157 - Understanding Dynamic Shock Analyses

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DynamicAnalyses UnderstandingDynamicShockAnalysesLecture UnderstandingDynamicShockAnalyses.


Understanding Dynamic Shock Analyses

Dynamic Shock Analyses are used for solving random vibration problems that are not stationary.

Direction of Base Excitation Response Spectrum Square Root of the Sum of the Squares (SRSS) Absolute Sum

Original Model

Mechanica Analysis Model LectureNotes Dynamic Shock Analyses Dynamic Shock Analyses are used for solving random vibration problems that are not stationary. In a Dynamic Random Analysis, the assumption is that the excitation is continuous and has been going on for a long time and will continue for a long time. This is what is sometimes referred to as a stationary process. In Dynamic Shock, Mechanica is solving for non-stationary processes. This analysis type is also referred to as a Seismic Analysis, since seismic loads are usually what this analysis is used to design the model for. However, this analysis is not for analyzing impact or impulse loading regardless of what its name suggests. The Dynamic Time Analysis is the analysis of choice when simulating a force such as impulse that exists only for a short period of time and with a known magnitude versus time relationship. The terms and settings associated with this analysis are geared towards users who are familiar with seismic analyses and designing models for an earthquake. A Dynamic Shock analysis can be defined with the following options:

Direction of Base Excitation: You define the direction of the excitation in the model. Response Spectrum: You define the maximum response spectrum of the model. This can be a spectrum of displacement, pseudo-velocity or pseudoacceleration. Mechanica requires at least one of these responses to solve the analysis. These response spectra inherently include damping data, so there is no separate damping field.

Square Root of the Sum of the Squares (SRSS): The response of different modes are combined by summing the square root of the sum of squares of the modal responses. Absolute Sum: The responses of different modes are combined by summing the absolute maximum of each modal response. This technique typically overestimates the maximum response.

UnderstandingDynamicShockAnalysesDemonstration UnderstandingDynamicShockAnalyses_demo.mp4 UnderstandingDynamicShockAnalysesProcedure

Procedure: Understanding Dynamic Shock Analyses

Create a dynamic shock analysis with tabular input. CreateDynShock conveyor_skel.prt

Task 1. Open the Mechanica application and create a dynamic shock analysis.
1. Click Applications > Mechanica. 2. To clarify the Mechanica model display, click Simulation Display toolbar. 3. If necessary, select the Settings tab. 4. In the Load/Constraint Display area of the dialog box, clear the Values check box. from the main

5. Select the Modeling Entities tab and clear the Beams check box. Click OK. The model should now appear as shown in the figure.

6. Click Mechanica Analyses/Studies

from the main toolbar.

7. Click File > New Dynamic > Shock... from the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box. 8. In the Direction of Base Excitation area of the Shock Analysis Definition dialog box, type 1 in the Z field. Verify that the X and Y fields are set to 0. 9. Select the Response Spectrum tab. 10. In the Spectrum of area, select the Acceleration radio button, and verify that the SRSS radio button is selected in the Modal Combination Method area.

11. Click Function

to open the Functions dialog box.

12. Click New... to begin creating a new function. The acceleration response spectrum for this analysis is given by the following table:

Frequency (Hz)

Acceleration (mm/s2)










13. In the Definition area of the dialog box, select Table from the drop-down menu. 14. Click Add Row, verify that the Start at field is set to 1, verify that the Num Rows field is set to 5 and click OK. 15. Populate the table as shown in the figure. Be sure to select Logarithmic and Logarithmic for each of the drop-down menus at the bottom of the dialog box.

16. Click OK to complete the Function Definition and close the dialog box. 17. Click OK to close the Functions dialog box. 18. Click OK to complete the dynamic shock analysis definition. 19. Return to the Standard Pro/ENGINEER mode by clicking Applications > Standard. 20. Click Save from the main toolbar and click OK to save the model. 21. Click File > Erase > Current > Yes to erase the model from memory. This completes the procedure.

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