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NOVEMBER 26, 2013

NEXT MEETING: December 3 Program: Chuck Kohler What It Was Like, an Account Of A Pearl Harbor Survivor Greeter & Invocation : Kevin Reneau

over Old Miss. Doug Damaschino couldnt let the chance pass to call attention to the fact that Cals basketball team is now 6-0. He happily paid a buck! Dick Vance graciously agreed to match any donations to the Philippine typhoon relief if $300 could be collected at the meeting. President Nora again revealed unknown facts in the Mystery Rotarian game. It was a tough guess but finally we discovered Doug Damaschino, Dave Kruegel, and Dick Vance. When the green ticket for $151 was drawn, Tony Schoemehl had the first look for the white marble from last week and then Barb Bruner took her chance; but alas, neither could find the winner!

1. Have you RSVPd for the Rotary Club Christmas Party at Miramonte Club House on Tuesday, December 10; at 6:00 pm. Ticket price is $35. Give a check to Lad Lynch. 2. Dont forget to put your name on the sign-up sheet for the Dec.15 Stocking Stuffing and Pot Luck event. Bring an entree, salad or dessert. Come out for a fun evening! Let Ann Damaschino know that you will attend. Ph: 838-9060 3. Please be ready to give a check or cash next week if you wish to participate in the Philippine typhoon relief effort! 4. President Nora reported that The Club Board discussed a new system of mentors for new members. Also, Frank May said that he is exploring a new form of Club membership roster. More to come.

Dec. 3 Nite at Races Committee Dochterman home, 5:30 Dec. 10 Rotary Christmas Dinner at Miramonte Gardens Clubhouse, 6:00 p.m. Dec. 15 Stocking Stuffing and Pot Luck at Trinity Hall at 5:00 pm. *Dec. 17 Holiday Fun Meeting Dec. 24 No Meeting enjoy Christmas Eve! Dec. 31 No Meeting Happy New Year! *Regular Tuesday Noon Meeting


Roger Howland guest speaker from Mayflower Society

Our program was presented by Roger Howland, a member of the Mayflower Society, which includes all persons who have a line of decent back to the Mayflower, which landed in 1620. The speaker asked, what do alien abduction, slavery and the plague have to do with Thanksgiving? It was explained that all of the early explorers were looking for a short passage to the Far East. By abducting some Native Americans, they could be trained to become guides to the passage. At the same time, some Indians were taken to Europe to be sold as slaves. One such slave was befriended by religious monks and taught Spanish and then English. This Indian returned to America and helped to create a more friendly relationship between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. In these years, a French ship arrived which brought the plague, which killed many of the Indians. The speaker related the story how the 2 Indians who had learned English brought 90 Indians to the Plymouth Colony in 1621 for the first Thanksgiving. At that time the Pilgrim group had been reduced to only 51 persons, from the original 110. Mr. Howland told a story of that event which most of the Club members had not heard, and was very appropriate for Thanksgiving week.

Barbara Bruner opened the meeting with an invocation (I think) and made ad lib comments on Thanksgiving. She then made a generous $5 donation in apology for forgetting it was her day to be Greeter! Tony Schoemehl, who owns this months fine-free-hat, had a Happy Birthday with his family. He noted that he received greetings from over 25 longtime friends on Facebook; and he was amazed that anybody knew or remembered! Its the magic of Facebook. Frank May had a happy buck for a new very small baby in their family, thanks to his brother and sister-in-law. We wish good progress and wellness for the baby. Colin Barnard had the next episode in son, Sams, broken arm. A happy buck for the arm being out of the cast and finally washed! Great news for all! Dave Kruegel had three happy bucks for the outstanding band concert he attended at St. Marys College and the forthcoming recital of the choral groups. He highly recommends the good quality of the musical groups. Al Simonsen paid a happy buck just for the fact that Cals football season has finally come to a screeching end! Tony Schoemehl came to life again when the word football was mentioned. He found a happy buck to brag about his #2 ranked Missouri Tigers and this weeks win

Each day we seem to see more destruction in areas of the Philippines which were hit by the terrible typhoon. We can be pleased that Moraga Rotary funds are providing two of the very useful Shelter Boxes, which include emergency supplies, a large tent, cooking equipment, sleeping bags and other necessities for 10 persons for many months. Within a day after the typhoon, several thousand Rotary supplied Shelter Boxes were on the ground to provide relief assistance. Other funds donated at our Club meeting will go to purchase a third Shelter Box. It is rewarding to see how quickly Rotary International is able to respond and get disaster relief to the critical areas. There is another disaster relief project in which Moraga Rotarians also participated. At the Chico District Conference last month, John & Mary Sue Erickson and many other Rotarians took part in a Stop Hunger Now project by filling packets of food for emergency relief. Over 18,000 bags of nutritious food were assembled at the conference. We have just learned that all of these packets of food were shipped to the Philippines the day after the typhoon and are now feeding hungry people. The Stop Hunger Now organization reports that over 500,000 bags of food have been distributed to date. This is Rotary service in action! It goes directly to the areas of greatest need in the quickest and most effective way. Thanks to all who have participated. Sometimes we wonder if our little bit really counts in these huge disasters. But we can be certain that many refugees are giving thanks on Thanksgiving Day for the kindness of Rotarians in Moraga, California!


Dec. 10 Moraga Rotary Christmas Dinner at Miramonte Gardens Club House Jan. 14 Official Visit of District Governor Steve Lack Feb. 5 -- Annual 5 Club Lunch at Rossmoor Mar. 15 A Nite At The Races Fundraiser! May 10 Moraga Community Faire

MORAGA ROTARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013-14 President.Nora Avelar President-elect . . ... Debbie Roessler Past President...Frank May Secretary.........Kevin Reneau Treasurer....Lad Lynch Community Service Chair..Barbara Bruner New Generations...Rich Render International Service ChairTony Schoemehl Rotary Foundation...... Lad Lynch Public Relations Gary Irwin Membership...Debbie and Frank Director at Large.John Erickson Director at Large...Cliff Dochterman President, Rotary InternationalRon Burton District Governor, 5160.Steve Lack Assistant District Governor.Jose Avelar
Newsletter Editor for November Cliff Dochterman

Rotary International Theme for 2013-14 ENGAGE ROTARY, CHANGE LIVES


My good friend is a faddist, With a slightly mental quirk. He will jog two miles, with gusto But ride two blocks to work!

A Thanksgiving Thought Count your many blessings, Just name them one by one. And you will really be surprised Before Thanksgiving Day is done!

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