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Unit 5 Positive Discrimination I.1 Before you read, answer the following questions: 1.

Do you have state schools and private schools in your country? What type of parents tend to send children to private schools? What type of school often has the best teachers and the best exam results? 2. What do you think positive discrimination means? Ho could it be used in the context of schools or universities? I. !ead the following te"ts: # view from year 1$ !m Daniel "ates and ! #o to Hanbury $omprehensive %chool in &irmin#ham. $omprehensive schools are paid for by the state. 'here are 1.()) pupils here and the classes are *uite bi# + about 2( pupils in a class. 'his years ,-level results ere *uite #ood + .)/ of the students #ot , or & #rades. ,bout () pupils from Hanbury mana#e to #et into university each year0 but not many #o to places like 1xford or 2dinbur#h. ! think there as a pupil t o years a#o ho #ot into $ambrid#e0 but thats unusual. %tate and &rivate education in the U' 34 pupils at state schools 56/ 34 pupils at independent 7private8 schools 9/ %tudents at 1xford and $ambrid#e 3niversities from state schools .5/ %tudents at 1xford and $ambrid#e 3niversities from private schools (1/ (irst im&ressions of )halfont :y names Harriet ;isher and !m a pupil at $halfont $olle#e for <irls. 'he school is 1() years old0 and its an independent school for #irls. 'hat means that our parents pay for our education0 not the state. 'he fees here are about =>.))) per term if you are a border0 or about =..))) per term if you are a day pupil. !m lucky to be here because its a fantastic school. We have small class si?e 7about 1 teacher for every 5 pupils80 the exam results are usually excellent0 and every year lots of pupils #et into top universities like 1xford and %t. ,ndre s. I.* #fter having read the ta+le of statistics and the &rofiles of the two &u&ils, find out: 1. ho much it costs to send a #irl to $halfont $olle#e for <irls each term0 if they dont live at the $olle#e. 2. hether a comprehensive school is a private or a state school. 6. the proportion of teachers to students at $halfont $olle#e for <irls. .. the names of four top 34 universities. (. hat percenta#es of 34 pupils #o to a private school. >. hat percenta#e of students at 1xford and $ambrid#e 3niversities come from private schools. II.1 !ead the following te"t: %chool ,eads Boycott Bristol University &ristol 3niversity is bein# boycotted by top independent schools because of its alle#ed policy of positive discrimination. %urveys reveal that record numbers of the best independent students have been re@ected by &ristol this year0 despite havin# impeccable #rades0 and the Headmasters and Headmistresses $onference and the <irls %chools ,ssociation are no advisin# their ,-level students not to apply to the university. ,n#ry teachers say that &ristol is deliberately choosin# state school students ith lo er #rades instead in order to meet #overnment A*uotasB. !n its defence0 the university said that it as under pressure from the #overnment to increase its intake of state school pupils. ,t present0 the #overnment issues #uidelines to universities re#ardin# the proportion of state school pupils that they should admit0 but universities could soon be under even more pressure to admit

poorer students. 'he #overnment plans to replace the current system ith specific tar#ets based on students parents income and hether their parents ent to university. II. -hich of these sentences +est summaries the te"t a+ove. 1. &ristol 3niversity has been accused of takin# too many of its student from private school and not enou#h from state schools. 2. &ristol 3niversity has been accused of re@ectin# pupils from private schools because it ants to be more open to pupils from state schools. 6. &ristol 3niversity has been accused of re@ectin# pupils from private schools because they dont ork very hard at university. II.* #nswer the following questions a+out the te"t. -hy. 1. are some private schools advisin# their students a#ainst applyin# to &ristol 3niversity? 2. do some head teachers think that &ristol is re@ectin# their pupils applications? 6. does &ristol feel that it has to admit a certain number of state school pupils? .. mi#ht students soon have to tell their preferred universities ho much their parents earn? -hat do you thin/ a+out the idea of using &ositive discrimination to hel& students from &oorer schools get into university. )an you thin/ of any cases of &ositive discrimination in your country. 0hin/ a+out: - schools - @obs - politics - representation in the mediaC 'D0 ma#a?ines0 adverts0 etc. 7taken from 2li?abeth %harman0 Across Cultures0 2dinbur#hC Eon#man0 2))(8 III. (ill in the ga&s in the following te"t with a word from the list +elow: Last, motion, serve, given, elect, holiness, masters, us, charge, extend, physical, meanest FWGe are the 718 HHHHHHHHHHHH of <od0 but hat is it <od calls us to0 hat is this election about? When e read the <ospels e see that <od calls us to be on earth hat $hrist has been0 to be the one ho is prepared to 728 HHHHHHHHHHH everyone ho is in need0 to be the lo est0 to accept humiliation and to accept the 768 HHHHHHHHHHH position in the orld. 'he Eord makes it so clear to us hen at the 7.8 HHHHHHHHHH %upper He ashes the feet of his Disciples and says He has #iven them an example to follo . 'his is our election0 our first electionC a $hristian is one to hom <od has committed the 7(8 HHHHHHHHHHHHHH of other people0 not to rule over them0 but to serve them0 and to serve them too as a slave0 to serve them as a servant rememberin# that he has as many 7>8 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH as there are round him people ho are in need0 in any need0 in need of fello ship0 in need of truth0 in need of inte#rity0 in any need 798 HHHHHHHHHHHHH or spiritual. FIG We are slaves and servants0 people sent to others because they need service and attention. ,nd also to#ether0 all of 7J8 HHHHHHHHHH0 e are an assembly of people ho all need salvation0 ho all need <odKs mercy and ho all need the mercy hich each of us can 758 HHHHHHHHHH to the others. FIG 'he $hurch0 e all0 are a cro d in 71)8 HHHHHHHHHHHHHH0 a cro d in spiritual ra#s0 a cro d of sinners. We have only one thin# in common0 - not 7118 HHHHHHHHHHHH0 but the a areness of our desperate needs. ,nd this is hy e must be capable of bein# open to others0 merciful to others0 understandin# others0 compassionate0 7128 HHHHHHH to others. 7:etropolitan ,nthony of %ouro?h0 A'o serve each otherB0 httpCLL .metropolit-anthony.orc.ruLen#Len#H26(.htm8 )an you thin/ of any connection +etween the arguments in this te"t and the &revious discussion on affirmative action.

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