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Paul Mehdi <pmrizvi@gmail.


Indusite website design

4 messages Paul Mehdi Rizvi <> To: Hi Tom, Thanks for speaking to me yesterday. I'll dive straight into the nitty gritty of the project that needs to !e focused on. Indusite intends to !e an online gallery for contemporary crafts and art from the Indus "alley region #akistan, Iran, $fghanistan and India are the core countries I hope to source my products from. There %ill !e fe% anti&ues thro%n in though. I am hoping literally to capitalise on very good personal contacts in #akistan to !egin %ith. 'allery space(retail premises in )e%castle %ill !e looked into later on. The !usiness aim is t%o fold: to provide international customers easy access to some%hat hard to find products and eventually to encourage and support artists and dying crafts in the region. *o I %ill !e dealing %ith contemporary artist's %ork on the one hand and truck art painted garden %atering cans on the other. The emphasis %ould !e on 'contemporary' and slightly 'avant garde' and %hile this needs to come out in the !randing %ith a very for%ard looking %e!site, I am very %ary of putting up a %e!site that may have accessi!ility issues. *o I have realised that the %e!site should !e constructed %ith HT+,, -** and .HT+, and very little /lash if at all 0taking into account %e are getting into HT+,1 and -**2 in a !are fe% months3. This last !it comes from having put up a fancy /lash sector in a previous %e!site and then finding that contrary to e4pectations most people %ill not !other %ith ena!ling /lash plug ins5 -**2 might take care of this !ut again I may encounter !ro%ser limitations for a time yet6 $part from the style aspect %hich has taken me a %hile to settle on, the %e!site %ill need a small !ut second to none shopping system %ith a 7889 relia!le purchasing(updating system that I can manage. I find $ma:on's system a !it of a model, and the fact is that payment systems like #ay#al refuse to do !usiness %ith %e!sites in that region !ut one solution you did remind me of %as the merchant !anking. Indusite may !e a!le serve as a conduit for desperate crafts producers and artists %hose production units are !y necessity !ased out there. The design ideas I am sending are the result of a fair amount of !rand oriented planning and there is still an issue in my mind perhaps a choice !et%een simplicity and elegance on the one hand and some complicated theory underlying the !randing. The %e!site %ill offer a degree of other information 0e4pert articles and video clips3 a!out the region. I need to no% get on %ith the implementation of the !usiness plans travel a!road etc., and am considering handing over the final design to the professionals as it %ere, and get into the actual trading phase asap. $ &uotation in hand soon %ould !e desira!le. +ore later and in anticipation of hearing from you at some point, Thanks and ;egards, Tue, un !", #$!$ at !$%&' (M

#aul. #aul +ehdi ;i:vi <e! .esign(e -ommerce

# attachments )cribble logo card design.*pg 7=1> +ull ,usiness idea.doc 7??@>
Tom Moore <tom@*am*> To: #aul +ehdi ;i:vi Apmri:vi@gmail.comB Tue, un !", #$!$ at "%". PM

-c: Cmma Dameson

Hi Paul, Thank you for your email. I've been out of the office today but will have a chat with Emma in the morning and get you an approximate co t tomorrow. !ind regard , Tom
Tom Moore Technical "irector #thinker $ doer%

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Tom Moore <tom@*am*> To: #aul +ehdi ;i:vi Apmri:vi@gmail.comB

/ed, un !0, #$!$ at &%&1 PM

-c: emma jameson

Hello Paul, 4our pro3ect ound really intere ting. I've poken to Emma and we think that the be t way forward i for u to provide you with an very 5uick initial ite tructure ba ed upon our under tanding of your re5uirement . I've outlined below the core ection of the ite a we ee it, plu a little information about technologie we would u e, the de ign proce and co t . !inde t regard ,

Tom "e ign 66666 Emma will develop web ite vi ual ba ed upon agreed ite tructure and functionality. 7he will u e your brand a a tarting point o if you have any other branded material #in addition to the bu ine card% that will help her to develop a look6and6feel for the ite. 7tructure 66666 (. Home Page 6 7uc inct introduction to the bu ine 6 8hanelling vi itor toward the ' hop' 6 9rand6led *. '7hop' 6 Ea y to u e, minimal 'clutter' 6 'Product image'6focu ed #like ama:on% 6 Product categori ed 6 ;ully content managed 6 <inking to payment portal #<loyd bank% 6 Payment portal hould be ' kinned' to retain brand look6and6feel =. >bout ? 6 @aybe name thi ection omething like 'Aur Etho ' 6 ;ocu upon company ethic and individuality 6 Po ibly introduce your elf, explain the motivation behind the ite2bu ine .. 9log 6 ;rom your bu ine plan, we under tand the importance of not only elling, but informing your cu tomer 6 Providing omewhere on your ite for new 2comment2arti t and expert input 6 Enable you to engage with cu tomer ,. 8ontact ? 6 7tandard contact detail 6 ;eedback2contact form Technologie 66666 Aur experience indicate you hould alway a ume the lowe t common denominator. Thi i generally a u er with a ba ic under tanding of technology who i not prepared to wait around for fla hy animation or overly complicated navigation. E5ually, we 7TI<< find our elve having to con ider Internet Explorer + when de igning ite a it' ama:ing how many u er u e thi old technology. Be would build your ite u ing HT@<, 877* and Cava7cript #for any effect %. Bhile HT@<, and 877= are not far off, I expect it to be year rather than month before we could afely expect everyone to be u ing brow er that upport thi technology.

4our ite will be fully content managed, allowing you to make change to content, blog entrie and manage your online tore. 8o t 66666 Aur daily rate at Cam Car i D*,'EF>T. 9elow i an approximation of time we would expect to take to deliver your pro3ect. (. 7et up of ho ting, domain 6 '., day *. >gree ite tructure and functionality 6 (., day =. "e ign tage ( 6 provide you with a choice of de ign concept 6 * day .. "e ign tage * 6 de ign amendment 6 ( day ,. Implementation tage ( 6 ;unctional implementation of core ite #excluding e6commerce% 6 . day +. Implementation tage * 6 E6commerce implementation and integration with payment portal 6 . day -. Te ting $ oft6launch 6 we will provide you with pa word protected acce prior to launch 6 * day Total G (, day H D*,'EF>T G D=-,'EF>T

Tom Moore Technical "irector #thinker $ doer%

t & '()( *+' ,)') m & '--.' (+, /,( begin0of0the0 kype0highlighting /,( end0of0the0 kype0highlighting http122www.3am3ar tudio 66666 Ariginal @e age 66666 From: Paul @ehdi Ii:vi To: tomH3am3ar tudio Sent: Tue day, Cune (,, *'(' ('1./ >@ Subject: Indu ite web ite de ign
EFuoted te4t hiddenG

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Paul Mehdi Rizvi <> To: Tom +oore Hi Tom,

Thu, un !2, #$!$ at !!%.' (M

Thanks very much for the email. I %ill take a close look at the details and hope to get !ack to you as soon as possi!le. ;egards, #aul.
EFuoted te4t hiddenG

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