SimpleHRM UserManual V2.0

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Simple HRM is designed to help you to streamline your employee resources and improve inner workings of your organization, by providing your HR staff to deliver a fast and effective HRM solut ion. The module based architecture is the highly advanced features of software development to enhance the HRM functiona lity with improved and highly user friendly interface. Some of the core features of Simple HRM include, Administration Personal Information Manage ment Leave Manage ment Travel Manage me nt Task Mana ge ment Benefit manage ment File a nd Document Manage ment Employee Self Service Report and Statistics

Dashboard Module The Dashboard module provides informat ion about Re minders, Recent Act ivities and Q uick Actio ns.

Employee Info Module The Employee Info module maintain a ll the e mployee related informat ion such as e mployees persona l information, salary details, e mployee benefits details, assigned company properties. Informat ion captured in this module is utilized by all other modules, thus eliminat ing data redundancy.

Leave Module Leave module automates the HR administrative tasks of recording leave and controlling these aga inst leave policies defined in the HR syste m. This module provides flexibility in a llowing you to define various types of Leave, including Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Travel Leave etc. These web-enabled and self-service concepts signif icantly strea mline a ll leave re lated procedures, eliminate paperwork and save costs.

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Travel Module Travel module automates the tour and travel manage me nt records of employee in the best mode. The employees are given the flexibility to submit travel deta ils a nd vie w tour details as and when they required. The ma nagers may approve or reject travel requests submitted by their subordinates within the syste m immediate ly, thus reducing the t ime ta ken to approval/rejection of submitted travel request.

Task module Task module automates the daily task report ing mecha nism of a n e mployee. The e mployees are given flexibility to submit task details da ily. The administrator can able track the task details of the e mployee.

Settings Module All the base settings of company and application have been updated in this setting module. These are, Company Basic Informat ion, Division, Depart ment, Tea m, Job Tit les Create the User, Access control(Roles)

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Administration Module Administration module provides you with full control of all the company HR related settings such as List of Benefits, Company propert ies, Not ifications for the action in t he HRM applicat ion to the a uthorit ies and creates the re minders.

Reports Module This report module produces easy to use reports to meet your needs. Also the gra phical plott ing report provides the more advanced reporting features for HR.

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Login Information
Simple HRM comes with a n improved and highly user friendly interface. Open your browser and enter the URL for Simple HRM e.g. IP address)/ Enter the Userna me and Password that you provide during the insta llation

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Once you successfully logged in you should be re direct into Welcome / Dashboard page

Changing your password: Your password can be changed at anytime. Click on Modify Profile link on the top right ha nd side as shown in the figure.

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To Change your login password: Enter your current password next to Old password Then enter your New password you intend to use next to New password Re-enter your New password next to Confirm password

Logging Out To log out of t he syste m you can click on the Logout link.

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Dashboard Module
The Dashboard module provides informat ion about Re minders, Recent Act ivities and Q uick Actions.

Recently added or modified employees: Recently added employee List of recent ly added e mployee in the syste m Recently modified employee List of e mployee for which the e mployee informat ion has been modifie d Reminders: Leave request from Applied leave request from the e mployee for managers approval/rejection Reminders Provide the re minder for which the action we need to ta ke Quick Actions : Provide t he easy quick link for the following a ctions Add a new employee To add a new e mployee List employees To view the list of e mployee Manage benefits To manage the e mployee benefits Manage leaves To manage the leave types of the compa ny

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Administration and Settings Module

The Admin user (Administrator) has the permission to a ccess the Administration Module and Settings module. Company Structure creation, Master data for company HR Manage ment act ivities can be created/updated by these modules. To create the company structure and master data for the company HR Ma nage ment act ivities followings features of Administration module and Settings modules are used. Company Informat ion Division Depart ment Job Titles Benefits Company Propert ies HR Forms To create t he application configuration and users settings the following features are used. Modules Roles Users Reminders Notificat ions

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Company Information
Company basic informat ion a nd contact information ca n be defined here. To edit the company information click Edit with the reference of the be low picture and enter the following details, Company na me - Na me of the Company Company logo - Upload the image of your company logo Company address - Enter the Address Details Tax ID - Enter the Tax ID Facebook ID - Enter the Facebook pages URL Twitter ID - Enter the Twitter a ccount UR L Linkedin ID - Enter the LinkedIn ID URL HQ time zone - Select the t ime zone of t he company located Currency - Select the currency details And then click Save to update the company informat ion.

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Company have a mult iple entity, we can refer an entity as a division. Click on Divis ion me nu from the Settings module you can re direct to Divisions list v iew

To edit the existing division click the

icon from the part icular division list

To de lete the ex isting division click the icon from the particular division list To add the Division click Add button and enter the following informat ion Division - Na me of the Division Notes - Reference Notes about the division

And then click Add to save the information

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A depart ment is a part of a company with a specific responsibility. Click on Department me nu from the Settings module you can re direct to Depart ments list view.

To edit the existing depart ment click the

icon from the particular depart ment list

To de lete the ex isting depart me nt click the icon from the particular depart ment list To add the depart ment click Add button and enter the following informat ion Division Na me - Select the Div ision which the particular depart ment belongs to Depart ment Na me - Na me of the Depart me nt Notes - Reference Notes about the depart me nt

And then click Add to save the information

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Tea m Manage ment is one of the core functionality of an organizat ion. This feature provides better tea m ma nage ment. Click on Team menu from the Settings module you ca n redirect to Tea ms list v iew of the company.

To edit the existing Tea m click the

icon from the particular Tea m list

To de lete the ex isting Tea m click the icon from the particular Tea m list To add the click Add button a nd enter the following information Division Na me - Select the Div ision which the particular Job t itle belongs to Depart ment Na me - Select the Depart ment which the particular Job tit le be longs to Tea m Na me - Na me of the Tea m Notes - Reference Notes about the Tea m

And then click Add to save the information

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Job titles
Job title defines the Job Role / Designation of an e mployee. Click on Job titles menu from the Settings module, you can re direct to Job titles list vie w of the company.

To edit the existing Job title click the

icon from the part icular Job title list

To de lete the ex isting Job t itle click the icon from the part icular Job title list To add the click Add button a nd enter the following information Division Na me - Select the Div ision which the particular Job t itle belongs to Depart ment Na me - Select the Depart ment which the particular Job tit le be longs to Tea m Na me - Select the Tea m which the part icular Job title be longs to Job Title - Na me of the job title Notes - Reference Notes about the Job title

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And then click Add to save the information

The benefits offer by the company to the employee has been managed by this module. Click on Benef it menu from the Administration Module, you can re direct to Benefits list view of the company. To edit the Benef it click t he icon fro m the particular Benefits list

To de lete the Benefit click the icon from the part icular Benefits list To add the Benefit, you enter the na me of the be nefit in the Benefit Na me f ield and the click Add.

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Company Properties
Property Type List of the co mpany has been ma intaine d in this provision. Click on Company Properties menu from the Administration Module.

To edit the Benef it click t he

icon from the particular Benefits list

To de lete the Benefit click the icon from the part icular Benefits list To add the click Add button a nd enter the following information Property Type - Na me of the Property type Property Description - Descript ion a bout the property

And then click Save to add the property of the company

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HR Forms
Company related documents and forms are uploaded into this application by using HR forms. And you can download the documents at anytime that you want. Click on HR Forms menu from the Settings module you can view the list of forms or documents stored into this a pplicatio n.

To download the document click the To edit the document click the

icon from the part icular HR Forms list

icon from the particular HR Forms list

To de lete the ex isting document click the icon from the part icular HR Forms list To add the click Add button a nd enter the following information Form Na me - Na me of the Document that you want to upload File - Browse and Se lect the file

And then click Add to save / upload the file into the application

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Notificat ion is used to establish an automat ic e mail communication with the administrator of the application when the particular action ta kes place such as, An Employee is added - When new e mployee is adde d An Employee is modified - When modify the e mployees persona l informat io n An e mployee is re moved - When e mployee is re moved Employee birthday - Re mind about the e mployee birthday Employee contract e nding - When e mployee contract is ending If you enable a ny option above the e ma il is communicated with the a dministrator when the event is occurring. And also we can send the copy of this e ma il notification to any of other user e mployee of the company.

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Reminder option is used to re mind about the event in t he dashboard screen. Click the Re minder menu from the Administration Module.

To edit the Benef it click t he

icon from the particular Benefits list

To de lete the Benefit click the icon from the part icular Benefits list To close / open the re minder option click the link close (or) ope n To add the click Add button a nd enter the following information Please re mind me to - Describe about the message to re mind Date - Date for the re minder Time - Time for the re minder Recurring - Select the recurring option from the list

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Role defines the accessibility of the application. Click the Role menu from the settings Module you can view the list of defined role in the compa ny

To edit the existing role click the

icon from the part icular Roles list

To de lete the ex isting role click the icon from the particular Roles list To add the click Add button a nd enter the following information Role Na me - Na me of the role Role Description - Descript ion a bout the role for the reference of roles accessibility

And then click Save to add Roles After add a new role, assign the module feature to the particular role to provide the control over the use of role.

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Assign module feature to Role To assign the module feature to the role, Select the module and ena ble the required features and then click save

Users are the persons of the company who have the permission to do any of the HR re lated administrative task. There is no restriction in number of users. Click the Users menu from the Settings module you can vie w the list of users present in the compa ny.

To edit the existing role click the To de lete the ex isting role click the

icon from the part icular Roles list icon from the particular Roles list

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To add the click Add button a nd enter the following information Userna me - Userna me must be an e mail address of the user Password - password should be more than 6 character Role Na me - Select the role that should control the accessibility of t he module Isactive - Enable to active the user a ccounts

Click Save to store the new user informat ion in the database.

Modules are the methodology that we follow to segregate the functionality of the HR Manage ment. Click the modules me nu from the Settings module you can v iew the list of modules present in the application.

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To edit the existing module na me click the

icon from the part icular Modules list

To de lete the ex isting module na me click the icon from the particular Modules list To add the click Add button a nd enter the following information Module Na me - Na me of the Module Module value - Na me of the value to the module Isactive - Enable the module to be active

Click Save to add the ne w module. To add the features click on the na me of the module, you ca n redirect to the vie w page of the module features

To add the module features click Add button a nd enter the following information Feature Na me - Na me of the feature Feature Value - Na me of the feature value Iswriteaccess - Enable to provide the write access to the module folder

Click on save to a dd the module feature.

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Personal Information Management

This module is use d to maintain all e mployees in a given compa ny, including persona l informat ion, job details, emergency contacts, etc. A CV ca n a lso be assigned to the e mployee. This is the most important (a nd beneficial) module of Simple HRM which includes t he features of define an e mployee, search a n e mployee, Terminate an e mployee, Define a eligibility for rehire for t he terminated e mployee, Remove a n e mployee.

Employee Info Module

The Employee Info module is the core module to maintain all the e mployee related information such as e mployees personal information, e me rgency contact, salary details, e mployee benef its details, assigned compa ny propert ies. Information captured in this module is utilize d by a ll other modules, thus eliminat ing data redundancy. Lists t he all e mployee into Employee Info module, you ca n vie w the details of a particular e mployee by clicking on the e mployees na me

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To de lete an e mployee entry click on the che ckbox next to part icular entry and press De lete Multiple se lections can be deleted simultaneously

Add Employee To add an e mployee click on Add button from the Employee List screen and enter the required fie ld in the add employee scree n.

Personal Details : Once you click the Add button in the Employee List screen, you will redirect to enter the employee personal details as shown in the following picture and click Proceed. The personal details screen has the f ields as follows, First Na me Middle Na me Last Na me Date of Birth - First Na me of the Employee should be mandatory - Enter the Middle Na me - Enter the Last Na me - Select the Date by click on the re quire d fie ld

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Nationa lity Gender SSN

- Select from the drop down - Select the ge nder - Social Security Number

Contact Details After entering personal details, you should enter e mployees contact details which are, Address Work Phone Mobile Phone Work E-ma il address

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Job: After complete the contact details, you should enter the job detai ls which are, Division Depart ment Tea m Job Title Employ ment Status Date of Joining Salary

Once you completed a ll these entry the n click Save to add the e mployee. To add a photo, Emergency contact, Benefits, Company properties, you need to click the par ticular e mployee from the Employee List. You can a lso add a picture of the e mployee. To add a picture click on Browse and se lect the picture from the relevant path and click Open. Please note that the maximum file size of the picture cannot exceed 100 Kilobyte (KB) and picture should be in .jpg, .gif and .jpeg f ile format. And fina lly you click save to finish the e mployee e ntry.

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To add an Emergency contact: Contact details of an e mployee which will be needed during an e mergency can be e ntered here. To create a contact you need to enter; Na me Relation Address Mobile Phone

Enter the details and click Save to save the e mergency contact of a n e mployee

To view the salary History Click the SA LARY tab in the e mployee detaile d vie w page will be shown the e mployee sa lary history details.

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Click on the Benef its tab in the e mployee detailed view page will be shown to assign the benefits for the employee. Now e nter the informat ion to assign t he benefits to the e mployee Benefit Coverage Eligibility Date Notes

Then the assigned benefits to the e mployee have been shown as follows.

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Company Properties
To add the benefits to e mployee click the Add from the Company Properties screen in the e mployee detailed view page and enter the following informat ion. Property Type Property Na me Serial Number - Select the property type from the list - Enter the Na me of the property - Enter the seria l number of the selected property

After entering a ll the deta ils and notes click the Save to add the company property to the e mployee

Then the List of added company properties to the e mployee have been shown as follows

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Leave Management
Leave module with extensive possibilities of def ining leave types and to track the leave request from the e mployee. When logge d in, each e mployee can request a leave and this request are sent to the administrator via e mail. The functionality of the leave module differs depending on the rights of the user. The Leave module will be described from the perspect ive of an Administrator and Employee. The Administrator ca n: Define Leave Types Vie w Leave summary for each e mployee Manage the leave re quest

The Employee can: Apply for the Leave Vie w the persona l leave summary

Define Leave type

Leave Type have been defined by the administrator. To a dd / define a leave type of the company, enter the Leave type na me and click Add button as shown in the picture

Then the defined leave type has been shown as follows

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Apply for Leave All the employee can apply leave from this opt ion. To apply the leave click the Leave Apply opt ion under Leave me nu a nd e nter following details the details, Leave Type Date Working Days Note leave - Type of the leave that you are going to apply from the list - Select the From date & To date from the date selector - Automatica lly calculated by the syste m - notes regarding your leave request / Deta iled explanation to get the approval for the r equested

Personal Leave Summary Personal leave summary provides the list of requested leave by part icular e mployee logged in.

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Manage Leave Administrator can v iew the list of leave request from the e mployee to get the approval in the dashboard itself. To ma nage the leave request enter into employee page, from that you can see the Leave Request link. Click that sa me and change the status. The Statuses are, Pending Approved Rejected

Travel Management
Travel module with extensive possibilities of defining travel types, travel mode and to track the travel request from the e mployee. When logged in, each e mployee can request a travel and this request are sent to the administrator via e mail. The functiona lity of the travel module differs depending on the rights of the user. The Travel module will be described from the perspective of an Administrator and Employee The Administrator ca n: Define Travel Mode, Travel Type Manage the Travel request Vie w Travel summary for all the e mployee

The Employee can: Apply for the Travel Vie w the persona l travel summary

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Define Travel Mode

Travel mode has been define d by t he administrator.

To edit the Travel mode click the

icon from the particular Travel mode list

To de lete the Travel mode click t he icon from the particular Travel mode list To add the Travel mode, you enter the na me of the travel mode in the travel mode na me f ield and t he click Add.

Define Travel type

Travel type has been defined by the administrator.

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To edit the Travel type click the

icon from the particular Travel type list

To de lete the Travel type click the icon from the part icular Travel type list To add the Travel type, you enter the na me of the Travel type in the Travel type Na me field and the click Add

Apply for Travel All e mployees can apply travel request from this opt ion. To apply the travel click the Travel Apply menu from the travel module a nd enter following details, Travel Type Travel Mode Date From Location To Location Note travel - Select the Travel type from the list - Select the Travel mode from the list - Select the From date & To date from the date selector - Enter the location that you are going to get travel from - Enter the location that you are going to get travel to - Notes regarding your travel request / Detailed expla nation to get the approval for the requested

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Personal Travel Summary Personal travel summary provides the list of requested travel by part icular e mployee logge d in.

Manage Travel Request Administrator can vie w the list of travel request from the e mployee to get the approval in t he dashboard itself. To ma nage the travel request click the Travel Re quest menu from the travel module. Click that travel request a nd change the status. The Statuses are, Pending Approved Rejected

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Task Management
Task manage ment is used to managing da ily re porting ma nage ment of an e mployee. The features of Task Manage me nt includes, Employee Can: An e mployee can able to add task once in a day Able to modify the task

Administrator Can: Able to track the task report of all the e mployee Able to see the task created date and modified date

Add Task An e mployee ca n able to reporting to the administrator a bout the task of the day through this module. To add the task

After the employee add the task, the task has been listed as follows,

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To edit the Benef it click t he icon from the particular Benefits list To track the task details of the e mployee by Administrator

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This report module produces easy to use reports to meet your needs. Also the graphical plotting report provides the more advanced reporting features for HR. Totally ten reports are available in the applicat ion. Age Profile Company properties Employee Salary Employment Status Gender Profile Joining Dates Leave Summary Phone numbers Travel Summary Upcoming birthday

Sa mple reports are as follows, Gender Profile

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Joining Dates

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