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Helping the Prisoners this Ramadan

– 1430/2009

[Detainees pray at a U.S. military detention facility Camp Bucca, Iraq]

Ramadan is a special time of celebration with family, friends and attending the
mosque. In prison, you are on your own in your cell, breaking your fast with food
you cannot even taste. It is served at the usual prison time and when you break
your fast, the food is cold. Everyone is very low in spirits at this time.
Detainee P. From London
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful and the Peace and
blessings of Allaah ( ‫"! و‬#$) be upon His Messenger, Muhammad Ibn 'Abdillaah,
the seal of the Prophets, and our example until the Day of Judgement.

To proceed;

Another year is almost by and what have done to help those that are in need?

v Those who are Scholars of this Religion.

v Those who are Men of this Religion.
v Those who are Women of this Religion and
v Those who are Children of this Religion.

Those who are the Prisoners – arrested and abused merely because they believe in

Ramadan is a month of many virtues and it is a month where the good deeds are
multiplied and it is month where the Muslims are to engage themselves in lots of acts
of worship – including the act of helping and supporting your brethren in need. Let
this be a Ramadan of support for our Imprisoned Brothers and Sisters!

By the grace of Allah, this document was created for the purpose of;

* Pleasing the Almighty Creator

* Reminding the Believers of their obligations
towards their imprisoned brethren.
* Listing ways to help the Imprisoned this
Step 1: Pray for them

Before making du'aa, we must learn and

understand the etiquette of performing this action, which is the weapon
of the believer;

Learn the Etiquette of making Du’aa

Also; there are specific times where our prayers are most likely to be
accepted as the Prophet (>?$ ‫?@ و‬A B‫? ا‬D) mentioned this in the

These are some of the best times to make du'aa:

v While fasting
v At the time of breaking the fast (iftar)
v Between the adhan and iqamah
v The last hour of a Friday (Jum'ah, before Maghrib)
v In your prostrations
v During the last third of the night
v Throughout the last ten nights of Ramadan, when seeking
v If performing 'umrah in Ramadan
v At the end of the Fardh prayer
v During the rain
v The du'aa of a Muslim for his absent brother or sister Muslim
stemming from the heart
Step 2: Send Your Letters of Support

Below are lists of Prisoners that are awaiting your Letters (right click text to open link):

NB: If brothers/sisters don’t find it easy or comfortable to mail the Prisoners

themselves or don’t have accounts on the forum listed below – then please feel free
to send your email to: – It’ll be sent on behalf of you,
Allah willing.

v UK Prisoners

v Send your Letters to Daniel Boyd and co.

v European Prisoners

v Send your Letters to your brothers in Holland

v Send your Letters to Aafia Siddiqui

v Send your letters to the Toronto 18

v Send your Letters to your brothers in Melbourne, Australia @

v Send your Letters to your brothers in CMU aka Little Gitmo

v Send your Letters to Sh. ‘Ali at-Tamimi

v FOR MORE – Cage Prisoners

Step 3: Donate

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) was the most generous of people, and he was at his most generous
during Ramadaan, when Jibreel met him. Jibreel used to meet with him every night and
teach him the Qur’aan. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) was the most generous person, even more generous than the strong uncontrollable wind
(in readiness and haste to do charitable deeds).” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6;
Muslim, 2308).

Al-Nawawi said: This hadeeth teaches us a number of things, including the fact that
it is mustahabb to be generous during Ramadaan. [Source]

Donate to (right click text to open link):

v Cage Prisoners
v HHUGS – Helping Households Under Great Stress
v Muslims for Justice
v Ahmad Abu ‘Ali
v Sh. ‘Ali at-Tamimi
v Reprieve
v Palestinian Sisters – See bottom of Page
v Yasin Aref & Muhammad Hussain
Step 4: Keep Their Plight Alive

Visit the following Sites to know about them and raise awarenesss - (right click to
open text):

v Cage Prisoners
v Free Detainees
v Help the Prisoners
v Muslims for Justice
v Feesabilillah
v Project Salaam – CMU Brothers
v Muslim Prisoners Support Group
v Palestinian Sisters
v Islamic Human Rights Commission
v Ahmad Abu ‘Ali
v Aafia Siddiqui
v Babar Ahmad
v Farid Hilali
v Fahad Hashmi
v Bashir Makhtal
v Palestinian Brothers
v Captive in Canada
v Toronto 18
v Presumption of Innocence Project
Step 5: Take Action

Al-Qâsim b. Muhammad, the grandson of Abû Bakr

– Allah have mercy on him – said:
In my time the people were not impressed by
speech, they were impressed by actions.
Anyone can say whatever he wants.
Abû Dâwûd, Kitâb Al-Zuhd p354
Was Salamu ‘Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh

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