Here'S Why Actioncoach Is The World'S #1 Choice in White Collar Franchises ..

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Heres why ActionCOACH is the worlds #1 choice in white collar franchises ...

When you make the decision ...

Inside every human being is a knowing, youre either an employee or an entrepreneur You can ght it for a time. In fact, many people have stayed working for others their whole lives and hidden their true entrepreneurial spirit. But no matter what if there is an entrepreneur, a business owner within you waiting to get out, then youll never be truly happy, until you fulll your dream ActionCOACH is all about the entrepreneur, that person who dares to take control of their own life, who dares to work for themselves, the person who decides and commits to their own business, family and life goals.

... is all about the entrepreneur,

that person who dares to take control of their own life, who dares to work for themselves, the person who decides and commits to their own business, family and life goals.

You get to work with people whove left the corporate miss my kids birthday and Im making someone else rich world behind. Being an ActionCOACH is as much about your freedom as it is theirs. Working with other business owners who know what it feels like to determine your own life, your own nances and your own achievements. Thats what joining the ActionCOACH team is all about. Once youve taken this step, there will be no going back. Once youve made what its like to be in business for yourself, (but, not by yourself with ActionCOACH) youll realize just how much there is to life.

- Le

realize my H helped me ActionCOAC ms. ea dr ial Coach entrepreneur ACH Business CO on ti Ac , za an er Sp el is

At ActionCOACH, we want to help you explore your entrepreneurial dreams. And, were going to show you how you can build a great business and a fullling life working with and coaching and educating other business owners in Brad Sugars amazingly simple and yet, massively powerful business growth systems and techniques.


ActionCOACH is currently ranked and has been so for the past three years the #1 Business Consulting Franchise in the World, by Entrepreneur Magazine. In 2006 Entrepreneur Magazine also ranked ActionCOACH #80 in the Franchise 500, #55 Fastest Growing Franchise, #15 Top 101 Homebased Franchise and #49 Americas Top Global Franchise.

Going back to work for someone else will be the last thing you will ever do ...
You see, you might not truly understand this yet, but the most important part of becoming an ActionCOACH is not the business youll build, the money youll make or the clients youll get to build relationships with Its you its what being a leader, running your own team and knowing that its your choices that are the most important. Its how youll feel every day when you are truly living that entrepreneurial dream. Its about the respect youll feel knowing you really are the boss.

Its what being a leader, running your own team and knowing that its your choices that are the most important.
Whether you know it or not, the decision you make in the next few minutes could have such a massive impact on you and your life that you really ought to invest some serious thought into what could happen for you, what life can be, rather than worrying about what it might not be. If you dont make a change now, then when will you let the entrepreneur out, become an ActionCOACH.

We have a sy stem that wo rks. We know achieve our go how to als and can no w leave our bu and go on le siness ngthy holiday - Craig Turnbu s. ll and Michelle Carden, Aspi re

What better team to join

Success in life is all about your team. And the caliber of the team is all about its leader. So, you can buy any business, but what you really need to know is whos on the team In fact, if the people on the ActionCOACH team were running a hot dog franchise, then Id suggest you look at that. Heres why ActionCOACH is made up of industry giants. Entrepreneurs who used to hide out as heads of Fortune 500s, owners of massively successful companies, great leaders, people who you would admire for just their track record if it wasnt for the fact that when you meet them you realize theyre just really great people. Almost 1,000 coaches in 22 countries with more experience in business success than you could imagine. Dont even think about the business you are buying, think about the team you are joining. Hundreds of great business leaders, from all over the world for you to learn from, build a business with and basically just hang out with. Mixing with that caliber of person alone is almost worth every cent you invest to join the team at ActionCOACH.

sion the best deci COACH was Joining Action e ever made. Iv ach H Business Co , ActionCOAC et ss Ba n vi Ga -

leaders, from all over the world for you to learn from, build a business with and basically just hang out with.

Hundreds of great business

And to top it all o, you get to join a leader who not only started the Business Coaching industry, but who has pioneered and taught more than 1,000,000 people to be successful in business and life. When you join Brad Sugars team you really start to understand why great leaders are the catalyst to great team members, and ultimately your success.

ActionCOACH was named a Stevie Winner in the prestigious 2006 International Business Awards, Best Overall Company category. The Stevie awards are the Worlds Premier Business Awards and recognizes the accomplishments and positive contributions of companies.
2006 Winner

Like every great leader, Brad is demanding and inspirational at the same time. In his mid thirties hes created an organization that will grow to rival some of the greats. And as a part of the team, hell coach you, either through our online forums or live every year at conventions

Coaching industry, but who has pioneered and taught more than 1,000,000 people to be successful in business and life.

You get to join a leader who not only started the Business

Be it Brad, your local Franchisor, or the coaches youll get to meet along the way, this is a team who truly believes in helping each other to succeed. If you were going to pick a dream team to join, you know this would be it. ActionCOACH is the Worlds #1 for a reason. Great people, with great systems and a great leadership team.

After just 6 months with ActionCOAC revenue had H, our sales increased by 20%! It cont increase on av inues to erage 20% a - Steve Ayle year. s and George Davis, Calidad Industries

A Franchise or Go it alone ?
Every entrepreneur has thought about it: Should I join a team, or do this myself ... ? The decision is a huge one and of course people want to go with what seems easiest, most cost eective and the best

Well, one of these two options costs a huge amount more in the long run. Can you guess which ... ?
While it often seems cheaper to do it yourself, in the long run it almost always costs you so much more Let me explain Most business owners forget one very important thing. Doing the work of your business is only about 20% of the business. Take ActionCOACH for example. The actual Coaching work is only about 20% of the systems youll have to develop if you went out on your own. Here are just some of the things that come as part of a franchise you would pay for in both time and money if you went out on your own

Sales systems just the years of trial and error

working out the sales scripts, the steps in the buying decisions and the best way to charge a client alone would be a massive cost in both time and money, not to mention the sales you missed by not knowing what to do

e a life others H has given m ActionCOAC eam of. could only dr ach H Business Co AC CO Action - Steve Kay,

Marketing systems from your website, to

your brochures, sales letters and tools - there would be more in graphic and web design fees than you can imagine. Dont even think about the cost of writing and then testing ads that do and dont work. The cost alone of running ads that dont work break most new business owners.

Client systems from basic administration to contractual documents and client records seems easy but it takes both time and dollars. Now add in systems that are proven for client management and retention. How many months might you waste before you start to get to know what works best? IT systems I dont think you even want to imagine what it would cost to build a solid business management program,
putting aside the time you would need to allocate to the build out. Again, this needs to be constantly maintained and re-written.

2006 Franchisee Satisfaction Awards


In 2006, we made the Top 50 Franchises in the 2006 Franchisee Satisfaction Awards conducted by the Franchise Business Review. Out of the nearly 250 companies entered, and representing over 45,000 franchisees around the globe ActionCOACH was ranked 34.

Training for yourself and your team Youd have to nd a way to do it with outside companies or take the time to sit down and design, test and measure the results of the entire program. Product and Services Development imagine just how long it would take to write a new client training program, a book, record a set of DVDs or to develop a new system for clients to work with you and get results.

yourself, the team and the systems are there. Put bluntly, theres enough to learn without having to do it all on your own.

In a franchise, at least you dont have to learn everything

Your entire business would have to be built from the ground up. Not just getting clients, but the whole thing. One other point here, especially if you are going into either your rst or one of your rst 4 or 5 businesses. It generally takes at least 4 or 5 businesses of your own to learn what you are doing. Let me put it this way, your rst million is the hardest. Why? Because you have to learn how to make it, while youre doing it. The same is true for going into your own business. Theres a lot to learn. In a franchise, at least you dont have to learn everything yourself, the team and the systems are there. Put bluntly, theres enough to learn without having to do it all on your own. Add up all the time and money it would cost, the learning youd have to do, and youll be amazed at how far ahead joining the ActionCOACH team will put you.

Since ActionC OACH came on board, sale has increase s turnover d by an amaz ing 148%! - Joshua Nic holls, Platinum Electrical

A great ActionCOACH
A great ActionCOACH is not born, theyre created And with the ActionCOACH systems and training youll be sure to love the rewards of this industry. Not only that, the day to day of this business is probably one of the most fullling youll nd. Being a great ActionCOACH is all about teaching, mentoring and helping business owners and future entrepreneurs get the most out of their business and their life. The personal satisfaction is enormous. The feeling you get when you see a client hit their goals; all the while knowing that as you help them, you help yourself.

This business truly lives up to the business mantra, that the more you help others, the more you help yourself
And, that feeling of your success comes from the training and support you get, especially in the rst 3 months Your initial 10 days at actionU learning from both corporate trainers and several successful ActionCOACH franchisees. Then its 12 weeks

is all about teaching, mentoring and helping business owners and future entrepreneurs to get the most out of their business and their life.

Being a great ActionCOACH

of hands on learning and then its on to the regular conference calls, local trainings, regional
ion refill my pass abled me to fo en s ha H AC hers. ActionCO for helping ot ness Coach COACH Busi on ti Ac , ak - Tracey Le

trainings and global achievers conferences. CDs and books every month, our online forums and newsletters and so many more ways for you to get training, support and knowledge every day

Irish Franchise Association

ActionCOACH was the winner of the prestigious 2005 Franchise of the Year Award in Ireland. The award is presented to the company that has demonstrated outstanding growth and development in the service sector of the franchise industry. Winning the Franchise of the Year Award is a major achievement for a company that was introduced to Ireland just three years prior.

When you get into the training, youll learn our 13 step sales process, how to market and get leads for each type of client and then, how to run each of the programs, from ProtCLUB through to FreedomCOACH. Ask an existing ActionCOACH ... your training is world class That said, there are a few traits that you would want to have to join our team. Were after great coaches, people with

Condence the condence of a great coach Passion a zest for your life and your work is a must and, Leadership Your clients and team will rely on you to lead
Every great ActionCOACH starts with the right traits and through training and their own mentoring, builds a most rewarding and fullling career. Heres just a taste of what youll be doing

After only 2

months, Actio nCOACH has helped us take our business to the next le - Tony Hebra vel. rd and Jodie Kent, The Ze nergy Group

The ActionCOACH products and services

ActionCOACH pioneered the 1 on 1 business coaching industry. Now with an entire suite of business coaching programs clients can start with something as simple as a book or set of DVDs, or go through our mid level peer to peer or even group coaching on their way to work 1 on 1. Heres a quick summary of the type of programs you and your team will use with business owners. Brad Sugars international publishing contract with McGraw Hill means you can bring on a new customer with the simplest of purchases. Obviously the books will educate them on how to grow their business and how to work with a business coach Again, Brad Sugars products give you a powerful edge in both educating your clients and building a revenue stream Heres where your clients start their coaching at our peer to peer networking and education breakfast clubs. Meeting every two weeks, this is a great starting point for new clients Meeting every quarter to plan their business, your clients will be really moving up the ladder With workshops you can run either in house or publicly and bring team members from many clients companies. Its just another step in your business and your clients education
the success H has given me of. ActionCOAC d me ea s dr I have alway s Coach OACH Busines nC tio Ac p, - Faye Krop

The next level in coaching is where you work with a group of business owners and over a 14 week program help them learn, grow their revenues and prots and ultimately become even better clients

A Board made up of you and 8 to 12 clients meet monthly to help each other learn, be accountable and get advice on specic problem areas Heres where our signature programs kick in and you start working 1 on 1 with business owners at four dierent levels As youd imagine this is designed both cashow and program wise to suit new companies looking for a coach to get them o to a ying start


In 2006, ActionCOACH was awarded UK Franchise Provider of the Year by Business Britain magazine. The award, which is the rst ever to be made by Business Britain, was presented to ActionCOACH after a panel of journalists and managers from the magazine judged it to have excelled across a wide range of criteria including reputation, franchise return on investment, prot growth potential, and quality of franchisee support.

Our most popular program for value for money and a serious focus on getting your company to the next level. Many of your clients will want to work at this level When a client is ready to make a real dierence to both their bottom line and their team heres where you will get them really ying. Designed for companies with a little more cashow and more people on the team

Clients can start with something as simple as a book or set of

DVDs or go through our mid level peer to peer or even group coaching on their way to work 1 on 1.

The ultimate ActionCOACH program designed to make companies grow and owners step back from the day to day. Using both coaching and training youll really get powerful client results here Of the decision you make on whether you build an ActionPRACTICE, or ActionFIRM, will determine how many of these programs you oer, so lets examine that

Since workin g with ActionC number of ho OACH, Ive ha urs I work ea lved the ch week. My just 1 days Wife now wo a week in the rks business. - Craig Ellis, Ellis Auto Re finishers

An ActionPRACTICE or an ActionFIRM
Heres where you get to decide what sort of ActionCOACH business you want to build. There are two dierent types of ActionCOACH companies you can choose from and each one has its own benets.

This is our award winning work from home single coach business model. Giving you both a solid business and a great work from home lifestyle you get to run a lower overhead, lower stress level operation. Here youll focus mainly on the 1 on 1 ActionCOACH programs to build your practice.

Here youll build a Firm with 8 coaches and several full time professional sta to run the operation. Run from an oce suite with training facilities, this is obviously a much bigger business opportunity and one where you will be oering the entire product and services range from the ActionCOACH ladder. Obviously we want both types of franchisees to join the team. Sometimes its hard to get those with all the experience who would make great coaches to want to build a team again. Many just want to build a business that serves them, keeps them busy and allows them to add value given all the knowledge and experience they bring to the team.

A lifestyle to fit their business

and earning activities around their family and not the other way around.

ild a me how to bu H has shown le. AC ty CO es on lif ti c ti Ac as ss and a fant siness Coach Bu great Busine H AC CO on tein, Acti - Evan Rubens

Also, many young parents want that work from home opportunity to give themselves a lifestyle to t their business and earning activities around their family and not the other way around. On the other hand, we get many serious executives and past business owners who know they are great at building a company and are really looking at a great entrepreneurial opportunity.

The Queensland

ActionCOACH was named winner of the Rising Star Award in the 2006 Queensland 400 (Q400) in Australia! The Q400 provides public recognition for the contribution of local business heroes by highlighting achievements in an ocial Q400 book.

The ActionFIRM is a great chance to build a team of coaches and use the entire range of products and services to give the company a wider range of income streams. Of course, you will notice that the product and service range is designed to have people grow with you. Imagine a small business owner starting by buying a book from your ActionFIRM, to then join ProtCLUB and

coaches and use the entire range of products and services to give the company a wider range of income streams.

The ActionFIRM is a great chance to build a team of

ultimately move through until they join one of your coaches in the PowerupCOACH program. This way as you educate them they grow their company and can aord to move up to your higher level programs. They may even go on to enjoy coaching so much that they decide to join your ActionFIRM and become a coach of others

Sales have in creased by 56 % and profits with an increa have boomed se of 550% ov er the last tw - Duncan McK o years! echnie, Limac Services

The future for you and ActionCOACH

The ActionCOACH company is one of the fastest growing franchises on the planet for very good reason. We have a Vision and a clear goal to change the way we do business; just one business at a time. You could be a part of that Vision. As the founders of the Business Coaching industry, and the pioneers of every new innovation in that industry we are looking for great leaders of the future.

We have a Vision and a clear goal to change the way we do business, just one business at a time.
You see we have a goal that every business owner has not only an accountant and an attorney, but an ActionCOACH as well. We see it as the 3 As of business. At the moment, we are only scratching the surface of what can be done.

where I can e a lifestyle H has given m around my family. AC CO on ti Ac g activities siness Coach fit my earnin onCOACH Bu ti Ac , sh Bu d - Davi

In 2005, ActionCOACHs Chairman Brad Sugars, secured an international publishing contract, the rst deal of its size with the worlds leading business publisher, McGraw Hill. All 14 of Brads Instant Success Series have been released into leading bookstores throughout the USA and available online via and

The trend of business coaching is still in the early adopter phase and its over the next few years that we are going to lead the massive growth in the industry as it becomes a standard to have a coach; not an exception.

It becomes a standard to have a coach; not an exception.

The industry is growing and yes, some companies are trying to copy what we do, but remember; theres always a reason that the leaders for more than a decade are still the leaders Our people, our systems and our leadership Come join ActionCOACH. It will be the best decision you ever made

Since I have been working with A have doubled and sales have ctionCOACH, profits increased by - Steve Bird 42%! , Scaf-West

Ground Floor, Action House, 2 Mayneview Street, Milton QLD 4064, Australia Ph: +61 (0) 7 3368 2525 Fax: +61 (0) 7 3368 2535 Freecall: 1800 670 335

3-5 Richmond Hill, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6RE, England Ph: +44 (0) 208 948 5151 Fax: +44 (0) 208 948 4111

5670 Wynn Road, Suite C, Las Vegas, Nevada 89118, USA Ph: +1 (702) 795 3188 Fax: +1 (702) 795 3183 Toll-Free: (888) 483 2828

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