Generate Cartographic Data With ICS Map Server

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Online Worldwide Builder Map Marker

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1 - The Online Worldwide Builder

This function generates free DTM, DTM Clutter and image all over the world. An internet connection is needed to run this function. DTM data sterns from SRTM, and the images sterns from TPC (Tactical Pilot Chart) maps or from Landsat satellite images. The three classes clutter layer (open, urban, water, vegetation) sterns from several sources: From the he Worldwide Vector Shoreline for the water; From the Modis satellite for the vegetation; From Landsat satellite for the cities; And from Vmap for other urban areas.

Go to Import/Export

Online Worldwide Builder

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Go to Project Setup:

Set the name of the files which will be generated. By default it will be the center latitude and longitude. Define efine the projection (coordinate system). By default it would be UTM of the area. Set the cartographic data files resolution. Define the he image typetype Two types of image files are available: - A map (from Tactical Pilot Chart) - A satellite image (fom Landsat7)

The TPC (Tactical Pilot Chart) imagery doesnt cover the whole world. It is possible to generate both images at the same time (option Map and Sattelite).

Define efine the folder inside which the files will be generated.

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Go to Data Access Setup:

check) Set your login and password (no button to check).

Go back to the Map Area selector. Right click to set the upper left corner. Use the cursor to define the area:

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For a better orientation, it is possible to display a country names name and/or city names. Once the area is set, click on build. It automatically switches to the Build menu:

Click on Confirm and the calculation is launched. If the data does not exist, the Map Server logo will be displayed. The files are available:

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Use these files to create a project on ICS telecom:

mage files are available: DTM, Clutter and Image

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Remark: : A better resolution is available over the United States territory. The process remains the same:

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2 Map Maker
This function builds maps from free vector information. An internet connection is needed to run this function. More or less information are available according to the considered area. Go to Import/Export Map Maker

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The computation is based upon an existing DTM file. The area of the map which will be built will corresponds to that DTMs area.

Select the Reference DTM Set the destination directory (where the map file will be generated)

Then, click on Make Map.

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This window appears:

Click on confirm and the process will be launched. The time of computation might be long. The image file generated is a RIM file. It can be read directly in ICS telecom and does not have any *.pal file associated.

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Here is the type of map you can obtain:

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