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SECTION CCCXLI Saunaka said, How is that illustrious god, viz., the puissant Nara ana who is !

ull "onversant with the #edas and their $ran"hes, at on"e the doer and the en%o er o! sa"ri!i"es& Endued with !orgiveness, he has adopted, again, the religion o! Nivritti 'a$stention(. Indeed, it is that hol and puissant one who has hi)sel! ordained the duties o! Nivritti. *h then has he )ade )an o! the deities the takers o! shares in sa"ri!i"es whi"h, o! "ourse, are all due to the disposition o! +ravritti& *h has he again "reated so)e with a "ontrar disposition, !or the !ollow the ordinan"es o! the religion o! a$stention& ,o thou O Suta, dispel this dou$t, o! ours. This dou$t see)s to $e eternal and is "onne"ted with p. -./ a great ) ster . Thou hast heard all dis"ourses on Nara ana, dis"ourses that are "onsistent with the 'other( s"riptures. Sauti said, O e0"ellent Saunaka, I shall re"ite to thee what #aisa)pa ana, the dis"iple o! the intelligent # asa, said when 1uestioned on these ver topi"s $ king 2ana)e%a a. Having heard the dis"ourse on the glor o! Nara ana who is the Soul o! all e)$odied "reatures, 2ana)e%a a, endued with great intelligen"e and wisdo), 1uestioned #aisa)pa ana on these ver su$%e"ts. 2ana)e%a a said, 3The whole world o! 4eings, with 4rah)a, the deities, the 5suras and hu)an $eings, are seen to $e deepl atta"hed to a"tions whi"h have $een said to $e produ"tive o! prosperit . E)an"ipation has, O regenerate one, $een said $ thee to $e the highest !eli"it and to "onsist o! the "essation o! e0isten"e. The who, $eing divested o! $oth )erit and de)erit, $e"o)e e)an"ipate, su""eed, we hear, in entering the great 6od o! a thousand ra s. It see)s to $e, O 4rah)ana, that the eternal religion o! E)an"ipation is e0"eedingl di!!i"ult o! o$servan"e. Turning awa !ro) it, all the deities have $e"o)e en%o ers o! the li$ations o! "lari!ied $utter poured with )antras on sa"ri!i"ial !ires and other o!!erings presented to the) $ the sa)e or si)ilar )eans. Then, again, 4rah)an, and 7udra, the puissant Sakra the sla er o! #ala, Sur a, Chandra)as 'the Lord o! the stars(, the *ind8god, the ,eit o! !ire, the ,eit o! the *aters, In!inite Spa"e 'as living 4eing(, the 9niverse too 'as a "ons"ious agent(, and the rest o! the denizens o! heaven,88 the , it see)s, are ignorant o! the wa o! se"uring annihilation o! "ons"ious e0isten"e, that is "apa$le o! $eing $rought a$out $ sel!8realisation. : Hen"e, perhaps, the have not $e taken the)selves to the path that is "ertain, indestru"ti$le, and i))uta$le. Hen"e perhaps, turning awa !ro) that path the have adopted the religion o! +ravritti whi"h leads to "ons"ious e0isten"e that is )easured $ ti)e. This, indeed, is one great !ault that atta"hes to those that are wedded to a"tions, !or all their rewards are ter)ina$le. This dou$t, O regenerate one, is planted in ) heart like a dagger. 7e)ove it out $ re"iting to )e so)e dis"ourses o! old on this topi". 6reat is ) "uriosit to listen to thee. ;or what reason, O regenerate one, have the deities $een said to $e takers o! their respe"tive shares o! sa"ri!i"ial o!!erings presented

p. -.. to the) with the aid o! )antras in sa"ri!i"es o! diverse kinds& *h again are the denizens o! heaven adored in sa"ri!i"es& 5nd, O $est o! regenerate persons, to who) do the , that take their shares o! o!!erings in sa"ri!i"es per!or)ed to their honour, the)selves )ake o!!erings when the per!or) great sa"ri!i"es&3 #aisa)pa ana said, 3The 1uestion thou has asked )e, O ruler o! )en, relates to a deep ) ster . No )an that has not undergone penan"es, and that is not a"1uainted with the +uranas, "an speedil answer it. I shall, however, answer thee $ re"iting to thee what ) pre"eptor the Island8$orn <rishna, otherwise "alled # asa, the great 7ishi who has "lassi!ied the #edas, had said unto us on a !or)er o""asion when 1uestioned $ us. Su)anta, and 2ai)ini, and +aila o! !ir) vows, and ) sel! nu)$ering the !ourth, and Suka !or)ing the !i!th, were dis"iples o! the illustrious # asa. *e nu)$ering !ive in all, endued with sel!8restraint and purit o! o$servan"es, had "o)pletel su$%ugated wrath and "ontrolled our senses. Our pre"eptor used to tea"h us the #edas, having the =aha$harata !or their !i!th. On"e on a ti)e, while we were engaged in stud ing the #edas on the $reast o! that !ore)ost o! )ountains, viz., the delight!ul =eru, inha$ited $ Siddhas and Charanas, this ver dou$t arose in our )inds that has $een e0pressed $ thee toda . *e, there!ore, 1uestioned our pre"eptor a$out It. It heard the answer that our pre"eptor )ade. I shall now re"ite that answer to thee, O 4harata. Hearing these words that were addressed to hi) $ his dis"iples that dispeller o! all kinds o! darkness represented $ ignoran"e, viz., the $lessed # asa, the son o! +arasara, said these words> have undergone ver severe, in !a"t, the austerest o! penan"es. ?e $est o! )en, I a) !ull "onversant with the +ast, the +resent, and the ;uture. In "onse1uen"e o! those penan"es o! )ine and o! the restraint under whi"h I kept ) senses while I dwelt on the shores o! the O"ean o! )ilk, Nara ana $e"a)e grati!ied with )e. 5s the result o! the great 6od@s grati!i"ation, this o)nis"ien"e with respe"t to the +ast, the +resent, and the ;uture, that was desired $ )e, arose in ) )ind. Listen now to )e as I dis"ourse to ou, in due order, on this great dou$t that has distur$ed our )inds. I have, with the e e o! knowledge, $eheld all that o""urred in the $eginning o! the <alpa. He who) $oth the Sankh as and those "onversant with ?oga "all $ the na)e o! +ara)at)a 'the Supre)e Soul( "o)es to $e regarded as =ahapurusha 'the 6reat +urusha( in "onse1uen"e o! his own a"ts. ;ro) Hi) springs !orth 5$ akta 'the 9n)ani!est(, who) the learned "all +radhana. ;ro) the puissant 9n)ani!est sprang, !or the "reation o! all the words, the =ani!est '4 akta(. He is "alled 5niruddha. That 5niruddha is known a)ong all "reatures $ the na)e o! the =ahat 5t)a. It is that 5niruddha who, $e"o)ing )ani!est, "reated the 6randsire 4rah)an. 5niruddha is known $ another na)e, viz., 5hankara '"ons"iousness( and is endued with ever kind o! energ . Earth, *ind, Spa"e, *ater, and Light nu)$ering the !i!th, these are the !ive =aha$hutas 'ele)ents( p. -.A that have sprung !ro) 5hankara. Having "reated the =aha$hutas '!ive in nu)$er(, he then "reated their attri$utes. - Co)$ining the =aha$hutas, he then "reated diverse e)$odied 4eing. Listen to )e as I re"ount the) to ou. =ari"hi, 5ngiras, 5tri, +ulast a,

+ulaha, <ratu, the high8souled #asishtha, and the Sel!8$orn =ann, these should $e known as the eight +rakritis. 9pon these rest all the worlds. Then the 6randsire o! all the world, viz., 4rah)an, "reated, !or the !ul!il)ent o! all "reatures, the #edas with all their $ran"hes, as also the Sa"ri!i"es with their li)$s. ;ro) these eight +rakritis have sprung this vast universe. Then sprang 7udra !ro) the prin"iple o! wrath, starting into li!e, he "reated ten others that were like hi). These eleven 7udras are "alled $ na)e o! #ikara8 +urushas. The 7udras, the 'eight( +rakritis, and the several "elestial 7ishis, having started into li!e, approa"hed 4rah)an with the o$%e"t o! upholding the universe and its operations. 5ddressing the 6randsire, the said, *e have $een "reated, O hol one, $ thee, O thou o! great puissan"e. Tell ea"h o! us, O 6randsire, the respe"tive %urisdi"tion we shall $e vested with. *hat parti"ular %urisdi"tions have $een "reated $ thee !or supervising the di!!erent a!!airs& *e, ea"h, should $e endued with what kind o! "ons"iousness and shall take "harge o! whi"h o! these& ,o thou ordain also unto ea"h o! us the )easure o! strength that we are to have !or dis"harging the duties o! our respe"tive %urisdi"tions.@ Thus addressed $ the), the great god replied unto the) in the !ollowing wa . 34rah)an said, ?ou have done well, e deities, in speaking to )e o! this )atter. 4lessed $e ou allB I was thinking o! this ver su$%e"t that has engaged our attention. How should the three worlds $e upheld and kept agoing& How should our strength and )ine $e utilized towards that end& Let all o! us, leaving this pla"e, repair to that un)ani!est and !ore)ost o! 4eings who is the witness o! the world, !or seeking his prote"tion. He will tell us what is !or our good. 5!ter this, those deities and 7ishis, with 4rah)an, pro"eeded to the northern shores o! the O"ean o! )ilk, desirous o! doing good to the three worlds. 5rrived there, the $egan to pra"tise those austere penan"es that are de"lared $ 4rah)an in the #edas. Those austerest o! penan"es are known $ the na)e o! =ahani a)a 'the !ore)ost vows and o$servan"es(. The stood there with )ind !i0ed, i))ova$le as posts o! wood, and with e es upturned and ar)s raised upwards. ;or a thousand "elestial ears the were engaged in those severe penan"es. 5t the "on"lusion o! that period the heard these sweet words in har)on with the #edas and their $ran"hes. 3@The $lessed and hol one said, ?e deities and 7ishis possessed o! wealth o! as"eti"is), with 4rah)an in our "o)pan , a!ter a""ording ou all wel"o)e, I sa unto ou these words. I know that is in our p. -.C hearts. #eril , the thoughts that engage ou are !or the good o! the three worlds. I shall in"rease our energ and strength investing the sa)e with +ravritti 'predile"tion !or a"ts(. ?e gods, well have ou undergone these penan"es !ro) desire o! adoring )e. ?e !ore)ost o! 4eings, en%o now the e0"ellent !ruits o! austerities whi"h e have gone through. This 4rah)an is the Lord o! all the worlds. Endued with puissan"e, he is the 6randsire o! all "reatures. ?e also are !ore)ost o! deities. ,o e all, with "on"entrated )inds per!or) sa"ri!i"es !or ) glor . In the sa"ri!i"es whi"h ou will per!or), do e alwa s give )e a portion o! the sa"ri!i"ial o!!erings. I shall then, e lord o! "reation,

assign to ea"h o! ou our respe"tive %urisdi"tions and ordain what will $e !or our goodB3@ #aisa)pa ana "ontinued, 3Hearing these words o! that 6od o! gods, all those deities and great 7ishis and 4rah)an $e"a)e !illed with su"h delight that the hair on their $odies stood on its end. The !orthwith )ade arrange)ents !or a sa"ri!i"e in honour o! #ishnu a""ording to the ordinan"es laid down in the #edas. In that sa"ri!i"e, 4rah)an hi)sel! dedi"ated a portion o! the o!!erings to #ishnu. The deities and the "elestial 7ishis also, a!ter the )anner o! 4rah)an, dedi"ated si)ilar portions ea"h unto the great 6od. The portions, thus o!!ered with great reveren"e unto #ishnu, were, in respe"t o! $oth the )easure and the 1ualit o! the arti"les used, a""ording to the ordinan"es laid down !or the <rita age. The deities and the 7ishis and 4rah)an, in that sa"ri!i"e, adored the great 6od as one endued with the "o)ple0ion o! the Sun, as the !ore)ost o! 4eings, situate $e ond the rea"h o! Ta)as, vast, pervading all things, the Supre)e Lord o! all, the giver o! $oons, and possessed o! puissan"e. Thus adored $ the), the $oon8giving and great 6od, invisi$le and $odiless, addressed those asse)$led "elestials !ro) heaven and said unto the)>883The o!!erings dedi"ated $ ou in this sa"ri!i"e have all rea"hed )e. I a) grati!ied with all o! ou. I shall $estow rewards on ou that will however, $e !raught with ends when"e there will $e return. - This shall $e our distin"tive !eature, e gods, !ro) this da , in "onse1uen"e o! ) gra"e and kindness !or ou. +er!or)ing sa"ri!i"es in ever ?uga, with large presents, e will $e"o)e en%o ers o! !ruits $orn o! +ravritti. ?e gods, those )en also that will per!or) sa"ri!i"es a""ording to the ordinan"es o! the #edas, will give unto all o! ou shares o! their sa"ri!i"ial o!!erings. In the #eda8sutras I )ake hi) the re"eiver 'in su"h sa"ri!i"es( o! a share si)ilar to that whi"h he has hi)sel! o!!ered one in this sa"ri!i"e. Created to look a!ter those a!!airs that appertain to our respe"tive %urisdi"tions, do e uphold the worlds a""ording to the )easures o! our strength as dependent on the shares ou re"eive on those sa"ri!i"es. Indeed, drawing strength !ro) those rites and o$servan"es that will $e p. -.D "urrent in the several worlds, taking their rise !ro) the !ruits o! +ravritti, do e "ontinue to uphold the a!!airs o! those worlds. - Strengthened $ the sa"ri!i"es that will $e per!or)ed $ )en, e will strengthen )e. These are the thoughts that I entertain !or ou all. It is !or this purpose that I have "reated the #edas and sa"ri!i"es and plants and her$s. ,ul served with these $ hu)an $eings on Earth, the deities will $e grati!ied. ?e !ore)ost o! deities, till the end o! this <alpa, I have ordained our "reation, )aking our "onstitution depend upon the "onse1uen"e o! the religion o! +ravritti. ?e !ore)ost o! 4eings, do e then, as regards our respe"tive %urisdi"tions, engage ourselves in seeking the good o! the three worlds. =ari"hi, 5ngiras, 5tri, +ulast a, +ulaha, <ratu, and #asishtha,88these seven 7ishis have $een "reated $ a !iat o! the will. These will $e"o)e the !ore)ost o! persons "onversant with the #edas. In !a"t, the will $e"o)e the pre"eptors o! the #edas. The will $e wedded to the religion o! +ravritti, !or the have $een intended to devote the)selves to the a"t o! pro"reating o!!spring. This is the eternal path that I dis"lose o! "reatures engaged in a"ts and o$servan"es. The puissant Lord who is "harged with the "reation o! all the worlds is "alled 5niruddha, Sana, Sanatsu%ata,

Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatku)ara, <apila, and Sanatana nu)$ering the seventh,88these seven 7ishis are known as the spiritual sons o! 4rah)an. Their knowledge "o)es to the) o! itsel! 'without $eing dependant on stud or e0ertion(. These seven are wedded to the religion o! Nivritti. The are the !ore)ost o! all persons "onversant with ?oga. The are possessed also o! deep knowledge o! the Sankh a philosoph . The are pre"eptors o! the s"riptures on dut and it is the that introdu"e the duties o! the religion o! Nivritti and "ause the) to !low in the worlds. ;ro) 9n)ani!est '+rakriti( has !lowed Cons"iousness and the three great attri$utes 'o! Sattwa, 7a%as, and Ta)as(. Trans"ending +rakriti is he "alled <shetra%na. That <shetra%na is ) sel!. The path o! those that are wedded to <ar)a e)erging out o! 5hankara is !raught with return. One "annot, $ that path, rea"h the spot when"e there is no return. ,i!!erent "reatures have $een "reated with di!!erent ends. So)e are intended !or the path o! +ravritti and so)e !or that o! Nivritti. 5""ording to the path that a "reature !ollows is the reward that he en%o s. This 4rah)an is the )aster o! all the worlds. Endued with puissan"e it is he that "reates the universe. : He is our )other and !ather, and he is our grand!ather. 5t ) "o))and, he will $e the giver o! $oons unto all "reatures. His son 7udra, who has sprung !ro) his $row at his "o))and, p. -.E will, endued with puissan"e, uphold all "reated $eings. 6o e to our respe"tive %urisdi"tions, and seek, a""ording to the ordinan"es, the good o! the worlds. Let all the s"riptural a"ts !low in all the worlds. Let there $e no dela in this. ?e !ore)ost o! "elestials, do e ordain the a"ts o! all "reatures and the ends that the are to attain there!ore. ,o e appoint also the li)its o! the periods !or whi"h all "reatures are to live. This present epo"h that has $een set to run is the !ore)ost o! all epo"hs and should $e known $ the na)e o! <rita. In this ?uga living "reatures should not $e slain in the sa"ri!i"es that )a $e per!or)ed. It should $e as I ordain and let it not $e otherwise. In this age, e "elestials, 7ighteousness will !lourish in its entiret . - 5!ter this age will "o)e the epo"h "alled Treta. The #edas, in that ?uga, will lose one 1uarter. Onl three o! the) will e0ist. In the sa"ri!i"e that will $e per!or)ed in that age, ani)als, a!ter dedi"ation with the aid o! sa"red )antras, will $e slain. 5s regards 7ighteousness again, it will lose one 1uarterF onl three 1uarters thereo! will !lourish. On the e0piration o! the Treta will "o)e the )i0ed ?uga known $ the na)e o! ,wapara. In that ?uga, 7ighteousness will lose two 1uarters and onl two 1uarters thereo! will !lourish. 9pon the e0piration o! ,wapara the ?uga that will set in will $e "alled <ali uga whi"h will "o)e under the in!luen"e o! Tis a "onstellation. 7ighteousness will lose !ull three 1uarters. Onl a 1uarter thereo! will e0ist in all pla"es. 3@*hen the great 6od said these words, the deities and the "elestial 7ishis addressed hi) and said, I! onl a !ourth part o! 7ighteousness is to e0ist in that age in ever pla"e, tell us O hol one, whither shall we then go and what shall we doB 3@The $lessed and hol one said, ?e !ore)ost o! "elestials, e should, in that age, repair to su"h pla"es where the #edas and sa"ri!i"es and +enan"es and Truth and Sel!8restraint, a""o)panied $ duties !raught with "o)passion !or all "reatures, will still "ontinue to !lourish. Sin will never $e a$le to tou"h ou at allB

3@# asa "ontinued, @Thus "o))anded $ the great 6od, the deities with all the 7ishis $owed their heads unto hi) and then pro"eeded to the pla"es the desired. 5!ter the 7ishis and denizens o! heaven had le!t that pla"e, 4rah)an re)ained there, desirous o! $eholding the great ,eit e)inent in the !or) o! 5niruddha. The !ore)ost o! deities then )ani!ested hi)sel! to 4rah)ana, having assu)ed a !or) that had a vast e1uine head. 4earing a $owl '<a)andalu( and the triple sti"k, he )ani!ested hi)sel! $e!ore 4rah)an, re"iting the while the #edas with all their $ran"hes. 4eholding the great ,eit o! i))easura$le energ in that !or) "rowned with an e1uine head, the puissant 4rah)an, the Creator o! all the worlds.. )oved $ the desire o! doing good to his Creation, worshipped that $oon8giving Lord with a $end o! his head, and stood $e!ore hi) with hands %oined in reveren"e. The great ,eit e)$ra"ed 4rah)an and then told hi) these words. p. -.G 3@The hol one said, ,o thou, O 4rah)an, dul think o! the "ourses o! a"ts whi"h "reatures are to !ollow. Thou art the great ordainer o! all "reated 4eings. Thou art the )aster and the lord o! the universe. +la"ing this $urthen on thee I shall soon $e !ree !ro) an0iet . 5t su"h ti)es, how8ever, when it will $e di!!i"ult !or thee to a""o)plish the purposes o! the deities I shall then appear in in"arnate !or)s a""ording to ) sel!8 knowledge. Having said these words, that grand !or) with the e1uine head disappeared then and there. Having re"eived his "o))and, 4rah)an too pro"eeded 1ui"kl to his own region. It is !or this, O $lessed one, that the eternal ,eit , with the lotus in his navel, $e"a)e the a""eptor o! the !irst share o!!ered in sa"ri!i"es and hen"e it is that He "a)e to $e "alled as the eternal upholder o! all Sa"ri!i"es. He hi)sel! adopted the religion o! Nivritti, the end a!ter whi"h those "reatures strive that are desirous o! indestru"ti$le !ruits. He ordained at the sa)e ti)e the religion o! +ravritti !or others, with the view to giving variet to the universe. He is the $eginning, He is the )iddle, and He is the end o! all "reated 4eings. He is their Creator and He is their one o$%e"t o! )editation. He is the a"tor and He is the a"t. Having withdrawn the universe into Hi)sel! at the end o! the ?uga, He goes to sleep, and awakening at the "o))en"e)ent o! another ?uga, He on"e )ore "reates the universe, ,o ou all $ow unto that illustrious one who is possessed o! high soul and who trans"ends the three attri$utes, who is un$orn, whose !or) is the universe, and who is the a$ode or re!uge o! all the denizens o! heaven, ,o ou $ow unto Hi) who is the Supre)e Lord o! all "reatures, who is the Lord o! the 5dit as, and o! the #asus as well. ,o ou $ow unto Hi) who is the Lord o! the 5swins, and the Lord o! the =aruts, who is the lord o! all the Sa"ri!i"es ordained in the #edas, and the Lord o! the #edangas. 4ow unto Hi) who alwa s resides in the O"ean, and who is "alled Hari, and whose hair is like the $lades o! the =un%a grass. 4ow unto Hi) who is +ea"e and Tran1uillit , and who i)parts the religion o! =oksha unto all "reatures. 4ow unto Hi) who is the Lord o! +enan"es, o! all kinds o! energ , and o! ;a)e, who is ever the Lord o! Spee"h and the Lord o! all the 7ivers also. 4ow unto Hi) who is "alled <aparddin '7udra(, who is the 6reat 4oar, who is 9ni"orn, and who is possessed o! great intelligen"e> who is the Sun, who assu)ed the well8known !or) with the e1uine headF and who is alwa s displa ed in a !our8!old !or). 4ow unto Hi) who is unrevealed, who

is "apa$le o! $eing apprehended $ knowledge onl , who is $oth indestru"ti$le and destru"ti$le. The supre)e ,eit , who is i))uta$le, pervadeth all things. He is the Supre)e Lord who "an $e known with the aid o! the e e o! knowledge alone. It was thus that, aided $ the e e o! <nowledge, I $eheld in da s o! ore that !ore)ost o! deities. 5sked $ ou, I have told ou ever thing in detail, e dis"iples, and do ou a"t a""ording to ) words and duti!ull serve the Supre)e Lord "alled Hari. ,o ou h )n His praises in #edi" words and adore and worship Hi) also a""ording to due ritesB@3 #aisa)pa ana "ontinued, 3It was thus that the arranger o! the #edas, p. -AH endued with great intelligen"e, dis"oursed to us, 1uestioned $ us on that o""asion. His son, the highl righteous Suka, and all his dis"iples 'viz., ourselves( listened to hi) while he delivered that dis"ourse. Our pre"eptor, with ourselves, O king, then adored the great ,eit with 7i"hs e0tra"ted !ro) the !our #edas. I have thus told thee ever thing a$out what thou hadst asked )e. It was thus, O king, that our Island8$orn pre"eptor dis"oursed to us. He who, having uttered the words88I $ow unto the hol Lord,88!re1uentl listens, with "on"entrated attention, to this dis"ourse or reads or re"ites it to others, $e"o)es endued with intelligen"e and health, and possessed o! $eaut and strength. I! ill, he $e"o)es !reed !ro) that illness, $ound, !reed !ro) his $onds. The )an who "herishes desires o$tains '$e this( the !ruition o! all his desires, and easil attains to a long li!e also. 5 4rah)ana, $ doing this, $e"o)es "onversant with all the #edas, and a <shatri a $e"o)es "rowned with su""ess. 5 #ais a, $ doing it, )akes "onsidera$le pro!its, and a Sudra attains to great !eli"it . 5 sonless )an o$tains a son. 5 )aiden o$tains a desira$le hus$and. 5 wo)an that has "on"eived $rings !orth a son. 5 $arren wo)an "on"eives and attains to wealth o! sons and grandsons. He who re"ites this dis"ourse on the wa su""eeds in passing happil and without i)pedi)ents o! an kind along his wa . In !a"t, one attains to whatever o$%e"ts one "herishes, i! one reads or re"ites this narrative. Hearing these words o! the great 7ishi, !raught with "ertaint o! "on"lusion, and e)$od ing a re"ital o! the attri$utes o! that high8souled one who is the !ore)ost o! all $eings, hearing this narrative o! the great "on"lave o! 7ishis and other denizens o! heaven,88)en who are devoted to the supre)e ,eit derive great happiness.@3 ;ootnotes -./>- The dri!t o! Saunaka@s 1ueries see)s to $e this the religion o! +ravritti is opposed to that o! Nivritti. How is it that $oth have $een "reated $ the sa)e Nara ana. How is it that he has )ade so)e with dispositions to !ollow the one, and others with dispositions to !ollow the others. -./>: 5t)anah parinir)ita) prala a) )eans that destru"tion or "essation o! e0isten"es whi"h is $rought a$out $ sel!8realization. *hat the king sa s here is,88I! the religion o! Nivritti $e so superior in "onse1uen"e o! its superior end, wh is it that the deities who are all superior to us did not pursue it& *ere the ignorant o! the )ethod $ whi"h E)an"ipation is attaina$le& *ere the ignorant o! the )eans $ whi"h to win "essation

o! e0isten"e& <. +. Singha renders the verse "orre"tl . The 4urdwan translator )isunderstands it although he repeats the e0a"t words o! the se"ond !oot o! the se"ond line. -.A>- That is, the attri$utes o! vision to Light, taste to *ater, sound to Spa"e, tou"h to *ind, and s)ell to Earth. -.C>- 5vritti lakshana) )eans that the reward to $e $estowed shall not $e E)an"ipation when"e there is no return, $ut su"h reward 'as the !eli"it o! heaven( when"e there will $e a return !or ea"h o! the re"eivers. -.D>- Taking their rise !ro) the !ruits o! +ravritti i)plies having their origin in their desire !or su"h !ruits as appertain to the religion o! +ravritti or a"ts. -.D>: *hat is stated here is that "reature !ollowing the path o! +ravritti "annot hope to rea"h the spot when"e there is no return. It is $ the path o! Nivritti that spot is "apa$le o! $eing rea"hed. The path o! +ravritti is alwa s !raught with return. One )a $e"o)e, $ walking along that path the ver "hie! o! the "elestials, $ut that status is not eternal. Sin"e the $eginning 'i! a $eginning "an $e "on"eived(, )illions and )illions o! Indras have arisen and !allen down. -.E>- Literall , with their !our 1uarters entire.

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