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RADIO 1. c. The ability of a radar to detect an object of any given size is proportional to its wavelength.

The smaller the object that m st be detected! the smaller m st be the wavelength. "eather radar m st be capable of detecting water droplets of appro#imately $ %m diameter! b t m st be capable of seeing thro gh very fine rain and fog. &or this reason weather radars se fre' encies in the range of ($)* +,z which gives a wavelength of appro#imately $.- cm. .o the weather radar wavelength is cent metric! which is in the # band. The rate at which radio energy is atten ated in the atmospheres is also proportional to wavelength s ch that effective range red ces with red cing wavelength. / band provides the best compromise between acceptable range and the ability to detect objects of the re' ired size. % band is not sed for weather radar beca se its longer wavelength wo ld ma0e it nable to detect s ch small objects1c2. RADIO -. a. The term 3s0y wave4 refers to the way in which radio waves are reflected bac0 to earth after being stri0ing the ionized layers in the ionosphere. Radio energy emitted by a transmitter moves p into the atmosphere in the form of a series of waves or rays fanning o t from the so rce. These rays stri0e the ionized layers at different angles as ill strated below. Those rays which stri0e the atmosphere at very ac te angles are absorbed or pass thro gh it. 5 t there is a critical angle at which rays begin to be reflected by the ionized layers rather than passing thro gh them. Those rays which stri0e at an angle more obli' e than the critical angle! are reflected bac0 towards the earth. The first of these s0y waves stri0ing the earth is called the critical ray 1a2 beca se they stri0e the ionized layers at the critical angle. Rays stri0ing at less than the critical angle escape into space. RADIO $ b. The term 3fading4 refers to the process whereby a n mber of ret rning waves tend to cancel each other o t! s ch that the strength of the signal is red ced. "hen the transmitter and receiver are more than one s0ip distance apart! a n mber of ret rning s0y waves will be received. One ray may have been reflected from the ionosphere only once! whereas as others will have been reflected several times. This means that the rays will have ta0en paths of different length! so they will be o t of phase. This ca ses the waves to cancel o t each other to a degree that is proportional to the degree by which they are o t of phase. The greatest fading occ rs when the waves are (6 degrees o t of phase 1b2.

RADIO 7. d. The term 38D54 refers to a non directional beacon. . ch beacons transmit vertically polarized radio signals in all directions sim ltaneo sly. 8D5s transmit in the low fre' ency 9&10ilometric2 and medi m fre' ency +& 1metric2 wavebands. "hen an aircraft:s AD& is t rned to an 8D5:s fre' ency and its call sign identified! the direction to the 8D5 will be indicated. RADIO * b. Radio comm nications beyond the horizon depend pon the radio waves being refracted by the ionosphere s ch that they bo nce bac0 to the earth in the form of s0y waves. The degree to which radio waves are refracted depends pon their fre' ency. Only waves at or below the ,& waveband are refracted s fficiently to prod ce sable s0y waves. RADIO ; c The term 3<OR4 refers to the <,& omni=directional Range system. It prod ces $;6 degree radials or trac0s at 1 degree spacing! "hich are aligned to magnetic north at the <OR station location. <OR stations transmit within the 16>=11).(* +,z waveband. This means that the <OR wavelength is between 1 and 16 meters. .o option c is the most acc rate. The term 3<OR4 refers to the <,& omni=directional Range system. It prod ces $;6 degree radials or trac0s at 1 degree spacing! "hich are aligned to magnetic north at the <OR station location. <OR stations transmit within the 16>=11).(* +,z waveband. This means that the <OR wavelength is between 1 and 16 meters. .o the <OR wavelength is metric 1d2 RADIO > b The se of radio comm nications beyond the horizon depends pon the prod ction of s0y waves! which are reflected bac0 from the ionosphere. "hen s0y waves are wea0 or not present! the radio comm nications will be ineffective d e to fading of the signals. The ionosphere is made p of a n mber of ionized layers! each of which affects radio waves differently. .0y waves in the +& waveband are prod ced mainly by the ? layer. "hich lies at a greater altit de than the D layer. 5 t in daylight the D layer absorbs almost all +& radio waves! so they are nable to reach the ? layer. This means that +& s0y waves are strongest at night! and almost non=e#istent d ring the daytime. This type of fading affects only the s0y waves! so options a and % are ntr e. Of the remaining options! fading of +& is most li0ely d ring rainy days 1option b2 RADIO ( d.

This problem can be solved sing the standard e' ation@ "avelength in meters A $66 666 666 B &re' ency in ,z. This can be rearranged to give@ &re' ency in ,z A $66 666 666 B wavelength in meters. .o for a 1( cm signal the fre' ency A $66 666 666 B 6.1( A 1.*)( Chz. This is in the D,& waveband. RADIO 16 a. The term 3fading4 refers to the process whereby radio signals become wea0ened thereby red cing the effective range of a transmitter. &ading is ca sed by a n mber of factors. Over the horizon radio reception depends to a great e#tent pon the se of s0y waves. The term 3s0y wave4 refers to the reflection bac0 to earth of radio waves when they stri0e the ionized layers in the ionosphere. The degree of refraction varies with fre' ency and also with ionization levels! which in t rns varies with time of day. The ionosphere is made p of a n mber of layers! each of which behaves I a slightly different manner. The lowest layer is the D layer which is only significant in daylight ho rs. This layer reflects only waves in theE <9& band and below. .o s0y waves in higher fre' ency wave bands are very wea0 in daytime. The ne#t higher layer is the ? layer which prod ces strong s0y waves in the 9& and +& bands! and sometimes in the ,& band. The <,& band and above are not reflected. The overall effect of these layers is the s0y waves are strongest at night and at low fre' encies. %onversely this means that signal fading is greatest in daylight and at high fre' encies. The second major factor in achieving over the horizon radio comm nication is diffraction. This ca ses the waves to bend so that they follow the c rvat re of the earth. This effect is greatest over the sea beca se the atten ation rates are greatest over dry land. .o fading is li0ely to be greatest over the land d ring the day1a2. RADIO 11 b. This type of problem can be solved sing the standard e' ation@ "avelength in metres A$66 666 666 B fre' ency in ,z &or a fre' ency of 1-1.(* +,z this gives. "avelength A $66 666 666 B 1-1 (*6 666 A -.7;m. RADIO 1- b.

"hen radio waves of an appropriate fre' ency are transmitted into the atmosphere they are reflected bac0 to earth from the ionized layers in the ionosphere. The ret rning waves are called s0y waves! and the wave landing closest to the transmitter is called the critical ray. The s0ip distance is the distance between the transmitter and the point on the earth at which the first s0y wave ret rns to earth. The radio signal s0y waves cannot be detected within the s0ip distance. RADIO 1$b. "hen radio waves of an appropriated fre' ency are transmitted into the atmosphere they are reflected bac0 to earth from the ionized layers in the ionosphere. The ret rning waves are called s0y waves and the wave landing closest to the transmitter is called the critical ray. The s0ip distance is the distance between the transmitter and the point on the earth at which the first s0y wave ret rns to earth. The radio signal s0y waves cannot be detected within the s0ip distance. The distance increases as the wavelength is decreased and the fre' ency is increased1b2. RADIO 17 c. The high fre' ency of ,& waveband e#tends from $ to $6 +,z. The wavelength of a radio signal can be calc lated sing the standard e' ation@ "avelength in metre F $66 666 666 B &re' ency in ,z. This gives a wavelength range of from 16 to 166 metres. .o ,& signals are metric1c2 RADIO 1* a. The ability of a radar to detect an object of any given size is proportional to its wavelength. The smaller the object that m st be detected! the smaller m st be the wavelength! "eather radar m st be capable of detecting water droplets of appro#imately $ %m diameter! b t m st be capable of seeing thro gh very fine rain and fog. &or this reason weather radars se fre' encies in the range of ($)* +,z which gives a wavelength of appro#imately $.- cm. .o the weather radar wavelength is cent metric 1a2. RADIO 1; b. The term 3AD&4 refers to the a tomatic direction finding e' ipment sed in aircraft. This employs gro nd based non directional beacons which radiate in all directions sim ltaneo sly. The beacons transmit in the 1(6 to 1)*6 G,z fre' ency band 1b2.

RADIO 1) d. The <,& waveband e#tends form $6 to $66 +hz. "avelength can be calc lated sing the standard e' ation@ "avelength in metres F $66 666 666 B &re' ency in ,z. .o the wavelengths in the <,& band range from 1 to 16 metres. RADIO 1> d. The instr ment landing system of I9. ses a n mber of fre' encies. The localizer ses between 16> and 111.()* +,z which is in the <,& band. The glide path signal ses $-(.1* to $$* +,z in the D,& band. The +ar0ers se )* +,z in the <,& band. The wavelengths e' ating to these fre' encies are between 16 cm and 16 metres. .o the I9. ses signal sin the metric waveband. RADIO 1( a. This problem can be solved sing the standard e' ation@ "avelength in metres A$66 666 666 B fre' ency in ,z .o for a -7$ +,z fre' ency. "avelength A $66 666 666 B -7$ 666 666 A 1.-$7m or 1-$.7 %m. RADIO -6 d. This problem can be solved sing the standard e' ation@ "avelength in metres A$66 666 666 B fre' ency in ,z This can be rearranged to give@ &re' ency in ,zA $66 666 666 B wavelength in metres. &or a (*.* %m wavelength this gives &re' ency A $66 666 666 B 6.(** A $17.17 +,z. RADIO -1 c. The term 3s0y wave4 refers to the reflection bac0 to earth of radio waves when they stri0e in ionized layers in the ionosphere. The degree of refraction varies with fre' ency and also with ionization levels! which in t rns varies with time of day. The ionosphere is made p of a n mber of layers! each of which behaves I a slightly different manner. The lowest layer is the D layer

which is only significant in daylight ho rs. This layer reflects only waves in the <9& band and below. .o s0y waves in higher fre' ency wave bands are very wea0 in daytime. The ne#t higher layer is the ? layer which prod ces strong s0y waves in the 9& and +& bands! and sometimes in the ,& band. The <,& band and above are not reflected. The overall effect of these layers is the s0y waves are strongest at night and at low fre' encies. %onversely this means that signal atten ation is greatest in daylight at and at high fre' encies. RADIO -- b. The term 3?9T4 refers to the emergency location transmitters fitted in aircraft life rafts. HAR=OI. 1.>-6 re' ires that these transmit in the -7$.6 or 1-1.* +,z bands and be capable of transmitting for 7> ho rs at =-6 6%. RADIO -$ b. The term 3atmosphere d cting4 refers to the process by which the diffraction process is increases in conditions of temperat re inversions and rapid decreases in h midity with increasing altit de 1b2. These conditions effectively prod ce a horizontal d ct thro gh which radio waves follow the c rvat re of the earth by repeatedly bo ncing off the top and bottom of the d ct as ill strated below. Radio waves follow the c rvat re of the earth by repeatedly bo ncing of the top and bottom s rface of the d ct.

RADIO -7 a. The term 35&O4 refers to the beat fre' ency oscillator sed in an AD& system. The emissions of an 8D5 are of the 8O8A1A or 8O8A-A types. The 8O8 part of these signals are nmod lated carrier wave! which cannot be detected by normal radio e' ipment. 5y prod cing an off beat fre' ency abo t - Ghz 1a2 away from the 8D5 signal! the two are combined to prod ce a tone signal that can be detected. RADIO -* c. This problem can be solved sing the standard e' ation@ "avelength in metres A$66 666 666 Bfre' ency in ,z. &or a 7 C,z signal this gives@

"avelength A $66 666 666 B 7 666 666 666 A 6.6)* metres or ).* %m. The 7 C,z is in the .,& waveband which is from $ to $6 C,z. .o 7 C,z is a ).* %m. signal in the .,& band 1c2. RADIO -; b. Altho gh radio waves move primarily in straight lines! they are also s bject to the diffraction. This is a process whereby the waves c rve aro nd behind objects placed in their path. This enables radio waves to follow the c rvat re of the earth! so that they can be received beyond the horizon. The degree of diffraction depends pon a n mber of factor incl ding the nat re or the s rface! and the fre' ency of the wave. Diffraction is greater over land than over water and greatest at low fre' encies. .o diffraction decreases with increasing fre' ency 1b2. RADIO -) d. "hen radio waves of an appropriate fre' ency are transmitted into the atmosphere they are reflected bac0 to earth from the ionized layers in the ionosphere. The reflected waves are called s0y waves. The strength of the s0y waves depends pon the degree to which the waves are refracted by the ionized layers in the atmosphere. This in t rn is related to fre' ency and time of day. <,& waves pass thro gh the ionized layers with very little being refracted. At night the intensity of the ionization layers is lowest so refraction of <,& signals is virt ally nil. .o s0y waves at day or night are least with signal in the <,& band and higher. RADIO -> b. ,& radio comm nications beyond the horizon depend pon the se of s0y waves. "hen radio waves of an appropriated fre' ency are transmitted into the atmosphere they are reflected bac0 to earth from the ionized layers in the ionosphere. The ret rning waves are called s0y waves! and the wave landing closest to the transmitter is called critical ray. The s0ip distance is the distance between the transmitter and the point on the earth at which the first s0y wave ret rns to earth. The s0ip distance increases as the wavelength is decreased and the fre' ency is increased. The radio signal s0y waves cannot be detected within the s0ip distance. 5 t at distances m ch greater than the s0ip distance there is a danger that m ltiple ret rning waves will interfere with each other thereby ca sing fading of the signal. .o the optim m fre' ency is that which places the receiver j st o tside the s0ip distance! b t not far eno gh o tside to ca se fading 1b2. RADIO -( a.

Altho gh radio waves move primarily in straight lines! they are also s bject to the diffraction. This is a process whereby the waves c rve aro nd behind objects placed in their path. This enables radio waves to follow the c rvat re of the earth! so that they can be received beyond the horizon. The degree of diffraction depends pon a n mber of factors incl ding the nat re or the s rface! and the fre' ency of the wave. Diffraction is greater over land than over water and greatest at low fre' encies. .o s rface wave range decreases with increasing fre' ency 1a2. RADIO $6 b. The term 39ORA84 refers to long range navigation e' ipment. 9ORA8 % is a hyperbolic system operating at a fre' ency of 166 0,z. This is in the 9& band. The system operates by meas ring the time difference between the arrival of a series of p lses from the master transmitter! and that of a series of p lses from p to fo r slave or secondary transmitters. The wavelength can be calc lated sing the standard e' ation@ "avelength in metres A$66 666 666 B fre' ency in ,z .o for a 166 0,z 9ORA8 signal this gives "avelength A $66 666 666 B 166 666 A $666 metres.

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