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Public Speaking Class


Why? Why? Why?

Can audiences, in general, go back to previous points? Is the ability to organize thoughts related to critical thinking?

How? How? How?

SPEECH BODY Introduction Body Conclusion

What? What? What?

General Goal Specific Purpose Main Points Central Thesis Supporting Details

What? What? What?

General Goal: I want to persuade my audience. Specific Purpose: I want my audience to believe that they should learn to speak Spanish. Central Thesis: You should learn to speak Spanish because it will benefit you personally, economically, and practically.

What? What? What?

Which ones? Which ones? Which ones?

List all your ideas related to your purpose. If you have trouble limiting the main points, ask: Which do they know? For which do I have not have enough support? Which is too complicated? Choose the two or five that remain.

What? What? What?

Number of main points Strategic order of main points

Chronological Spatial Causal Problem-Solution Topical

How? How? How?

Keep main points separate. Relate each main point to your specific goal. Use the same pattern as much as possible. Balance the time devoted to each point.

How? How? How?

Write the specific goal. List the main points you have. Write one or two complete sentences that combine your specific goal with your main point ideas.

Which? Which? Which?

Factual Statements Statistics Examples Definition Expert Opinions Elaborations (Anecdotes & Narratives,

Comparisons & Contrasts, Quotations, & Opinions)

Which? Which? Which?

What else? Anything else? Chos.

TRANSITIONS A word or phrase that indicates when a speaker has finished one thought and is moving on to another.

INTERNAL PREVIEWS A statement in the body of the speech that lets the audience know what the speaker is going to discuss next.

INTERNAL SUMMARY A statement in the body of the speech that summarizes the speakers preceding point or points.

SIGNPOSTS A very brief statement that indicates where a speaker is in the speech or that focuses attention on key ideas.

Your turn!




Why is it important that speeches be organized clearly and coherently? How many main points will your speeches usually contain? Why is it important to limit the number of main points in your speeches? What are three tips for preparing your main points? What are the four kinds of speech connectives? What role does each play in a speech?

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