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Section B: Institutions and audiences terminology

Cross-Media Convergence Viral Marketing Revenue Streams Vertical Integration Institutions working together to produce texts and content. Synergy An institution owning several examples of one type of media. Horizontal Integration Companies who produce media texts. Institution New Media Technology Technological Convergence Social Networking The people who a text is aimed at. Audience The process of making a text. Production The process of advertising a text. Marketing How a text gets to its audience. Distribution The point whereby an audience can access a text. Exchange A large institution that owns a range of smaller institutions. Conglomerate Demographic Parent Company A smaller company that is owned by a parent company. Subsidiary Freemium A game (usually app-based) that is initially free but extra features can be purchased to extend the life of the game. A specific group of the audience based on factors such as age, gender, location, lifestyle etc. A large company that owns a subsidiary. Any developing technology, usually digital, that seeks to enhance the audience experience. One piece of technology (hardware) that performs multiple functions. Connecting to others online, usually through dedicated sites. A company producing more than one kind of media. Using online content to spread information this is usually done by the audience rather than the institution. Merchandise and other items that carry the name of the text and make money for the institutions. One company having an interest in more than one stage of a texts life.

In-app purchasing Simultaneous Distribution Downloadable content

A process whereby downloadable content can be accessed through the game, for a fee. Releasing a text on multiple platforms. Digital information that can be accessed online to expand the functions of a game. A concept whereby the functionality and interactivity of the web has increased due to high speed broadband and developing technology. The audience are encouraged to produce their own content and upload online.

Web 2.0

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