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More Online Works About St

Thomas Aquinas.
Due to the popularity of my previous document, ONLINE WORKS BY AND ABOUT ST THOMAS
AQUINAS, I've decided to post more links. These links include written texts of lectures and
audio,video resources.

Source and License.

Lectures from the Thomistic Institute's

Summer Lecture Series.
Note: The 2002 Lecture was either never held, or addresses were never posted.

Keynote Address to the Thomistic Institutes Summer Lecture series, 1997 by Ralph McInerny.

From Mendel to Biotechnology: A Critical Look at the Historical Development and Philosophical
Foundations of Modern Biology, by Martin Hewlett, Ph. D

Relationship of Natural Science and Philosophy of Nature in Light of Recent Developments in Physics
by Leo Elders

Science, Philosophy, and Theology in the Thomistic Tradition by Fr. William Wallace, O.P.

Experience of Reality, Integrity, and God by Angelo Campondonico

On Scientific Truth: A Thomistic Approach to Karl Popper by Fr Mariano Artigas

Human Science: Its Nature and Scope from a Thomistic Standpoint by Mario Sacchi

Opening and Keynote Address Thomistic Institute, Summer Lect. Series, by Ralph McIrnerny

"Reductionism in Biology: When It Works and When It Doesn't" by Martin Hewlett

"Karol Wojtyla's Integral Anthropology: An Invitation To Join Theology And Philosophy"

by Monsignor Lluis Clavell.

Does Void Exist?: The Thomistic Rejection of its Presence in the Natural World" by Mario Sacchi

"From Schrödinger's Cat to Thomistic Ontology" by Wolfgang Smith

"Time in Natural Sciences" by Milos Lokajiicek

"Natural, Human and Divine Creativity. A Reflection on the Presuppositions and Implications of
Scientific Progress." by Fr Mariano Artigas

"Scientific Method and the Human Soul in Aristotle's De anima" by Steve Snyder

"Cosmic and Human Time" by Fr Juan Jose Sanguineti

"Aquinas on Creation and the Metaphysical Foundations of Science" by William Carroll

"Time and Universe." by Mario Castagnino

"Matter, Prime Matter, and Elements" by Steve Baldner

"Thinking of Creation" by Angelo Campodonico

"Is Nature Accessible to the Mathematical Physicist?" by Fr William Wallace, O.P.

Opening and Keynote Address Thomistic Institutes Summer Lect Series, 1999, by Ralph McIrnerny

"John Paul II as Defender of Faith and Reason" by Jude Dougherty

"Fides et Ratio and Nihilism" by Vittorio Possenti

"The Lasting Value of Dogmatic Formulas" by Fr. Leo Elders

"The Scientific Revolution and Contemporary Discourse on Faith and Reason." by William Carroll

"The Validity of Metaphysics" by Fr Benedict Ashely

"Entrusting Ourselves: Fides et Ratio and Augustine's de utilitate credendi" by Ann Gardiner

"Maritain on the Cartesian Rupture of Faith and Reason" by John Hittinger

"Audacity of Reason -- Obedience of Faith" by Alejandro Llano

"Global Warming and Nuclear Power" by Peter Hodgson

"The Angst of Reason" by Remi Brague

"Christian Philosophy, Etienne Gilson, and Fides et ratio" by Steven Baldner

"Contemporary Philosophy Facing Faith and Reason" by Angelo Campodonico

"Truth and Truths. A Crucial Distinction in the Encyclical" by William Hoye

"Vocation of Philosophy" by John Haldane

"The Third Millenium and the Philosophical Life or Celsus, Don't Despair" by Fr Michael Sherwin

"Conceptions of Reason" by Christopher Martin

"The Place of Philosophy in the Moral Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas" by Fr Servais Pinckaers

"Consolatio Philosophiae: Philosophy Consoling and Consoled" by Steve Snyder

"Faith, Reason and Logic" by Roger Pouivet

"Faith and Reason: Aquinas' Two Strategies" by Cyrille Michon

"The Social Foundation of Realist Metaphysics" by Grace Goodell

"The Exaltation of Metaphysics in John Paul II's Fides et ratio" by Mario Sacchi

"Fides et Ratio and the Graceful Redemption of Philosophy" by Jennifer Hockenbery

Summer Lecture Series 2,000. Keynote Address not online

"The Doctrine of Causality in Aquinas and the Book of Causes: One Key to Understanding the Nature
of Divine Action" by Fr Michael Dodds, O.P.

"St. Thomas and the Bible" by Fr Leo Elders

"Aristotle and Aquinas on Soul" by Roger Pouivet

"Aristotle as Source for St. Thomas's Doctrine of Being" Fr Lawrence Dewan, O.P.

"Aristotle's De Anima as Source for Aquinas' Anthropological Doctrine" by Maria Lukac de Siter

"Aristotle's De Sensu et Sensato and De Memoria et Reminiscentia as Thomistic Sources" by Fr

Benedict Ashley, O.P.

"Aquinas and the Platonic Theme of Measure" by Alice Ramos

"Thomas Aquinas on Phantasia: Rooted in but Transcending Aristotle's De Anima" by Anthony Lisska

"The Different Senses of 'Being' according to Aristotle and Aquinas" by Alejandro Llano

"Aristotle and Aquinas on the Division of Natural Philosophy" by Marie George

"Sources of St. Thomas' Teaching on Prime Matter" by Steven Baldner

"Aquinas on the Development of Doctrine" Christopher Kaczor

"'Bonum ex integra causa': Aquinas and the Sources of Ethics" by Angelo Copmodonico

"Thomas Aquinas on the Reality of Time" by Steve Snyder

"From Augustine's Mind to Aquinas' Soul" by John O'Callaghan

"Augustine and Aquinas on War" by John Hittinger

Summer Lecture Series 2001 Keynote Address not online

Nature as a Metaphysical Object by Fr Lawrence Dewan

Distinguer pour Unir: Aquinas v. Putnam on the Unity of Nature by John O'Callaghan

The Primary End of Marriage Anthony Rizzi

Aquinas, Nature, and Teleology by Vittorio Possenti

Maritain on the Limits of the Empiriometric by Jude Dougherty

Nature as the Basis of Moral Actions by Fr Leo Elders

From Nature to God: The Physical Character of St. Thomas Aquinas' First Way by Mario Sacchi

Art Perfects Nature Fr Benedict Ashley

The Natural and the Supernatural in St. Thomas' Early Doctrine of Truth by Michael Waddell

Philosophical Anthropology Facing Aquinas? Concept of Human Nature by Angelo Campodonico

Regarding the Nature of the Object of the Moral Act According to St. Thomas Aquinas Steven Long

St. Thomas on Substantial Unity Against the Pluriformists by John Goyette

The Status of Thomas? Commentary on the Nichomachean Ethics by Christopher Kaczor

Nature as Determinatio ad Unum: The Case of Natural Virtue by Marie George

Human Nature, Poetic Narrative, and Moral Agency by Fr Robert Gahl

Thomistic Institute's Summer Lecture Series, 2,003. 2,002 not online.

“The Divine in Aquinas’s Commentary on the Ethics: Can we be Good without God?” by Christopher

“«Lire les mystiques sans Dieu»: Interpersonal Communication, Mystical Language, and God in the
Late Roland Barthes” by Marco Maggi

“Without God: Resentment and Utopia in Mainstream Fiction” by Paolo Braga

“Aristotle vs. the Neo-Darwinians on Human Nature and the Foundations of Ethics” by Marie George

“How God Enters the Ethics that didn’t Allow for Him: Starting from Kant” by Luciano Sesta

“The Role of God in the Ethical Thought of Thomas Aquinas” by Giacomo Samek Lodovici

“Moral Proofs Revisited” by James Krueger

“Is Ethical Naturalism Possible in Thomas Aquinas?” by Anthony J. Lisska

The Natural, The Connatural, and the Unnatural by J. Budziszewski

Readings From Thomas International

See their homepage. Click on titles to read the texts, and authors names (when linked) for biography).

Thomas Aquinas, "Treatise on Law"

Fulvio Di Blasi, "Knowledge of the Good as Participation in God's Love"
Fulvio Di Blasi, "Practical Syllogism, Proairesis, and the Virtues: Toward a Reconciliation of
Virtue Ethics and Natural Law Ethics"
Fulvio Di Blasi, "L'Occidente e la felicità? Un obiettivo che si fa sempre più indefinibile"
Fulvio Di Blasi, "The Concept of Truth and the Object of Human Knowledge"
Robert A. Gahl, “Common Good, Sovereignty, and Subsidiarity”
Robert P. George, "Kelsen and Aquinas on "the Natural-Law Doctrine"
Samuel Gregg, “Natural Law and Constitutionalism: Towards Ordered Liberty”
Russell Hittinger, “Comments on Yves Simon’s The Tradition of Natural Law”
Jeffrey Langan, “The Spirit of the City: The Problem of Republican Citizenship in Global
David O’Connor, “Rewriting the Poets in Plato’s Characters”
Anthony O. Simon, “Presentation of Yves Simon’s The Tradition of Natural Law”
Christopher Wolfe, "Natural Law Liberalism and the Issues Facing Contemporary American
Public Philosophy"
Ralph McInerny, "Aquinas on Divine Omnipotence"
Ralph McInerny, "Europe: The Mirror of the Future"
Ralph McInerny, "Natural Law and Human Rights"
Yves Simon, "Maritain's Philosophy of the Sciences"
Yves Simon, "The Rationality of the Christian Faith"
Christopher Wolfe , "Can (and Should) We ‘Legislate Morality'?"

Universitas Journal
The Center For Thomistic Studies, Sydney, Austrailia

St Thomas and the Problem of Evil (PDF), by Geoff Deegan

the Goodness Of Being According To St Thomas, By Geoff Deegan

"The Thomistic Pietas: Translations and Comparative Considerations" by Douglas

K. Mikkelson Associate Professor of RELS University of Hawai'I - Hilo

St Thomas Money And Capital, by Don Boland

The Five Ways and Modern Science, by John Ziegler

Transcendental Thomism: Reflections upon a legacy of Descartes, by John Ziegler

St Francis de Sales and St Thomas Aquinas, by Audrey English

The First Way: A Comment on Sir Anthony Kenny's Interpretation of St Thomas'

Proof of God's Existence, Don Boland

Postmodernism and Thomism, Don Boland

Corpus Christi and St. Thomas, by James Chegwidden

The Organic Nature of Thomism, by Andrew Nimmo

St Thomas on the Stock Exchange, by Don Boland

The Popes on Thomism,

To see all the fine articles Universitas has online go HERE.

Thomistic Scholars Online
James Hugh Francis. Scroll down for links to his writings.

Joseph Magee.

Professor Joseph Incandela.

Joseph Cahalan.

Audio/Video Lectures
Aquinas on the decalogue. 20 minutes

1. From EWTN. Approx. 30 minutes eachogram Name: Why do we need

Listen Now
Description: Dr. Farnan talks about Reason God’s revelation of his divine nature
and His loving plan for.

2. Program Name: Can we really prove God’s Existence?

Listen Now
Description: Five proofs that belief in God is not irrational and/or is not merely a matter of opinion.

3. Program Name: What can we know about God?

Listen Now
Description: St. Thomas’s teachings on God’s Divine attributes.

4. Program Name: What is Truth?

Listen Now
Description: St. Thomas’s teaching on the fact that God is Truth and all truth comes from God.

5. Program Name: What is True Happiness?

Listen Now
Description: Why nothing here on earth will make us truly happy.

6. Program Name: What is Virtue?

Listen Now
Description: What are the intellectual, cardinal, and theological virtues?

7. Program Name: We are Body and Soul

Listen Now
Description: The extremes of Materialism and Spiritualism

8. Program Name: Our Conscience and Will

Listen Now
Description: Our conscience directs us towards the truth about the good we should do.

9. Program Name: What is freedom?

Listen Now
Description: What it means to have a free will. How we know that we have a free will. Freedom and
its relation to the truth Common errors about the nature of freedom.

10. Program Name: What is the Natural Law?

Listen Now
Description: The Natural Law is the answer to positivism and pragmatism.

11. Program Name: Can we Really Know Right from Wrong?

Listen Now
Description: Our Intellect and Will work together to make moral choices.

12. Program Name: The Thomistic Response to the Culture of Death

Listen Now
Description: The philosophical origins of the culture of death, which lead to abortion, euthanasia and
13. Program Name: St. Thomas and the Philosophy of John Paul II
Listen Now
Description: The importance of philosophical realism and personalism.
Aristotelian Reflections in Post-Modern Times. Length unknown. Plays in popup

Medieval Intellectual Tradition. The following are from lectures at the

University of Sydney, Australia. Links to written study Guides related to these
lectures follow, under the heading Reading Guides. Source Page.
To download and then listen: In Netscape for Windows, use the right mouse
button to click on the "download" link to the audio file, choose "Save link as". This
will download the file to your computer (it will take quite a while). To listen to it,
in Windows Explorer doubleclick on the filename. This will open the file in
Winamp. (Notice in Winamp the "seeking bar" -- by dragging it you can skip to a
later or earlier point in the file.)
To listen now: left click on the "listen" link. Unless you have a fast internet connection it is better to
1. Kilcullen, Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy, download; listen [The setting. The problem: why
does God allow the wicked to prevail? How does God guide the universe and to what goal? The "good"
(goal) for human beings; views of Aristotle, the Stoics, the neo-Platonists. Consolations derived from
Stoic philosophy, books 1-3. The problem reasserted (begining of Book 4). Arguments of Plato's
Gorgias, to the effect that the wicked are really weak and wickedness is its own punishment. The
problem again reasserted (4, pr. 5). Providence and fate. There is no such thing as chance. But we have
free choice. God has foreknowledge. Our free choice and God's foreknowledge are not inconsistent.]
2. Kilcullen, Boethius, Other Writings, download; listen [A list of Boethius' writings. His
contributions to the liberal arts and to philosophy reflect the philosophical education at Alexandria.
Plato's educational plan, Republic 398ff, 524ff, 531ff. The "Platonist" school. Translations of Greek
mathematics, science, philosophy, medicine etc. into Arabic, then in the 12th century into Latin; until
then Boethius the main source of Greek philosophical material in Latin. What is available in English
translation of Boethius' other writings. An account of his discussion of universals in his commentary on
Porphyry's Introduction. Aporetic method. What is the problem about universals? Abstraction as
Boethius' solution.]
3. Kilcullen, Boethius, Medieval Logic, download; listen [More on universals -- Ockham's approach.
Aristotle, On Interpretation, ch. 9, on statements about future acts within our power. Difficulties for
religious thinkers in the suggestion that such statements do not become true or false until the event does
or does not happen. On logic: the books included in volume 1 of Aristotle's Works. Assessing an
argument -- are the premises true, does the conclusion follow. Logic concerned with what follows from
what. This depends on the skeletal structure of the argument -- if any argument with a certain structure
has true premisses but false conclusion, then in no argument with that structure does the conclusion
follow. Aristotle's achievement in the Prior Analytics.]
4. Scott, Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People, download; listen. [The importance of
history within the western intellectual tradition. Medieval historians, like the classical predecessors
who influenced them, were rhetors, skilled in the technique of 'invention'. Their rhetorical background
explains: (i) their use of attributed direct speech; (ii) their predilection for hagiographical stereotyping;
(iii) their concern for literary style. Christian aspects of medieval history writing: (1) conception of
history as a comprehensible whole; (2) a concern with time and accurate dating; (3) explanatory themes
derived from the biblical (especially Old Testament) conception of history.]
5. Kilcullen, Augustine, City of God, download, listen. [Augustine thinks not in opposites but in terms
of an order with many levels. Manicheanism; his theory of evil. Structure of the City of God. Some
themes: Fate, foreknowledge and free will; the greatness of the Roman empire, honour as a simulacrum
of virtue; the two cities; the possibility of cooperation between citizens of the two cities.]
6. Scott, Gregory the Great, download, listen [Pope Gregory 1 (the Great) was the highly influential
moral teacher of Europe between 600 and 1100. Manuscript survivals, library catalogues and citations
by many other writers show his popularity. His Letters were mined for information; his works of
biblical exegesis, especially his Moralia on the book of Job, were regarded as models of allegorical
exposition by later writers and enshrined practical moral advice with a Stoic bent; his Pastoral Care
provided a model of leadership for the secular clergy; his Dialogues introduced a new model of sanctity
based on everyday Christian virtues. In general, his writings portrayed a world where the boundaries
between the natural and supernatural were porous and advocated the individual's obligations to other
members of the body of Christ.]
7. Kilcullen, Augustine on Freewill and Predestination, download, listen [Augustine's conception of
free choice. According to Pelagius, living the good life is up to you. Augustine's dissatisfaction with
Pelagius' doctrine. According to Augustine, after the Fall, human beings need God's help for each and
every good act of choice. This help is gratuitous, not earned or deserved as a right. Needed also is the
gift of perseverance; salvation or damnation depends on the state in which one dies. Predestination.
Adam's sin attributed to all human beings. The basis for Augustine's doctrine in the bible (see extracts
from bible). Later contests over Augustine's doctrine: Ockham, Bradwardine and Gregory of Rimini,
Luther, Calvin, Molina, Jansen, Arnauld, Arminius.]
8. Kilcullen, Anselm 1, download, listen [See written lectures 1 and 2. This lecture contains little new
material but reinforces points made in the written lectures, especially in relation to the argument types
Anselm uses, and the difference between philosophical and revealed theology.]
9. Kilcullen, Anselm 2, download, listen [A discussion mainly of the kinds of necessity. In Anselm's
school basic questions relating to the credibility of Christianity were actively discussed.]
9. Scott, Monastic intellectual culture in the West, download, listen [Monastery a school in how to
live. What did they read? The Bible, books of the Fathers, but also the pagan classics. How did they
read? Meditatively; to fix in the memory; their writing full of reminiscences of what they read.
Allegorical reading. What they wrote: copied MSS. Concrete genres such as letters, history, saits lives,
pastoral, not abstract speculation. History writing a classical genre; the monks wrote to record God's
deeds. Saints lives stereotyped.]
10. Kilcullen, Medieval Science, download, listen [Translation of Greek science and philosophy into
Arabic; prestige of Greek medicine. In the 12th century translations into Latin from Arabic and Greek.
Content of Aristotle's writings in natural philosophy. Conflicts between Aristotle's philosophy and
Christianity. Criticisms of Aristotle's natural philosophy. The scientific revolution. Reading list.]
11. Ward, Urban Schools and Universities 1, download, listen [Carolingian renaissance: grammar,
rhetoric, dialectic, classical literature; invention of Carolingian script. Survival of the educational
program in some places, notably Chartres. Controversies: Investiture contest, Eucharist, marriage,
satan, conversion of Muslims and Jews. Translations. Knowledge becomes objectified. Areas of study:
the Bible, Aristotle, Platonism, hermeneutic matters. French cathedral schools -- Laon, Reims,
Chartres, Paris. Interests of students. Curriculum. Dialectic, theology, literature, philosophy.
Accomodation of students. The licence to teach.]
12. Ward, Urban Schools and Universities 2, download, listen [Foundations of universities of Paris,
Bologna and Oxford. Reading and discussion of documents "Authentica habita", Letter of Innocent III
(1208-1209), and "Rules of the University of Paris" Resources Book, pp. 221, 223, 224-6.]
13. Ward, Urban Schools and Universities 3, download, listen [The curriculum. Demands of the
market. Eclipse of rhetoric by letter writing skills, then (with the advent of the universities) by
disputation. Of the seven liberal arts, the others were modified, but rhetoric was the only one that died.
In the 12th century no fixed curriculum in the universities. Kinds of reasoning distinguished
(apodeictic, dialectical, sophistical). From 12th to 13th centuries general competence replaced by
specialisation. Late 12th century: missionary theology. Increased contact with Jews. Hugh of St Victor.
Rupert of Deutz. John of Salisbury's criticism of the schools. Alan of Lille. In the thirteenth century
much controversy and conflict, hence restrictions and condemnations -- 1210, 1231, 1241, 1270, 1277
(pp. 271-2 in Resources Book), etc. Was scholasticism too restrictive to be beneficial? Petrarch.]
14. Ward, Urban Schools and Universities 4, download, listen [Argument of Luca Bianchi, "Censure,
Liberté et progrès intellectuel à l'université de paris au xiiie siècle", Archives d'historie doctrinale et
littéraire du moyen age, 63 (1996), pp. 45-93. (For a different view see "Introduction", Resources Book,
pp. 10-12.) Alan of Lille and the study of rhetoric.]
15. Kilcullen, Medieval Law 1, download, listen. [Law schools in Italy, the universities and colleges at
Bologna. Justinian's Corpus iuris civilis (comprising Code, Digest, Novels, Institutes). Canon law
collections: Burchard of Worms, Decretum (P.L., vol. 140), Ivo of Chartres, Decretum, Panormia (P.L.,
vol. 161). Gratian's Concordia discordantium canonum, (also called Decretum). Illustrative extracts
from Justinian's Digest and Gratian's Decretum.]
16. Kilcullen, Medieval Law 2, download, listen. [Gratian continued. The liber extra. A few
illustrations of the ideas contained in the writings of lawyers -- on marriage, on corporation law and
political philosophy.]
17. Crittenden, Medieval Philosophy 1, medieval philosophy in the 12th century, download, listen [see
lecture outline].
18. Crittenden, Medieval Philosophy 2, Abelard cont. -- recording not successful [see outline].
19. Crittenden, Medieval Philosophy 3, Thomas Aquinas, "Five Ways", download, listen [see outline].
20. Crittenden, Medieval Philosophy 4, Thomas Aquinas, Ethics, download, listen [see outline].
21. Scott, Political Thought in the 14th Century, download, listen [Relations between Church and
secular rulers. Investiture conflict; conflict between Boniface VIII and Philip IV; between John XXII
and Ludwig of Bavaria. Pro-papal writers: Giles of Rome, James of Viterbo. Opponents of papalist
claims: John of Paris, Marsilius of Padua, William of Ockham.]
22. Kilcullen, Predestination in the 14th Century, download, listen [The practice of criticism in 14th
century universities. Recapitulation of Augustine's view on predestination and grace. Ockham's
reworking of the theory. What God could do de potentia dei absoluta, what he does de potentia dei
ordinata. "Facientibus quod is se est Deus non denegat gratiam". Semi-Pelagian? Bradwardine and
Gregory of Rimini as opponents of the new theory.]
23. Kilcullen, 14th century theories on predestination and grace continued, download, listen [Grace
as habitus. Sacraments as sine qua non cause of grace. Possibility of morally good acts done without
grace. Predestination ante or post praevisa merita; reprobation.]
24. Kilcullen, Final lecture, download, listen [Free will: Scotus and Ockham on the will's power for
opposites. Moral theories in the late middle ages: eudaimonistic ethics contrasted with Scotus' notion
that the will has not only an affectio commodi but also an affectio iustitiae (compare Anselm, here and
Connections between medieval and early modern thought -- in philosophy (for more detail, here and
here), in theology (controversies over grace in the reformation, between Molinists and Dominicans,
Jesuits and Jansenists, Arminians and Calvinists), the legal system, the universities.]

Reading Guides
These courses were taught using audio cassette tapes and printed reading books. The reading books
contained photocopied extracts from translations of medieval philosophers. The idea was that the
student would play the cassette, pressing the pause button from time to time to read another segment of
text from the reading book. The cassettes give a detailed commentary on the text.

The web pages listed below are (mostly) transcripts of the audio cassettes. Anyone wishing to use them
will need to have at hand, open on the desk, the text on which the cassette comments (or some
equivalent translation). The commentary is not likely to make much sense without the translations.
(Some of the pages do "stand alone", but most refer to a text.)
Medieval Philosophy: An Introduction
Greek Philosophical Background | Aristotle on the Web | Macquarie Library books on Aristotle
Reading Guide to Boethius, Consolation (The Consolation of Philosophy, tr. V.E. Watts (Penguin,
Boethius on Porphyry (Richard McKeon (ed.), Selections from Medieval Philosophers (New York:
Charles Scribner's Sons).)|
Reading Guide to "The Essential Augustine" (ed. V.J. Bourke, Hackett, 1974)
Anselm's Monologion(J. Hopkins and H.W. Richardson, Anselm of Canterbury (New York: Edwin
Mellen Press, 1974).)
Anselm's Proslogion and Cur deus homo ( E.R. Fairweather, A Scholastic Miscellany: Anselm to
Ockham (London: SCM Press, 1956).)
Reading guide to Anselm's De concordia (Anselm of Canterbury, The Major Works, ed. B. Davies and
G.R. Evans (Oxford University Press, 1998), or Hopkins and Richardson.)
Peter Abelard (Peter Abelard's Ethics, tr. D.E. Luscombe (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971), and
Abelard's "Glosses on Porphyry", in A. Hyman and J.J. Walsh (eds.), Philosophy in the Middle Ages
(Indianapolis: Hackett).)
Abelard (cont.); Abbreviatio montana ( N. Kratzmann and E. Stump (eds.), Logic and the Philosophy
of Language (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).)
Al Ghazali and Averroes (Averroes, Tahafut al-Tahafut, translated S. van den Bergh (London: Luzac),
and Hyman and Walsh, Philosophy in the Middle Ages.)
Averroes, The Incoherence, thirteenth discussion (Averroes, Tahafut al-Tahafut, translated S. van den
Bergh (London: Luzac)
Thomas Aquinas on God (Summa theologiae)
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica (cont.)
The Eternity of the World St. Thomas, Siger de Brabant, St. Bonaventure: On the Eternity of the World
Cyril Vollert, S.J., Lottie Kendzierski, and Paul Byrne, Tr. (Marquette UP).)
Scotus on univocal concepts of God ( Hyman and Walsh, Philosophy in the Middle Ages.)
Scotus's proof of the existence of an infinite being ( Hyman and Walsh.)
Scotus on the primary object of the intellect ( Hyman and Walsh.)
Scotus on the primary object of the intellect (continued) ( Hyman and Walsh.)
Scotus on the primary object of the intellect (concluded); the Formal Distinction ( Hyman and Walsh.)
Scotus on Universals ( Hyman and Walsh.)
Scotus and Ockham on free will ( Hyman and Walsh.)
Ockham on Universals (William of Ockham, Philosophical Writings, ed. P. Boehner (Edinburgh:
Nelson, 1957).)
Ockham on Relations. ( Hyman and Walsh.)
Ockham's Theory of Knowledge ( Hyman and Walsh, William of Ockham, Philosophical Writings (ed.
Boehner), pp.22-4, and William of Ockham Quodlibetal Questions (ed. Freddoso), pp.413-7, 506-8. )
Medieval elements in Descartes (Descartes, Meditations)
Medieval elements in Berkeley, Locke and Hume
Martha Nussbaum on Aristotle. Five videos posted on my blog. This is an
interview hosted by British Philsopher Bryan Magee.

Introduction to St Thomas Aquinas' Metaphysics. Some videos posted on my

blog, a link will take you to the rest.

Ralph McIrnerny on Aquinas, Metaphysics, and Morality. Seven videos on my

blog. These are excerpts used to advertise an online University study course.

Anthony Kenny on Aquinas and Medieval Philosophy. Five videos on my blog.

This is an interview with British Philosopher Bryan Magee.

Frederick Copleston Talks About Schopenhauer. OK, so it's not about Aquinas.
Five part video posted on my blog. An interview with Bryan Magee. Copleston
wrote one of the great histories of philosophy and a good introduction to Aquinas

St Thomas Day Lecture, 2009: Aquinas’ Use Of Scripture In His Commentary On

Romans Audio. A St Thomas Day Lecture. An outstanding presentation by Robert
Louis Wilkens. The first several minutes are taken up with preliminaries and
introductions, but it's well worth the wait.

Preaching The Mystery: Grace And Truth in St Bernard Another St Thomas Day

St. Thomas Aquinas, Moral Theology, and the Structure of the Summa Theologiae
by Fr John Corbett. 21 minutes.
Audio Books on Aquinas. Sorry, you gotta pay for these.

St Thomas Aquinas: The Giants Of Philosophy. One of the audio books on the
page linked to above is this work, narrated by the late Charlton Heston. This is a
brief excerpt.

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