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TESCO Fresh Produce Specification v.

02 #ef: &pricot' "oose' Class (' Europe

Valid for: Tesco Europe )ate: *th &pril' 200+







CO!,T#-: #EF: P#O)!CT: E! C"&SS: O#$0$,: V&#$ET-: &PPE&#&,CE: 3$,$3!3 #E8!$#E3E,T 9E!:: )EFECTS < TO"E#&,CES:

TESCO E!#OPE C./&pricots/"/0( &pricots' loose Class $ Spain' France' un1ar2' 3orocco' 0reece' E12pt' $tal2' Portu1al and $sreal Fruit 4ust 5e full2 developed' clean' dr2 and sound. Ver2 hard or soft 6 5ladder2 fruit is not accepta5le. 0reen tin1e on fruit is accepta5le' hard 1reen 5ac71round is not accepta5le. The apricots 4ust 4eet the 4ini4u4 re;uire4ents of the Class 4ar7ed on the carton6punnet as 1overned 52 E! re1ulations.

P#O0#ESS$VE )EFECTS: #ots6=aste: (> 52 fruit count or =ei1ht 9Fruit sho=in1 pro1ressive deca2: 3&.O# )EFECTS: ,on pro1ressive heav2 5ruisin1 *> eav2 insect da4a1e 9internal da4a1e:: 0.*> Chill da4a1e: 0.*> )ust6dirt6visi5le residue: 0.*> eav2 5le4ish' e?cess dr2 scarrin1 9@le4ish e?ceedin1 2 c4 in len1th or (.* c42 total surface area:: *> 3$,O# )EFECTS: Poor colour 9hard 1reen 5ac71round:: (0> 3inor shrivel affectin1 up to half the len1ht of the suture and stal7 area: (0> eav2 5le4ish 9Elon1ated shape e?ceedin1 (c4 lon1 or 0.*c42 total surface area: / to include dr2 cut6puncture6hail da4a1e6ili1ht nsect da4a1e6li1ht scars6li1ht 5ruisin1:: (0> &CCEPT&@"E )EFECTS: Superficail 5le4ish 9elon1ated shape (c4 or 0.* c42 total: / to include li1ht dr2 cut or puncture' hail da4a1e' li1ht scarrin1' li1ht 5ruisin1 3isshapes Closed split stone (NB Cumalative tolerance is maximum 10% for major and minor defects combined - 52 fruit count or =ei1ht)


-ello=6oran1e flesh =ith oran1e patches =ith sli1ht 1reen tin1e.

TESCO Fresh Produce Specification v.02 #ef: &pricot' "oose' Class (' Europe

Valid for: Tesco Europe )ate: *th &pril' 200+







S$ZE #&,0E:

P&C% FE$0 T: )&TE CO)E: Tar1et retail life A C

SAB*/C044 3AC0/C*44 "AC*/*044 D" A*0/**44 One siEe ran1e onl2 per pac7 9(0> tolerance for fruit in the ne?t siEe ran1e: ,et carton =ei1ht to 5e a1reed =ith @u2in1 3ana1er. &ll pre/pac7 la5els and case/end la5els 4ust state the )ispla2 !ntil date 9in the for4at: dd64462222 or dd.44.2222: &pricot loose =ill have a 4ini4u4 life of date of deliver2 to depot plus C da2s )$SP"&- !,T$" A date of deliver2 to depot plus C da2s' 9e.1: date of deliver2 A G .ul2 H C A )ispla2 !ntil: ((60G6200+ or ((.0G.200+:. ,@: &ll la5els 4ust 5e in the lan1ua1e of the countr2 of sale I P#O)!CTS )E"$VE#E) TO )C F$T "ESS T &, B )&-S #ET&$" "$FE F$"" @E #E.ECTE) J> Ver2 hard fruit or ver2 soft 5ladder2 fruit is not accepa5le &ir te4perature in stora1e prior to despatch : /0.*KC to CC &ir te4perature durin1 distri5ution to Tesco: 0/+H6/2KC Product core te4perature on arrival at depot: 0/(0KC Punnet: netted =ith Tesco Value =ine1lass la5el' 5lue net and 5lue ri55on Fi5re 5oard +0?C0 or B0?C0 Pallet confi1uration 6 units per outer: see lo1istic infor4ation fro4 @u2in1 3ana1er ,6& ,6& Tesco Outer Case 5ar codes should 5e a1reed =ith the @u2in1 3ana1er. 9note: 4ini4u4 printin1 siEes for OCC 5arcodes T@C: Product description' includin1 variet2 ,a4e and address of )irect supplier' H na4e of Pri4ar2 supplier' if different Countr2 of ori1in Fei1ht Cali5re )ate code 9)ispla2 !ntil A dd64462222' e.1. 0+60G6200+: Class Tracea5ilit2 code 6 "ot ,u45er Outer/Case la5el infor4ation 4ust 5e stated in the lan1ua1e of the countr2 of sale 9see 1uidance notes on la2out and =ordin1:. Pesticide &pplications: Products 4ust 5e safel2 and le1all2 produced.

3$,$3!3 S!0&# P#ESS!#E TE3PE#&T!#ES:

P#O)!CT P&C%&0E: O!TE# C&SE P&C%&0E: E&, @&# CO)E: P#O)!CT "&@E""$,0: O!TE# C&SE @&# CO)E: O!TE# C&SE "&@E":


TESCO Fresh Produce Specification v.02 #ef: &pricot' "oose' Class (' Europe

Valid for: Tesco Europe )ate: *th &pril' 200+







P#O)!CT S&FET-: ET $C&":

Pri4ar2 suppliers and )irect Secondar2 suppliers 4ust 5e a5le to de4onstrate due dili1ence to ensure products are safel2 and le1all2 produced. Suppliers 4ust ensure that all ris7s associated =ith the safet2 of the product throu1hout production' handlin1' storin1' pac7in1 and deliver2 are properl2 addressed and that these processes confor4 to relevant specifications and E! re1ulations. Tesco plc has co44itted to ensurin1 that the la5our standards of people =or7in1 for our suppliers' 4eets the relevant international standards 5ased on the $nternational "a5our Or1anisation 9$"O: conventions. Fe therefore e?pect all Tesco pri4ar2 suppliers to 7no= and co4pl2 =ith the le1al re;uire4ents for la5our standards in their countr2' and in turn to co44unicate and effect this further do=n their o=n suppl2 chains.

&nne? (. )efect )escriptions and threshold 1uide.

DEFEC )EC&$,SECT 9)&3&0E: S!PE#F$C$&" @"E3$S DEFEC DE!C"#$ #%N Fruit sho=in1 pro1ressive deca2 $ncludes all inverte5rates. Fruit fl2 4a11ots Superficial 5le4ish 9elon1ated shape up to (.0c4 or 0'* s;c4 total: to include dr2 cut or pucture' hail da4a1e' li1ht scarrin1' li1ht scarrin1' li1ht 5ruisin1

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