Engineering of Grounds: Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomous) M. I Semester

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Time: 3 hrs Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks(15) You can ASSUME any data you think is missing but state clearly the value(s) assumed. Credit will not be given if irrational or improbable value is assumed. 1. a) A soil sample has total unit weight of 18.6 kN/m 3 , water content of 162% and G = 2.69. Deteimine the (i) void ratio, (ii) porosity, (iii) degree of saturation, (iv) dry unit weight, (v) saturated unit weight and (vi) buoyant unit weight. ( 10) b) A clay sample 2.1 mm thick took 8 min 15 sec to attain 50% degree of consolidation in the laboratory. How long would a layer 8.0 m thick draining from the top take to attain 90% degree of consolidation? (5) Max Marks: 15

2. a) For the point located at depth 5.0 m from GL (Fig. 2a), determine the total and effective vertical stresses and the coordinates, p, p' and q of the stress point Sketch the same on p-q and p'-q plots. (15) 3. a) A preload of 100 kPa is placed on a lightly over consolidated (OCR = 1,8) soil deposit (Fig. 3a). Estimate the settlement (i) considering the soil to be normally consolidated and (ii) lightly over consolidated. (7) b) If cv of the soil = 1.2x10 -3 cm2/s, how long would it take to attain 90% degree of consolidation? If PVDs are placed at 1.1 m spacing in square pattern, what mould be degree of consolidation at the end of 60 days if c h =2.5cy. (8) 4. A site near the coast comprising of soft silty clay (Fig. 4) was reclaimed by 4.0 in thick dredged sand for a major project. The SPT N values of the deposited sand were in the range of 3 to 6. It was required to improve the site with heavy tamping. Analyze the problem and design (i) weight of the pounder, (ii) the height of drop, (iii) the number of drops at each location, (iv) the spacing of the compaction points (primary & secondary ), (v) Method of evaluating the degree of improvement, (vi) any other measures that need to be taken up. (15) 5. a) Estimate the ultimate uplift capacity of a double under-reamed pile (Fig. 5a). b) What measures are available to deal with foundations on expansive soils? 6 What are the basic differences between vibro-compaction and vibro-replacement? Identify the types of soils for which each method is applicable - the parameters required to be determined to design the appropriate technique. Describe the methods. What is suitability number? (15) (8) (7)

7 a) The time versus settlement readings obtained from a vertical drain treated ground were: Time(days) 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 Settlement ' 65 84 97 109 118 125 133 142 149 158 165 cm Estimate the final settlement by Hyperbolic and Asaoka methods and degree of consolidation at 90 days. (15)

8 a) Design a 6 m high geogrid reinforced wall where the reinforcement spacing is limited to 1.0 m since the wall facing is of the precast segmented concrete facing panel type. The coverage ratio is 0.8. The length to height ratio of the reinforced soil wall should not be less than 0.7. The soil and geogrid properties are shown in Fig. 8. Check that the layer which is at 3.5 m below the top of the wall experience the tensile failure or not? Also decide the length of the geogrid without slipping between the fill soil and geogrid. (15)

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