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1984 by George Orwell The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by M rk Tw in Alice in !

onderl nd by "ewis # rroll The A$ %ing Adventures of & v lier ' #l y by Mich el #h bon An A$eric n Tr gedy by Theodore (reiser Angel )s Ashes by Fr nk Mc#ourt Ann & renin by "eo Tolstoy Anne Fr nk* The (i ry of +oung Girl by Anne Fr nk Archid $i n ! r by (on ld & g n The Art of Fiction by Henry , $es The Art of ! r by -un T%u As . " y (ying by !illi $ F ulkner Atone$ent by . n Mc/w n Autobiogr 0hy of F ce by "ucy Gre ly The Aw kening by & te #ho0in 1 be by (ick &ing2-$ith 1 ckl sh* The 3ndecl red ! r Ag inst A$eric n !o$en by -us n F ludi 1 l% c nd the "ittle #hinese -e $stress by ( i -i4ie 1el # nto by Ann 5 tchett The 1ell , r by -ylvi 5l th 6 re d 6 ,une 7818 1eloved by Toni Morrison 1eowulf* A 9ew :erse Tr nsl tion by -e $us He ney The 1h g v Git The 1ielski 1rothers* The True -tory of Three Men !ho (efied the 9 %is; 1uilt :ill ge in the Forest; nd - ved 1;788 ,ews by 5eter (uffy 1itch in 5r ise of (ifficult !o$en by /li% beth !urt%el A 1olt fro$ the 1lue nd Other /ss ys by M ry Mc# rthy 1r ve 9ew !orld by Aldous Hu<ley 1rick " ne by Monic Ali 1ridg doon by Al n , y "erner # ndide by :olt ire 6 re d 6 ,une 7818 The # nterbury T les by #h ucer # rrie by -te0hen &ing # tch277 by ,ose0h Heller The # tcher in the =ye by ,> (> - linger #h rlotte)s !eb by /> 1> !hite The #hildren)s Hour by "illi n Hell$ n #hristine by -te0hen &ing A #hrist$ s # rol by #h rles (ickens A #lockwork Or nge by Anthony 1urgess The #ode of the !oosters by 5>G> !odehouse The #ollected -hort -tories by /udor !elty The #ollected -tories of /udor !elty by /udor !elty A #o$edy of /rrors by !illi $ -h kes0e re

#o$0lete 9ovels by ( wn 5owell The #o$0lete 5oe$s by Anne -e<ton #o$0lete -tories by (orothy 5 rker A #onfeder cy of (unces by ,ohn &ennedy Toole The #ount of Monte #risto by Ale< ndre (u$ s 0?re #ousin 1ette by Honor)e de 1 l% c #ri$e nd 5unish$ent by Fyodor (ostoevsky The #ri$son 5et l nd the !hite by Michel F ber 6 st rted nd not finished The #rucible by Arthur Miller #u4o by -te0hen &ing The #urious .ncident of the (og in the 9ight2Ti$e by M rk H ddon ( ughter of Fortune by .s bel Allende ( vid nd "is by (r Theodore .ss c =ubin M>( ( vid #o00erfield by #h rles (ickens The ( :inci 2#ode by ( n 1rown (e d -ouls by 9ikol i Gogol (e$ons by Fyodor (ostoyevsky (e th of - les$ n by Arthur Miller (eenie by ,udy 1lu$e The (evil in the !hite #ity* Murder; M gic; nd M dness t the F ir th t #h nged A$eric by /rik " rson The (irt* #onfessions of the !orld)s Most 9otorious =ock 1 nd by To$$y "ee; :ince 9eil; Mick M rs nd 9ikki -i<< The (ivine #o$edy by ( nte The (ivine -ecrets of the + 2+ -isterhood by =ebecc !ells (on @ui4ote by #erv ntes (riving Miss ( isy by Alfred 3hrv (r> ,ekyll ' Mr> Hyde by =obert "ouis -tevenson 2 re d 6 7889 /dg r All n 5oe* #o$0lete T les ' 5oe$s by /dg r All n 5oe /le nor =oosevelt by 1l nche !iesen #ook The /lectric &ool2Aid Acid Test by To$ !olfe /ll Minnow 5e * A 9ovel in "etters by M rk (unn /loise by & y Tho$0son /$ily the -tr nge by =oger =eger /$$ by , ne Austen 6 re d /$0ire F lls by =ich rd =usso /ncyclo0edi 1rown* 1oy (etective by (on ld ,> -obol /th n Fro$e by /dith !h rton /thics by -0ino% /uro0e through the 1 ck (oor; 788A by =ick -teves /v "un by .s bel Allende /verything .s .llu$in ted by ,on th n - fr n Foer /<tr v g nce by G ry &rist F hrenheit 4B1 by = y 1r dbury

F hrenheit 9C11 by Mich el Moore The F ll of the Atheni n /$0ire by (on ld & g n F t " nd* How A$eric ns 1ec $e the F ttest 5eo0le in the !orld by Greg #ritser Fe r nd "o thing in " s :eg s by Hunter -> Tho$0son The Fellowshi0 of the =ing* 1ook 1 of The "ord of the =ing by ,> => => Tolkien DT1=E Fiddler on the =oof by ,ose0h -tein The Five 5eo0le +ou Meet in He ven by Mitch Albo$ Finneg n)s ! ke by , $es ,oyce Fletch by Gregory Mc(on ld Flowers for Algernon by ( niel &eyes The Fortress of -olitude by ,on th n "ethe$ The Fount inhe d by Ayn = nd Fr nkenstein by M ry -helley Fr nny nd Fooey by ,> (> - linger Fre ky Frid y by M ry =odgers G l 0 gos by &urt :onnegut Gender Trouble by ,udith 1utler George !> 1ushis$* The -l te 1ook of the Accident l !it nd !isdo$ of our 4Ard 5resident by , cob !eisberg Gidget by Fredrick &ohner Girl; .nterru0ted by -us nn & ysen The Gnostic Gos0els by /l ine 5 gels The Godf ther* 1ook 1 by M rio 5u%o The God of -$ ll Things by Arundh ti =oy Goldilocks nd the Three 1e rs by Alvin Gr nowsky Gone with the !ind by M rg ret Mitchell The Good -oldier by Ford M ddo< Ford The Gos0el According to ,udy 1loo$ The Gr du te by #h rles !ebb The Gr 0es of !r th by ,ohn -teinbeck The Gre t G tsby by F> -cott Fit%ger ld Gre t /<0ect tions by #h rles (ickens The Grou0 by M ry Mc# rthy H $let by !illi $ -h kes0e re H rry 5otter nd the Goblet of Fire by ,> &> =owling H rry 5otter nd the -orcerer)s -tone by ,> &> =owling A He rtbre king !ork of -t ggering Genius by ( ve /ggers He rt of ( rkness by ,ose0h #onr d DT1=E Helter -kelter* The True -tory of the M nson Murders by :incent 1ugliosi nd #urt Gentry DT1=E Henry .:; 0 rt . by !illi $ -h kes0e re Henry .:; 0 rt .. by !illi $ -h kes0e re

Henry : by !illi $ -h kes0e re High Fidelity by 9ick Hornby The History of the (ecline nd F ll of the =o$ n /$0ire by /dw rd Gibbon Holid ys on .ce* -tories by ( vid -ed ris The Holy 1 rb ri ns by " wrence "i0ton House of - nd nd Fog by Andre (ubus ... D"0rE The House of the -0irits by .s bel Allende How to 1re the 3nderw ter by ,ulie Orringer How the Grinch -tole #hrist$ s by (r> -euss How the "ight Gets in by M> ,> Hyl nd Howl by Allen Gingsburg The Hunchb ck of 9otre ( $e by :ictor Hugo The .li d by Ho$er .)$ with the 1 nd by 5 $el des 1 rres .n #old 1lood by Tru$ n # 0ote .nferno by ( nte .nherit the !ind by ,ero$e " wrence nd =obert /> "ee .ron !eed by !illi $ ,> &ennedy .t T kes :ill ge by Hill ry #linton , ne /yre by #h rlotte 1rontG The ,oy "uck #lub by A$y T n ,ulius # es r by !illi $ -h kes0e re The ,u$0ing Frog by M rk Tw in The ,ungle by 30ton -incl ir ,ust #ou0le of ( ys by Tony :igorito The &itchen 1oy* A 9ovel of the " st Ts r by =obert Ale< nder &itchen #onfidenti l* Adventures in the #ulin ry 3nderbelly by Anthony 1ourd in The &ite =unner by &h led Hosseini 6 st rted nd not finished " dy #h tterleys) "over by (> H> " wrence The " st /$0ire* /ss ys 199727888 by Gore :id l "e ves of Gr ss by ! lt !hit$ n The "egend of 1 gger : nce by -teven 5ressfield "ess Th n Fero by 1ret / ston /llis "etters to +oung 5oet by = iner M ri =ilke "ies nd the "ying "i rs !ho Tell The$ by Al Fr nken "ife of 5i by + nn M rtel "ittle (orrit by #h rles (ickens The "ittle "ocks$ith by & th rine 1utler H th w y The "ittle M tch Girl by H ns #hristi n Andersen "ittle !o$en by "ouis M y Alcott "iving History by Hill ry =odh $ #linton "ord of the Flies by !illi $ Golding The "ottery* And Other -tories by -hirley , ckson

The "ovely 1ones by Alice -ebold The "ove -tory by /rich -eg l M cbeth by !illi $ -h kes0e re M d $e 1ov ry by Gust ve Fl ubert The M nticore by =obertson ( vies M r thon M n by !illi $ Gold$ n The M ster nd M rg rit by Mikh il 1ulg kov Me$oirs of (utiful ( ughter by -i$one de 1e uvoir Me$oirs of Gener l !> T> -her$ n by !illi $ Tecu$seh -her$ n Me T lk 5retty One ( y by ( vid -ed ris The Me ning of #onsuelo by ,udith Orti% #ofer Mencken)s #hresto$ thy by H> => Mencken The Merry !ives of !indsro by !illi $ -h kes0e re The Met $or0hosis by Fr n% & fk Middlese< by ,effrey /ugenides The Mir cle !orker by !illi $ Gibson Moby (ick by Her$ n Melville The Mo4o #ollection* The 3lti$ te Music #o$0 nion by ,i$ .rvin Moliere* A 1iogr 0hy by Hob rt #h tfield T ylor A Monet ry History of the 3nited -t tes by Milton Fried$ n Monsieur 5roust by #eleste Alb ret A Month Of -und ys* -e rching For The -0irit And My -ister by ,ulie M rs A Move ble Fe st by /rnest He$ingw y Mrs> ( llow y by :irgini !oolf Mutiny on the 1ounty by #h rles 9ordhoff nd , $es 9or$ n H ll My " i 4* A =e0ort on the M ss cre nd .t)s After$ th by -ey$our M> Hersh My "ife s Author nd /ditor by H> => Mencken My "ife in Or nge* Growing 30 with the Guru by Ti$ Guest Myr ! ldo)s Tr vel nd Motoring Guide to /uro0e; 19H8 by Myr ! ldo My -ister)s &ee0er by ,odi 5icoult The 9 ked nd the (e d by 9or$ n M iler The 9 $e of the =ose by 3$berto /co The 9 $es ke by ,hu$0 " hiri The 9 nny (i ries by /$$ Mc" ughlin 9ervous -yste$* Or; "osing My Mind in "iter ture by , n " rs ,ensen 9ew 5oe$s of /$ily (ickinson by /$ily (ickinson The 9ew ! y Things !ork by ( vid M c ul y 9ickel nd (i$ed by 1 rb r /hrenreich 9ight by /lie !iesel 9orth nger Abbey by , ne Austen The 9orton Anthology of Theory nd #riticis$ by !illi $ /> # in; " urie A> Finke; 1 rb r /> ,ohnson; ,ohn 5> McGow n 9ovels 19A821947* ( nce 9ightC#o$e 1 ck to -orrento; Turn; M gic !heelCAngels on To stCA Ti$e to be 1orn by ( wn 5owell

9otes of (irty Old M n by #h rles 1ukowski Of Mice nd Men by ,ohn -teinbeck Old -chool by Tobi s !olff On the =o d by , ck &erou c One Flew Over the #uckoo)s 9est by &en &esey One Hundred +e rs of -olitude by G briel G rci M rIue% The O00osite of F te* Me$ories of !riting "ife by A$y T n Or cle 9ight by 5 ul Auster Ory< nd #r ke by M rg ret Atwood Othello by -h kes0e re Our Mutu l Friend by #h rles (ickens The Outbre k of the 5elo0onnesi n ! r by (on ld & g n Out of Afric by .s c (ineson The Outsiders by -> /> Hinton A 5 ss ge to .ndi by />M> Forster The 5e ce of 9ici s nd the -icili n /<0edition by (on ld & g n The 5erks of 1eing ! llflower by -te0hen #hbosky 5eyton 5l ce by Gr ce Met lious The 5icture of (ori n Gr y by Osc r !ilde 5igs t the Trough by Ari nn Huffington 5inocchio by # rlo #ollodi 5le se &ill Me* The 3ncensored Or l History of 5unk "egs Mc9eil nd Gilli n Mc# in The 5olysyll bic -0ree by 9ick Hornby 6 re d The 5ort ble (orothy 5 rker by (orothy 5 rker The 5ort ble 9iet%che by Fredrich 9iet%che The 5rice of "oy lty* George !> 1ush; the !hite House; nd the /duc tion of 5 ul O)9eill by =on -uskind 5ride nd 5re4udice by , ne Austen 5ro0erty by : lerie M rtin 5ushkin* A 1iogr 0hy by T> ,> 1inyon 5yg$ lion by George 1ern rd -h w @u ttrocento by , $es Mcke n A @uiet -tor$ by = chel How%ell H ll = 0un%el by Gri$$ 1rothers The = ven by /dg r All n 5oe The = %or)s /dge by !> -o$erset M ugh $ =e ding "olit in Tehr n* A Me$oir in 1ooks by A% r 9 fisi =ebecc by ( 0hne du M urier 6 =ebecc of -unnybrook F r$ by & te (ougl s !iggin The =ed Tent by Anit (i $ nt =escuing 5 tty He rst* Me$ories Fro$ (ec de Gone M d by :irgini Hol$ n The =eturn of the &ing* The "ord of the =ings 1ook A by ,> => => Tolkien DT1=E = .s for =icochet by -ue Gr fton

=it H yworth by -te0hen &ing =obert)s =ules of Order by Henry =obert =o$ n Holid y by /dith !h rton =o$eo nd ,uliet by !illi $ -h kes0e re A =oo$ of One)s Own by :irgini !oolf A =oo$ with :iew by /> M> Forster =ose$ ry)s 1 by by .r "evin The =ough Guide to /uro0e; 788A /dition - cred Ti$e by 3rsul Hegi - nctu ry by !illi $ F ulkner - v ge 1e uty* The "ife of /dn -t> :incent Mill y by 9 ncy Milford - y Goodbye to ( isy Miller by Henry , $es The -c recrow of O% by Fr nk "> 1 u$ The -c rlet "etter by 9 th niel H wthorne -e biscuit* An A$eric n "egend by " ur Hillenbr nd The -econd -e< by -i$one de 1e uvoir The -ecret "ife of 1ees by -ue Monk &idd -ecrets of the Flesh* A "ife of #olette by ,udith Thur$ n -elected Hotels of /uro0e -elected "etters of ( wn 5owell* 191A219JB by ( wn 5owell -ense nd -ensibility by , ne Austen A -e0 r te 5e ce by ,ohn &nowles -ever l 1iogr 0hies of !inston #hurchill -e<us by Henry Miller The -h dow of the !ind by # rlos =ui% F fon -h ne by , ck -h efer The -hining by -te0hen &ing -iddh rth by Her$ nn Hesse - .s for -ilence by -ue Gr fton -l ughter2house Five by &urt :onnegut -$ ll .sl nd by Andre "evy -nows of &ili$ n4 ro by /rnest He$ingw y -now !hite nd =ose =ed by Gri$$ 1rothers -oci l Origins of (ict torshi0 nd (e$ocr cy* "ord nd 5e s nt in the M king of the Modern !orld by 1 rrington Moore The -ong of 9 $es by 9or$ n "ebrecht -ong of the -i$0le Truth* The #o$0lete 5oe$s of ,uli de 1urgos by ,uli de 1urgos The -ong =e der by "is Tucker -ongbook by 9ick Hornby The -onnets by !illi $ -h kes0e re -onnets fro$ the 5ortuegese by /li% beth 1 rrett 1rowning -o0hie)s #hoice by !illi $ -tyron The -ound nd the Fury by !illi $ F ulkner

-0e k; Me$ory by :l di$ir 9 bokov -tiff* The #urious "ives of Hu$ n # d vers by M ry =o ch The -tory of My "ife by Helen &eller A -treetc r 9 $ed (esiree by Tennessee !illi $s -tu rt "ittle by /> 1> !hite -un Also =ises by /rnest He$ingw y -w nn)s ! y by M rcel 5roust -wi$$ing with Gi nts* My /ncounters with !h les; (ol0hins nd -e ls by Anne #ollett -ybil by Flor =het -chreiber A T le of Two #ities by #h rles (ickens Tender .s The 9ight by F> -cott Fit%ger ld Ter$ of /nde r$ent by " rry McMurtry Ti$e nd Ag in by , ck Finney The Ti$e Tr veler)s !ife by Audrey 9iffenegger To H ve nd H ve 9ot by /rnest He$ingw y To &ill Mockingbird by H r0er "ee The Tr gedy of =ich rd ... by !illi $ -h kes0e re A Tree Grows in 1rooklyn by 1etty -$ith The Tri l by Fr n% & fk The True nd Outst nding Adventures of the Hunt -isters by /lis beth =obinson Truth ' 1e uty* A Friendshi0 by Ann 5 tchett Tuesd ys with Morrie by Mitch Albo$ 3lysses by , $es ,oyce The 3n bridged ,ourn ls of -ylvi 5l th 19B8219J7 by -ylvi 5l th 3ncle To$)s # bin by H rriet 1eecher -towe 3nless by # rol -hields : lley of the (olls by , cIueline -us nn The : nishing 9ews0 0er by 5hili0 Meyers : nity F ir by !illi $ M ke0e ce Th cker y :elvet 3nderground)s The :elvet 3nderground nd 9ico DThirty Three nd Third seriesE by ,oe H rv rd The :irgin -uicides by ,effrey /ugenides ! iting for Godot by - $uel 1eckett ! lden by Henry ( vid Thore u ! lt (isney)s 1 $bi by Feli< - lten ! r nd 5e ce by "eo Tolstoy !e Owe +ou 9othing 6 5unk 5l net* The #ollected .nterviews edited by ( niel -inker !h t #olour is +our 5 r chuteK 788B by =ich rd 9elson 1olles !h t H 00ened to 1 by , ne by Henry F rrell !hen the /$0eror ! s (ivine by ,ulie Otsuk !ho Moved My #heeseK -0encer ,ohnson

!ho)s Afr id of :irgini !oolf by /dw rd Albee 6 re d !icked* The "ife nd Ti$es of the !icked !itch of the !est by Gregory M guire 6 st rted nd not finished The !i% rd of O% by Fr nk "> 1 u$ !uthering Heights by /$ily 1rontG The +e rling by M r4orie &inn n = wlings The +e r of M gic l Thinking by ,o n (idion A #onfeder cy of (unces by ,ohn &ennedy Toole

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