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Fun in Acapulco (Ben Weisman - Sid Wayne) Acapulco, sleeping in the bay Acapulco, wake up and greet the

day Time to tell the guitars and sleepy-eyed stars To be on their way It s such a beauti!ul morning, !or a holiday "ey now come on, you old sleepy head See the sky turning red, and you re still in bed It s !un in Acapulco Acapulco, look here comes the sun Acapulco, it s a day !or !un I can t wait till I meet your sweet senoritas #iss e$eryone This is no time !or siesta, this is time !or !un I can t wait till I meet your sweet senoritas #iss e$eryone This is no time !or siesta, this is time !or !un This is no time !or siesta, this is time !or !un %%%this is no time !or siesta%%%this is time !or !un%%% Vino, Dinero Y Amor (Sid Tepper - &oy '% Bennett) (i$a el $ino, $i$a el dinero (i$a, (i$a )l amor I like to drink wine, and money is !ine But I like the girls e$en more (i$a el $ino, $i$a el dinero, $i$a $i$a el amor Some pesos you pass, put wine in her glass And soon she will say *si senor* (i$a el $ino, $i$a el dinero, $i$a $i$a el amor

With wine on your lips and money in your pocket And your sweetheart in your arms +ou re rich as you can be So li!t up your glass, let s sing it all together ,uchachos, caballeros, make this toast with me We ll drink one more time, with money and wine -et s drink to the girls we adore (i$a el $ino, $i$a el dinero, $i$a $i$a el amor Sing one more time, money and wine -et s sing to the girls we adore (i$a el $ino, $i$a el dinero, $i$a $i$a%%% )l amor Mexico (Tepper,Bennett) ,e.ico, ,e.ico They $e got muchas, mucha-chas, amigos %%%-atin !eatures,ne$er saw such adorable creatures %%%-o$e to dig, ooh%%%the nights here We li$e it up and lo$e it up amigo -i!e begins when you re in ,e.ico +ou ne$er order, water When you order south o! the border %%%In to kiss a lo$ely senorita /oh%% the samba, la bamba %%%I ll go where you go -i!e begins when you re in ,e.ico ,e.ico, ,e.ico They $e got muchas mucha-chas, amigos %%%ne$er saw such adorable creatures We ll li$e it up and lo$e it up amigo -i!e begins%%%when you re in%%%,e.ico%%% El Toro (Words 0 music by 1iant - Baum - #aye) There s a legend o! a !amous matador Who went to meet )l Toro Though he !ought as he had ne$er done be!ore "e could not beat, )l Toro

The bull )l Toro, brought him de!eat and pain And to his sorrow, the matador knew shame They said time would ne$er heal the many scars Brought by the great, )l Toro And the bitterness that burned deep in his heart 'aused him to hate, )l Toro The bull )l Toro, brought him de!eat and pain And to his sorrow, the matador knew shame So one night, when no-one was on sight The matador, went to !inish the score In the lonely !ields, beneath the pale moonlight "e !ought the bull%%%and they !ought once more When they !ound the matador and saw him dying "e d ne$er see tomorrow 2ow they say that on the spot where he was lying Still walks the proud )l Toro The bull )l Toro, brought him de!eat and pain And to his sorrow, the matador knew shame%%%% Marguerita (3on &obertson) Who makes my heart beat like thunder4 Who makes my temperature rise4 Who makes me tremble with wonder!ul rapture With one burning glance, !rom her eyes ,arguerita%%% /nce I was !ree as a gypsy A creature too wild to tame Then suddenly I saw, ,arguerita And I was caught, like a moth in the !lame ,arguerita%%%is her name ,arguerita%%% "er lips ha$e made me her prisoner A sla$e to her e$ery command She capti$ates me, and into.icates me With one little touch o! her hand ,arguerita%%%%

Sweet%%%,arguerita%%%sweet,sweet ,arguerita%%%% The Bullfighter Was a Lad (Words 0 music by Sid Tepper - &oy '% Bennett) 5edro the bull was a killer #ing o! the bull!ighter ringer "e d wipe up the !loor with each bra$e matador And ha$e matador stew !or his dinner "e heard the crowd shouting */l6* But he met his master that day The bull!ighter was a lady And it was true lo$e at !irst sight "er red cape was wa$ing but 5edro was shaking (or sha$ing4) "e wanted to date her that night /l6 5edro the bull he was smitten 7irst time the lo$e bug had bitten "e once was a mad bull, a wild and a bad bull But now he was mild as a kitten The people were starting to hiss But 5edro 8ust wanted to kiss The bull!ighter was a lady And 5edro he liked what he saw "e !loated on air with a rose in his hair As he walt9ed with that sweet matador "is !ate was a bad one, his tale is a sad one It s hanging right o$er her door /l6: !There"s# $o %oom to %hum&a in a 'ports (ar (Words 0 music by 7red Wise - 3ick ,anning ) This was gonna be the night tonight I was gonna get to hold you tight But I guess we didn t plan it right I ne$er stood a chance, we couldn t dance 'ause there s , no room to rhumba in a sports car +ou can t mo$e !orward or back There s no room to do what the beat tells you to Without throwing your spine outta wack

When a little kiss I want to steal I hit my head against the steering wheel 2ow I know the way a pret9el !eels All I can do is shout%%%"ey let me out:: 'ause there s , no room to rhumba in a sports car +ou can t mo$e !orward or back There s no room to do what the beat tells you to Without throwing your spine outta wack What a way to waste a day with you 2othing happens that can tell the truth -et s go out and !ind a telephone booth +eah that s a better place, I like more space 'ause there s , no room to rhumba in a sports car +ou can t mo$e !orward or back There s no room to do what the beat tells you to Without throwing your spine outta wack ) Thin* )"m +onna Li*e )t ,ere (3on &obertson - "al Blair ) 2o-one s in a hurry 2o-one seems to worry Why they re all so happy is $ery clear )$ery day siesta, e$ery night !iesta I think I m gonna like it here All this lo$ely scenery There s more to it than greenery I know a chance !or romance is always near ,ission bells are ringing, e$erybody s singing I think I m gonna like it hear The sound o! laughter !rom e$ery doorway Sweet music !loating across the s;uare It seems to say things are going better +our troubles like bubbles will soon disappear in the air 3own to my last peso, but I m not a!raid to say so I !eel 8ust like a bra$e, Spanish ca$alier I don t care where we go, so lead on* mi amigo* I think I m gonna like it here ,elodias%%%%%lapieras +our troubles like bubbles will soon disappear in the air

3own to my last peso, but I m not a!raid to say so I !eel 8ust like a bra$e, Spanish ca$alier I don t care where we go, so lead on* mi amigo* I think I m gonna like it here I think I m gonna like it here I think I m gonna like it here I think I m gonna like it here% Bossa $o-a, Ba& )l$is 5resley (<erry -eiber=,ike Stoller) I said, Take it easy, baby I worked all day and my !eet !eel 8ust like lead +ou got my shirt tails 7lyin all o$er the place And the sweat poppin out o! my head She said, "ey, Bossa no$a, baby #eep on a workin child This ain t no time to ;uit She said, 1o, Bossa no$a, baby #eep on dancin I m about to ha$e mysel! a !it Bossa no$a, Bossa no$a I said, "ey little mama, -et s sit down "a$e a drink and dig the band She said, 3rink, drink, drink /h, !iddle-de-dink I can dance with a drink in my hand She said "ey Bossa no$a, baby #eep on workin child This ain t no time to drink She said 1o, Bossa no$a, baby #eep on dancin 'ause I ain t got time to think I said, 'ome on, baby It s hot in here And it s oh so cool outside I! you lend me a dollar I can buy some gas And we can go !or a little ride She said, "ey Bossa no$a, baby #eep on workin child I ain t got time !or that She said, 1o Bossa no$a, baby

#eep on dancin /r I ll !ind mysel! another cat You can"t sa no, in Acapulco +ou can t say no, in Acapulco With e$ery beat your heart will answer yes Where lo$ers sing instead o! talk And dance instead o! walk together In a night, that s !illed with stars And strumming guitars +ou can t say no, in Acapulco Where romance blooms, and lo$e is in the air So kiss me tender, lo$e me true 3arling !eel this magic too 3on t say no, you can t say no, in Acapulco +ou can t say no, in Acapulco Where romance blooms, and lo$e is in the air So kiss me tender, lo$e me true 3arling !eel this magic too 3on t say no, you can t say no, in Acapulco 3on t say no%%%you can t say no, in Acapulco +uadala.ara 1uadala8ara, 1uadala8ara%%% 1uadala8ara, 1uadala8ara Tienes el alma de pro$inciana "ueles a limpio a rosa temprana A$er de 8ara !resca del rio Son mil palomos to case rio 1uadala8ara, 1uadala8ara Sabes a pura tierra mo8ada (Ay:: 8a 8a, ay, 8a 8a,a8: 8a, 8a%%Ay:: 8a 8a) A8::: colomitos le8anos%%%%a8:::%%o8itos de agua hermanos Ay colomitos i nol $idables, i nol $idables como las tardes )n ;ue la llu$ia, des de la loma, ir nos hacia, hasta >apopam A+:: misermano%%Ay-8a-8a%%%,e.icano%%% Ay colomitos i nol $idables, i nol $idables como las tardes )n ;ue la llu$ia, des de la loma, ir nos hacia, hasta >apopam

1uadala8ara, 1uadala8ara%%%1uadala8ara%%1uadala8ara 1uadala8ara%%%%1uadala8ara

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