Staff Code of Conduct Template

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Staff Code of Conduct

THE ORGANISATION expects all employees to comply with management and to conform to THE ORGANISATIONs r les at all times! If these r les are disregarded or the employee "eha#es wrongly in some other way THE ORGANISATION may discipline employees! $isciplinary action can consist of formal oral warning% written warning% a final written warning% dismissal or% in the case of gross miscond ct% s mmary dismissal!

&! Employees sho ld comply with the terms of their employment! '! Employees sho ld satisfactorily perform the instr ctions gi#en for carrying o t the f nction of their employment! (! Employees sho ld satisfactorily perform any reasona"le re) est relating to their f nction "y an a thorised manager! *! Employees sho ld comply with the Respect National Ser#ice Standard in all their wor+! ,! All a"sence from wor+% except for reasons of sic+ness% sho ld "e a thorised! -! There sho ld "e proper and a thorised se of THE ORGANISATION e) ipment% time and property! .! /a+ing of long or n mero s pri#ate telephone calls 0and emails1 is not permitted! 2! Remo#al of THE ORGANISATION property from the premises witho t permission is not permitted! 3! 4 ll5time employees are not allowed to ta+e other paid employment witho t the written permission of the line manager 6 this permission will not "e nreasona"ly ref sed! &7! All safety r les sho ld "e adhered to at all times! &&! Safety e) ipment sho ld "e sed at all appropriate times! &'! Threatening% aggressi#e or #iolent "eha#io r or lang age is not permitted and may lead to dismissal 6 this applies "oth d ring wor+ing ho rs and o tside of the wor+ en#ironment! &(! $iscriminatory "eha#io r% lang age% or non5#er"al lang age is not permitted! &*! Harassment of indi#id als% whether sex al or otherwise% is not permitted! &,! 8 llying of indi#id als% in any form% is not permitted! &-! 8eha#io r or actions that wo ld in any way 9eopardise the safety or well5"eing of other employees is not permitted! &.! :nnecessary disclos re of confidential information concerning the wor+ of THE ORGANISATION or its employees is not permitted 0this does not affect the employee;s rights nder the < "lic Interest $isclos re Act &3321! &2! The drin+ing of alcohol or the ta+ing of illegal dr gs on THE ORGANISATION premises is not permitted! &3! Gam"ling on THE ORGANISATION premises is not permitted!


Octo"er '772

'7! Smo+ing or drin+ing on THE ORGANISATION premises is not permitted! '&! Employees m st not "eha#e in a way that "rings or may "ring THE ORGANISATION into disrep te! ''! Employees will not "ring sex ally explicit material 0pornographic1 into the wor+place or engage in inappropriate sex ally explicit con#ersation within the wor+place! '(! Employees will treat g ests and clients with respect at all times! '*! Employees will dress in a manner s ita"le for the wor+place! ',! Sho ting and #er"al intimidation is also seen as naccepta"le and will constit te gross miscond ct! '-! No employee will engage in a relationship 0social% sex al or financial1 with a client or ex5client of THE ORGANISATION for at least two years after their contact with THE ORGANISATION has ended! The following are examples of the kind of behaviour which can constitute gross misconduct and which could lead to summary dismissal: <hysical #iolence towards any"ody= this applies to yo r role as an employee " t also o tside of the wor+ en#ironment 8eha#io r that serio sly 9eopardises health or safety Serio s mis se of the tr st that exists "etween employees and anyone for whom THE ORGANISATION is responsi"le Incapacity for wor+ d e to "eing nder the infl ence of illegal dr gs or alcohol Gross ins "ordination $eli"erate damage to THE ORGANISATION property Serio s infringement of the r les of THE ORGANISATION


Octo"er '772

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