Eloquence III

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e Lead | Li ce Eloq ead | Li e Lead | Lis loquen Lead | Lis ce Eloq ead | Lis uence e u c q n o e l L u | E peak E peak | n peak

| q peak | n peak | L e o e e l loq | Speak | L u c u E q E q n o o e S e l S S e l S S c | u | c | | E n| E q n nce ad | Listen Eloque ad | Listen ence Elo ad | Listen oquence ad | Listen Eloquenad | Listen nce E e u q o El peak | Le oquence peak | Le Eloqu peak | Le nce El peak | Le quence eak | Le Eloque k l sten | S lo ten | Sp uence |S ce isten | S Eloque sten | S E E n pe a e e e S c u c sten | i s q n i q n i n L que k | Lead | ence Elo k | Lead | L oquence k | Lead | L Eloque | Lead | L nce Elo ad | Liste o l E e nc en | Spea e Eloqu en | Spea ence El n | Spea oquence n | Speak Eloque peak | Le oquence E t l en | Spe nc ead | List e Eloqu ad | Liste ence El ad | Liste oquence Listen | S E e | Lis e u c q n o e ad | List en l eak | L l c u u E | Le | Le E n q q ad | e o k k e o e e l a l c a L u c e | e E eak | Le Eloqu e uen isten | Sp ce Eloq isten | Sp uence E sten | Sp Eloquen c eak p n S e u ten | Sp uence ten | S n ad | L q ad | Li L q o e en | o e l t l u c s i E q ad | E 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ea E n q ak | o l e o e e l a p u a c E u | Speak S E1n q Charter n q e o e o e l c Spe S pe S pe l | Sp c | u | c | n E n E q n n e n n e o e Date: February 2008 e e e u e l t en te c te u t c u q s s ist s i E q s i n o i L q n i L L o l e L | o L e | e l | ce E eak | Lead ce Eloqueak | Lead uence E ak | Lead loquenc ak | Lead | ce Eloqu ak | Lead | uence El ak | Lea E n | Spe oquen n | Spe p loq ten | Spe u quen Listen | Sp ence Eloq Listen | Spe oquencepresents n|S E o l e e e l t t c s E s e | | l Lead | Li uence E Lead | Li uen | Lead | Lis ce Eloq | E q o ead e l L c | | quencpeak | Lead ence Eloqu | E n q k e Speak en Speak lo | Speak uence | Speak u u q E pea q o S o S l e l | | u | c loq d | Listen uence E | Listen loquen | Listen ce Eloq | Listen uence E | Listen | loq sten E e c n e ak | Lea e Eloq ak | Lead ence E ak | Lead loquen ak | Lead e Eloq k | Lead ence E u q o l E n | Spe oquenc n | Spe qu en | Spe ence E n | Spe oquenc n | Spea o oqu ten | Spea l l E E e e l t e 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Le l u Le a c u en | | Lea us onen | q t q E o k s k o ak | i l e l 2 and 4 Saturdays a a L c E pe pe e E sten | Spe loquen ten | Spe ce Eloquat enc k | Lead | c u n n | S pm uence sten | S q e o e ce 6:00 t l u s s i n E q e Li ea Li o loq | Lead | L uence E Lead | Li loquen Leat | l | e p u c d S q d E a Grooming a ce Dales, uen | Listen | El o e n E q Speak | n q k k| o e k | Le e o e l a c l a c u e e n E pe a E q n p e p d S | S 1 Floor, |Apartments, qu ead | List Elo Delta nce eak | Lea o ence | Listen | ce Eloque | LisMMC l e e te n ten u c u E s i q n q L o e e o L l | c l Road, Mahim West,E Mumbai 400016. u |L n E k | Lead oquen k | Lead q | Sp ad e ak | o e n e l u e c e p ue q t E o n S q k l is e | o e a l a a L l c e u n e E | e E p n e q p E p d t |S ce k | Lea nce ead | Lis Elo eak | Lea n | S www.bombaytoastmasters.in e n ence | Listen | S ce Eloque | ListeWeb: e e u u c u q q o n q o L l e o l l n | S pe a u E | Sp q E ak | e o n e c l e excom@bombaytoastmasters.in ce E eak | Lead Eloquen eak | Lead Email: e c p n t E S e en ad | Liste quence e u c n| | Lis u q e p n p o q d t l S e S o e a s l | i | c u e E |L en ce e E peak | Le nce Elo peak | uen ad | Listen ce Eloq | Speak | L c n q ead e n o L e l u | u q k E e ten | S ence | Speak | Le e Eloquen ad | Listen uence Elo isten | Spea ence Eloqd | Listen | S ce Eloqud | Lis uen q n c e a u L a q L o e n | e o n e l q | L l e L u e o d | k | l E q u a E a k ist o k Le ce loq ten | Spe ce E en | Spea ence El en | Spea loquence en | Spea n E e ak | n e e e u c p u q S n o q s l o ad | List l E oqu ead | List ence E ead | List loqu en | que | Lead | Li E l t e s c e i E c L n e | e e n L c e peak | u k n peak | L e Eloqu peak | L ence E p u q e o q Lead l u o pe a | l q S E k o | S E en ence sten | Spea oquence d | Listen | uence Eld | Listen | S loquenc | Listen | S ce Eloqu | Listen | S u q o l d i l d E q a | Lea El k ence E eak | Lead | L oquence E| Speak | Le uence Elo| Speak | Lea loquence| Speak | Lea ce Eloque|n e a c e n p e S l q n n qu | Sp ence E | Listen loquen | Listen ten e Elo | Listen nce E | Liste ce Elo | Liste

nd th st

Listen | Speak | Lead


From The Boss

Dear Friends, It gives me immense pleasure writing this piece today. As I sat back and relived the experiences of the last quarter, I felt truly on top of the world. The support extended by each one of you has helped us reach where we are today. BTM was formally chartered on February 01, 2008, TM Arun led the club and we achieved the Distinguished Club status. TM Nazir with his charisma and charm helped the club reach newer heights and we were "Select Distinguished Club". It is with pride that I share the fact that we began the year in July 2009 with two awards - 2 CL's Arvind and yours truly. We closed the year in December 2009 with two awards 1 CCMadhura, 1 ACB- Rukmini. We began the year January 2010 with two awards 2 ALB's - Rukmini and yours truly. TM Arvind and TM Parul became ALBs during the first six months! We have lot of potential and it has been acknowledged and appreciated time and again. The leadership team of Area D5 (Parul, Arvind, Rukmini & Madhura all from BTM) helped charter three new corporate clubs. I am sure that BTM leaders would contribute towards extending the benefits of toastmasters by spreading the movement in and around Mumbai. Within two months the process to elect the new ExCom members would begin, I am hopeful that new members would take this movement forward. We need to conduct a membership drive, bring in new members and extend the benefit of the movement to the masses. Please reach out and spread the word, in your locality, at your office. Join me in congratulating the two stars of BTM,
TM Suneel Agarwal, Outstanding Toastmaster for the first Quarter TM Phalgunan Kumaran, Outstanding Toastmaster for the second Quarter As I sign off, I wish to extend my sincere thanks to our lovely young baldies ;-) TM Rashid Merchant and TM Juzer Udaipuri for completing thier CCs and help BTM achieve the 9th Goal towards DCP , helping us to become PRESIDENTS DISTINGUISHED CLUB. A very big thank you to you for helping the club achieve President Distinguished club status. First club in Division D to achieve this goal! This would not have been possible without the contribution from each and everyone. We have miles to go and lots to learn! Let us Communicate, Educate and Celebrate together as we continuously strive to be better and reach Excellence.

Brillian S.K., CC, ALB President Bombay Toastmasters Club 2009-2010


Dates To Note!

Feb 27, BTM Club Contest May 21- 23, 2010: Ovation 2010 @ Chennai. Be there!

A Bombay Toastmasters Club Presentation

Listen | Speak | Lead


Its Philosophy: We learn better and own up our learning in an adult learning process. Every individual has a willingness to learn and learns at his own pace. (Exactly opposite to the belief in a pedagogy form of learning like our formal education processes, that fixes timelines for learning) To provide a non-threatening, non-inhibiting learning environment where people can achieve their communication goals with the encouraging support from their fellow learners To focus on the positive during the learning process, to lay stress on the strengths/potentials of the individual toastmasters Its strengths: Toastmasters as a movement could grow slowly, but steadily because: It encourages an individual to take responsibility for his learning It does not impose any pass/fail criteria for his progress in the educational and leadership tracks (unlike our formal educational systems) It provides an environment where one can come, practice and exhibit the communication skills he acquired It provides a process for giving feedback and receiving feedback It facilitates knowledge transfer from one senior learner to another through the mentoring process In the above context, I have come to believe that: One should be allowed to learn at his own pace. It is not fair on my part to assess/judge someone's learning or comment on the capability/skill one has acquired. I can have a framework of reference for a particular education or leadership award, but it should be applied only to my self and not to be imposed on others. (eg) As a CC he should speak like this, as a DTM he should be like this etc. If someone has achieved multiple DTMs or completed his educational awards in a record time, I can only acknowledge the toastmaster's achievement and say "Hat's off to you, Sir!" for the following reasons: You found so much time to conceptualize your speeches You found time to go to a club meeting and get a speaking slot You could find time with amazing regularity to present your speeches You could get your manuals regularly updated, submit your educational achievements regularly and plan your next educational track without fail You could also inspire someone in your audience by your commitment and achievements and giving them confidence that they can also achieve their goals Above all, when all of us have only 24 hours in a day, when we have all our personal, professional, family and social commitments, you could still find time to pursue your toastmasters career passionately. To summarize: I can be a good teacher, if others listen to me! I can be a role model, if others choose me to be so!

What is Toastmastes to me?

Reproduced with permission from Nagaraja Rao, DTM, LGET - District 82.
A Bombay Toastmasters Club Presentation

Listen | Speak | Lead



1. Begin with the end in mind and specify desired results. 2. Delegate completely and thoroughly depending upon the level of initiativeGtaken by subordinate. 3. Allow participation. Tasks are achieved quicker and better with coordinated effort. 4. Match levels of authority with levels of responsibility. 5. Working within the structure retains control. 6. Provide full support for the delegated task. Your subordinates stall respect you for that. 7. Maintaining accountability for results is of prime importance. 8. Delegate consistently, do not delegate merely because you are overloaded. 9. Avoid upward delegation. 10. Clearly state the rewards to be achieved after successful completion of the task.

Managing Managers!
Managing Your Manager Everyone should know how to manage their managers if they want to be able to make the best possible use of their own time. Learn to do this discreetly so that your seniors do not feel as though they are being undermined or manipulated. Be aware of your bosss working patterns, and try to adapt to them. Building a Relationship The first thing you need to know is exactly what your manager expects of you. Do you have the sort of manager who delegates a task to you and then gives you the freedom to get on with it, or are you expected to report every day and to wait around until they are free to hear you ? Discuss this matter tactfully with your manager early . That way you can tailor the way you work to fit in with your bosss expectations. If you decide you would like more autonomy, persuade your seniors to trust you by establishing a strong relationship with them. When you have a good relationship with your manager, you can be less formal, and communication becomes easier, more direct, and therefore more efficient. Sorting out Queries Take the initiative and arrange a time to see your manager, rather than waiting for your manager to come to see you. They may be so involved with their work that they do not realize that you need help from time to time.

te , minu a e t s a r; If I w te an hou , s ur a Iw an ho e t s a if I w te a day; I was te a day, as if I w a lifetime! te I was

A Bombay Toastmasters Club Presentation


Listen | Speak | Lead


8 gifts you can easily give away!

1) THE GIFT OF LISTENING... But you must REALLY listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening. 2) THE GIFT OF AFFECTION...Be generous with appropriate hugs, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends. 3) THE GIFT OF LAUGHTER...Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you." 4) THE GIFT OF A WRITTEN NOTE...It can be a simple. "Thanks for the help". A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life. 5) THE GIFT OF A COMPLIMENT...A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job" or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day. 6) THE GIFT OF A FAVOR...Every day, go out of your way to do something kind. 7) THE GIFT OF SOLITUDE...There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others. 8) THE GIFT OF A CHEERFUL DISPOSITION...The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone, really it's not that hard to say, Hello or Thank You.

Know Your DCP Status!

Two CCs Y Two more CCs Y One AC One more AC One CL/AL/DTM Y One more CL/AL/DTM Y Four new members Y Four more new members Y Minimum of 4 club officers trained each training period July - Aug Y Dec-Jan Y One semiannual report and one club officer report Y submitted on time. Total Goals Achieved 9

Awards and Accolades!

BTM receives Founders Ribbon for sponsoring the Cognizant Mumbai Toastmasters corporate club. BTM receives Founders Ribbon for sponsoring the Accenture Mumbai Toastmasters corporate club. TM Madhura Nene receives CC award. TM Rukmini Iyer, CC, ALBreceives ACB award. TM Parul Banka, ACB, CL receives the ALB award. TM Arvind Nair, CC, CL & TM Brillian CC, CL receive the ALB award.

BTM is a Presidents Distinguished Club

A Bombay Toastmasters Club Presentation

Listen | Speak | Lead


A Bombay Toastmasters Club Presentation

Toastmastes making news in Mumbai!

Bombay Toastmasters were featured in Hindustan Times.

Listen | Speak | Lead


Magic Word Square

A magic word square is one in which same 6 words read the same both across and down. CLUES: 1. Could be this shy in the judges chamber. 2. Assume otherwise entertains. 3. Wine or weapon for listeners. 4. Bond prevents what movies provide. 5. There was a solitary one in the painting. 6. A formidable countenance to the rear. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6

A big round of applause!

Bombay Toastmasters acknowledges the following achievers! Suneel Agarwal, Outstanding Toastmaster for the first Quarter Phalgunan Kumaran, Outstanding Toastmaster for the second Quarter Rashid Merchant & Juzer Udaipuri, whose efforts helped BTM achieve its 9th DCP goal. 7 Members of Mahindra & Mahindra who began a journey with BTM and are now all set to begin a new chapter as a corporate club Balamohan Rajpanicker, Monisha Dikhit, Nirmala Menon, Phalgunan Kumaran, Punit Patel, Rakesh Dsouza and Vishal Jain.

Signing off...
Dear Readers, We hope you have enjoyed reading the third issue of Eloquence, we express our gratitude to the following Toastmasters who supported us in publishing this issue: Nagaraja Rao Sources from the internet A big thank you to all the members of BTM who wholeheartedly supported us, we look forward to your continued support and encouragement. If you have any suggestions, comments, apprecition please do let us know (mail to: eloquence@bombaytoastmasters.in). We would be glad to share it here in print. Till we write again, Au revoir!

The Editorial Team

A Bombay Toastmasters Club Presentation


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