JPSU Commanding Officers Reply

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-----Original Message----From: Blais Col GJ@CMP DCSM@Ottawa-Hull Sent: Friday, !

, Fe"ruary, #$ % &: ' PM (o: )est*olm M)O B+@JPS, - O. /egion@Petawawa C0: C*ute +Col FD@CMP DCSM@Ottawa-Hull1 Head C)O D)@CMP DCSM@Ottawa-Hull Su"2e0t: /-S3G.4(3O. Sergeant-Ma2or, 3 a05nowledge re0ei6t o7 your re8uest 7or e96edited release: ;our re8uest will "e granted: 3 must say t*at 3 am e9tremely disa66ointed t*at a military mem"er o7 your ran5 and e96erien0e would 0*oose to send su0* a letter to t*e sele0ted distri"ution list 6rior to re8uesting to s6ea5 wit* me to dis0uss t*e matter: ;our letter also leadsa me to "elie<e t*at mem"ers o7 t*e unit in Petawawa went to t*eir MP to dis0uss unit issues rat*er t*an raise t*em dire0tly wit* me: (*ere are nuan0es to many o7 t*e 6oints raised and it is un7ortunate t*at you are lea<ing t*e CF in t*is manner: Sent 7rom my wireless *and*eld de<i0e = (ransmis de mon a66areil 6orta"le ----Original Message----From: )est*olm M)O B+@JPS, - O. /egion@Petawawa Sent: Friday, !, Fe"ruary, #$ % !:$' PM (o: Blais Col GJ@CMP DCSM@Ottawa-Hull Su"2e0t: /-: /-S3G.4(3O. Sir /e7: (*e )arriors )ay1 4 (reatise on Military -t*i0s, C* $ >CF -t*i0s Programme? 3 *a<e dis0ussed my u60oming de6arture wit* my CoC, and t*e reasoning "e*ind it o<er a mont* ago >re7 D o7 my letter?, 3 regret t*at you were not made aware o7 t*is -<ery item in my letter *as "een raised eit*er wit* you dire0tly or t*roug* my CoC many times o<er, "eginning in #$$@ >atta0*ed?: (*e last time 3 0ommuni0ated wit* you, 3 was re"u5ed "y t*e /SM >t*en C)O .assi7? and told t*at you didnAt *a<e time 7or my re0ommendations and to 0ease immediately: (*e 6at* 3 *a<e 0*osen is et*i0ally sound and maintains t*e 6ro7essionalism e96e0ted o7 my /an5, Bran0*, /egiment and t*e Canadian 4rmed For0es and is re0ognised as su0* >re7?: 4t t*is 6oint my 6ersonal wel7are is no longer at issue1 3 re0ei<e email regularly 7rom /egions in distress >also atta0*ed? and des6ite my "est e77orts, 3 0annot 0on<in0e my CoC 7or legitimate assistan0e and "asi0 0ontingen0y 6lanning: (*is also goes to t*e re0ent, and 8uite "rutal, issuan0es o7 in7ormation regarding 0*anges to 4nnuitant Poli0y and /eg For0e Con<ersions, w*i0* 3 also tried to in7luen0e wit* no su00ess >email atta0*ed?: (*an5 you 7or a00e6ting my resignation: B:+: )est*olm Master )arrant O77i0er = 4d2udant MaBtre /egional Sergeant Ma2or = Sergent Ma2or /Cgional Joint Personnel Su66ort ,nit=,nitC 3nterarmCe de Soutien au Personnel -astern Ontario /egion=/egion -st de lDOntario Dire0tor Casualty Su66ort Management=Dire0teur - Gestion du soutien au9 "lessCs .ational De7en0e = dC7ense nationale Petawawa, O., Canada, E'H #F% --mail = Courriel Barry:)est*olm@7or0es:g0:0a (ele6*one = (ClC6*one: >G %? G'H-!! e9t = 6oste #HGG CS.: GHH-#HGG (ClC0o6ieur = Fa0simile: G %-!''-#G!$ Go<ernment o7 Canada = Gou<ernement du Canada

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