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Preparation of Diethyl Ether




To prepare diethyl ether in the laboratory by heating ethyl alcohol and concentrated sulfuric acid.


distillation flask tap funnel filtration paper ring stand burner ice-bath Ethyl alcohol 0.01M KMnO4

water cooled condenser thermometer rubber tubing clamp asbestos-covered wire gauze litmus paper concentrated H2SO4

1. 2. 3.

During the condensation process, do not forget opening the faucet to cool vapor. Ether is volatile liquid. Close the mouth of filtration flask with the rubber tubing. Place the filtration flask into the ice bath. Do not smell ethers.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Set up the apparatus as shown in the Figure. Place 50ml of ethyl alcohol into the distillation flask. Add 20ml of conc. sulfuric acid into the same distillation flask. Put 25ml of ethyl alcohol into the tap funnel. Heat the distillation flask on asbestos-covered wire gauze. Add ethyl alcohol from the tap funnel at the same rate at which ether distils. 7. 8. Boil 5 more minutes after ethyl alcohol has finished in the tap funnel. Stop boiling.
Ethyl alcohol Sulfuric acid Diethyl ether Water in Ice water Water out Ethyl alcohol

1. 2. 3. Write the equation for the reaction. Why is sulfuric acid use in this reaction? What is the function of the ice-bath.

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