Dance Science

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Name Christina Martin Two-Prong # 4

Two-Prong Lesson Plan

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Two-Prong Focus& '( )rts Content * +ance, showing that mo-ement is an uni-ersal language .( Core )ca$emic Content /use !tate !tan$ar$s( *'.4.'' The stu$ent i$entifies the topic0 main i$ea/s(0 supporting $etails in narrati-e an$ expository texts. Student Objectives& '. The stu$ents are going to learn to express themsel-es through mo-ement. 1 $o not want them to mimic the lesson %ut let the music mo-e them freely to express the i$ea of the water cycle. .. !tu$ents will wor as a group to come to respon$ to the %oo The !nowfla e& ) 2ater Cycle !tory %y Neil 2al$man 3. The !tu$ents will learn the process of the water cycle %y performing a $ance. Teaching Procedure& Introduction: '. )ttention,focus& 1 will play this song as they gather on the carpet http&,,,watch4-*T56$7it E819feature*relate$ .. 1nterest& 1 will as the stu$ents if they e-er $ance$ in the rain. 3. !et moo$& 1 will ha-e the song playing on the white %oar$ so the i$s can see the wor$s an$ hear the song. 4. !et purpose& 1 will explain to the stu$ents that we will %e learning a%out the water cycle an$ learning how to allow our %o$ies to mo-e freely li e the rain. 6. :e-iew an$ relate& 1 will $o a picture wal with the stu$ents an$ as if they can pre$ict what is going to happen next after each picture.

;. Ma e groun$ rules an$ expectations clear& 1 will tell the chil$ren that they nee$ to %e on their %est %eha-ior an$ e-en though we will %e mo-ing freely0 1 want them to imagine their steps in their hea$s an$ not act silly. ". Energi<ers an$ warm-ups& 1 woul$ allow them to $iscuss what the water cycle is all a%out. =. >oca%ulary& 1 woul$ re-iew the wor$s e-aporation0 con$ensation0 precipitation Development: '. )s the stu$ents where rain comes from4 .. )s them how the water gets to the s y4 3. :ea$ the %oo The !nowfla e& ) 2ater Cycle !tory %y Neil 2al$man 4. +iscuss $etails of $ance an$ explain that as groups of 3 they will %e $ancing to the 2ater Cycle song. http&,,,watch4 -*!tPo%?6@+Tw9feature*relate$ Explain to the i$s 1 $o not want them to ma e o%-ious mo-ements 1 want them to thin of special ways they can mo-e to the song an$ express the $etails of the 2ater Cycle.


;. )fter 1 allow them to practice for '5 minutes 1 will ha-e them perform for the whole class. ". 1 will watch for chil$ren that are too shy an$ tell them to close their eyes so they $o not see others loo ing at them. =. Explain that they nee$ to imagine the steps in their hea$ an$ mo-e as though they were really going through the water cycle. onclusion: '. )fter performing 1 woul$ ha-e them watch a -i$eo on the water cycle to reinforce the i$eas. http&,,,watch4 -*!tPo%?6@+Tw9feature*relate$

.. 2e woul$ then $iscuss how they felt when they were $ancing an$ if they remem%ere$ the steps of the cycle.


"ma# include a rubric$ :

2hile $iscussing 1 will see if they grasp the concept of the water cycle an$ the steps. 1 will also o%ser-e as they are performing to see if they are thin ing of the steps.

%ultiple Intelligences&Di''erentiated Instruction the lesson$: !patial /a%ility to -isuali<e( Binguistic /wor$s,spo en,written( Bogical-mathematical Cinesthetic Musical 1nterpersonal /interaction w,others( 1ntrapersonal /self-reflecti-e a%ility( Naturalist /ha-ing to $o w,nature( /mo-ement( AxAA AxAA AxAA AxAA AAA AAxA AAxA AAxA

"place an ( b# each one covered in

)loom*s Ta(onom#&Di''erentiated Instruction

/place an x %y each of the items that apply(:

AxAA Cnowle$ge /tell0 list0 $efine0 la%el0 recite0 memori<e0 repeat0 fin$0 name0 recor$0 fill in0 recall( AAxA Comprehension /locate0 explain0 summari<e0 i$entify0 $escri%e0 report0 $iscuss0 re-iew0 show( AAxA )pplication /$emonstrate0 construct0 recor$0 illustrate0 research0 or$er0 $isplay0 practice( AxAA )nalysis /compare0 contrast0 classify0 critiDue0 sol-e0 experiment0 examine0 infer0 categori<e( AAxA E-aluation /7u$ge0 pre$ict0 -erify0 rate0 $etermine0 $eci$e0 choose0 forecast0 estimate0 prioriti<e( AAA !ynthesis /compose0 hypothesi<e0 $esign0 formulate0 create0 in-ent0 $e-elop0 refine0 pro$uce( Special +eeds
"indicate how #ou will e(tend the lesson 'or gi'ted learners and decrease the lesson 'or struggling learners$:

Eifte$ Bearners& 2oul$ %e place$ with lower le-el learners so they can explain the concepts more clearly. 1 woul$ ha-e them explain their mo-ements while they are $ancing to increase the $ifficulty. Bearners Felow Be-el& 1 woul$ allow them to $ance with their eyes close$ so they arenGt so shy an$ they will not worry a%out what others are thin ing. 1 woul$ gi-e a lot of praise for participation.

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