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Journal of Homosexuality
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Body Image, Eating Disorders, and the Drive for Muscularity in Gay and Heterosexual Men
Scott J. Duggan PhD (cand.) & Donald R. McCreary PhD
a b b a

OISE/University of Toronto

Defence R&D, Toronto Published online: 05 Oct 2008.

To cite this article: Scott J. Duggan PhD (cand.) & Donald R. McCreary PhD (2004) Body Image, Eating Disorders, and the Drive for Muscularity in Gay and Heterosexual Men, Journal of Homosexuality, 47:3-4, 45-58, DOI: 10.1300/J082v47n03_03 To link to this article:

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Body Image, Eating Disorders, and the Drive for Muscularity in Gay and Heterosexual Men: The Influence of Media Images
Scott J. Duggan, PhD (cand.)
OISE/University of Toronto

Donald R. McCreary, PhD

Defence R&D, Toronto

SUMMARY. This Internet research project examined the relationship between consumption of muscle and fitness magazines and/or various
Scott J. Duggan is a graduate student at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, where he is working toward his PhD in counselling psychology. He received his Master of Arts degree from York University in social psychology. His main areas of research include self-esteem and body image of gay and lesbian individuals. He is also interested in gay individuals perceptions of the publics attitude towards them. Dr. Donald R. McCreary is a Defence Scientist with the Stress and Coping Group at Defence R&D CanadaToronto. His research interests include mens health, male body image, and the stress-health relationship. Dr. McCreary is Associate Editor of two journals: The International Journal of Mens Health and Psychology of Men and Masculinity. Correspondence may be addressed: Scott J. Duggan, OISE, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, M5S 1V6, Canada (E-mail: scott.
[Haworth co-indexing entry note]: Body Image, Eating Disorders, and the Drive for Muscularity in Gay and Heterosexual Men: The Influence of Media Images. Duggan, Scott J., and Donald R. McCreary. Co-published simultaneously in Journal of Homosexuality (Harrington Park Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc.) Vol. 47, No. 3/4, 2004, pp. 45-58; and: Eclectic Views on Gay Male Pornography: Pornucopia (ed: Todd G. Morrison) Harrington Park Press, an imprint of The Haworth Press, Inc., 2004, pp. 45-58. Single or multiple copies of this article are available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service [1-800- HAWORTH, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (EST). E-mail address:]. 2004 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1300/J082v47n03_03




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indices of pornography and body satisfaction in gay and heterosexual men. Participants (N = 101) were asked to complete body satisfaction questionnaires that addressed maladaptive eating attitudes, the drive for muscularity, and social physique anxiety. Participants also completed scales measuring self-esteem, depression, and socially desirable responding. Finally, respondents were asked about their consumption of muscle and fitness magazines and pornography. Results indicated that viewing and purchasing of muscle and fitness magazines correlated positively with levels of body dissatisfaction for both gay and heterosexual men. Pornography exposure was positively correlated with social physique anxiety for gay men. The limitations of this study and directions for future research are outlined. [Article copies available for a fee
from The Haworth Document Delivery Service: 1-800-HAWORTH. E-mail address: <> Website: <http://www.HaworthPress. com> 2004 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.]

KEYWORDS. Body image, gay men, eating disorders, sexual orientation, pornography, social comparison, sociocultural theory

The effect of media images on how women perceive themselves and their bodies, as well as how these images influence their self-esteem and attitudes towards eating and food, are well documented (e.g., Lin & Kulik, 2002; Stice, Schupak-Neuberg, Shaw, & Stein, 1994). Likewise, the trend towards a preference for thin-figured women also has been examined (e.g., Davis & Oswalt, 1992; Garner, Garfinkel, Schwartz, & Thompson, 1980; Silverstein & Perdue, 1988). These studies have shown how pervasive images such as those found in fashion magazines, Playboy, and even beauty pageant winners may contribute to womens body dissatisfaction, which in turn has been implicated in various eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. In the past, few studies investigated mens body image concerns and pathogenic eating practices (Pope, Phillips, & Olivardia, 2000). The Adonis Complex (Pope et al., 2000) addresses these issues and discusses the emerging preoccupation men are having with body image. Specifically, the authors state, For years we had studied eating disordersbut this work initially focused on women . . . gradually, in our research work and our clinical practices at Harvard and Brown Medical Schools, we began to recognise how much these problems affected not only women, but also men (Pope et al., 2000, p. xiv). The authors provide

Scott J. Duggan and Donald R. McCreary


numerous examples of men obsessed with their bodies who share feelings of inadequacy, unattractiveness, and even failure (p. 4), and who attempt to compensate for these feelings through physical exercise. Unlike their female counterparts who are motivated to be thin, men are more likely to associate attractiveness with increased muscle definition and leanness (Salusso-Deonier, Markee, & Pedersen, 1993) and, thus, may possess what McCreary and Sasse (2000) refer to as the drive for muscularity. In contemporary Western society, men are being told that their bodies define them, and they are bombarded by advertisements that capitalise on their physical insecurities. These ads include diets and diet supplements, fitness programs, hair-growth remedies, and products designed to enhance sexual performance. A quick look at any one of a variety of mens magazines (e.g., Mens Health) will demonstrate this point. Irrespective of the product being sold, these advertisements disseminate the message that men constantly need to improve themselves. Since men are conditioned not to care or at least not to whine about how they look, they often suffer in silence or address the problem by buying a product designed to enhance their physical appearance (Pope et al., 2000). Pope et al. also suggest that the self-ideal discrepancy is worse for men than for women. They believe that women have learned, from decades of appearance-related advertisements, to ignore or confront the impossible ideals of beauty promoted by mass media. Men, on the other hand, are socially prohibited from discussing such issues, and may not be comfortable acknowledging concerns over physical appearance. According to Pope et al. (2000), gay men may have even greater problems with body image because they likely suffered more teasing about their purported lack of masculinity during childhood and adolescence. Therefore, homosexual males are desirous of a muscular body because it proves to themselves and to others that they are, indeed, real men. Pope et al. (2000), however, were not the first to suggest that there may be differences between gay and heterosexual individuals with regard to body image. For example, Siever (1994) found that the gay men and heterosexual women in his sample were dissatisfied with their bodies, and that this dissatisfaction was due to an overemphasis on the importance of physical appearance in terms of attracting and pleasing men. Heterosexual men and lesbian women were less concerned about their own physical attractiveness and, therefore, less dissatisfied with their bodies. From this perspective, gay mens body dissatisfaction reflects

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anxiety that their physical appearance may be unappealing to prospective partners. Another explanation for potential differences in body image between gay and heterosexual men forms the basis for this study. Specifically, it is proposed that these differences may reflect variations in media use, especially pornography exposure. Pornography is prolific in the gay community, and high consumption appears to be normative. This does not seem to be the case for heterosexual men. Further, mainstream gay male pornography (i.e., imagery produced by companies such as Bel Ami, Falcon, and Studio 2000) is rife with muscular, attractive men. According to the Cultivation Hypothesis (e.g., McCreary, 1997), viewers may internalise the messages contained in mass media, even when those messages are implicit. Thus, gay men may look at pornographic imagery and embrace the belief that they need to possess a similar physique in order to obtain sexual gratification. The current study looks at pornography exposure from various sources as well as exposure to muscle and fitness magazines, and how these forms of media may be associated with the body images of heterosexual and gay men. Three hypotheses were tested: H1: Gay men will report greater exposure to pornography and muscle and fitness magazines than will heterosexual men. H2: Gay men will report higher overall levels of body dissatisfaction than will heterosexual men. Specifically, they will evidence more maladaptive eating attitudes, a greater drive for muscularity, and greater social physique anxiety. H3: Exposure to muscle and fitness magazines and pornography will correlate positively with level of body dissatisfaction for heterosexual and gay men. METHOD Participants Participants were 101 males, of whom 67 (66%) self-identified as gay, 5 (5%) as bisexual, and 29 (29%) as heterosexual. Due to the small number of bisexuals, they were excluded from all analyses. Thus, the final sample consisted of 96 participants.

Scott J. Duggan and Donald R. McCreary


Measures Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR; Paulhus, 1991). The BIDR is used to determine whether a participant is responding in a socially (or personally) desirable way. The scale measures two basic constructs: (1) the tendency to present honest but positively biased responses; and (2) deliberate self-presentation. On a 7-point scale that ranges from not true to very true, participants rate 40 statements (e.g., I never swear). Higher scores represent more desirable response tendencies. In this study, Cronbachs alpha was .82. Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977). To assess the extent to which participants exhibited depression, the CES-D was used. This scale consists of 20 items (e.g., I was bothered by things that usually dont bother me), and respondents are asked to rate the extent to which each item applies to them. The CES-D uses a 4-point scale that ranges from rarely or none of the time to most or all of the time. Higher scores represent a greater degree of depression. In the current study, the alpha coefficient for the CES-D was .93. Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS; McCreary & Sasse, 2000). The DMS was used to assess participants perception of the need to have larger muscles. The DMS is a 15-item, self-report questionnaire. Respondents are asked to rate the extent to which each item applies to them, using a 6-point scale from always to never. A sample item is I think that I would look better if I gained 10 pounds in bulk. Higher scores on the DMS represent a greater drive for muscularity. A Cronbachs alpha of .91 was obtained for this study. Eating Attitudes Test (EAT; Garner, Olmstead, Bohr, & Garfinkel, 1982). The EAT was used to assess participants desire to be thin. The scale consists of 26 items that assess maladaptive eating attitudes and behaviours. These behaviours are closely related to anorexia and bulimia. Using a 6-point scale that ranges from always to never, respondents are asked to rate their agreement with items such as I am terrified about being overweight. Higher scores on the EAT represent a greater drive for thinness. In the present study, Cronbachs alpha was .87. Exercise and Health. Participants were asked to respond to questions examining the amount of time, per week, they spend weight training and engaging in cardiovascular exercise. They also were asked if they were currently dieting to lose or gain weight. Media Image Exposure. To determine consumption rates for pornography and muscle and fitness magazines, individual questions were

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used. Two of the questions referred to the viewing or purchasing of muscle and fitness magazines. The remaining five questions asked about viewing or purchasing various types of pornography. Such questions are often used in lieu of a psychometric measure of consumption. At the beginning of this section, participants were asked, During the past month, how often did you . . . ? Each item had a 5-point scale, which ranged from none to more than ten times. Due to the vast amount of free pornography available on the Internet, it did not seem relevant to ask about the purchasing of Internet pornography (e.g., access fees to Websites). Individual questions for media usage can be found in Table 1. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1965). To assess participants self-esteem at the time of the study, the RSES was administered. This scale consists of 10 items, and is a well-known and often used measure of individual (as opposed to social or group) self-esteem. Respondents are asked to rate the extent to which they agree with each item using a 4-point scale that ranges from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Higher scores represent lower self-esteem. Items in the RSES include statements such as I feel that I am person of worth, at least on an equal basis with others. In the current study, Cronbachs alpha was .86. Social Physique Anxiety Scale (SPAS; Martin, Rejeski, Leary, McAuley, & Bane, 1997). The SPAS was used to assess the extent to which people become anxious when showing their body in public. This scale contains 9 items, and respondents are asked to rate the extent to which each item applies to them. Items include statements such as I wish I wasnt so uptight about my physique/figure. The SPAS uses a 5-point scale that ranges from not at all like me to like me a lot. Higher scores represent a greater degree of social physique anxiety. For the SPAS, Cronbachs alpha was .91. Procedure Participants were recruited from the following sources: Internet sites such as <>, <>, and <>; listservs (e.g., York University graduate lists, APA Division 44, and a friendship list), and through word of mouth. The recruitment e-mail described the purpose of the study as looking at the relationship between body image and media exposure and included a direct link to the survey, which was posted on an isolated Web page (i.e., a Web page to which there are no links from other pages). Once the participant arrived at the survey Web page, a user-prompted computer program administered the survey instruments. Participants were asked to read information about

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Scott J. Duggan and Donald R. McCreary


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the study, were informed that they could quit at any time, and were provided with information on how to contact the researchers. To encourage participants to be as truthful as possible, assurances of confidentiality and anonymity were given. Informed consent was obtained by asking participants to read a short disclaimer that indicated consent was implied once they began the survey. Each participant was then instructed to enter the first two letters of his or her last name plus the last two digits of his or her telephone number. This became the code for that individual, which was used in combination with other variables as a check to determine that participants did not complete the survey multiple times. RESULTS Hypothesis 1: Volume of Pornography Consumed It was hypothesised that gay men will report consuming more pornography than will heterosexual men. It also was hypothesised that gay men will consume more muscle and fitness magazines. To test these hypotheses, a series of independent samples t-tests were used (a Bonferroni correction procedure was used to control for the increased probability of making a Type I error as a result of multiple t-tests; to this end, p-values less than .01 were viewed as significant). As Table 1 shows, for each of the five categories that asked about pornography exposure (viewed or purchased pornographic magazines, viewed or purchased pornographic videos, and viewed Internet pornography), gay men reported significantly more consumption than heterosexual men. There were no significant differences, however, between gay and heterosexual respondents in the consumption of muscle and fitness magazines. Hypothesis 2: Reported Levels of Body Dissatisfaction It was hypothesised that gay men will report higher overall levels of body dissatisfaction as measured by scores on the EAT, the DMS, and the SPAS. This hypothesis was only partially supported. A series of independent samples t-tests revealed that there were no significant differences between gay and heterosexual men on the DMS or the SPAS (see Table 2). However, there was a significant difference in EAT scores between gay and heterosexual men. Gay men reported more negative, thinness-oriented eating attitudes and behaviours than did heterosexual men.



TABLE 1. Mean Frequency of Pornography and Muscle and Fitness Magazine Consumption (Standard Deviations in Parentheses)
During the past month, how often did you . . . ? GM HM

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View Muscle/Fitness Magazines

1.03 (1.01) 0.33 (0.73) 1.64 (1.46) 0.23 (0.52) 1.33 (1.21) 0.24 (0.43) 2.48 (1.54)

0.79 (1.15) 0.14 (0.58) 0.93 (1.41) 0 0 0.59 (1.27) 0 0 1.62 (1.59)


Purchase Muscle/Fitness Magazines


View Pornographic Magazines



Purchase Pornographic Magazines



View Pornographic Videos



Purchase Pornographic Videos



View Internet Pornography



Note: GM = gay men; HM = heterosexual men; 0 = none; 1 = once or twice; 2 = three or four times; 3 = five to ten times; 4 = more than ten times; *p < .01; d = Cohens d (.2 = small effect; .5 = moderate effect; .8 = large effect).

Hypothesis 3: Muscle and Fitness Magazines, Pornography Consumption, and Body Dissatisfaction It was hypothesised that increased consumption of muscle and fitness magazines and pornography will correlate positively with scores on the EAT, DMS, and SPAS. For this analysis, overall measures of both muscle and fitness magazine and pornography exposure were created. The muscle and fitness measure calculated mean usage, as defined by the two questions related to viewing and purchasing of muscle and fitness magazines. The pornography measure calculated mean usage, as defined by the five questions related to consumption of various types of pornography. Cronbachs alphas for the overall measure of muscle and fitness usage was .72 and for overall pornography consumption, .67.

Scott J. Duggan and Donald R. McCreary


TABLE 2. Body Image Scale Comparisons (Standard Deviations in Parentheses)

Consumption Source GM 2.59 (0.57) Drive for Muscularity Scale 2.93 (0.97) Social Physique Anxiety Scale 2.93 (0.99) HM 2.17 (0.42) 2.81 (0.89) 2.57 (0.79) 1.75 0.57


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Eating Attitude Test

Note: GM = gay men, HM = heterosexual men; *p < .01; Cohens d for the significant t-test is .839.

While these alphas are not excellent, there are adequate for the exploratory nature of the current analysis. For the gay men in this study, hypothesis 3 was supported in that those who read/purchased more muscle and fitness magazines reported higher levels of social physique anxiety, a greater drive for muscularity, and a greater desire for thinness (see Table 3). Similar results were found for heterosexual men, except for the correlation between muscle and fitness magazine consumption and social physique anxiety, which failed to reach significance. With regards to pornography, a positive correlation was obtained between social physique anxiety and pornography exposure for gay men. There were no other significant correlations between pornography consumption and the body image measures for either gay or heterosexual men. Exploratory Analysis Several scales were utilised in this study that were not directly related to the hypotheses regarding media usage and body image. These include a measure of self-esteem, a depression inventory, and a measure of social desirability. If relationships were found between these measures and muscle and fitness magazine or pornography exposure in either gay or heterosexual men, such data would prove important. The


ECLECTIC VIEWS ON GAY MALE PORNOGRAPHY: PORNUCOPIA TABLE 3. Body Dissatisfaction and Media Usage Correlations
1. 2. 0.32** 0.04 0.08 0.44* 3. 0.58** 0.31* 0.16 0.54** 4. 0.27* 0.05 0.04 0.28 5. 0.28* 0.42** 0.30* 0.27* -

1. Social Physique Anxiety 2. Drive for Muscularity 3. Eating Attitudes Test 4. Pornography Usage 5. Muscle and Fitness Usage

0.42* 0.27 0.16 0.22

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Note: Correlations for gay men above the diagonal and correlations for heterosexual men below the diagonal; * p < .05 (2-tailed); ** p < .01 (2-tailed).

only statistically significant finding that emerged was a negative correlation between self-esteem and pornography exposure in heterosexual men, r = .40 p < .05, n = 29. DISCUSSION This study indicates that gay men consume larger amounts of pornography than do heterosexual men. Taken at face value, this result might indicate that the consumption of pornography is more accepted in the gay community or that it is more acceptable to admit to its consumption, which in some ways might represent perceived acceptance. It also is possible that gay men believe their lifestyle is not accepted by society in general and that, consequently, there is no need to accept the status quo that pornography is taboo. Conversely, heterosexual men may have been socialised to believe that pornography is dirty and that they should deny using it. Regardless of who uses more, pornography exposure is prolific. In the current study, over 72% of heterosexual participants and over 98% of non-heterosexual participants reported consuming some type of pornographic material during the past month. As far as the medium of choice for this consumption, participants overwhelmingly favoured the Internet by a margin of nearly 2 to 1. Viewing magazines was the next most popular pornographic outlet, followed by viewing movies. Purchasing either magazines or movies was least popular. These results indicate that there is no shortage of images to which a man may compare himself. Even if the participant did not consume pornography in the last month, there are plenty of other venues in which

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body comparisons can be made. In fact, one-third of those in the no-pornography category reported either viewing or subscribing to muscle and fitness magazines or male fashion magazines within the last month. The results of this study indicate that increased exposure to such magazines is related to decreased body satisfaction regardless of sexual orientation. As well, the results indicate that gay men are more concerned with thinness than are heterosexual men, as reported by scores on the EAT. On average, non-heterosexuals scored much higher than heterosexuals, which indicated poorer eating attitudes and a greater desire to be thin. Also, when asked about dieting habits, over 26% of the gay men sampled reported being on a diet to lose weight. None of the heterosexual men sampled reported being on any kind of weight loss program. Eight percent of participants sampled reported being on a diet to gain weight, but there was no relationship between this factor and either muscle/fitness magazine or pornography exposure. Limitations There are several limitations to this study that need to be addressed. First, the sample size is relatively small and the participants were self-selected. A larger sample size, taken from a more diverse population, would have allowed us to conduct multivariate data analyses that permit testing the proposed interaction between sexual orientation, body image, and pornography exposure. Second, since this study was Internet based, the geographic location of participants is unknown. Caution, therefore, should be used when generalising the results to specific geographic areas. It also should be noted that because this was an Internet study, participants were required to have access to, and knowledge of, computers. Another limitation was that ethnic identity was not measured. The rationale behind this decision was that it is necessary to identify that a robust phenomenon exists before narrowing it down to specific ethnic or other cultural identities. Therefore, it was important to see if there was a significant relationship between body image and other variables such as pornography usage. If no relationship existed, there would be little reason for further study. Also, there was an attempt to keep the survey manageable in size. That being said, however, ethnic minority status could potentially play a major role in ones body image. Finally, the current study operated from the assumption that gay and heterosexual pornography are similar. It is plausible that the two forms



of media are distinct and, thus, possess different implications vis--vis body image. For example, in gay pornography, the male body likely receives more attention in terms of close-ups than in heterosexual pornography. Also, gay pornography may place greater emphasis on the attractiveness of the male body.
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Future Directions One of the limitations of a purely quantitative study is that questions are limited to Likert-type or numerical response items. While necessary for statistical analysis, quantitative data often lack the depth needed to truly understand an issue. Therefore, qualitative research may serve to expand researchers understanding of the relationship between media imagery and male body image. The current study found that gay men are more concerned than heterosexual men with being thin, but failed to provide any insight as to why this is the case. A qualitative study may be able to tease out this information by supplying open-ended questions to participants that ask about this relationship in greater detail. Also, while the current study found no differences in the drive for muscularity between heterosexuals and non-heterosexuals, the latter spent more time weight training than the former (although this finding fell just short of statistical significance). These results indicate a need for further investigation. CONCLUSION Qualitative research, as outlined above, may provide insight as to how a small group of men feel about their bodies by looking at unconstrained responses to questions and scenarios about these issues. A more thorough understanding of the experiences of men with respect to body image may be required to advance inquiry in this area. Intriguing questions remain when one considers what has been observed. For example, according to current research, similarities and differences exist between gay and heterosexual men in terms of body image. Although gay men demonstrate poorer eating attitudes and spend more time weight lifting than do heterosexual men, both groups evidence a considerable amount of anxiety about showing their physiques in public. This is an interesting phenomenon. One explanation that reconciles these findings might hinge on the proliferation of media images in todays society that denote trim and healthy idealized males. These images delib-

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erately create expectations of what men are supposed to look like and may be more damaging than commonly supposed. Women may have been confronting these issues for quite some time, but considering the issues with respect to men is a relatively new line of inquiry. Maybe it is time to take a page out of the feminist handbook in learning how to deal with such negative messages and expectations. We spend a great deal of time with others. How we feel about ourselves in relation to those around us is very important to our quality of our life. Increasing this quality makes research of this kind vital. REFERENCES
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