Mam2910 Project Template

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CTS Intermediate Project Template

This template can be used by a teacher/student to assist in planning for an intermediate project course from the CTS program of studies. An intermediate CTS project course must connect with a minimum of two successfully completed CTS courses, one of which must be at the intermediate level and in the same occupational area as the project course. The other CTS course(s) can be at any level and from any occupational area. A project course cannot be connected to other project courses or practicum courses. Student Name: Student ID Number (optional):

Student Name
Teacher Name:

Student ID
Start Date: End Date:

Mr. Saxon Butte

Project Course Code:

February 1, 2015
Project Course Title:

June 30, 2015



CTS course connections and the year the credits were or will be awarded. CTS courses that the project course connects with (minimum 2) MAM2090: Promotion Print Advertising MAM1010: Marketing & Management COM1035: Graphics Tools INF3080: Project Management Tools When the credits were or will be awarded 01 2014 01 2014 01 2014 01 2014 Occupational Area(s) MAM MAM COM INF

What are the details of this project?

A promotional video for students and parents is available at: This template will be completed for all students and the information provided here-in available to all parents. The student will work collaboratively with other students to design, create and publish high quality print advertising for an external organization based on the organizations marketing needs. Students will be required to use graphics tools in the development of the print advertising and project management software to plan and update timelines, tasks and resources as the project develops. Students will be required to formally meet and consult with the organization off-campus at the beginning of and throughout the project as well as provide them with regular status updates. Note: The off-campus component of this course classifies it as a work study and the student must have taken a workplace safety course (Alberta Education, 2011). Additionally, the connected course COM1035: Graphics Tools, has a prerequisite. The project therefore has the following additional prerequisites:
i. A workplace safety course, (HCS3000: Workplace Safety Systems or Workplace Readiness 10-4 (K/E)) ii. COM1005: Visual Composition

The connected courses and project is intended to be offered as a group from September 2014 to June 2015 as a 5-credit "project". During the first semester, students will complete the 4 connected courses (arrangements will be made for students to complete the COM1005 prerequisite prior to the connected COM1035 course if necessary). In the second semester, it will be arranged for students to complete the HCS3000 course for offcampus investigations (before any off-campus activities take place).

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

CTS Project Template 2013

What are the attitudes, skills and knowledge that will be enhanced and extended by completing this project?

The student will understand and appreciate that marketing and promotional material are tailored to the client s needs, that marketing must be conducted ethically, that projects require strict planning and management, that efforts are largely collaborative and thrive with strong leadership, and professionalism in business. The student will be able to Meet and consult with organizational decision-makers, Develop high-quality promotional print material using a variety of software, Adapt and present prototypes and final products, and Plan, update and manage a project timeline, tasks and resources using a variety of software.
What are the safety concerns for this project?

In accordance with mandates for all off-campus investigations (Alberta Education, 2011), the worksite will be board-approved and inspected by a certified teacher with sufficient knowledge of workplace health and safety. Additionally, students will be accompanied by the off-campus coordinator at every visit to the worksite for meetings and presentations. Safety concerns to be noted are travel to and from the worksite as well as the safe-use of computer technology and ergonomics (Alberta Education, 2009a; 2009b; 2010; 2011).
What will be needed to accomplish this project (e.g., tools, materials, money, people, time)?

The student will require access to a computer operating either a Windows or Mac platform, software capable of processing digital images, such as Adobe Photoshop, software capable of managing a project, such as Microsoft Project, access to printing services, either at the school or organization, regular access to the off-campus coordinator / project supervisor, and sufficient personal time to commit to regularly scheduled meetings with the client organization.

Connected courses MAM2090: Promotion Print Advertising

Prerequisite: None (Alberta Education, 2009b, p. 27)

MAM1010: Marketing & Management

Prerequisite: None (Alberta Education, 2009b, p. 1)

Outcomes being linked 1. describe principles involved in the advertising process and apply these principles to print media 3. design and create an effective print advertisement 3.1 explain the steps in planning a print advertisement including: 3.1.1 determine the form of print media 3.1.2 state the objective 3.1.3 define the target audience 3.1.4 select the buying motive 3.2 demonstrate the use of effective layout arrangements such as: 3.2.1 use of borders 3.2.2 use of white space 3.2.3 use of different fonts 3.2.4 placement of the various components 2. describe the characteristics of marketing and decisions made within the marketing mix 2.3 identify the components of the marketing mix 2.5 describe the focus marketing takes for different types of businesses 2.6 describe the effect marketing decisions have on society

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

CTS Project Template 2013

COM1035: Graphics Tools

Prerequisite: COM1005: Visual Composition (Alberta Education, 2010, p. 7)

INF3080: Project Management Tools

Prerequisite: None (Alberta Education, 2009a, p. 35)

2. select and use appropriate applications to create basic vector and raster graphic images 2.2 understand the importance and purpose of various file formats, resolutions and file sizes 2.3 set up a new document, considering: 2.3.1 size and type of output 2.3.2 units of measure 2.3.3 bleeding 2.3.4 use of colour in graphics 2.3.5 appropriate colour mode 2.3.6 pixel ratio 2.4 import images from various image-capture devices into a graphics program 2.6 demonstrate use of basic tools 2.7 create and/or manipulate original vector and raster graphics 4. Identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice 1. demonstrate the ability to use information management software 1.1 plan projects, including setting goals, time lines and determining resource needs by: 1.1.1 organizing relevant data 1.1.2 defining basic project information including identifying all key tasks, linking tasks (where appropriate) and assigning task duration 1.1.3 organizing tasks into an outline and detailing each subtask including viewing different levels of task detail 1.1.4 creating resource lists including entering cost information, assigning resources and applying appropriate constraints 1.2 monitor projects, including time and resource management by: 1.2.1 identifying critical issues 1.2.2 resolving time restrictions 1.2.3 resolving resource constraints 1.3 adjust project files, as appropriate, including: 1.3.1 sort and filter data 1.4 prepare project reports

What will be accomplished by linking these outcomes in this project? These outcomes necessarily support and expand the knowledge, skills and attitudes outcomes specified above for the project course. The linkage of these connected knowledge and skills outcomes highlights some of the key elements of marketing and professionalism in business which are to be further developed and explored throughout the project with the goal of students gaining greater exposure to the career opportunities available in the field of business. Why were these courses and key outcomes chosen? The connected courses and outcomes highlight the most relevant knowledge and skills to be expanded and enhanced through the project as they are the working foundation for the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be attained in this project. The courses listed were purposefully selected to draw on basic knowledge from the relevant occupational areas while rendering the project more accessible to students with respect to prerequisites for the connected courses. Specifically, the only connected course with a prerequisite is COM1035, which has COM1005 as a prerequisite. It is anticipated that many students already possess this prerequisite, and those who do not will be afforded the opportunity to complete it ahead of time.

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

CTS Project Template 2013


Alberta Education. (2009a). Information Processing [Program of Studies]. Retrieved from

Alberta Education. (2009b). Management & Marketing [Program of Studies]. Retrieved from

Alberta Education. (2010). Communication Technology [Program of Studies].

Alberta Education. (2011). Off-campus education program handbook. Retrieved from

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

CTS Project Template 2013

Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced CTS Project Course Rubric

(Assessment of Outcomes 15) Student Name: Name of Project: Teacher: Start Date: Finish Date:
Criteria Identify the connection between the project course and two or more CTS courses (1.1, 1.2) (4.1, 4.3) Excellent
Significantly contribute to identifying prior CTS outcomes connected to project. Give an insightful explanation of how prior CTS knowledge, skills and attitudes connect with the project course. Outline proposal collaboratively with teacher.

Contribute to identifying prior CTS outcomes connected to project. Give a relevant explanation of how prior CTS knowledge, skills and attitudes connect with the project course. Review proposal by teacher.

Somewhat contribute to identifying prior CTS outcomes connected to project. Give a reasonable explanation of how prior CTS knowledge, skills and attitudes connect with the project course.

Listen while others contribute to identifying prior CTS outcomes connected to project. Need others to explain details of how prior CTS knowledge, skills and attitudes connect with the project course.

Has not yet provided evidence.

Review proposal by Review proposal by teacher. teacher.

Has not yet provided evidence.

Propose the project and/or performance (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) (4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

Take a leading role in the development of proposal; e.g., prepare detailed work plan that includes purpose, deliverables, timelines, terms and resources identify health and safety standards define assessment standards (indicators of success) obtain approval. Demonstrate passion and dedication to complete project, as outlined. Skillfully demonstrate the ability to apply and model leadership skills to solve problems, make decisions and complete tasks as planned.

Take a role in the development of proposal; e.g., prepare detailed work plan that includes purpose, deliverables, timelines, terms and resources identify health and safety standards define assessment standards (indicators of success) obtain approval. Demonstrate initiative to complete project, as outlined.

Take a minimal role in the development of proposal; e.g., prepare detailed work plan that includes purpose, deliverables, timelines, terms and resources identify health and safety standards define assessment standards (indicators of success) obtain approval. Demonstrate a willingness to complete project, as outlined.

Listen while others work on the development of proposal; e.g., prepare detailed work plan that includes purpose, deliverables, timelines, terms and resources identify health and safety standards define assessment standards (indicators of success) obtain approval. Work, with constant supervision, toward completion of the project, as outlined. Has not yet provided evidence.

Complete project and/or performance as outlined* (3.1) (4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

Competently demonstrate the ability to apply leadership skills to solve problems, make decisions and complete tasks as planned.

Satisfactorily demonstrate the ability to apply skills to solve problems, make decisions and complete tasks as planned.

Often need help to demonstrate the ability to apply skills to solve problems, make decisions and complete tasks as planned.

*To add more detail, share examples of how this criterion was met on the back or on a separate sheet.
Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

CTS Project Template 2013

Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced CTS Project Course Rubric (continued) Criteria Excellent
Transfer and apply health and safety standards to all working environments throughout the project.

Apply health and safety standards to all working environments throughout the project.

Apply, with assistance, health and safety standards to all working environments throughout the project.

Apply, with constant supervision, health and safety standards to all working environments throughout the project. Need the support of the teacher to monitor progress and make adjustments for improvement. Need to ask questions when necessary. Rarely adhere to planned deadlines. Need help to share a personal experience related to an achieved outcome and its relationship to original goals.

Has not yet provided evidence.

Comply with safety standards and monitor performance during project* (2.2) (3.2) (4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

Effectively monitor progress and make significant adjustments for improvement.

Somewhat effectively monitor progress and make appropriate adjustments for improvement.

Follow the lead of others to monitor progress and make adjustments for improvement.

Ask insightful questions when necessary. Consistently adhere to planned deadlines. Share a wide variety of personal experiences related to achieved outcomes and their relationship to original goals.

Ask relevant questions when necessary. Usually adhere to planned deadlines. Share some personal experiences related to achieved outcomes and their relationship to original goals.

Ask reasonable questions when necessary. Sometimes adhere to planned deadlines. Share a personal experience related to an achieved outcome and its relationship to original goals.

Present project and/or performance (3.3) (4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

Has not yet provided evidence.

Evaluate project and/or performance* (3.4) Make significant (4.1, 4.2, 4.3) recommendations
for improvement.

Use rubrics, exemplars and feedback effectively to examine processes and strategies.

Use rubrics, exemplars and feedback somewhat effectively to examine processes and strategies. Make relevant recommendations for improvement.

Use rubrics, exemplars and feedback adequately to examine processes and strategies.

Need help to use rubrics, exemplars and feedback to examine processes and strategies.

Has not yet provided evidence.

Make predictable recommendations for improvement.

Use the ideas of others to make recommendations for improvement. Review career pathway plan. With help be able to identify a few connections between career and personal values and goals. Has not yet provided evidence.

Complete career outcome as identified in course* (4.1, 4.2) (5.1, 5.2) Comments:

Refine career pathway plan. Identify significant connections between career and personal values and goals.

Update career pathway plan. Identify more connections between career and personal values and goals.

Review career pathway plan. Identify a few connections between career and personal values and goals.

*To add more detail, share examples of how this criterion was met on the back or on a separate sheet.

Alberta Education, Alberta, Canada

CTS Project Template 2013

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