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Column Relief Calculations

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Process Simulation - Approach

Full Column Approach
Use when reflux continues

Stripper Approach
Use when there is no reflux

Modified Stripper Approach

Use when full column wont con er!e

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Full Column Approach

Start from con er!ed model Specif" feed# product# and side draw rates Specif" heat input# reflux temperature# reflux rate $rop specifications for tra" temperatures# compositions# and internal flows Run the model to see if it con er!es and !i es same results as the ori!inal
SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Full Column Approach

%f con er!es# set the pressure to relief pressure Rerun the model %f con er!es# ta&e the apor flow at the second tra" as the relief load

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Stripper Approach
Start from con er!ed model Remo e all tra"s a'o e feed tra" (includin! condenser) Set the pressure to relief pressure Run model *a&e the o erhead apor rate as the relief load

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Modified Stripper Approach

Start from con er!ed model Find +nd tra" apor flow rate at normal conditions and calculate relief area (, A-) Remo e all tra"s a'o e feed tra" (includin! condenser) Run model at normal pressure Find o erhead apor flow rate and calculate relief area (, A+)
SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Modified Stripper Approach

Calculate ratio of A- to A+ (, R) Run model at relief pressure Find o erhead apor flow rate and calculate relief area (,A.) Multipl" the R '" A. for re/uired area

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Re'oiler Pinch
Re'oiler dut" decreases as the process temperature approaches the temperature of the heatin! medium %f calculated re'oiler dut" is less than 012 of desi!n# do not use (consult with Shell)

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Re'oiler Pinch
For non-condensin! re'oilers
%terati el" calculate the re'oiler dut"
Run model with normal dut" $etermine process temperature lea in! re'oiler (from model) Calculate heatin! medium temperature exitin! re'oiler
*+ *- , 3 4 (mCp)

Calculate new 5M*$ Calculate new 3

3 , UA (5M*$)

%f 3 does not match assumed 3# !o 'ac& to start

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Re'oiler Pinch
For condensin! re'oilers
Follow same procedure# except the temperature of the heatin! medium remains constant (replace 5M*$ with 6*)

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

7xample8 Settin! up the column

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

%solate the column from the rest of the simulation

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

9iew Results for the column

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Column Results

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Column $ata 7ntr" window

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" re'oiler dut"

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" condenser

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" condenser

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" condenser

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Remo e column estimates

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Remo e column estimates

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Remo e specifications

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Remo e specifications

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Add reflux specification

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Run simulation a!ain

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Compare to ori!inal

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

7xample8 5oss of Coolin! (Reflux Continues) Full Column Approach

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Set relief conditions

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" top tra" to relief pressure

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Set relief conditions

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" condenser to relief pressure

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Add relief stream

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Add relief stream

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" . tra" for relief stream


SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

:pen $ata Re iew ;indow for the relief stream

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine


SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

7xample8 5oss of Reflux Stripper Approach

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Set relief conditions

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" feed as top tra"

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" num'er of sta!es

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Remo e condenser

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" tra"s

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Specif" tra"s

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Remo e column specifications

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Remo e column specifications

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Run simulation

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

%f it doesnt con er!e# compare 'ottoms temperature

Original Column

Stripper Column

Reboiler Pinch
SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Calculate Re'oiler Pinch

3- , -< MM=tu4hr Run Model (!et new *C% and *C:) *>: , *>% (-<) 4 mCp
*>% , +01 ?F mCp , @AB MM=tu4hr-?F

3Cew , UA (5M*$)
5M*$ , <A0B ?F UA , -A-+ MM=tu4hr-?F
SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Calculate Re'oiler Pinch

3Cew , BA0+ MM=tu4hr Run Model (!et new *C% and *C:) *>: , *>% (BA0+) 4 mCp 3Cew , UA (5M*$)
5M*$ , 0<A0. ?F

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Calculate Re'oiler Pinch

3Cew , D@A< MM=tu4hr (use -@) Run Model (!et new *C% and *C:) *>: , *>% (-@) 4 mCp 3Cew , UA (5M*$)
5M*$ , -<A.@ ?F

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

Calculate Re'oiler Pinch

3Cew , -EA0 MM=tu4hr (Use -D) Run Model (!et new *C% and *C:) *>: , *>% (-D) 4 mCp 3Cew , UA (5M*$)
5M*$ , -+AD. ?F

3Cew , -@A+ MM=tu4hr

SIEMENS Oil, Gas & Marine

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