RFP 2013

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The Fay Slover Fund at The Boston Foundation

The Fay Slover Fund has been established to make grants to seed new organizations or programs within existing organizations with a mission to increase access to art in underserved communities. We have seen the following structures achieve their goals to increase access to art in their communities: o Independent nonprofit organization, grown from the ground up o Program created within an existing community arts organization o Program at an art college/university receiving art for donation from students/alumni The Art Connection invites you to explore our website www.theartconnection.org, familiarize yourself with the Expansion Toolkit www.theartconnectiontoolkit.org, and to submit a proposal for your project! Eligibility of Recipients Organizations or programs working to create, sustain, or grow an art donation program Have a board of directors and a 501(c) (3) status* Located anywhere outside of the Boston area Fay Slover Fund Overview Applications are accepted on a rolling basis The funding period is for 12 months and agencies may reapply annually Funding may be used for activities, staffing, technical assistance, or capacity building Awards will be granted for amounts of up to $35,000 Totals shall be based on demonstrated need and percentage of overall budget size Our Funding Priorities Organizations who are raising matching funds or who demonstrate their ability to acquire significant financial support from sources other than the Fay Slover Fund Programs sustainable beyond our funding period Existing expansion sites who have demonstrated progress appropriate to the amount of funding they have previously received Recipient Requirements Participate in The Art Connection Expansion Summit on November 30, 2012 in Boston Completion of reports at six and 12 months, including budget justification, and how the Fay Slover Fund impacted the project Acknowledgment of The Art Connection and The Fay Slover Fund at The Boston Foundation on project-related web and print materials

Application Requirements Application Form (attached) Cover Letter- one page description of your proposed project and how funding would be used, signed by your board chair or executive director Proposal Narrative- up to three pages describing: o Organizations history, mission, and current programs o Description of the project activities, goals, and objectives o How your structure is the best solution to your communitys needs o Projected timeline to accomplish your activities, goals, and objectives o Milestones to be reached as a result of Fay Slover Fund grant award o Plans for evaluation and measurement(s) of success o Demonstration of how the program will be sustained beyond the funding period Budget (1 page) and budget narrative (1 page)- include operating and program budgets for the project year and financial statement or audit for most recent fiscal year. (Include expenses for attendance of the Expansion Summit on 11/30/12.) Attachments including: Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws (if available) Proof of 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt status (IRS determination letter, if available)* List of board of directors and officers, including contact information and affiliation Staff or project leader(s), position descriptions, biographies and/or resumes List of current and potential funding sources and amounts; include status of funders being approached to fund this proposal and which sources are committed, pending, or anticipated Letter(s) of support (optional)

Please contact Sarah Berry, Program Manager at The Art Connection if you have additional questions. Submit your completed applications for support from The Fay Slover Fund to: The Fay Slover Fund c/o Sarah Berry The Art Connection 539 Tremont St. Boston, MA 02116 Tel: 617.338.7668 Fax: 617.451.2884 Email: sberry@theartconnection.org

* If your status is pending, please include a fiscal agency agreement. International agencies should provide an equivalent proof of NGO status.

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