of th" !"cli&" of th" hol!i&- %o1"r of th" tr+!itio&+l r"li-ious "thos0 I&!i#i!u+ls i& such + %"rio! of %s chic #+lu" ch+&-" +&! su.s"8u"&t !istur.+&c"2 +r" "3tr"$"l #ul&"r+.l" to + &"1 %ro,"ctor4s sho1 1hich c+& fulfill th"ir $i&!4s !"%"&!"&c &""!s +&! !issi%+t" th" u&c"rt+i&t th"ir soci+l &or$s9 f+ili&-s h+#" c+us"!0 Th" ch+ris$+tic %ro,"ctor--$+&--o!--usu+ll ch+r-"s + tot+l +!$issio& to his sho1: + co$%l"t" su.$issio& to it0 7is sho1 is th" o&l o&" i& th" u&i#"rs" or so h" $ust co&#i&c" +ll i& or!"r to u% its !"$+&!0 E+ch su.$itti&- %ro,"ctor $ust t+/" o& his fil$ +&! sho1 o&l it o& his %l+&"t+riu$ sh"ll0 Th" i&iti+t" $ust ." "$%ti"! of his o1& #isio& 1hich is usu+ll !o&" . co&#i&ci&- hi$ of ho1 si&ful2 li$iti&-2 i&"ff"ctu+l it r"+ll is0 Th" cli&ch"r ."i&- of cours" to !"$o&str+t" ho1 his #"rsio& of r"+lit i&clu!"s !"+th 1hil" th" $+&--o!4s is +.out lif" "#"rl+sti&-0 Th" i&f"rior %ro,"ctor co&#i&c"! +&! )s+#"!* th"& s+crific"s his fil$2 !"stro s it2 to ru& o&l his -o!4s sho1 1ith +ll its ritu+listic rot" o.s"ssio&s co&trolli&- his ."h+#ior +&! thou-hts0 O&l thus is th" !oo$"! s"r#+&t %ro,"ctor c+%+.l" of ."i&- s+#"! . th" ;+st"r %ro,"ctor0 7" l"+r&s to %l+ + .it %+rt i& th" -o!4s !r+$+ +&! is usu+ll "cst+tic 1ith th" -r+c" of ."i&- +llo1"! such s"lf-i$$ol+tio&0

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